"And so, ladies and gentlemen, the moment I have been personally waiting for arrives. The first round of the tournament will start in a bit. Let's see which characters you have submitted!"
The sky enveloping the enormous arena lights up, revealing two figures on the respective ends of the fighting grounds.
"First off, weighing roughly 190 pounds, and with a reputation as a cool-headed sorcerer killer, we have Toji Fushiguro, from Jujutsu Kaisen!"
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"In the other corner, weighing around 150 pounds, probably, we have the pseudo Australian Sniper, from Team Fortress 2."
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"Looks like this will be a fight against two cold blooded assassins. What thrill! However, don't think you're job here is done just yet."
As the figure speaks towards a barely fathomable audience, a panel starts to rise upwards."
"This thing right here will allow you to vote for a contestant. Use it however you may prefer, but have in mind that whoever wins will receive a 'blessing' of sorts, gaining an advantage in the upcoming match."
"That should be everything. See you all in a bit!"
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"Alright then, it seems our debut contestants are almost ready."
The figure stands on top of his creation. Once a desolate plane, the structure now resembles a large plaza with clay-like terrain, and an artificial lake in the middle.
"We should soon begin the first combat. This will probably be a short tournament. A proof of concept, if we will... But I'm sure it will be most enjoyable regardless."
And then, after a while, the lights surrounding the scenery go off, for a single moment, as if to prepare for the first bout...
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Suggestion chamber instructions:
You may submit any character from any media you like, just make sure to specify the name and franchise.
You can submit OCs, but take have the following handicaps in mind:
Every information provided about the OC will be taken as literally as possible.
Resulting contestant will be based only on what's given in the suggestion. The rest of the information will just be assumed to be the blandest possibility available.
Any OC too powerful will be given drawbacks automatically.
And that would be about it, see you when the slots are filled.
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Somewhere along this plane, constructed mainly by fractals and shards of what once was, the widening of green fluorescent lights marks the begining.
Preparations are in order, as the area starts to clutter with visages of the distant.
"Why, this is the perfect place. The vastness of this land will soon be reshaped, in order to host my long awaited project."
A figure wafts on top of it all. Their expression is hard to read, yet one could distinguish a gleam of excitement.
"However, there cannot be a proper tournament without some contestants, am I right?"
The figure shifts direction, as if to look at someone in particular. There's no one to be seen, yet it seems to be enough for them.
"I'm sure someone will take care of that for me. Choose wisely, will you?"
And just like that, we are led to an interlude.
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