dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
(( @dirkcresswxll ))
People are starting to notice the dark circles under his eyes. Some Order members share that look with him, but for Benjy sleep had never been a problem. He had even prided himself on claiming he could sleep anywhere, anytime, at any given moment. But now, after that night at New Year’s Eve, sleep wasn’t coming easy to him. And it wasn’t that he was afraid to go to sleep, Benjy tried, Benjy needed to sleep. Because he still kept expecting to wake up and realize that it had been another dream, and that he was trapped in yet another nightmare. But sleep didn’t come, it was as if his mind was stronger than his need. He knew his body could not last long. Sleep was going to come sooner or later. Asking Pandora for a potion would be an easy solution, but taking something to help him sleep was still something he could not bring himself to do. Getting drunk might be the solution.
He needed someone he could trust, someone who would not be suspicious, or ask questions, or worry too much. Dirk had no way of knowing what had happened to Benjy, to any member of the Order. This was his small solace, that his friends, well some of his friends, were not involved in the Order. Charity, Pandora, Daisy, Dirk, they were safe, Benjy was glad they were not a part of this. The snow had turned into ice, sleek and dangerous. Magic was the only thing preventing Benjy from slipping as he made his way to Dirk’s place. The streets were not crowded, yet not totally empty. And that somehow made Benjy feel more worried. He glanced behind his shoulder a couple of times, the grip on his wand never lessening. By the fifth time he turned around, Benjy shook his head, ❝Merlin, I’m turning into Alastor❞ he muttered. That’s the last thing he wanted, the last thing he needed. So he pushed away the feeling of paranoia, out of the way, but within reach.
He finally made it and was happy to get out of the cold. Benjy lifted a gloved hand to knock soflty, ❝Hey Dirk❞ he said along with the knocks, ❝it’s Benjy.❞
THE TELEVISION was on but silent, scenes of other countries and different cultures flashing in the still living room. Dirk Cresswell was asleep on the sofa, head lulling against his shoulder and the phone slipping from his slackening hand. He’d just received a call from his mother asking about his day, and after a conversation that had lasted far too long, Dirk had rested his head back and unexpectedly drifted off to sleep. It’d been a long day at the office; he had an upcoming internal exam as well as his client-based projects to finish, resulting in many consecutive all-nighters.
     Soon, however, his eyes began to ease open, and it took a while for him to register the knocking at his front door. In this grogginess, Dirk felt an uncharacteristic shiver of anticipation. Their raids had only been a short while ago, and it bothered him how easily any of the Death Eaters could potentially break into their defences, harming them when they were unguarded. But as he crossed into the hallway and opened the door, a familiar and much welcomed face looked up to greet him. And yet the softness of the voice and darkness beneath those tired eyes told him that something was amiss in his friend.
     “Hey, Benjy,” Dirk said with a small start, stepping back at letting the man come in. He rubbed the sleep from his own eyes. “What brings you here? And is everything okay? You look…rough.”
with a little help || dirk & benjy
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
   ✣ ARMS OF A MAN WHO clearly spent limited time in a gym wrapped around Remus’s lanky torso and Remus found himself sputtering. “Oi, mate, sentimental, are we?” he asked, managing a strangled laugh as he patted Dirk awkwardly on the back. 
     Remus released a drunken laugh and shook his head. “Goblins tend to be arseholes from what I’ve heard,” he replied. “Er. The Natural History Museum in London? No, I don’t lecture kids. Thank Merlin. Don’t much like kids, me. At least not the really small ones.” Again, he purposely omitted the full explanation of his job description and instead took another sip of his drink. 
     “You know, you look like one’ve those blokes that likes to toke,” Remus slurred. “Are you? Because I may or may not have some. Unless of course you are actually an Auror or some shite, in which case I totally just lied to you. But you lied to me first. So er- yeah. I don’t know what you’re even talking about or referring to. I’ve got nothing. You’ve got nothing on me.”
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PLEASANT LAUGHTER, quirky eyebrows. His public display of affection had caused an amusing reaction, and Dirk allowed himself to be patted on the back, the heavy thump-thump of Remus’ hand strangely comforting.
     “No way!” Dirk exclaimed, eyes round as Galleons. “The one with that huge dinosaur skeleton at the entrance? Lucky. Still, bet kids’re a whole lot more fun to work with than goblins,” he added slyly in a conspiring whisper, leaning in perhaps a little too closely.
     His nose scrunched at the man’s ramblings after his sneaky offer. In truth, Dirk had never dabbled with substances, always choosing alcohol instead (which could arguably be worse than a toke or whatever Remus had just slurred.) “Nah, mate, I don’t work with them Aurors. And no thanks, I’m not really feeling it today,” he said, choosing to leave out the fact that he didn’t actually know what it felt like. “That and the alcohol? Can’t be a good idea.”
     But when were you such an advocate for good ideas?
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remus & dirk ✣ suffocating
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
“Then you obviously don’t know how our friendship works, dear Dirksy” she smirked, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “Lucinda, Daisy and I are not only best friends, we are sisters - we are family” she said, firmly, raising her eyebrow at Dirk. She shouldn’t have used Daisy against him, but anyone with eyes could tell that he was crushing on her best friend and she was a lot more devious than people ever expected her to be. “It would change things” she said, looking him straight in the eye. He would know that she wasn’t as oblivious as her friend to his… affections.
The thought that Dirk would probably be best watching her than Lucinda struck her like a slap in the face. After everything she had done, everything she had thought, she was definitely darker than Lucinda would ever be but for some reason, no-one ever believed her. Perhaps it was her sunshine yellow hair or her smile that could make the hearts of men melt according to her mother - or perhaps she had just become too good at being good.
“We have barely had time to be a real couple over the last month Dirk” she said, shrugging her shoulders. She didn’t know what he meant by couples only talking in the movies, as far as she knew, she and Xeno shared a lot but if he had deeper feelings for her, then he would tell her in his own time. She wouldn’t push. She laughed when he coughed out feathers and threw the pillow back at her, which she caught. “Oh, r e a l l y?” she asked, before standing up and holding up the pillow at him, “it’s not a proper fight, because I’m already  w i n n i n g”.
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DIRKSY. The nickname stuck to him like a coffee stain, deep and stubborn. He hated the way his ears went red as she eyed him knowingly. So she did know. A flutter of panic struck him. Had she told the girl in question? Had she spilled his secret to her before he’d even had the chance to do something, to show her how badly he wanted to make things right?
     His thoughts became less selfish at her confession over lost time. It saddened him to think that his two close friends had barely a moment to spare for themselves. It shouldn’t have been this way. They were young, energetic, brilliant. They deserved the world and each other. But here she was, lecturing him about right and wrong. Dirk was a nothing but a burden: impeding and frustrating.
     “Are you now?” Dirk replied with a raised eyebrow, reaching across her to grab a pillow for himself. He bopped her on the stomach with it before she could protect herself. “Looks like I’ve landed a fatal blow.” And so have you on my secret love life. “Listen, I hear what you’re saying about you lot. I’ll consider it, I swear. Just gimme a lil’ time. I don’t want to let you and Daisy down, but like I said, it’s easier said than done.”
     “You should head off to find your lovely boyfriend. I’m sure he’s dying to spend a romantic evening together.”
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Same Side ◑ Pandora + Dirk
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
There was so much that Hestia wanted to do and so much that she wanted to get done. Working within the Ministry wouldn’t just slow down the process; Hestia worried that if she got herself a desk job, or even a position where she could go out into the field, the bureaucracy of it all would suffocate her, silencing her as she lost herself in the day-to-day work. She much preferred to do things at her own pace, for better or for worse. She  could deal with authority … but only as long as she had some of her own over any given project. Hestia’s smile grew when Dirk’s did, happy that she was able to bring at least a bit of a smile to his face. She wanted to be a light to other people, to bring happiness to them even when she couldn’t bring it to herself. Listening to his instructions, she nodded, only taking about half of it in. “Yeah, you hold, I punch. Don’t break my fingers or my wrist. … aim for the bag, not for your head.” She chuckled, bending her knees and getting into a firm stance. “I look okay? Don’t wanna look like a complete idiot while I’m hitting ya.”
DIRK GRINNED, watching the dark-haired woman reposition herself into quite the threatening stance. She had her sister’s athletic build, and a fire in her eyes to match. He was sure that she would throw her entire being into whatever she chose to pursue in her future. Which would make her a useful member of Aversio, he noted to himself, but shooed the thought away as he gripped the punching bag more tightly.
     “Oi, don’t you try and be smart with me,” Dirk scolded playfully, raising an unimpressed eyebrow at his friend before giving a firm nod. “Relax, you look great, would’ve convinced the Muggles if they were around. Now com’on! Show me what you got. If it helps, just imagine this is old Voldie you’re punching. That oughta motivate you, right?”
punching bags ( hestia & dirk )
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
Lucinda stood their frozen in time for a moment as she was berated by this awful human being, who feign allegiance to a team she now knew he could never truly be a part of. He had broken her, shattered her spirit, all her life she had been searching for a place where she could just be herself. Where she would be welcomed and loved for her not categorized by house or blood, but he had taken that away from her. Aversio was supposed to be her team, the group of people she could always trust, turn to in a time of need, the people she would give her life for. Dirk had taken all of that away.
Lucinda’s body language shifted, her shoulders hunched, her eyes went from being pools of rage to tearing up with sadness. “Yeah, Dirk.” She replied her voice quiet now. “I guess I am done.” She bent down picking up her jacket looking into his eyes. “I will tell you what, I wish I had been given the chance to protect my parents. That I could have saved them or done something more to protect them. Forgive me for trying to prevent that from happening to anyone else, for trying to keep them from carrying the burden I’ve had for years.” She fought back the tears that had formed in her eyes; she didn’t want to give him the pleasure of seeing her cry.
Lucinda began moving towards the door as she reached it she looked back. “I really did wonder what I had done wrong. You know at first I thought it was just because you didn’t know me, plus you were friends with Daisy and Pandora, so I figured you must be a decent guy. I tried to get to know you. I wanted to be your friend Dirk, or at least be your acquaintance but now I see that Daisy and Pandora were wrong. You are not a good man, nor a good solider and you’re certainly not someone I would ever want to have in my life.” She paused taking a deep breath. “I had no more control over who I was born to then you did, but if you’d like to think I chose it and that I’m so suspicious because you can’t handle your own shit then fine, but it’s not me who is seemingly fighting for the other side.” She took one more breath preparing for what she was about to say. “I’d look in the mirror if I were you because with the hate and prejudice you spew from your mouth, I’d think you were a Death Eater.”
Lucinda waked out of the house shutting the door behind her, she didn’t have the energy to slam it. The tears began streaming down her face as she tried to figure out what to do next. She needed her friends, she needed them more than she ever had before. She walked out side trying to calm herself enough to successfully apparate. When she got to the street, the cold air hit her giving her enough clarity to cast the spell, and then with the blink of an eye, she was in front of Pandora’s house. 
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HIS EARS WERE RINGING. A draught seemed to enter the room, making the air horribly cold and unfriendly. There was a change coming about the woman standing before him. Her shoulders were down and her face suddenly lacked any form of hostility or ferocity. Instead, all Dirk could see was an overwhelming sadness, even loneliness, and in a second of complete weakness, he actually felt bad for the things he had just shouted at her.
     He let her talk, no longer wishing to extend the conversation. Lucinda was following his commands obediently, picking up her jacket and quietly making her way to the front door. Dirk remained where he was, his eyes fixated on the edge of a windowsill, his chest still heaving slightly from his anger. But it was fading, slipping away, leaving him to feel just a little bit regretful. The whole fiasco had seemed like a dream, so surreal and uncontrollable, and yet nowhere to be found in this sombre reality.
     You are not a good man.
     “I don’t care what you think of me.”
     The words came out low and stiff, his voice scratched from being raised. He almost wanted to bite back, to prove her wrong again, but it was her final parting that really invoked something: I’d think you were a Death Eater. All at once the rage inside him found something to grasp onto again—a justification of his feelings—and at last he turned around to yell one last insult, only to catch her gazing at him sadly before leaving his home, the door closing as she left.
     “Good fucking riddance!” Dirk hurled at the trembling emptiness in his living room. He found that his nerves had been frazzled, his hands shaking ever so slightly as he pulled back the curtains just in time to see her Apparate away to God knows where.
     "That’s right, Talkalot. Sod off.” Dirk let the pulsing anger consume him a second longer before he groaned and collapsed into the sofa, both hands on his face.
     What a fucking morning.
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( END )
A Fight to Remember - Lucinda and Dirk
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
honesty hour 👀 anon or not I have to answer
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
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~ Daisy Hookum & Dirk Cresswell ~ @dirkcresswxll
So I could take the back road,      But your eyes would lead me straight back home.           I know there’s a limit to everything                 But my friends won’t love me like you.
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
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( @ted-tonxs )
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
    ✣ “I’VE BRAINS AND BEAUTY,” Remus retaliated defensively, though there was a smile plastered across his lips because he was aware that this was all in good fun. Fingers encircled his beer in a fist and he took a long, deep sip. He likely didn’t need any more, but that had never stopped him from pounding excessive amounts of liquor down on top of already excessive amounts in his stomach. 
       Remus chuckled, nudging the other. “S’all a joke, mate. But hey. Call me a right proper master of Divination if you’d be so kind,” he replied sarcastically. “Cheers, though.” 
       It was the dreaded question. Despite having high marks throughout his Hogwarts career, finishing near the top of his class, Remus hadn’t yet amounted to much career-wise. Of course, there was a furry little problem that deterred him from applying to ideal positions and trainings, but those that he’d found enough guts to submit applications for had rejected him. Remus scratched the back of his neck absently.
      “In a museum,” he admitted, though he purposely left out the part that he worked in the gift shop of the museum. Fortunately, he caught Dirk’s slip and Remus managed a small smirk, glad the pressure was off of him. “Oh yeah? How’re the Goblins, then?”
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“Oh good Merlin,” Dirk sighed dramatically, shooting his eyes up at the heavens and clasping his hands together around his beer in prayer. "For a second there I thought I was gonna have to Obliviate the crap outta you. But you’re a wizard, so you saved yourself there.” 
      It seemed strange, but right after this discovery, Dirk suddenly felt a bond appear and strengthen between them. Perhaps it was the alcohol making him sentimental, but the fact that Remus was a wizard meant that he knew of the tribulations they were all going through. Dirk felt bad for the guy, imagining all the struggles in his daily life due to the Death Eaters’ oppression, and for this reason Dirk wanted to give him a hug, which he did, clumsily. 
      “The goblins are arseholes,” he grumbled into Remus’ shoulder, before letting go, blissfully ignorant to the other man’s reaction. “But look at you! What museum is this exactly? Are you one of them people who lecture children all day long? Must be tons of fun.” In all honesty, he couldn’t quite see it. The ruggedness and aura the man gave off didn’t quite fit the bookish type. Something about him yelled adventure.
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remus & dirk ✣ suffocating
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
“Yes, and that is the best of rewards, being in my company.”  She put on the self-centered air of a true pureblood heiress, but her eyes sparkled with playfulness.  The two had long since put aside the negative attitudes of the wizard when they had first met, his icy stare when he had learned she was a pureblood.  It had taken some time, but the house bond eventually wore down the wizard, along with some well-placed intentional gestures.  
She smiled weakly as the waitress turned to prepare their orders, heavy topics already at the center of their light and friendly lunch.  She had hoped they wouldn’t turn so quickly to events she had to tiptoe around, but that was the trouble with war.  It seemed to be at the center of everything these days.  IT was even more of a strain than usual, walking around these topics with Dirk.  Natalie had worked so hard to change his perception of her as a pureblood, she knew that her allegiance would put their friendship back to first year antagonism.  
Despite it all, Dirk was ready with another funny quip, and Natalie found herself chuckling not quite as sarcastically as she would have expected.  “Exactly.  Aversio needs to learn the importance of time spent with family!  Perhaps that’s why they seem so grumpy all the time.”  She grinned, shaking her head and putting her hands on her hips.  “Yes, I, Dupont, humble soldier in the Ministry’s army, shall tackle the paperwork with the force of a thousand men!”  She resolutely pumped the air with her fist before falling into yet another fit of giggles. Yes. she thought to herself as the laughter subsided.  This is what I have been missing.  
“Grumpy goblins?  Well, looks like we’ve both had a week full of frustration.  I can barely manage to go to Gringotts to deal with them… they make me so nervous.  Like their squinty little eyes are always judging me for my wizard-ness…” she shuddered, nodding to the waitress as she arrived with their drinks.  “They don’t deserve to get attacked though.  I hope the Aurors got some sort of lead.  Helga knows they need a win in their court…”  
IT WASN’T ALWAYS easy to joke about the war. But it was nevertheless a useful coping mechanism, disguising the fact that families were being murdered in their sleep and innocent people were paying for imaginary crimes. Dirk knew that if he thought about it too long and for what it truly was, he might just lose a little bit of his sanity. As it already was, he often speculated over how far he would go to secure a victory, and how his friends would react if they knew what he was thinking.
     Natalie made it better, though. She was a ball of energy from a different side of his life, the part unmarred by battle strategies and blood. He knew she must have the same anxieties he did, but she sure was good at hiding them, with her bright smile and quirky jokes. “You know why you’ve got the force of a thousand men? It’s ‘cus you eat like ‘em, that’s why,” Dirk said coyly, preparing himself for the inevitable slap on his arm for making fun of her, even in a playful way.
     “Exactly. The Death Eaters aren’t the only ones who’ve got this blood status, discriminatory mentality going on. Nobody said it, but the goblins act like us wand-bearers are selfish by default.” Dirk reached for his hot chocolate, glad for something hot and sweet to sip on. Chocolate does magic in times of fear. He wondered who told him that. “I think they’ve got it covered. Speaking of, did you ever consider applying? Ever fancied being a superhero when you grew up?” he asked with a grin, just as their food arrived.
Catching Up & Running On // Dirk & Natalie
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
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( @dogstarsirivs )
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
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( @marleneisms )
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
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( @andromedaxunchained )
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
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( @xbenjyfenwick )
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
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( @hookumiisms​ )
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
     IT WAS HER CURSE, to be so easily read with minimal effort. No matter what the witch did to try concealing her true feelings, they always managed to burst forth from her, ricocheting outwards almost as if they were fireworks.
   “My conversational topics tend to revolve around literature,” she admitted, eyes shining ever so slightly even at the briefest of thoughts. Her thoughts drifted towards the piles of journals she had filled, the clutter of books scattering her home, visible to anyone. 
   A twinge of emotion unfamiliar swelled slightly, green eyes flitting up towards Dirk’s face. “That’s a shocking amount of faith to put into someone you barely know, don’t you think?”
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BUT OF COURSE. Her love of books was profound, evident in the variety of titles throughout her home. Dirk had even eavesdropped on one of her conversations with Xeno before, something about a brilliant new author and how Xeno simply had to give him a try.
     If only Dirk could hold her attention like that. “Nothing wrong with liking books, right?” Dirk replied, dishing the pasta and sauces into two plates, careful not to make a mess. “I was quite the bookworm myself, back in the day.”
     He placed her dinner before her and sat himself down. “Bon appetite. I won’t be offended if you need more salt, promise.” He smiled, though it faltered a little at her last question. There were so many ways he could’ve answered that question, and yet: “Maybe. But we put our lives in each other’s hand on a regular basis. I’d like to think we can have a lil’ trust by now.”
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dirkcresswxll-blog · 8 years
     ✣ IT WASN’T ONLY BECAUSE HE WAS A PICSES that Remus felt like a fish out of water. But cherry stained cheeks were the only sign of his embarrassment as loose lips sipped bottled ale in cool confidence. “Hey, mate, it’s not my fault you inherited all the bad genes in your family,” Remus teased, delighted that this stranger took him in stride. Some people were touchy on matters of appearance, his mates included. “Not everyone can be as handsome as me, eh? Wouldn’t be right.” Remus winked quite exaggeratedly and gave the other a playful punch on his shoulder.
       “Oi, don’t tell me you’re one of those people who brags about being older and wiser, eh? Even in a passive aggressive way, that shit will not make you friends,” Remus replied, grinning. Their bodies were forced to move a few steps and Remus found his boot kicking a cooler. He bent over, grabbed a can of beer, and handed it to Dirk. “Bottom’s up mate.”
       After a long sip from his own beer, Remus nudged Dirk with his elbow. “I’m nearly nineteen, mate. And I’ve got a job and place of my own, too,” he replied. “So, really, I should be the one bragging here since I’m oh so much younger.”
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HIS EYES SQUINTED. Not sure if joking or just plain drunk. Did the poor fellow really think he was that handsome? (In fact he was, with a kind of rugged and mysterious charm that many couldn’t hope to pull off. But Dirk wasn’t ready to admit that any time soon.) “Oh sure, if you wanna be just a pretty face, be my guest,” Dirk slurred right back, attempting to fend off the punch and ending up slapping his own shoulder instead.
     They moved from their bench as a haggle of people approached. Dirk eyed the beer in his hand, ready to question the integrity of its contents, but his newfound friend seemed very much not poisoned. “Cheers. Well, now that you mention it, I guess that pretty much sums me up in a sentence,” Dirk chuckled, taking an unnecessarily large gulp.
     So Remus wasn’t that young after all. “Yeah? And where exactly do you work, hm? I’ll have you know I’m one of a kind: not just anybody knows a language like Gobbledegook – I mean er,” Dirk’s eyes widened in alarm at the slip of his tongue, “French.”
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remus & dirk ✣ suffocating
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