dirtsmile · 4 years
triggering  /  nsfw   may  be  present ,  these  are  taken  from  varying  seasons  of  the  show.
“  I can’t be mad, I’m on way too many painkillers. ”
“  What an idiot I was! And by “I”, I meant “you”!  ”
“  Thanks to you, I went on a soul-searching journey.  ”
“  How can I be so bad at everything I try, and still be so great?  ”
“  These things are not weaknesses. They make me what I am.  ”
“  You’re always gettin’ frozen in stuff. It’s your thing, man!  ”
“  Just wait ‘til I get my hands on those healthy purple berries! ”
“  But what are those aliens tryin’ to ask us? What do the tones mean?  ”
“  What’s the point? What good is it to talk to her in my own dream? ”
“  I’ve dreamed about you a lot since you disappeared.  ”
“  Have you been using my toothbrush to polish your ass again?! ”
“  There’s so much I need to say. Is it really you?  ”
“  It’s time we solved this problem the old-fashioned way. By shooting it. ”
“  To see if you’re the real [name], I’m gonna ask you something only he would know.  ”
“  You’ve accomplished so much more than most of us would bother to.  ”
“  I’m dying to know how you got here. Was it a time machine?  ”
“  I’m no medical expert, but I think you be showing some serious signs of ‘illin.  ”
“  May I buy you a drink? We don’t get a lot of pretty faces around here. ”
“  You can’t sit on something for a week without falling in love with it.  ”
“  You can’t just kill somebody because they’re ugly and corrosive. ”
“  Don’t you ever wonder about the future?  ”
“  You think you can just waltz in here with no pants and become a cop?  ”
“  I’m as sad as an upside-down smile.  ”
“  I guess we’ll have to deliver that human heart tomorrow. ”
“  We have nothing to fear but running out of beer.  ”
“  The only things they did better than us were suck and die.  ”
“  Why am I sticky and naked? Did I miss something fun? ”
“  You’ve fallen into the final debilitating stages of womanhood.  ”
“  Something tells me I could easily beat those trained professionals… ”
“  This outfit makes me look fat. Is it trampy to go on a first date nude?  ”
“  Now, now. Perfectly symmetrical violence never solved anything.  ”
“  With a warning label this big, you know they gotta be fun!  ”
“  Why don’t you smoke it already? Puff, puff, go, go, go, go, go!  ”
“  I videotape every customer that comes in here, so that I may blackmail them later.  ”
“  Hey, I’m a porno-dealing monster. What do I care what you think?  ”
“  Is this really happening or just being staged? ”
“  I will marry her now and confine her to hell!  ”
“  I know whose funeral we’ll be attending next!   ”
“  Call it a hunch but I’ve got a bad feeling about this. “
“  Whoa, you look better than you used to for some reason. ”
“  Instead of shooting where I was, you should have shot where I was going to be.  ”
“  Haven’t I seen you in some copyrighted movie?  ”
“  Not a day goes by I don’t ask myself the same question. ”
“  What?! Don’t ever, ever say or think that again! ”
“  You can’t give up hope just because it is hopeless!  ”
“  So do you know I’m going to do something before I do it? ”
“  How am I supposed to hear prayers coming out of my ass? ”
“  There are two kinds of people: sheep and sharks. ”
“  A casino where I always win. That’s boring. I must really be… in Hell!  ”
“  So there really is an infinite number of universes?  ”
“  Now that’s a wave of destruction that’s easy on the eyes!  ”
“ The wall of that strip club isn’t going to collapse twice in one day. ”
“  Aww, you knew my favorite cause of death. ”
“  Get lost! I’d say don’t quit your day job, but you’re awful at that too! ”
“  I think when people obsess about the past it’s because they’re afraid of the future. ”
“  You’ve convinced me life is worth living… by showing me how bad my funeral will suck! ”
“  Man, we look stupid. We should’ve gotten store-bought costumes.  ”
“  I don’t want to be rescued. ”
“  I could if you hadn’t turned on the light and shut off my stereo. ”
“  I finally found what I need to be happy and it’s not friends, it’s things. “
“  So, none of you have ever had anchovies? ”
“  Do you have any idea what the average length of their reigns was? ”
“  I knew you wouldn’t have asked unless it was really high or really low.  ”
“  You’re a pimple on society’s ass and you’ll never amount to anything! ”
“  Now that you mention it, I do have trouble breathing underwater sometimes. ”
“  I wouldn’t talk about taste if I was wearing a lime green tank top. ”
“  We all laughed so hard our teeth fell out. ”
“  I’ll never be too good or too evil again. From now on, I’ll just be me. ”
“  Do you think you could survive a seven-hundred foot fall?  ”
“  But this electricity abuse crossed the line. You almost killed us. ”
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dirtsmile · 6 years
—   * @selfdefiined / shitpost starter call, accepting.
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          ❝  Surely, ain’t everyone was kung fu fighting.  ❞
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dirtsmile · 6 years
—   * @prcphesiied / shitpost starter call, accepting.
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          ❝  — All hail the chef.  ❞
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dirtsmile · 6 years
—   * @cropvamp / shitpost starter call, accepting.
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          ❝  You wanna fuckin’ RAZZLE DAZZLE?  ❞
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dirtsmile · 6 years
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have a starter call while i work on stuff.
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dirtsmile · 6 years
logging in over here just to move this where it belongs: finn 100000000% has a stupid fucking aqua teen tat. and it’s not even professionally done. it looks like a 2nd grader drew it, put it on the fridge, and finn just slapped it on his skin.
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dirtsmile · 6 years
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have a starter call while i work on stuff.
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dirtsmile · 6 years
added in a tiny bit of info on each of the samarillo members on the blog — under the samarillo link, if you were wondering, but you can also find that same info HERE. all samarillo members here are available on request.
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dirtsmile · 6 years
quietly introduces the idea of finn being sharky’s like 2nd cousin who’s been to montana all of twice and somehow got fuckin’ stuck in hope county thanks to Deputy Damnit
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dirtsmile · 6 years
‘ you look amazing! like a sexy raccoon! ’
SANTA CLARITA DIET SENTENCES \\ accepting. @dirtsmile
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                       “ Remin’ me why ah keep ya ‘round ? “ He has a smile cracking open over lips. A genuine one that only Finn could muster out with his bizarre … self. “ Stop bein’ a fuckin’ idiot an’ get o’r ‘ere – ah need’a hand. “
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dirtsmile · 6 years
‘ our kitchen looks like the inside of a shark. ’
—   * meme / santa clarita diet, accepting.
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          THAT’S JUST ASKING FOR A PERFECTLY TIMED kick-in-the-teeth pun about why it smells so damn fishy in here. But considering the soiled g-string he just watched Johnny take upstairs, hand in his pants and all ( honestly, what in the fuck ), it feels a little — eh, too soon. No matter the state of the place, the fridge door isn’t blocked. So long as he has access to a plate full of leftovers, he could be standing  b a l l s - d e e p  in the green goop Tarantino used as gore in Grindhouse and not give half a damn.          ❝  Nah, man — I seen the inside of a fuckin’ BULL SHARK once, out in Port Aransas. Nearly shit m’self.  ❞
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dirtsmile · 6 years
{ confined to a jar ; saved., exvaultie,
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dirtsmile · 6 years
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dirtsmile · 6 years
* potential trigger warning : this post contains a lot of murder and possible spoilers.
‘  no more doing things separately. from now on, we fuck everything up together.  ’ ‘  i’m not doing cocaine. i just have a feeling i would be unbearable.  ’ ‘  what, you hear that? that’s the sound of the tables turning.  ’ ‘  i just wanted your vomit. why’d you have to make it weird?  ’ ‘  our kitchen looks like the inside of a shark.  ’ ‘  i had such a good day at the asylum.  ’ ‘  kidnapping. why don’t governments do more to stop them?  ’ ‘  we’re hand models and we have to protect our assets from sun damage.  ’ ‘  killing people is hard. i used to think that was a good thing.  ’ ‘  he worships you. you’re the queen of his spank bank.  ’ ‘  sweetheart, you bought a car and now you’re grinding on the neighbors. this is not who you are!  ’ ‘  i’ve been wanting one ever since this morning!  ’ ‘  i feel like whatever i say is going to make you push harder against my vagina.  ’ ‘  i really want to make this work.  ’ ‘  sometimes you do shit you never expected for the people you love.  ’ ‘  oh god, you’re in to sports? this relationship is getting even more untenable.  ’ ‘  what a cute, weird couple you make.  ’ ‘  i like not killing people – i’ve always liked it. i just forgot how much.  ’ ‘  killing people is hard. i used to think that was a good thing.  ’ ‘  we’re not good at murder. i happen to think that’s a positive quality.  ’ ‘  oh no, my finger’s oozing again.  ’ ‘  no, he’s fine, he just saw something on television and now he’s living his life by it.  ’ ‘  i think he spent too much time in a hot car.  ’ ‘  you could’ve slapped bloody hands on who knows how many dead asses.  ’ ‘  whoa, hey, wow, look at your face!  ’  ‘  you look amazing! like a sexy raccoon!  ’ ‘  i am not a murderer! okay, technically i am. not even technically. literally. but i refuse to be defined by that one time i murdered somebody.  ’ ‘  you bailed so you don’t get to have an opinion, okay?  ’ ‘  nobody likes a backseat arsonist.  ’ ‘  yes, it’s fun to be carefree and spontaneous and less hirable in a depressed job market.  ’ ‘  oh my god, are you serious? you’d kill me with a bat?  ’ ‘  you know what’s cool? i’m never surprised anymore.  ’ ‘  i feel like a bus station shit in my mouth.  ’ ‘  well, we can’t start killing people.  ’ ‘  we’re getting life back to normal and killing people isn’t normal, sweetheart.  ’ ‘  i love this idea. you’re an evil genius.  ’ ‘  act casual.  ’ ‘  you see? i’ve known you, what, five minutes and already i’d rather have you kill me.  ’ ‘  new lesson: if at first you don’t succeed then blast his ass with tear gas.  ’ ‘  just because something’s changed doesn’t mean it’s not still beautiful.  ’ ‘  if you miss eating pizza, eat a man who just at pizza.  ’ ‘  i just threw up. like a fair amount.  ’ ‘  i know we have to kill somebody today, but we have to be parents every day.  ’ ‘  i just stuffed a man in a meat freezer. cross that off my bucket list.  ’ ‘  i am so glad this is not one of those diseases that dries your skin out.  ’ ‘  here’s a solution: let’s all stop talking until i can think of what to say next.  ’ ‘  god, there’s so many ways to mess up your children.  ’ ‘  everyone is afraid of change, but when life is screaming ‘this is your new truth,’ you need to accept it.  ’ ‘  be bold, be brave, and live your new truth, no matter what it is.  ’ ‘  how do you have so much testosterone without balls?  ’ ‘  i’ve just been lying here, successfully throwing a ball up and down.  ’ ‘  i mean, he’s giggling a lot now, so that’s new.  ’ ‘  i’ll let you do the math because he couldn’t.  ’ ‘  you keep talking shit about us and i swear to god i will drop kick you.  ’ ‘  try it and i will kick your twat so far up your throat that you’ll get pregnant giving blow jobs.  ’ ‘  we’re gonna kill people, sweetheart.  ’ ‘  we’re gonna kill people so you can eat them.  ’ ‘  we’ve been us since high school. i’m not gonna bail on you now.  ’ ‘  would it be weird if i took his watch?  ’ ‘  don’t come at me with that weak tea.  ’ ‘  whoa, buddy, there’s a lot to unpack here.  ’ ‘  i’m panicking so my lizard brain is making a lot of the decisions.  ’ ‘  well……. bye!  ’ ‘  i started thinking about that nervous smile of yours.  ’ ‘  you gotta stop saying that to people.  ’ ‘  nice try blending in, you handsome, thick-haired, son of a bitch.  ’ ‘  ‘i love you very much’? what the fuck is that supposed to mean?  ’ ‘  sometimes i feel like you’re batman and robin and i’m… alfred.  ’ ‘  damn, you still have that new baby smell.  ’
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dirtsmile · 6 years
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let it be known that w/out @biblicle, i wouldn’t even be able to drag this walking your mom joke out of the depths of hell
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dirtsmile · 6 years
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Why don’t we just go for a run and then go to the gym later like everybody agreed on?
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dirtsmile · 6 years
Sick and Tired - Cross Canadian Ragweed
Album: Soul Gravy
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