Hello,my name is Yousef Hilles from Gaza. I followed my campaign and was verified by @el-shab-hussein I hope you can help you can help Campaign number(209)
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hopefully they never take away the way you can drag the little post icons around the screen on the android app
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There be devils at work here
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Now we are in Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, My little son is under an oxygen machine to receive oxygen. He cannot breathe normally. Please help us and do not leave my little son alone.
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Save our life's little son, before it's too late
My compaign verified by 90-ghost, north gaza updated and butterfly project line number 406
Please don't hesitate to help us
Donate & Reblog Please
Thanks 🙏🍉
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"Keep the change, ya filthy animal!" with some new directions
Watch the full episode here
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name joke
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hello adam savage calling the mythbusters "ambiguously gay weirdos"
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‏Hi, I am Omar Hilles
‏This is my third account after the other two were suspended
‏I'm fighting for everyone and just want help with my campaign
‏I didn't do anything illegal, I just asked for help
‏I hope you can help me by donating or sharing
‏Hello, my name is Yousef Hilles from Gaza. I followed my campaign and was verified by @el-shab-hussein I hope you can help Campaign number (206)
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Hello, 👋
I hope you are in better condition.
I am contacting you to ask for your assistance. Can you please reblog this post to help me save my family? I'm new to Tumblr and GoFundMe, and we desperately need your support 🙏❤️.
Thank you 🌹
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Hi, my name is Lan I'm a 30yo Australian transfem currently living with family. A lot of you know me from this blog or my sideblog , @virtualgirlafterdark , where I'm a funny little robot girl. Unfortunately it's getting harder and harder for me to be that kind of person, and it's affecting both myself IRL (depression, anxiety, isolation, etc) and who I am here. I don't want to beg or take advantage of anyone, but I could really use some help.
Ever since I moved back in with my family this year after a tough breakup and a couple hospital stays, things have gone from bad to worse and I'm worried about my safety and future here. Everyday I'm stuck with abusive people who don't treat me as human, and the threat of violence keeps growing. Today somebody punched a hole in a door, so now we just have a door with a hole in it. I don't know how much longer I can stay here, and I've been looking for a job but haven't found anything due to how remote I am. My disability payments aren't even enough to live in a shared house, let alone by myself, which would be ideal and safer.
If you enjoy my content you can tip me here and I'll be making a fansly/OF soon and continuing to stream on Twitch and potentially other places. I want to do more, but right now it's just so hard because of my environment. I'm in between meds as well which definitely isn't helping and I'm super overwhelmed and having trouble right now.
Please consider helping by reblogging or donating to my Ko-fi
Current goal is $2500 to cover a rental deposit and move somewhere I'll be safe and able to work from.
Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it.
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Please Share Or Replog Or Donate For My Family 🙏
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homophobes are not allowed to use computers because the inventor of the computer was gay
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how do you always come up with witty responses. will the well one day run dry.
Yeah everyone knows you get worse at something the more you do it.
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