directorsteelbeak · 1 year
i think i might take a semi-hiatus
I'm going on vacation soon, i'm hoping after a weeks worth of not having to worry about replies I can get out of this funk
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
“Save the hurting until the break out babe. It’ll only be an hour.” He says as he scrolls through his contacts, walking towards the garage where he keeps his fast but discreet car. 
“And I’ve already sent out the order to get everyone together.” 
“Break out it is!” He says. “Give me an hour and I’ll get a team out there to make a
 distraction. I’ll be waiting by the road to pick you up.” He says 
He’s got her on speaker as he starts texting someone so he could start putting together a team. 
“Yes. Good. Do it all.” Eyes narrow at the phone receiver as another disgusting inmate passes her with a slowed pace and leer. She will have to fend that one off later, she knows. She can’t afford to break someone’s bones and get thrown in solitaire if Steelbeak is sending in cavalry for a break out.
“I fear I may have to  h u r t  some nasty women in here in order to get out untouched.”
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
“Kitchen.” He says simply as he walks. “Getting a snack. You want one kiddo?” 
Steelbeak let’s out a bit of a surprised squwak, but he manages to compose himself pretty quick
“oh hey June-Bug” he say glancing up at her
“Hi Dad!” There’s just a hint of a giggle behind her words at the squawk. “Where are we going to?”
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
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“I mean... I guess.” He says with a small shrug. “... knowing the way the McDuck’s luck is, I bet he is here. It’s just going to be a pain to figure out where exactly... Damien Addams. “
“No. I don’t talk to them. I don’t even know if they’re still alive
” He slowly unpuffs as Launchpad puts the photo down. 
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Launchpad hoped for Steel’s sake that his friend was not only alive, but doing well too. 
“I bet they’re doin’ just fine,” he replied. “If you remember their whole name, that’s a start. I can start askin’ around. Maybe they live near here. Heheh, maybe they even live next door t’you without you knowing it!”
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“Weirder things’ve happened in Duckburg. What’s it hurt to try? Right?”
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
“Cape Suzette?” Steelbeak echoed quietly. He had only been a few times honestly. He shifts as Gabby joins him again. 
When she faces him, he turns his head to look at her, studying her for a second as he debates what to say. Outright lie, or be honest? ... He felt like he’d be laughed at if he was honest. 
“Just making sure you don’t got a hot date.” He says instead, falling back on a smirk and dry humor. 
Steelbeak looks up at her when she says she will be back, before nodding, letting go of her hand so she can leave him. 
He continues to lay in the bed, laying on his back and looking up at the ceiling as he thinks about the situation he’s in. He was getting in too deep
 this was supposed to be a one time
 maybe multiple time thing
 fueled by alcohol and yet
 he was here, asking her to stay and legitimately worried that she might lie and leave
And then she was back. 
His eyes flick to her before looking back up to the ceiling 
“Who’d you have to call now?” Who was she working for this late? 
“Hm?” Gabby’s eyes widen for a moment, then soften. She shrugs a shoulder and rounds the bed to fall casually back next to him. “Just one of my repeat clients in Cape Suzette. He is very grouchy if I do not answer his messages when I receive them, despite the time difference.” She settles in with a relaxed sigh.
“I told him I cannot make the trip for this job. He will have to find another to spy on his business rival
..I am not in the mood to go out there.”
She yawns a little, and turns on her side to face him. “Why do you ask?”
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
He blinks when the kid asks him to keep moving. After a second his pace picks up again. Least the kid isn’t demanding things of him. 
“... fine.” He says after a moment, frowning as he sharply turns a corner and heads for the exit. “But if your family tries to roast my tail feathers I’m taking it out on you.” 
✧ — ⋆ steelbeak
Okay, but like.” Steelbeak starts, thinking on that for a second. “That’s not a great place for me yknow? With the whole
I’ve tried to kill your brothers a bunch, and I hate your uncle
 pretty sure he’s not a big fan of me either.” His run has slowed into a walk as he thinks about it. 
He’s still moving forward, but he’s debating maybe just dropping the kid off somewhere outside and taking off for the Bahama’s and pray that FOWL doesn’t find him there. 
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✧ — ⋆ Steelbeak stops running and that’s not good. That’s very not good, actually. They need to get out and they don’t have that much time. People will either notice the cameras, or go into the security room, or catch them in the hallways. 
“ Please keep moving. ” Huey asks, hoping that Steelbeak is willing to listen to him if he uses a kind enough voice. It’s worked thus far, it would seem. 
          “ And, I mean, you don’t have to, but I think you should. If I talk to my family I’m sure they would help you out since you helped me. ” Maybe. Possibly. Hopefully. “ Right now, though, we just need to focus on actually getting out. There’s no once we get out of this if we don’t actually get out of this. ” 
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
Steelbeak only looked down as Huey screams and grabs at his coat. 
“We don’t have time for you to come up with something Huey.” He says, and he tries as gently as he can to try and pull the other’s hands off his jacket. 
“It’ll be okay kid. Just... trust me on this, okay?” he keeps trying to reassure the other, and when the other looks up at him with tears running down his face, Steelbeak feels his heart ache. 
“You’re a good kid.” 
✧ — ⋆ steelbeak​
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“Huey. I need you to listen to me kid. This is very important. I love you like you were my own kid. You’re the smartest person I know. And you’re very important.” 
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✧ — ⋆ “ Stop it! Shut up, I don’t care! ” Huey screams the words, hitting his small fists into Rufio’s chest before they grab a hold of his coat and don’t let go. Even now, that’s as high up as he can reach.
           “ You’re not going! You’re not risking yourself! You’re not, I don’t care! So stop saying those things, you can say them later after I come up with a plan to get us out of this! Okay?! ” 
He looks up at Rufio, tears streaming down his face, begging him to just stay and be safe with him. 
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
“Because.” Steelbeak says quietly, refusing to look away from the road. “You don’t deserve someone like me.” The word were firm. He truly believed it with every fiber of his being that after what happened Huey needed to be with people who wouldn’t strike him... accident or not. 
“You deserve as... normal of a childhood as you can get. You shouldn’t have to grow up in FOWL because of some...stupid revenge plan I had.” His hands tighten on the wheel as he says it, hating to admit that his plan was not the smartest move he had pulled. 
“You shouldn’t have to grow up around... me.” 
✧ — ⋆ steelbeak​
“You’re going home.” Steelbeak says with a nod. 
“You don’t belong at FOWL. You don’t belong with a guy like me. You belong with your brothers and your uncle.” He says with a huff. 
“So Darkwing is picking you up and dropping you off, and don’t bother trying to come back and showing everyone the base, I already have a team cleaning everything out. By the time you come back, we’ll have already moved locations.” 
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✧ — ⋆ Huey’s thoughts are slowed, processing the words carefully. 
He’s going home. Darkwing is going to come get him, and bring him back to his family. His actual family. Not Steelbeak. Not FOWL. Home. 
It seems unreal. Like it’s some sort of trap, a punishment for Huey speaking out that afternoon. And that’d be it. He wouldn’t be able to go back, because they would be gone by then. 
He’ll never see Steelbeak again. 
He keeps quiet for a moment, his eyes ahead as they drive though the night. 
          “ W- why..? ” It’s a single word question, as little emotion as he can manage put into it, though he is still nervous of asking so many questions less he get in trouble again. 
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
“I remember... it hurt.” he remembers that much. “And... then the door opened and-” he winces. It only seems to get worse the closer to the memory of leaving... but... 
“I left...” He says quietly. “I left FOWL?” Sure Steelbeak always said he would do it if they kept treating him badly, but he never thought of actually doing it. And with one of Scrooge’s Brat- kids no less... 
He stops trying to remember for a second, just taking a moment to get his headache to give him a break. “...I remember running. And ... the exit.” The rooster looks down at the kid, studying him for a moment as if trying to figure out what made Steelbeak turn his back on his employers. 
“... but.. then why the hell would I be going back to FOWL?” 
✧ — ⋆ steelbeak
“Why don’t you count?” He asks unable to see what makes this kid so special. 
Steelbeak falls quiet when the kid starts explaining. He sits there feeling his head aching as he thinking about it. 
A year ago
 what did he remember from a year ago. He thinking hard, and it god it hurts. He balls up a fist and presses it against his temple as he tries to remember. He.. 
He does remember they had started locking him up as a punishment
 he remembers
There’s a pause before his hand moves to the top of his beak as he’s suddenly remembering the smell of burnt feathers. 
 smashed my beak into the lock
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✧ — ⋆ “ I- I don’t know, you just.. always say that I don’t. That I’m your kid, so obviously I don’t count
 ” Honestly, he doesn’t know what’s all that special about him either, but he doesn’t often question Rufio’s decision to stick around. He likes having him there. 
He wants him back. 
Huey almost reaches out to try and stop him. Clearly thinking about it is bringing him some level of pain, most likely from whatever is repressing the memories, but he holds back. He doesn’t want to make Steelbeak start thinking that he’s a threat. And it’s not long after that he speaks again.            “ I - yeah! It um
 It wasn’t my best plan
 but it worked and we got out of the cell and escaped FOWL together. ”
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
“Steelbeak.” He says instantly, and squints at the kid. 
Well this was going to throw a wrench in his plans. He studies him for a moment, trying to quickly think of a way to get this kid off his back without arousing suspicion. 
“Well. Welcome to my galley then.” he says and gestures around as if he’s showing off something grand, the sarcasm is heavy in tone. “What’s a kid like you doing on ship like this?” 
✧ — ⋆ steelbeak
Being the captain of a crew was one of Steelbeak’s favorite jobs. It was pretending to be a cook on a ship with a suspicious captain that he hated. 
He hated every second of it. But soon it would all be worth it. All that treasure owed to him- 
Until they suddenly handed him a duckling. 
“What?” He asked staring at the red child. “You want me to look after-” he gestures to him. 
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✧ — ⋆ Huey ducks his head a bit as Captain Penumbra hands him over to the captain. This is hardly what he expects, but at the very least, he’s a hard worker. He’s sure he can make himself useful. He just
 figured he’d be doing that by helping Fenton. 
This is fine though. It’s totally fine. If not at least mildly infuriating. 
“I do.” Penumbra smiles as she pushes Huey forward. “I don’t want our new young charge getting into any trouble.” And then she’s gone, leaving Huey staring up at the large rooster with unsure eyes when he’d rather be just about anywhere else on the ship.
          “ Um
 I’m Huey
 Nice to, er- meet you..? ”
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
What should I change my icons to on the sinblog
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
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This guy
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
I made a quiz on how well you know me
Cause it looked fun
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
I made a quiz on how well you know me
Cause it looked fun
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
How would you describe the MUN of this blog?
(For example, if somebody asked you what the MUN of this blog was like, what would you say?)
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
‘👄 + character name’ and my muse will say if they find them attractive.
Be sure to include relevant URL!
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directorsteelbeak · 2 years
How are you
Grandpa Steelbeak? 😁
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"Mhp. Funny." Steelbeak says with a grin before the anon gets a sharp left hook to the side of the face.
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