dirtyandbeauty ¡ 2 years
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Well! The moment she heard his voice she looked like she immediately started crying, with the empoleon guiding her along and not long after she latched onto Cavendish.
"Please don't go on a trip or anything like that again, I don't like being alone or or-"
The thought wasn't finished, she's giving him kisses upon kisses and so on, it was just feverish.
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“Never again! I had never intended to leave you for so long... Next time, I shall bring you along with me!” The life of a contest star was ever busy after all. ...And he usually neglected to bring her for fear of a certain sleep paralysis demon. But he can put that aside, be strong enough so it is never a concern in the first place. Anything to keep her from feeling the pain of loneliness and longing. Cavendish will gently caress her as she gets all her kisses in.
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
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      “ F flowers tell m more stories than you tthink…people just d don’t hear tthem… ”
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“Ah, if only I had the ears to hear. Besides their vibrant dancing in the breeze, their voices are deaf to me. Although, I am not disinclined to listen. If you may tell me...”
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
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Anonymous asked:
🍫 to give my muse a box of chocolates
🌼 for my muse to compliment your muse
( @wanos-greatest-beauty​ )
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Who the heck was this lady??? One of Cav’s weirdo pretty friends he assumed. He didn’t really want much to do with Cabbage’s dumb friends or admirers unless it involved messing with them. Hey- this one brought chocolate with her! And it was for him??? Okay, maybe this one was alright. “Uh. Thanks lady.”
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“What a guest to have on this fine day. Always a pleasure, Princess. How kind of you to taking him into consideration, but you really shouldn’t bother. He is a ruffian of bad character, not someone to dirty yourself up with.”
“Eh? Princess?? Whatever, don’t care. Hey! Ya should totally bring more chocolate. And whatever other sweets ya got.” Barto carelessly munched on his sugary bounty. “You just mad she ain’t come to ya with a gift. It’s not like ya need an even more inflated ego.”
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“How dare you to insinuate such a thing. Her dear compliments are enough for me. I only deem you undeserving of her efforts and generosit-”
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“Shuddap already! Blah blah blah-. Lady! How can ya stand this guy???”
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
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@rattusrexx​ asked:
→ BE MY VALENTINE! // 🍫 - Might have stolen those chocolates but they found that 'bomb' scene in Dressrosa to be most entertaining.
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🍫 to give my muse a box of chocolates
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Now that was unusual. Someone giving him a gift? Very unlikely. The most he got was enraged insults and shouts and all kinds of garbage hurled at him. Which, of course, never upset him. The opposite, really, it always filled him with joy and satisfaction at how overworked he could make people so easily. He was called ‘the cannibal’ for a reason. But chocolate was something else! He had no clue who this guy was, yet he wasn’t about to say no to free sweets!
“Hell yeah chocolates! I dunno if ya want somethin’ from me, but I’ll take ‘em!”
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
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Anonymous asked:
🌹 to give my muse flowers from Inana to Cavendish // @highxrder​
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“Ah, what a lovely surprise. They are as gorgeous as the maiden who gifted them. How grateful I am to have a sweetheart as you in my life. What a delightful scent, these will be delicious...” Hm. Maybe giving him flowers wasn’t a good idea after all. He was going to eat them.
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
prompts to celebrate valentine’s day, with options for romantic or platonic. even the enemies can have some valentine’s fun.  ‘my muse’ meaning receiver’s muse! can also reverse if you’d like. 
🌷 to kiss my muse
💖 to confess attraction to my muse 
🍫 to give my muse a box of chocolates
🌹 to give my muse flowers
🧸 to give my muse a giant teddy bear
🍷 to invite my muse to dinner 
✨ to go stargazing with my muse
☕ for our muses to have coffee together
🌈 for our muses to dance together
🌼 for my muse to compliment your muse
🥀 for my muse to confess a secret
🍒 for your muse to tie a cherry stem with their tongue
🦢 for my muse to talk about someone they love 
🔪 for my muse to threaten your muse 
🖤 for my muse to reject your muse
                                                            — ♥ —
“Be my valentine?”
“Would you be so kind as to fall in love with me?”
“Darling, you’re the one I want.”
“This is no time for confessing.“
“You know, darling, you bring out the worst in me.”
“If you’re free tonight, maybe we could spend some time together.”
“I know I’ve kissed you before, but I didn’t do it right. Can I try again?”
“I hate Valentine’s Day.” 
“I love you— ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?”
“You have my whole heart.”
“I hope I never lose you.”
“All the good in me is because of you.“
“If I could give you the moon, I would.”
“Eat your heart out.”
“We both have our rabid hearts.”
“I thought maybe we would kiss tonight.”
“You’re not the person I wanted to see today.”
“I love everybody because I love you.” 
“Do you want company?”
“Nobody fucks me like me.”
“Can we always be this close?”
“Please don’t say you love me.”
“I once believed love would be burning red, but it’s golden.” 
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
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@multixminds​ asked:
She's been following the idiot along the rooftops because he had attempted to lose her in the crowds after swindling her and when the opportunity came, she kept from the rafters with every intention of pouncing down upon her target. The execution was great and yet--as though guided by fate--Said Idiot maneuvered just beyond some tall guy and the Tall Guy was the one she ended up clinging to from behind. Ah damnit. Why was he so tall and-- The Idiot was getting away!! "GET BACK HERE YOU ASS!" // Dana to Barto.
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“Huh??? The hell are you?! Get offa me!!” Suddenly heckled by some crazy woman, Bartolomeo swiftly grabbed the stranger off his back and flung her to the ground. His foot was brought down on her and he peered down with an indignant look. “You gotta problem??? Heh, I’ll give ya a problem.”
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
Hi kittu here. I’d like to be more active on this blog again because I really do miss my idiots! I cleared out all my old asks and I am happy to receive new ones and more interactions. The demon au had been particularly interesting me lately, but I am very happy with canon verse interactions too.
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
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“We’re getting married. Unbelievable that we are getting married, I would like to marry you TWICE. A TRILLION times even-!!!”
Give her a moment she’s gonna cry.
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“You can marry me as many times as would please you, dear Inana.” He rose to bring her into his (radiant) embrace.
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
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〖☠〗– It wasn’t often that he felt a presence around him when he was eating by himself. He raised a brow, looking around to find the source. “..if you’re trying to sneak up on me, then it won’t work. I know you’re there.” After the insanity he lived through, he needed time to recuperate.. and this island was the perfect place to rest.
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Of course it was him who had been lurking... He couldn’t say for sure, but... there was something about the hooded man that spoke to him. That had to be someone really, really, really important! He had been trying to get a peek at his face to know for sure...
The rooster stepped out. “I ain’t sneakin’ to attack you. Not this time! I don’t think you’re someone I wanna attack at all!”
That man’s voice... he swore...
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“A-Are you F-F-Fire F-Fist Ace?!?!”
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
for the record i’d still like to redo cav’s icons since i really dont like ‘em. i was going to redo bartos too but i do like his old ones and think they have some more character than the new one i tried. heres what i was planning for the new cavendish icons when i get around to it
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
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“I’m serious though! I’m not saying this just to do so…aside from Gigi, you are the most at home I’ve ever felt…and I want things to feel like that: at home, all the love and mushy stuff…but with you.”
Honestly inana was delighted by the thought, had she never met him then she was sure she’d be arranged with someone else and miserable. She couldn’t bear the thought of a world without him!
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“I am well aware. Your sincerity has always touched me, Inana dear. I’ve had endless women tell me the same thing. ‘I want to marry you.’ ‘Marry me!’ I never thought that actually meant anything until I’ve heard you say it. I’ll fulfill that wish of yours in a most beautiful way...”
 He’d pull her closer, radiant in his affections. “Just say the word, and I’ll make it happen...”
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
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“And I’m not!!!!!! And he’s my friend!!!!! You can’t threaten my friends!!!!!!”
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“I am a reasonable man... This is simply our way. I respect he is a friend of yours, that is why I hold my sword like so. My hope is he treats you well. Knowing him, he is a rude and dangerous person. So very unpredictable... Ultimately, I care about you.”
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
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Anonymous asked:
"....I wanna get married to you at some point." Inana muttered, leaning into Cavendish. // @highxrder​
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Cavendish has heard the marriage declarations from countless women yearning after him all his life... But marriage really was an important thing, and it wasn’t something to go willy-nilly into. As much as he always appreciated his adoring fans, the cries for marriage often fell on deaf ears. Hearing it from Inana, however, meant more than anything else...
“Of course... as do I. We shall have the most beautiful marriage there ever was...”
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
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Tough bargain.  Kill him? Law would love to see him try. He hadn’t had a good brawl in quite a while and the prospect of watching the Pirate Prince fall would bring him nothing but pleasure. But his malcontent for the other Rookie would be kept on the back burner for now. Cavendish had shown him no reason to outright attack, so Law would retract the claws for now.  “Would you like me to try and teach her, Cabbage-ya?” 
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“Don’t call me that.” Cavendish hissed. He sighed. Damn that Strawhat and rooster for starting that terrible excuse of a ‘nickname’. How he despised it. At the very least, Inana hasn’t started using it... May she never!
“As hateful as you are... Inana’s best interests are my interests. And her current interest so happens to be your submarine... So, yes, I emplore you to show her and teach her a thing or two. That is, if you’re capable enough to do that.”
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
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Anonymous asked:
"You can't just THREATEN law!!!!!" -Inana // @highxrder​
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“Inana sweetheart, we’re pirates. We threaten each other all the time.” Besides, he wasn’t one to forgive the people who stole away his popularity so easily...
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dirtyandbeauty ¡ 3 years
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Today had started off decently, but as it went on Law was realizing it was becoming a contest of how high his blood pressure could rise. 200 was stroke range, maybe they were trying to bring it that high for him and pick him off easier than letting him die at Doffy’s hands? How was he to know that Inana honestly had never seen a submarine? What would Cavendish know of submarines to be able to teach her about them? Law knew this man only cared for the aesthetically pleasing. “I’m not surprised someone who focuses primarily on beauty wouldn’t teach her about maritime life. However, I still owe you for your efforts back at the Colosseum, that said, I’ll teach her about submarines and naval vessels, on one condition. Never call me Strawhat’s ‘friend’ again!”
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“I’m afraid if you weren’t Strawhat’s dear friend, I may just have to kill you~.” Cavendish mused, although he was absolutely serious... Oh how he’d love to wrap his vengeful hands around the surgeon’s neck and strangle the life out of him. Alas, he must be merciful!
“I have told her various times, but she likes to... take her time learning things. And she literally cannot see the submarine. As such, I demand she’s treated thoroughly well.”
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