dirtytracy-blog · 9 years
I’m staring a new blog
So, side note (well, more like novel) for anyone who’s curious:
New Mexico was a seriously toxic environment for me. I was born and raised there my whole life as they say, and given that I did not have such a pleasant upbringing, every fucking corner held some kind of baggage for me. Until I moved, I was not aware to how dramatic an extent that went. I didn’t realize that I was experiencing flashbacks and major anxiety attacks on the daily, literally, because I had become so accustomed to the sensation of loss of breath, lack of focus, screaming in my head, and all the other fun physical sensations that come along with anxiety because they had actually become normalized for me. I did not know how desperately I needed to get out of there for my own mental health. My sense of identity was so fucked up and skewed that I no longer had a grip on myself mentally, and my self control went haywire. For the first time I’m not basing my choices on my perceived expectations of others - God that feels nice to say. I’m dissociating less and less, and I can feel myself getting better. 
LONG STORY SHORT: I’m starting a new blog along with a new self because hey I can be as cliche as I want to be. For all of you who still maintain interest in following me, my new URL is drfranknflirty.tumblr.com (don’t judge, it’s the first thing that came to my head when I was worn out on trying to be clever) 
I won't be deleting this blog however, because reasons. 
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dirtytracy-blog · 9 years
Oh and also!
Could all you folks who know me please let me know who you are por favor?
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dirtytracy-blog · 9 years
So. I guess I’m back for the time being.
How’s everyone doing?
Oh and I live in Denver now and basically everything about my life has changed dramatically kthxbyeee
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dirtytracy-blog · 10 years
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"I have seen some shit in my day" he said, steadying himself on his cane
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dirtytracy-blog · 10 years
I think I'm done with this site, I haven't been on in a month or so and I went about two pages into my dash and realized how time I voluntarily spend on a site that pisses me off over unnecessary bullshit. In any case, I think I'm not gonna be back for a while, if not for good. If any of you folks who follow me and don't know me personally, I'll check my messages in a couple days, send me a message saying you want to keep in touch and I'll give you my Facebook or something.
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dirtytracy-blog · 10 years
Why is the term “friend zone” so popular when the term “unrequited love” already exists and is more accurate? I suspect it’s because it shifts the locus of responsibility. “Unrequited love” focuses on the person who has the crush. The feelings being discussed are the crushing person’s, thus the responsibility is on them to get over their crush and move on. “Friend zone”, on the other hand, focuses on the crush object’s choices. The phrase erases the agency of the crushing person. All blame for their pain is put on the crush object. “Unrequited love” is something that can happen to both sexes, but “friend zone” is a sexist concept that implies that women are solely responsible for men’s happiness, and not men themselves.
Amanda Marcotte’s post on Feminism | Latest updates on Sulia (via renninflight)
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dirtytracy-blog · 10 years
The perfect gloomy day for writing and ukulele
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dirtytracy-blog · 10 years
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dirtytracy-blog · 10 years
I'm also waiting for a call from one of my favorite professors about a user interface for web design internship. Everything is coming up Milhouse!
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dirtytracy-blog · 10 years
I went on a date for the first time in a long ass time and it went really well and he wants to go on another I'm gonna barf
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dirtytracy-blog · 10 years
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The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
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dirtytracy-blog · 10 years
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Burn drawing exploring geometry and anatomy.  Soldering iron on paper, 2014.  11x14” http://toddryanwhite.bigcartel.com/
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dirtytracy-blog · 10 years
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dirtytracy-blog · 10 years
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This shit better work
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dirtytracy-blog · 10 years
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dirtytracy-blog · 10 years
please reblog this if it is okay to anonymously confess something to you
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dirtytracy-blog · 10 years
My job is now responsible for the term "Stock photo of old people jumping happily" in my google search history.
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