disgrimm · 3 years
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  “I for once, think your laughable.”
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disgrimm · 3 years
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disgrimm · 3 years
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General huffs and keeps his gun pointed at the monster in front of him. He should just pull the trigger, but he knows it won’t kill her.
Moreover, she has a good point. His aura gone, his better weapon destroyed, all is down to his guns, but his body is trembling to the point he needs both hands to aim and keep steady. He really doesn’t know how he’s still standing. To his knowledge he should be dead by now, so what’s the difference if he just shoots and goes now…
“Talk about what?” He huffs, hands visibly shaking. Crap.
  His silence wrote all but cowardice and panic on his forehead. Eyes peer into him, glancing over his very being, he shook so like a Autumn leaf, grasping the branches for utter life when even such as a gentle breeze brushed it.
Her voice carried a stride of clear, loudness. She did not want him to waste a word that left her mouth, she would not be repeating herself today - not with what mess was left before her.  “I’m here to talk about you and how pathetically helpless you’ve grown.”
Aware of how things came, she begun her slow, vulturely walk to him. One step, at a time.  “From what I seen, and from what I know, you’ve suffered a number of losses..truly, and many of those are not because of me.”  In truth, her easy spies led her to so much in learning;  “Not only have you suffered a loss in your limbs - but also in your reputation, your placement and power; no longer to you really hold title as General, having lost not only those who followed you loyally, but the people below you who trusted you. They betrayed your protection and so have your people.”  
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  Pausing to a stop, so few steps away from him, her fingers pressed tips together at her stomache, eyes glinting with the sheer predatory sense behind.  “All that hard work, all that trust and care you put into every move you made, thrown away because they didn’t want you anymore. And now you’re all alone, with noone to..even live for.”
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disgrimm · 3 years
☾ ─── ⋆  “Like, to EAT?” 
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  Sweet, innocent, smelly fool of hers.  “Fornicating, Grover. Fornicating.”
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disgrimm · 3 years
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“Hold up, Witch. I’m going to let you finish, but first let me ask you this: When’s the last time you had someone put your back out, huh?” 
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  “Blowing my..”  A puzzled expression.  “What on Remnant are you talking about? What does my back have to do with animals and insects?”
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disgrimm · 3 years
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  “Okay mortals, it is time to learn of the birds and bees.”
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disgrimm · 3 years
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  Starter Call, any Verse may apply!  -  Capping at 6!!
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disgrimm · 3 years
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  The great Immortal Witch... Sammel..  @reborngrimm​
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disgrimm · 3 years
☾ ─── ⋆ Those words soothe his wounded pride like a balm. The shredded curtains trapping him fall away, and with it, the tension humming through muscles ready to lash out at a moment’s notice. He lays on the floor for a moment, motionless, before he murmurs a quiet “Thank you.”
Pushing himself up to his knees, he still can’t bring himself to meet her gaze as he admits the truth of his predicament. 
“I was chasing a rat.” 
And he hadn’t even CAUGHT it in the end. 
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  He sheds more manner, only earning a careful pat or two on his head to praise his rememberance for it, politeness goes quite a long way, even for she, herself.  “A rat?”  She mimics. Now she comes to recall, out of a pleasant distraction to keep him from rancidly chewing and nawing on her ornaments and furniture, she created small, pliant and quick creatures such as Rats.
  “Don’t be so grumpy, it’s still around.”
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disgrimm · 3 years
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Qrow’s chest was so tight that he felt like he couldnt breath. The cold that radiated off of Salem was worse than any Grimm he’d gotten this close to before. 
But the fear that had hit him so hard in the gut was when Ruby was mentioned. “You leave my pipsqueak alone.” It was meant to be a growl, but came out more as a wheeze.
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  “Alone?”  Eyebrows raise in question, a finger now idly tapping against her cheek, and a small tut, tittering slowly from her mouth.  “Be careful what you wish for.”  Coyly, she smiled - the lie of innocence and broken kindness intently crackling through the malicious truth hidden behind such a demeaor.  “I could leave her, just as alone as her mother was.”
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disgrimm · 3 years
☾ ─── ⋆  It takes a moment to swallow his pride before it slips between clenched teeth. Another moment to ease the tension wound through his muscles before he tries to tear through the curtains further. 
“Yes, please,” he mutters, and those deep scarlet eyes refuse to meet the ones that mirror his own. The faster this indignity was over, the better. 
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  “Good boy. You remembered your Manners this time.”  Slowly, Salem crouched before the troubled beast; hands outstretching to begin unravelling away the curtain from the obscure mess he’d put himself around it.  “Silk is difficult to tear, the heavy threading of it helps keep out light and the cold.”  
Informing him of the fabric he came to despise in the moment, Salem successfully unravelled him, daring not to look at the messy aftermath of tears and broken pieces of curtains splaying about.  “Now, tell me why you were really tangled in them.”
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disgrimm · 3 years
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He scoffed, “Yeah, that figures.” Salem’s red eyes glowed with a look that Qrow was very familiar with. It was not just the malicious hunger and hate of the Grimm. Salem’s eyes gleamed like a cat toying with its prey. As soon as Salem lost interest in him, he was dead. By the time that she’d gotten done playing with him, though, Qrow had a suspicion he’d wished for a quick death.
Keeping her attention on him, however, might mean that the others could gain some breathing room.
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  “Then stand down. I have no interest in seeing you off just yet. I still have priorities, you’re just not one of them.”  Raising her hand to meet the short threads of his fringe, Salem delicately brushed her fingers, to sooth the frizzled locks, before said hand retracted away to cup her cheek. 
  “What was that little girls name, the one who so mirrorly images her mother?”
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disgrimm · 3 years
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    @caeloservare​ ¦¦ ☪
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  “Instead of pointing a weapon at me like a scared little girl, you can be the smart one here. Dying in a stand like this isn’t honorable. It’s just laughable.”  The hinge of threat settled in her tone, yet her stance stayed ever the same, relaxed and coy - clear to mock his own upbringing.  “I’m here to talk, but I’m perplexed to this sad excuse you give to me, for a..whatever this is.”
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disgrimm · 3 years
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    @varnaedhar​ ¦¦ ☪
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  “Look. At. You.”  Words came stilled, yet clear to gain near the attention of the surroundings that bore before them.  “After all I had heard of you, I held such a propositioning respect for you.”  Shallow steps guided the Grimmly Queen to circle the woman much lest to a vulture seeking out it’s next prey.  “How long did you think your game of tag would last, hm?”
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disgrimm · 3 years
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To the surprise of no one, anger was a great way to put some steel in Qrow’s spine. “Bold of you to think that I care what state I end up in.” he growled. “Especially when you’ve already taken most of my precious ones from me.” Qrow made no move to attack, however. He was smart enough to realize that wasnt going to go well.
  “Bold of me?”  A enstilled laugh came audible, hands coming together, fingers threading as now steps took chance to bring herself closer to him, in such a slow, uncaring manner for the expectations of what he may do to her. But only the things she’d felt and dealt with all before.
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  “How kind of you, to think so inclusive of me. I know all about Dear Ozma and his little children following your tails, do get me very wrong though, it’s not as if I know how important that are.”  A phantomed smile broad its way when her steps came to a halt, an idle index finger gentle tapping against the her wrists.  “I’m being quite nice. I could kill you here, but then again. There’d be no fun in watching them follow the place of your so called ‘ Taken Precious ones. ‘”
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disgrimm · 3 years
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One more for the night. I gave Salem a Segway, I have no excuses, your honor
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disgrimm · 3 years
Harbinger noticeably shook in Qrow’s hand but he didnt back down. There was nothing he could do to this woman, but his entire life had been standing in her way. He couldnt back down now.
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“I have some notes, if I’m honest.”
  Such an amused hummed chuckle flowed through, tips of fingers pressing to each other while she leered down toward him. He shook so like a leaf, clearly frightened.  “Now, now, don’t do that. I pose no threat here. I’m just spectating.”  Ravishing, it was - to see a former man who so pliantly worked for Ozpin, shaking and attempting all his very brave wits.
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  “Not unless you’d like your precious ones to see you in pieces, or worse. I mind not of which.”
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