“Yeah, that truly is a brilliant idea.”
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“Fine, hand it over.”
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“Dude, where they came from is of no consequence, do you want one, yay or nay?”
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“It did? Well, as far as I’m concerned it didn’t.”
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“I didn’t know the school allowed visiting parents throughout the semester. I might jump in Underworld soon enough.”
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“Well, neither do you. It was just a phrase.”
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“You don’t look like you could successfully hurt anyone. But I’ll laugh when you try.”
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“Yeah, no. It isn’t.”
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“I’m sorry, but it’s so funny.”
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“Lives, honey.”
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You wake up with fragments.. in your hair?
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“Yeah. I wasn’t planing on actually murdering anyone.”
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“If you could not murder people, that’d be great, yea?”
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“I’m an incarnate.”
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“Yeah, I know that.”
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May I ask why exactly you’re waking up with flashbacks in the first place?
And as for murdering someone, I don’t think that’s the best coping mechanism out there.
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“I’m an incarnate. I remember my past lives.”
“…Is that a common thing for you? Casual time travel flashbacks as you sleep?”
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“I swear to God, if I wake up with another Elizabeth the First flashback I will murder someone.”
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Specialties: Animals of magical origin, including ones in human form. Ex. Dragons, unicorns, hell hounds, phoenix, sphinx, ect.
Fighting Style: Claire was never really a fighter, and never wanted to be. Claire’s ability to stay alive comes from a strong wit, and quick thinking to get her out of tricky situations, so the ‘real’ hunters can come in after her. Despite her claims otherwise, if she is forced to fight, Claire is excellent in combat, and can take on creatures stronger than herself, using quick strikes and never standing still long enough for them to land a blow. 
About Claire: When Claire was 8 years old, her father was killed by a demon. Her mother, even though she had no supernatural background, quickly picked up the game of hunting, and drug Claire along with her. Claire, however, never wanted to be a hunter. Claire liked the finer things in life, teas parties, fashion, school dances, and gossiping about who likes who. Tearing apart the insides of monsters that hide under the bed was never on her to do list. She understand what the hunters do is important, and she feels sorrow over her father’s death, but the taste for vengeance she sees in most hunters’ eyes has never haunted her. Sometimes she feels guilt over the fact that she never wanted to hunt down the demon, wondering if something was wrong with her for not feeling that same spark as her mother.
Unfortunately for Claire, getting out of the hunting world is much more difficult for her than most. Glamour has never worked on Claire. She seems everything as it is, and sometimes as more. Even if there are no defining physical characteristics, Claire instantly knows what species everyone is, including sensing drops of supernatural blood from centuries ago in humans and hunters alike. It is a highly coveted gift, that Claire would love to give to anyone else if she could. Claire just wants to be a normal teenage girl, and would do anything to make her mother understand. The only redeeming factor Claire feels for “gift” is her ability to sense supernatural animals. An animal lover herself, she can’t help but love winged horses, and multiple eyed cats, even if they do represent the world she is trying to escape. Claire signed up for BATS as a last resort, an attempt to escape the hunter life, even if it is to be surrounded by monsters. Maybe there she can find some kindred spirits and get to live life almost the way she wants it. She is determined to make this peace work, and to not discriminate against anyone by their species, no matter how bizarre they might be. 
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“Lucky you. I wake up every day with more fragments of my past lives. It’s exhausting.”
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I swear I spend every morning brushing leaves out my hair.. I think I need to downsize my plant collection.
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