dirtj3lly · 9 months
I think whether or not people believe that trans people are what we say we are, they have to atleast admit there is a problem with how people treat trans individuals
started a local anti bigotry organization due to the increase of insults, slurs and violence that has occurred due to recent "hands off our kids protests"
for this both I and my girlfriend have had our address doxxed, and have now had someone show up at our house saying that they were an uber driver for my girlfriend
for this I've been targeted by them, get called slurs constantly, and have heard an overwhelming increase of Sikh men calling me a rotten cow in Punjab on the bus between each other
whether or not trans people are believed on their identity is one thing, but having to leave town for a couple of days due to safety concerns for not just me and my girlfriend, but others in the house, let alone during Christmas
when bigots are allowed to control the narrative, violence directly becomes more prevalent, and we can see this in the uptick of trans hate crimes that has been occurring since 2020
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dirtj3lly · 2 years
I'm not mad about not being called a woman, I'm mad i get told to go kill myself everytime I get a match on tinder
the whole trans women are men thing got me put in a male homeless shelter, which actively was one of the reasons I was sexually assaulted there, so I don't know if putting me where yall think I belong is really as better as you think it is
like me putting on a bra so I feel pretty enough to pass for other people is my business I bet I could put together a collage of trans women and cis women and almost every single one of you wouldn't know who is what
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dirtj3lly · 3 years
photographer gf 🤝 whore gf
love ya, slut 😁
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dirtj3lly · 3 years
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dirtj3lly · 3 years
“Those poor boys”
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“She deserves to be punished too.”
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“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”
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“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”
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“She put herself in harm’s way”
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“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”
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“She ruined their lives.”
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dirtj3lly · 3 years
so this is something I’ve been noticing for awhile that I really wanted to bring to light
so often within the trans community is discrimination involving our genitals, which is already appalling enough, however very often it’s assumed that someone who is a trans women and a lesbian is a “creep”. a “predator”. a litany of names just for being a woman who likes women
now yes you can often boil it down to terfs being terfs, but there’s a double standard often going on with trans men
trans men who date men are (atleast from what I’ve been witnessed to) NEVER hit with these Barrages of names, why is it okay for a trans man to date a gay man and it be still seen as gay and fine, when trans women dating a lesbian, it’s often thrown under the bus and attacked
I feel like this is something that needs to be talked about more, especially with people who are anti trans, why do you have the need to “defend” lesbians from trans women but seeing a gay trans man and still letting it slide?
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dirtj3lly · 3 years
@outofspace43 you're literally worshipping some fucking skin like it's sacred and holy, it's literally just skin, and guess what? we do try to actual get shit done, yet people like you push against us every single goddamn time, my point about the Civil rights shit (which nice job just assume I meant black Civil rights like there isn't hundreds of other marginalized minorites) was that we get murdered for literally existing, we get told we are lesser, we get turned away from businesses, I don't care if you think that "Oh well I support them and see them as equals" you aren't actually doing anything to show that, by saying someone isn't how they identify you are literally invalidating them and not supporting them, and it only worsens the issues we have to deal with as your fucking thought processes spread like a plague, I swear to God you people have worms in your brains, how hard is it to just say yeah okay, and let people be people and love who they want
when we try Making our own spaces? they get invaded and filled with people doing the same shit you are telling me, we can't fucking escape it, running away isn't gonna fix the problem
the problem isn't oh you won't date us, it's that you literally see us as lesser for what we are, we're told either we don't exist and that we're male or female, or that we are seen as how we identify, but yet somehow in a different class?
you could find any other reason for not dating someone, yet you chose to point out something they can't control, which is transphobic, if it was "Oh well they just have a part I don't like" fine whatever, but it's specifically because they're trans that is the problem here?
we aren't going to just stop because we don't know how else to get it across that you're being an asshole and invalidating people for no fucking reason? just let people be people and move the fuck on
so this is something I've been noticing for awhile that I really wanted to bring to light
so often within the trans community is discrimination involving our genitals, which is already appalling enough, however very often it's assumed that someone who is a trans women and a lesbian is a "creep". a "predator". a litany of names just for being a woman who likes women
now yes you can often boil it down to terfs being terfs, but there's a double standard often going on with trans men
trans men who date men are (atleast from what I've been witnessed to) NEVER hit with these Barrages of names, why is it okay for a trans man to date a gay man and it be still seen as gay and fine, when trans women dating a lesbian, it's often thrown under the bus and attacked
I feel like this is something that needs to be talked about more, especially with people who are anti trans, why do you have the need to "defend" lesbians from trans women but seeing a gay trans man and still letting it slide?
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dirtj3lly · 3 years
over 10% of transgender people report recently attempting suicide within the past year (bauer et al, 2015a)
approximately 0.5% of the population is transgender (bauer et al, 2015a)
somewhere between 22% to 43% of transgender people admit to attempting self harm within their life time (bauer et al, 2015a)
2/3rds of trans youth admit report recently self harm (veale et al, 2015)
and trans people are 2x as likely to think about and attempt suicide that any other lesbian, gay, or bisexual communities (Irwin et al, 2014)
"This heightened risk is primarily due to the fact that transgender people face unique stressors, including stress from being part of a minority group, as well as stress related to not identifying with one’s biological sex."
that minority group part? often comes from them asking, well why no thanks, and getting a litany of hatred for finding themselves in how they identify
you are seeing this from the perspective of trans people being pre op, which isn't always the case
when these people throw death threats at you? why don't you walk away? instead of forcing yourself in and trying to prove how their identity is wrong, trans lesbians can exist yet you feel the need to try and prove to them they don't?
I, myself being a woman, like woman, so I can't be straight as I'm not interested in men, and learned this AFTER coming out as trans, but your saying I can't be a lesbian as I have parts that don't align with your viewpoint
what community am I supposed to put myself in to "feel better" when this is the community I feel best in
and about that whole shelter thing, an often double standard is trans women are held to the unrealistic expectations society already holds for women, as being "weak" (which I'll say now I do not believe in these views) however, nonetheless we still can't walk alone at night for fear of being attacked.
however when it came to me having to be put into a homeless shelter I was begging to be let into the women's, yet I was seen as biologically male, and guess what happened, I was frequently sexually assaulted and abused by the males within said shelter
and when it comes to resources for domestic abuse, trans people are more likely to be denied for BOTH male and female shelters
often in prisons they get out alone, barred away from anyone else because the legal system doesn't know where to put them, and when they finally do decide to put them in male areas, they get more abuse than they would in the women's
everywhere we go we get denied the rights and resources cis women have, and when we bite the bullet and try using male resources, there is either a. not enough of them for us to be accommodated. b. turned away because of our identity. or c. let in and be treated as lower
what community is there for us to find when everywhere we go, we get seen as lesser and "should be removed"
again you at the end their are desperately trying to cling to the fact that calling people creeps and pedophiles is still okay, I get it I really do, some people do deserve it, but when we are just trying to exist within a community we often get berated
how hard is it to see that shit like this is so very similar to the race equality issues of the 60s? we are actively being barred from public spaces, and communities that have no reason to turn us away other then our personal idenity
so this is something I've been noticing for awhile that I really wanted to bring to light
so often within the trans community is discrimination involving our genitals, which is already appalling enough, however very often it's assumed that someone who is a trans women and a lesbian is a "creep". a "predator". a litany of names just for being a woman who likes women
now yes you can often boil it down to terfs being terfs, but there's a double standard often going on with trans men
trans men who date men are (atleast from what I've been witnessed to) NEVER hit with these Barrages of names, why is it okay for a trans man to date a gay man and it be still seen as gay and fine, when trans women dating a lesbian, it's often thrown under the bus and attacked
I feel like this is something that needs to be talked about more, especially with people who are anti trans, why do you have the need to "defend" lesbians from trans women but seeing a gay trans man and still letting it slide?
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dirtj3lly · 3 years
@outofspace43 I'm not saying that people should just "suck it up" it's the fact the the narrative is only focused on how it's a problem, and giving trans people harsh remarks for just existing, I never once said suck it up, it's the fact that the insults are being thrown either way, and attention is being brought to something I already have to live with and struggling with having, only making dysphoria worse, the fact you are willing to label everyone under that umbrella as the problem because of bad experiences you've had with someone as problematic is where my issue lies
what happened to you shouldn't happen at all and I give my sincerest regards as I'm also a victim of sexual assault, but one bad egg doesn't spoil the whole carton
however you outright grouping people up under a preconceived notion is just disgusting, I'm by no means okay with what happened to you, but you seem to be fine with the verbal abuse sent towards trans people, which really only adds to the stigma, and causes the suicide rate that exists to never have that chance to be lowered, my point is why do we have to be excluded from the space when there are lesbians out there who really don't care about what parts their SO has.
we get labeled as predatory or fetishist when so often we are just trying to exist within a community, I'm not mad that you're not fine with a girl having a dick, it's that the verbal abuse is being looked away from, and explained as being fine, when really you could just go "no thanks" and move on?
so this is something I've been noticing for awhile that I really wanted to bring to light
so often within the trans community is discrimination involving our genitals, which is already appalling enough, however very often it's assumed that someone who is a trans women and a lesbian is a "creep". a "predator". a litany of names just for being a woman who likes women
now yes you can often boil it down to terfs being terfs, but there's a double standard often going on with trans men
trans men who date men are (atleast from what I've been witnessed to) NEVER hit with these Barrages of names, why is it okay for a trans man to date a gay man and it be still seen as gay and fine, when trans women dating a lesbian, it's often thrown under the bus and attacked
I feel like this is something that needs to be talked about more, especially with people who are anti trans, why do you have the need to "defend" lesbians from trans women but seeing a gay trans man and still letting it slide?
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dirtj3lly · 3 years
@outofspace43 yeah and? my point was why is the focus of narrative for people who don't accept trans people only what they have in their pants, im allowed to talk about mine as much as I want considering I'm the one who owns them, plus, that wasn't even me reblogging that, I have a girlfriend who uses my phone you know
so this is something I've been noticing for awhile that I really wanted to bring to light
so often within the trans community is discrimination involving our genitals, which is already appalling enough, however very often it's assumed that someone who is a trans women and a lesbian is a "creep". a "predator". a litany of names just for being a woman who likes women
now yes you can often boil it down to terfs being terfs, but there's a double standard often going on with trans men
trans men who date men are (atleast from what I've been witnessed to) NEVER hit with these Barrages of names, why is it okay for a trans man to date a gay man and it be still seen as gay and fine, when trans women dating a lesbian, it's often thrown under the bus and attacked
I feel like this is something that needs to be talked about more, especially with people who are anti trans, why do you have the need to "defend" lesbians from trans women but seeing a gay trans man and still letting it slide?
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dirtj3lly · 3 years
@callinoates yeah but I doubt if it was a trans man being gay that you would care here
i want every single amab nonbinary lesbian to know that u belong in lesbian spaces, especially nonbinary lesbian spaces, just as much as any other lesbian, and you not being a binary woman doesn’t mean you can’t identify as a lesbian. the nonbinary lesbian label includes you just as much as it includes every other nonbinary lesbian
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dirtj3lly · 3 years
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Custom Backlit Gameboys made by GameChangerMods
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dirtj3lly · 3 years
@piquegender the only reason why I say this is cause it shows on the forefront you only care about people's physical appearance, I have many who can agree I'm feminine to a T, and yet here you are, invalidating and only making my disphoria worse because it doesn't aline with what genitals you care about, real asshole move, you could just be accepting and not have to be a dick for no reason but thank you
i want every single amab nonbinary lesbian to know that u belong in lesbian spaces, especially nonbinary lesbian spaces, just as much as any other lesbian, and you not being a binary woman doesn’t mean you can’t identify as a lesbian. the nonbinary lesbian label includes you just as much as it includes every other nonbinary lesbian
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dirtj3lly · 3 years
@piquegender so even though I identify as female, and was just born with what I have that doesn't matter to you? so really what you're just saying with this is you're a terf, amazing, you do you sweetie
i want every single amab nonbinary lesbian to know that u belong in lesbian spaces, especially nonbinary lesbian spaces, just as much as any other lesbian, and you not being a binary woman doesn’t mean you can’t identify as a lesbian. the nonbinary lesbian label includes you just as much as it includes every other nonbinary lesbian
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dirtj3lly · 3 years
girl bulge thursday
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dirtj3lly · 3 years
Doms still need aftercare!
Doms still need safewords and colour systems!
Doms still need soft kisses and nonsexual touches and reassurance!
Doms still need to be spoiled and pampered!
Doms still have to give consent!
Doms are people too and should be treated with human boundaries and respect!!
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dirtj3lly · 3 years
"men get the fuck out" so even though they are non binary you only care about what they were assigned as? so then me being an mtf trans lesbian would be in the same category for you then huh? and I'd not we'd have a whole other problem because why is my amab valid for being a lesbian but not nonbinary amabs valid?
i want every single amab nonbinary lesbian to know that u belong in lesbian spaces, especially nonbinary lesbian spaces, just as much as any other lesbian, and you not being a binary woman doesn’t mean you can’t identify as a lesbian. the nonbinary lesbian label includes you just as much as it includes every other nonbinary lesbian
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