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★ 老竹 | あいしてくれますか ☆ ⊳ gudako / kingprotea (fate/grand order) ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ visit my insta / twitter / blog
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★ 【J】 「 Fujimaru Ritsuka 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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“Don’t worry!~ I always protect Master, even if it means not letting her out of my sight for a second.”
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“… made me madder. Maybe that is what you’ve done, gotten on your poor mama’s nerves to the point that she’s fraught with utmost irritation. But, you’ve also worried me so much… I haven’t seen that adorable face in so long.” Seeing Kazuradrop so innocent brought her emotions to a boil. She almost had the inclination to just scrap and delete the innocent program and start all over. But that would most certainly be a waste.
“Tell me, do you like getting to see your Mama when she isn’t busy with her work?”
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“I’m sorry…” She said in a quiet, meek tone. “I’ll do better–I’ll be better… I’m sorry I made you upset, Mama… And I’m sorry I made you worry, I was with my own Master for a little while, I didn’t think anyone would notice me being gone for that period of time.”
“A-anyway, yes! I love seeing you! Why wouldn’t I like spending time with you, Mama?”
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“Well you know... some of your siblings really aren’t that nice to your Mama. They can be truly ungrateful for all I’ve done for them, such as giving them existence and not tossing them all away in the trash. Letting them mainly do whatever they so pleased without worry.”
“I’m glad you like spending time with me, Kazuradrop. Even when none of the others might.”
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“Its important to set rules, or no one will know there are any boundaries to begin with. Last thing I need is any programs running amok because they think they can do just about anything.”
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“That’s your idea of “playful teasing”? I almost died…Several times. Jeez…Also I hope you’re past the whole “destroying humanity” thing too then.”
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“I’m mostly past destroying it. Shouldn’t that be enough to satisfy you, my sweet Senpai~? Anyways, I’m so glad you were able to survive without fully eradicating yourself. Your Kouhai is so impressed!”
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“Struck out… hug?”
“My poor, poor child… you seem unwell, you’re not acting like your usual self. Is there a reason for that~? You can tell your mama if there is, and she’ll fix you right up.”
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“Well why else would you be mad, Mama? You love Hakuno-Senpai more than the rest of us, right? All I want is for you to be happy, that’s all. If I made you even madder, I apologize…I’m honestly not trying to…”
“As for myself, there’s nothing wrong. Everyone keeps asking me that, but I really feel fine.”
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“... made me madder. Maybe that is what you’ve done, gotten on your poor mama’s nerves to the point that she’s fraught with utmost irritation. But, you’ve also worried me so much... I haven’t seen that adorable face in so long.” Seeing Kazuradrop so innocent brought her emotions to a boil. She almost had the inclination to just scrap and delete the innocent program and start all over. But that would most certainly be a waste.
“Tell me, do you like getting to see your Mama when she isn’t busy with her work?”
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“Maybe not passionate, but its definitely exhilarating isn’t it? You look so cute when you’re running around like a little mouse on a wheel!”
“I guess for me its really exciting to see just what you’ll do next.”
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“….Yeah, that’s definitely why we don’t get along. I’m not that big on being tormented, you know…”
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“Don’t think of it as ‘tormenting’. It’s just playful teasing... if you want we can always get to know each other better without all the experimenting. I wouldn’t mind at all~”
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“Struck out... hug?”
“My poor, poor child... you seem unwell, you’re not acting like your usual self. Is there a reason for that~? You can tell your mama if there is, and she’ll fix you right up.”
bloodsoakedsakura started following you
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“Oh. Look who it is.”
“I’m not sure if I should even be surprised.”
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“Oh Senpai, you know I don’t mean to be terrifying…”
“I’m just very passionate about my work.”
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“Is trapping me in a labyrinth and sending tons of murderous servants, alter egos, and programs after me your idea of passionate?”
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“Maybe not passionate, but its definitely exhilarating isn’t it? You look so cute when you’re running around like a little mouse on a wheel!”
“I guess for me its really exciting to see just what you’ll do next.”
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bloodsoakedsakura started following you
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“Oh. Look who it is.”
“I’m not sure if I should even be surprised.”
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“Oh Senpai, you know I don’t mean to be terrifying...”
“I’m just very passionate about my work.”
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“Isn’t my smile just the best, I bet any Senpai would love a Kouhai with such an amazing smile like mine!”
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“Isn’t my smile just the best, I bet any Senpai would love a Kouhai with such an amazing smile like mine!”
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“Time for Senpai’s beloved Kouhai to have some fun~”
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“Its sad, so sad, so very, very sad... I can’t believe this is happening to my poor, little girls...”
“They’ve all become so.. so...”
B.B. can be heard sniffling, is she sad? Could it be human emotions?
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“... useless.” the sniffling ceases at once.
“I can’t believe it. Do they really think they deserve this? All of them should know better.”
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