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I was going to make this a digital piece but, eh, digital is not my forte.
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So this blog is basically about to become a Vaas/Michael Mando spam blog.
I literally don't even care.
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Shut up,Snow White!
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“Vaas was really a visceral creation. Since my first audition, I knew exactly who he was and what I wanted to do with him… I don’t know how to explain it, sometimes the timing is just right and you feel an overwhelming desire to express something… And when a wonderful company like Ubisoft comes by and gives you that opportunity to just be free and create, it’s a dream come true.” (Michael Mando)
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Remember when i made a thing?
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When you tell your parents and/or friends about your problems and they run and tell other people.
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I know you guys probably think we're pieces of shit for not posting any confessions since last year,but like alec and what he said in the last post,i've been busy as all fuck and can't find the time to make any confessions.BUT ONE DAY SOON.
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Dear lord.
Sorry we havent been making confessions. We has just been so fucking busy. Im getting annoyed with myself for not making confessions but i just cant find the time. As fucking df -Alec
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Im sorry we havent been making confessions!! We've just been busy with finals and stuff! Hopefully we will get started again soon :) -Alec
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Should have some confessions up later on today everyone.I know i've been absolutely fucking wiped out from school this week and i feel like a zombie BUT i shall suck that shit up.THERE ARE CONFESSIONS THAT NEED ME TO MAKE THEM.                                                                
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so far,so good eh?
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The reason we are so far behind.
Two of my friends and i run this blog and only one of us (i think its only one) has photoshop. I have a free trial BUT IVE ONLY USED PAINT MY WHOLE LIFE AND PHOTOSHOP IS LIKE BLACK MAGIC FUCKERY TO ME. So only one of us is good at making confessions right away. Lol -Alec
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Alright. As of today the ask box is closed so we can get caught up with your confessions!
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Keep sending in your confessions guys!
Also,i thought i'd mention,once our cue gets to be too full we'll make a post notifying that we've closed the submissions until we clear the cue.
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Since our picture sources for Confession backgrounds are limited we will have to use the same pics every once in a while. Thank you and keep confessing. You dirty bastards.
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That last one.. Wtf?
Honestly,i haven't the slightest of a clue...but it's free reign so xD.
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"i wanna fuck a coconut while liza begs for her life"
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