“I, too, remember that feeling. You are caught between all that was and all that must be. You feel lost.”
— Haruki Murakami | Hard-Boiled Wonderland And The End Of The World
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“On the throne of the world, any delusion can become fact.”
— Gore Vidal, Julian
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“Human life is but a series of footnotes to a vast obscure unfinished masterpiece.”
— Vladimir Nabokov, Pale Fire
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“Soft, raspberry tinged light, the river, her hair, a deep intrinsic dark and oblivion.”
— Ihor Pavlyuk, tr. by Steve Komarnyckyj, from “Wolf Berries,” (edited)
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We spend our entire lives thinking about death. Without that project to divert us, I expect we would all be dreadfully bored. We would have nothing to evade, and nothing to forestall, and nothing to wonder about. Time would have no consequence.
Eleanor Catton, The Luminaries (via quotespile)
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This is your regularly scheduled reminder that first drafts suck. That’s ok. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad writer, or that you should give up. You can fix it later. Right now, just keep telling your story. Keep writing.
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The only book worth writing is the one we don’t have the courage or strength to write.
Hélène Cixous (via fuckyeahexistentialism)
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Kafka’s goal is not to tell us how we can free ourselves from our chains, but rather to get us to realize that we are in chains—in many cases, to get us to hate the chains that we now love. Kafka’s mission is to demonstrate how the systems of authority in the societies in which we live oppress us, to show us how we all are Gregor Samsa, how we are all K. After all, how many of us have tortured ourselves, bellowing angrily into the deaf wind ’[W]e lived in a country with a legal constitution, there was universal peace, all the laws were in force; who, then, dared seize [us] in [our] own dwelling?‘
Kafka, the Quiet Anarchist (via traumakafka)
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Black and White | Quotes | Art
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The page is long, blank, and full of truth. When I am through with it, it shall probably be long, full, and empty with words.
Jack Kerouac, Atop an Underwood (via quotespile)
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But fake happiness is the worst kind of sadness.
Unknown (via syntacked)
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via weheartit
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“Does man not eternally create a fictitious world for himself because he wants a better world than reality?”
—F. Nietzsche, The Will to Power, §586 (excerpt).
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Here, at the end of all beautiful things.
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