dismas-dumbass · 9 months
Alias: dismas
Pronouns: any
Timezone: est
What are you most looking forward to?: honestly i'm legit excited to see how the time loop works and how it'll affect characters each and every time!
Any plots you're hoping for?: i'm a huge sucker for blossoming friendships and romances -that maybe~ also sever and schism due to revelations and tensions and whatnot~ (but seriously a group of people awkwardly coming together to try to solve the mystery is *mwahh*)
Favourite book, show, movie: house of leaves by mark z. danielewski aayyyy who wants their brain scrambled into spaghetti??
A song you would like on our site playlist: (ngl been listening to quite a few aaaahhh what to choose???) uuhh maybe hide and seek by klergy??
Your favourite gif: https://media.tenor.com/PZiy4RNZZPwAAAAM/tim-curry-space.gif
(if the gif still doesn't work it's the tim curry space one hfbfbdjdjs)
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dismas-dumbass · 2 years
Alias: dismas
Pronouns: any
Time zone: est
Favorite plot tropes: (god i suck at this it's always the same bunch of things hfbdnkdks i swear i have more ideas y'all) friends to lovers, messy family situations, mortal enemies, doubting sanity, going to the ends of the earth to find you
What would you like to see on site?: dem spookiness vibes gimme all the weirdness of penumbra pls & ty
What kind of character are you hoping to play?: a guy looking for his twin brother and winds up in ishkar -has major "i am a grown ass man do not yell at me or i will cry" vibes and overall is a pretty gentle soul (tho he is a bit of a conspiracy nut so uh there's that lol). just wants to see his brother again and won't stop until he does or he drops dead, whichever of the two comes first
What is your favorite fantasy book from childhood?: there's a few but i wanna highlight redwall 'cause you can never go wrong with mice ppl (and like 50 books or something seriously there's a lot of books hfhfndjsk)
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dismas-dumbass · 3 years
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Every day I’ve got a smile where my frown goes
A couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
I take ‘em with me to the grave with a suitcase
Maybe I could be a different human in a new place
okay idk if this’ll even be the general vibe of the request i’m just listening to the song on repeat atm pls halp
ohai again it is i, dismas, coming at ya with another request! this one’ll be a lot more vague & open since??? what are even ideas but the gist is that there’s like 4-5 Witch sisters who look very similar to each other -to the point they can be mistaken for another one- yet have different age ranges. and, uh, guess they’re just trying to survive the scene that is Magnolia, Witchy Edition so there’s that. i have some suggestions below the cut so if anything sounds interesting whatsoever gimme a poke on Discord (you can access me thru the OUT server but i’m dismas#9766 if you’re not in there yet)
CW: Mentions of death and/or murder
so, as i said, this is all going to be pretty open because i don’t have that strong of a concept yet but lemme put down at least what i have so far in the coconut shell that is my brain:
Concept: This witch family is probably, more than likely, going to be Magnolia-born. They’re probably not gunna be cousins or an off-branch of a famous family or w/e so there’s that to work with but they do know their stuff. I guess. I’m thinking a bit more lighter vibes than darker ones but it doesn’t mean they can’t be vicious/vindictive (picture: a game of Never Have I Ever -with booze maybe- and the question comes up of ‘Never Have I Ever Killed Someone”; all the sisters drink whatever it is that they have, even the one asking the question. Y’know, sisterly~ vibes). Also doesn’t mean they all have to be sunshine and rainbows! Could have attitudes or something lmao. Also also doesn’t mean each one can’t be dealing with their own issues that maybe they haven’t exactly disclosed to the others yet! Hell, maybe they get tangled up in something along the way and the sisters have to deal with it somehow. I imagine they are fairly close to one another though how they express this could vastly range from sister to sister. Oh, also, to beat a dead smack a sleeping horse, they all look pretty similar in appearance -to the point that people may confuse them with another sister. Some sisters may take advantage of this, other sisters may not; again, might depend on how each sister is and how comfortable players are with different plots!
This is obviously a rough draft ‘cause this’ll be character #3 (hfsbfdsfj) and I won’t be making her until the site opens. But! Uh, there ya go.
History: As I mentioned, they’re probably going to be Magnolia-born. Whatever happened to their parents hasn’t been thought of but the fact that they aren’t mentioned or around probably means they’re dead. Could have been natural causes -could have been unnatural~ causes. But, either way, the sisters are each other’s support systems and they’re fine (enough) with each other. I kinda like the idea that they all live super close to each other: think, even, they all have little cottages to themselves but they’re right next to each other, forming a small and cozy cul-de-sac with plenty of trees, plants, flowers, and cobble steps up to their houses. Maybe they go over to each other’s places for dinner -could even go over to just chat or talk about things. I don’t think they have a family business of sorts so they’ll probably have different careers (but! I’m open to the idea!) and thus different schedules.
#1. Oldest Sister. 39-49. Queen. FC Suggestion: Jaime Pressly. Open.
As the oldest, she’s probably had her fair share of helping raise the other sisters. Probably has given her a bit of a motherly complex -fussing over the wellbeing of the others. Doesn’t necessarily mean she’s always willing to put up with any shenanigans and may try to keep everyone in line but who knows lol. Overall, has a bubbly personality and a can-do attitude.
#2. Second Oldest Sister. 28-38. Queen. FC Suggestion: Emma Stone (blonde hair vibe for this request rofl). Open.
Also a bubbly personality, the second oldest sister has a positive outlook on life. Cheerful, easy-going, but naive. How she hasn’t stumbled across something atrocious in her life is anyone’s guess -or has she?- so she could be considered lucky. Doesn’t necessarily mean she’s super innocent or or hasn’t done a single bad thing in her life though she is, for the most part, a kind individual.
#3. Third Oldest Sister. 26-36. Queen. FC Suggestion: Margot Robbie. Open.
Probably the most level-headed of the bunch, this sister takes a more cautious approach to her craft. Could mean she keeps an eye on anyone trying to use magic in front of Those Who Don’t Know -might just mean that she’s leery of any newcomers at all. Probably the one to stand in between any arguing parties to try to bring reason into the equation, though it may just be that she doesn’t like fights breaking out (especially between her sisters).
#4. Fourth Oldest Sister. 24-34. Queen. Potential FC: Samara Weaving. Played by Dismas.
Think major Wednesday Addams vibes -maybe with less black clothing. Has RBF quite often and will not hesitate to stare someone down if she doesn’t like them. Might also not hesitate to kill them if she wants to has to, either. The first one into the fray and the first one to grab the nearest axe in order to get dirty. Probably has the highest body count among the sisters, idk. At the end of the day, it might be her family vs. the world and she’s putting her family first every single time.
#5. Youngest Sister. 21-31. Queen. FC Suggestion: Emma Mackey. Open.
Sarcasm her language and attitude her game, this sister probably is the most quick-witted of the bunch. She’s often off doing her own thing and not caring what others think, much to the chagrin of her older sisters. Maybe underneath it all there’s an earnest person waiting to be discovered but, maybe, she’s just going to be like this. May often hang out with the fourth oldest sister since she could be the “least annoying” of all of them lol.
Ps: like with mostly anything i do, a lot of these are just suggestions/ideas lmao. if you have any yourself we can definitely talk about it! i’ll be keeping the sister age order around the same but, tbh, if you want yours to be younger or older than another (probably? besides the oldest) then that’s totally fine. also! concerning fcs i do sort of have them “set in stone” since they all look alike buuuuuuttt if you have another 4-5 actresses who look alike enough to be mistaken for one another feel free to let me know and we can see about changing details and whatnot. (also also, if you really wanna use a fc suggested but not for one of the characters send me a message i can definitely alter the concept of this and not hog any fcs that anyone wants to use)
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dismas-dumbass · 3 years
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Why didn’t you stay away?
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dismas-dumbass · 3 years
this is absolutely amazing ty for making this hfhrnkdke
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i haven't seen a 2021 netflix template so i made one myself lol
please reblog if downloading
fonts used: helvetica neue regular, bold, and italic
everything highlighted in red is optional/deletable
please credit me if you use my templates!
feel free to ask me any questions
i might make additional add ons to this :)
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dismas-dumbass · 3 years
it is they, the goofy gabbers
“You don't get explanations in real life. You just get moments that are absolutely, utterly, inexplicably odd.”
A group of native-Magnolian close friends with personalities loosely based on the members of Mystery Incorporated in their mid-to-late 20’s who know there is something odd about their hometown–and they want to be the ones to uncover it. Mystery hunters, conspiracy theorists, scholars of the paranormal–but completely and utterly ordinary; with the exception of one (1) friendly ghost.
inspo taken from scooby doo, from buzzfeed unsolved, from phasmophobia, from marble hornets & blair witch project. Feel free to reach out on discord [mevvs#2648] if you wanna play ball <3
THE PRODUCER - Remington Chamberlain
The frantic founder, he’s convinced that Magnolia is being prepared as the site for an alien invasion. Obsessed with uncovering the truth of the town since he saw an apparition in his youth–he runs recklessly into abandoned houses with little care for his own safety. Finds the gang places to check out, drives, and is generally just a cheerleader for the gang. He’s an idiot–but a lovable one, at least.
CO-HOST #1 - Reserved
The rational one, who lays out the straight facts. Think the Shane Medaj of the thing–conspiracies are not real, and there must be some kind of sensible reasoning behind all these strange occurrences–right? So why are they involved in the first place? One reason: the clout. They aspire to fame, but how the hell are you going to get famous when you live in a town like Magnolia? Everyone loves a good ghost story–right?
CO-HOST #2 - Open
Funny and laidback, they have the perfect personality for hosting–any other podcast. Their cowardly nature has them jumping at every little thing, meaning they get all of their information funneled to them through Remy. Why’s that a bad thing? Well, they confidently spew his conspiracy theories on the air, much to the chagrin of the rest of the crew. So what was that strange mist in the woods? Vapor trails, or regular old fog? Don’t expect this podcast to come to a decision.
Someone on this team needs to have a little brains, and that’s where the researcher comes in. An expert on the paranormal, they try their best to convince the rest of the team that their opinion is the right one–and it usually is, even though they are most often ignored. The one who remembers to bring all of the ghost hunting tools to the jobs. The responsible one, like the person who mans the cameras back in the truck in Phasmophobia.
THE SPOOKY - Reserved
Even the dead want to have a little fun, right? A spirit from a home the crew has investigated in the past who now gets their kicks following them around to make strange things happen. They love hearing the different rationales behind their pranks–and love casually “bumping” into the crew when they are corporeal. Probably watches them while whispering the lyrics “Part of Your World” to themselves.
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dismas-dumbass · 3 years
me every day:
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Magnolia, South Carolina is a place most people are dying to leave. Others are dying to find what it offers: peace, salvation, solitude. Woven in between the trees, buried under miles of earth, are secrets in languages few remember. Tucked under tongues and in the pages of books, words will soon come to light. And for a town that has never faced a reckoning in its life… well, the arrival of the FBI is about to change all that.
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dismas-dumbass · 3 years
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ohai this is a more detailed(tm) request for the Hamptons + two extra characters. i have a few ideas for ‘em and all but tbh a looooottt is super flexible. if anything below the line sounds good or if ya have any ideas yourself gimme a poke on Discord -i’m dismas#9766 lol
CW: Mentions of death
Summary: In the grand scheme of things the Hamptons are an insignificant family who live in Magnolia. Whether they have a lot of roots or not is anyone’s guess but Mama Hampton is still going strong despite being in her seventies so that’s good? Her husband has been dead for at least a few years now and she’s letting the once-nice house her kids and her live(d) in to rot though, still, she’s alive. Which she clearly can’t say as much for said husband. She’s got six kids in total with various age ranges and they have quite a few reasons to not like each other (they may love each other, though -except Jason, of course. He just doesn’t like anyone besides himself). Who those kids are and what they’re doing with their lives now is up in the air at the moment but one thing’s for certain: Jason returning to town probably doesn’t bode well for their lives remaining uneventful.
Concept: So, uh, this is pretty much a request for the Hampton fam! They’re not necessarily poor folks but they’re not necessarily rich either -especially nowadays- so whatever degree of comfort they were raised in might depend on the sibling’s opinions. Jason thinks his family is white trash but, then again, Jason is the type of person who thinks fine dining is the only dining experience okay he will eat fast food but he will NOT be happy about it, no siree i have the idea that all the siblings live at home for whatever reasons; they may like being close to family, they may be trying to help their mother out, they may be falling on desperate times (cough Jason cough) though they’re now there and, well, it’s cramped. Bound to be arguments about who ate the last of the leftovers or why, for God’s sake, is the house freezing? Maybe even arguments about someone taking something they shouldn’t have from another. Family is family, however, and that means they’ll love each other no matter what.
Also there’s two additional characters who are sort of attached to the family that I have and they’ll be described in their sections lmao i am not good at summarizing whatsoever
History: Not as much to say currently since there’s a lot left open but, at the very least, Mama Hampton has been living in Magnolia all, or almost all, of her life. How she met her husband and father of the kids is left up to the player but they’d been married for a while before Papa Hampton passed away a few years ago. I kind of have the idea that some of the kids are surprise! kids due to the vast age differences so that might play into how they’re treated and whatnot as well. Besides that, the Hampton residence used to be kind of nice looking but it’s been decaying ever since Papa Hampton died and Mama Hampton is refusing to do anything about it. Cue the kids living there as well for various reasons -perhaps to help restore the house somehow. And, of course, now Jason is back because of a totally bs reason (aka he claims a criminal or someone nasty is after him after a court case didn’t go in their favor, when in reality a major court case didn’t go in his direction and he blew through most of his money) which may make things interesting since, probably out of all of them, he’s the most likely to get himself into trouble as he tries to make his money back.
Oh, and, the house is right next to the woods but that’s probably not an issue. Nope. None whatsoever.
Family Members:
#1. Mama Hampton. 70-75. Pawn, Bishop, or Knight. FC Suggestion: Sigourney Weaver. Open
Mama Hampton is a flighty spirit. Kind of goes with the flow of things -drinking a wine cooler at 8am in the morning, wears bedazzled sunglasses, tells embarrassing stories about her kids to others with said kids in front of her, that sort of thing. She’s a good person overall, maybe, but she wasn’t necessarily a good mother. Papa Hampton probably had to pick up the slack a little bit since she was a bit more hands-off than she should have been though her kids came out well, right? They’re alive at least.
Ever since her husband’s death she’s been letting the house rot though the reasoning behind it hasn’t been said. Is it depression? Willful ignorance? Maybe something else entirely? Who knows but at the very least her kids are here and she loves them. In her own special way.
Some ideas could include her past: who was she before she met her husband? Is she from Magnolia? If not, what was she doing and how’d she find herself here, of all places? I also have the idea that she favors just a little more who she considers her Oops! children which I’m thinking are her eldest son, Jason’s younger identical twin (not sorry Jason), and the youngest daughter. Not that planning is really in her vocabulary but, at the very least, she was expecting the others. Maybe she works as a waitress at a diner? Has a bit of that energy I guess whatever that means lol
I have the idea that she’s quite religious (read: is a Christian) but it could be more of a front than anything else. Why? Who knows! But outwardly she’s the type to go to church every Sunday and attend church on the Holidays, along with maybe an additional day or two. Bonus points if she “mixes” Bible quotes or stories up and acts like nothing is wrong.
One more idea I had for her history was that she was in love with someone before she met her husband but that person died beforehand -could be her reasoning for going to her husband? To Magnolia, if she’s not originally from there? Cccoooullldd be somehow tied into the husband’s death~ and perhaps all is not as it seems after all.
#2. Oldest Hampton Son. 50-52. Pawn or Bishop. FC Suggestion: Toby Stephens. Open.
The oldest Hampton child was probably a mistake -born when Mama Hampton was in her early 20s- but she took the birth in stride. Overall, he’s pretty much the opposite of her: organized, reliable, and a hard worker. His stoic nature means that he’s the one to look up to when trouble comes running ‘round the corner… if the other siblings actually listened to him, anyway. His need to prove himself comes off as maybe a little bit of a control freak but, hey, when you’re raising your siblings maybe they need that. Again -if they ever listened.
Could be cautious about what happens to the others? Maybe worries after them and tries to set strict guidelines that nobody pays any attention to since they’re all adults and they can do what they want? (Even Mama Hampton, ouch). He’s, probably, a good man overall -cares about his family and his community. I imagine he might be in law enforcement of some sort though, of course, there’s plenty of other jobs that allow for him to help out when he can. Might be suspicious of any weird people or activity but might not! Or might be but covers it with a nice smile and a firm -if a bit too firm- handshake.
What’ll happen to him as events occur in Magnolia is absolutely open though I imagine he’s not going to be happy one bit. Especially when it affects his family.
#3. Jason Hampton. 44. Defense Lawyer. Pawn. Michael Fassbender. Played by Dismas.
Jason is… well, not a good guy. Greedy, selfish, an asshole -the whole nine yards. Sure, he’ll act smooth or coy when he’s trying to get something he wants but make no mistake: money and power are the only two things he cares about. And himself, of course. His family knows the truer version of him but whether they like him varies still probably. He certainly doesn’t like them. Yet, he’s “forced” to stay at the house since he blew through most of his money and lost a big case. Pride goeth before the fall, eh?
Mostly, the first chance he could get out of Magnolia he took and went to law school. Came back for visits every so often -the last time was for Papa Hampton’s funeral. But, the thing is, it seems like he’ll be back for longer and that could prove to make things… interesting, to say the least.
Plots of his may bring trouble to the household depending on who he interacts with and what he does. Doesn’t help that he’ll aid the highest bidder, even if said highest bidder is a horrid being, and that could spell danger. Might also not. Who knows! Either way, he’s bound to try to make an impression on others which may drag the others into a conflict they weren’t ready for.
#4. Jacob Hampton. 44. Bishop or Knight. Michael Fassbender. Open.
Poor Jacob. Younger identical twin of Jason Hampton, always in the shadows. When they were children Jason would drag him all sorts of places in the name of popularity and adventure. Except when it came to the woods -Jacob was the one to prompt them going in there and Jason was never happy about it. Something along the line of “giving him the creeps”. But Jacob was more happy there than he was anywhere else. He still is, now, but he was happier in the forest back then too.
Nowadays Jacob could be a little different but definitely does not have the bombastic attitude that his older twin has. More quiet, more contemplative -but cunning. And, unfortunately for him, bearing some sort of gift the others may or may not share (well, Jason doesn’t). Whether Jacob is fully aware of what he has or wants to try to ignore it to the best of his ability is up in the air. He won’t be able to ignore it forever, though.
He’s absolutely not pleased with Jason being back -and back for a while, it seems- though the level of dislike is open. Could it just be an annoyance? Might be a feeling of danger coming along with Jason. An omen, even. But probably not. Maybe. Either way, Jacob is dreading the day that Jason will try to drag him into whatever mess he’ll create for himself. It’s bound to happen; inevitable, even.
He could do something concerning forestry as a career (maybe even share the same job as the younger brother? Which is open btw it’ll depend on what you or the other player choose lol). Mostly, he tries to live a peaceful existence but neither twin nor the town will let that happen to him. Not only that, but could be concerned about the state of the forest itself depending on how things go on the site -might have to decide between that and, well, other people including family.
Because they’re identical, they share the same fc (Michael Fassbender) but I imagine Jacob is a lot scruffier than Jason is while Jason is more clean-shaven -and makes fun of Jacob for his appearance since… err, he’s an asshole, really. Now, what this could mean is that either one can pose for the other but, let’s be real, Jason can’t imitate anyone else to save his life. So it could bring in some interesting plots if Jacob does try to pose as his older twin. Whether he can get away with it is another thing entirely.
Oh! A character that’ll be listed in the Other People section is a childhood best friend of both Jason and his -kind of think the whole thick as thieves, doing everything together sort of friends except Jason left so it’s just the best friend and Jacob now. The issue is, mainly, that Jacob is secretly in love with the best friend while the best friend is in love with… Jason. And Jason is in love with himself so this is an absolutely messy situation that’s bound to blow up in their faces in one way or another. Whether Jacob knows said best friend is in love with Jason or not is open but it could make it especially tragic if he does know.
I aallssooo have an idea with said best friend, Jason, and Jacob concerning something they found in the woods when they were a kid. Could be something unexplainable -could just be a dead body- but whatever the situation it has left a sort of uneasiness on all three’s minds. Jason tries to ignore it, of course, though now that he’s back in town the circumstance they were in could sprout up again in some way. What’ll happen to them with that is left to be seen.
#5. Youngest Hampton Son. 40-42. Pawn or Bishop. FC Suggestion: Aaron Paul. Open.
Probably the better of the Hamptons, the youngest Hampton son is an easy-going sort of man. Likes people, likes doing things -especially likes his hobby. He tries to see the best in people and doesn’t like to judge; Papa Hampton always said that everyone’s got something good about them. Well, whether that’s true or not remains to be seen but at the end of the day this sibling just wants people to get along. Which they may not necessarily do. At least he’s gullible to believe this is the case? And maybe too oblivious for his own good, even.
A bit of a Mama’s boy, maybe, though Mama Hampton loves all of her children equally (except maybe more for the Oops! ones, idk). He enjoys staying at the house with everyone else since that means he can be close to family. And, well, despite liking people and stuff maybe the big wide world is a scary place that he’s still not ready to tackle just yet. Might explain the hobby that he enjoys a lot -maybe to the point of obsession- though maybe having a strenuous manual job could be the reason too. Said job could be the same one that Jacob Hampton has but that’s something that the other player can consider, the job being completely open btw.
One detail about this Hampton is that he’s in a serious relationship with a man -who’ll be talked about in the Other People section- and they seem to be in love. Probably have dated for a few months to a year now though could have known each other for a little while longer? The boyfriend seems to support his hobby while the others are… maybe weirded out, or just worried. But, overall, they seem to be happy with each other and not much seems to be threatening them to break up (maybe much to the chagrin of the younger Hampton daughter and Jason, who kinda think the boyfriend is hot lmao).
The hobby is completely open but a suggestion is video games! What kind, however, is up in the air i didn’t think this far out dhkshfkusdhfksdh
#6. Younger Hampton Daughter. 33-37. Pawn, Bishop, or Knight. FC Suggestion: Rose Leslie. Open.
The younger (or oldest, depending on how you frame it) Hampton daughter is definitely a firecracker. Impulsive, sarcastic, and indifferent to the people around her, she’s sort of a nice reflection of her older brother Jason -too bad they don’t get along. Well, unless she wants something and tries to sweeten up to him, much to his annoyance. And that’s usually something expensive since she knows, or at least assumes, he has the dough to pay for it. Probably is like this with others too but who knows. Just don’t get on her bad side: she’s known for being a vengeful, petty individual and it doesn’t matter who the person is that pissed her off. She’ll get her way.
May try to sneak off in Jason’s nice car since she wants to drive it around but he won’t be having any of that -since she could very well wreck it for all he knows. Maybe she will just to spite him.
Could also find something about him to perhaps “blackmail” him into getting her stuff. Could have done it in the past too but this time it might be significant -maybe even more significant than the truth of why he’s back in Magnolia. Uh oh.
She maaaaayyy also get tangled up in a situation where she pisses off the wrong person and gets in trouble. Or, alternatively, someone could piss her off enough that she’ll be that trouble and create an entire mess that the others have to help with. Turns out Jason isn’t the only one who may be causing commotions.
Also, is kind of jealous of the youngest Hampton son for having a hot boyfriend. Like, how dare him? (she and Jason can bitch about this as they’re watching the happy couple from a distance -and then get into an argument over who has the “rights” to sleep with said boyfriend if they ever got the chance to)
#7. Youngest Hampton Daughter. 25-30. Pawn, Bishop, or Knight. FC Suggestion: Willa Holland. Open.
If the younger Hampton daughter is a reflection of Jason, the youngest daughter is a reflection on the oldest son. Reliable, stoic, and hardworking -but maybe not as strict. She values her family greatly and wishes for everyone to be happy, perhaps showing a more idealistic outlook on life. She has no qualms being the first into the fray and getting a situation handled before anyone gets hurt though whether she succeeds is an entirely different factor. Sometimes you can’t save everyone.
Could work law enforcement or in a similar field as the oldest brother, inspired by him to take up the career as well. She loves her job and wouldn’t trade it for the world (unless, of course, something bad happens at the job… would she willing to quiet?)
She’s a lesbian so what I was thinking was maybe she has a crush on someone -could be a friend or could be a coworker- but maybe is too shy to tell them??? so it’s just quietly and respectfully looking at them from a distance ty very much ;^;
Other People:
#1. Younger Hampton Son’s Boyfriend. 40+. Pawn, Queen, Bishop, or Knight. FC Suggestion: Shemar Moore. Open.
So! Details are pretty much light on this guy but the overall gist is that he seems like an upstanding, genuinely nice & reliable guy. Loves his boyfriend, aka the younger Hampton son, and supports him in his hobby of whatever that is. They’ve been seeing each other for a few months to a year now and there’s no sign of them splitting up. They could have known each other for longer, though, but probably not too much longer. Whether there’s more to this guy or whether their situation changes as things move along on the site is completely open!
Also, he may or may not be aware of the fact that Jason and the younger Hampton daughter think he’s attractive and wanna sleep with him haha. May just be a whole “gunna ignore them making comments about me” sort of thing.
#2. Childhood “Best Friend”. 42-46. Pawn, Queen, Bishop, or Knight. FC Suggestion: Hugh Dancy. Open.
Who doesn’t have a childhood best friend? Well, both Jason and Jacob certainly did -thick as thieves, they were. Went all over the place together (mostly places Jason wanted to go) and did everything together. That kind of friendship. Of course, some things aren’t forever and after high school Jason booked it out of Magnolia to go to Law School. He came back from time to time over the years and I imagine they hung out but, for the most part, Jason may not consider the best friend as much anymore.
But, unfortunately, the best friend considers him: the poor man is secretly in love with Jason. To the point where he tends to ignore Jason’s worse flaws and believes that maybe, one day, Jason will love him back. Slightly awkward since Jacob is the one in love with the best friend and not Jason. Is the best friend aware of this? Maybe, maybe not. Could be discovered along the way as well. Who knows! Messiness!
I kind of figure this character is more of a follower than a leader -could be reliable and good-natured but maybe willing to do things to appease another (hint hint Jason). The plot could be exploring the best friend’s attempt to win Jason’s favor and the things, some unfortunate, that he does in order to accomplish this. Perhaps even changing himself in the process. Could be an exploration of him starting to realize that Jason is honestly just not a good guy and maybe he needs to look elsewhere (which, doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll go for Jacob). It’s definitely all open and more!
Also, I had the idea that maybe the three of them, when they were kids, found something in the woods. Whether it was something unexplainable or something as simple as, say, a dead body is entirely open but it’s left its effects on them. Jason tries to ignore it, of course. However, with him back maybe the situation comes up again in some manner and they have to deal with that, and perhaps their pasts, somehow.
Ps: I’m pretty flexible with a lot of this information so don’t hesitate to reach out if you have an idea that isn’t really talked about here! That includes fcs: besides Jacob (since he’s an identical twin of Jason), all fcs are flexible! Or if you want the fc but not necessarily the character just lemme know lol i can definitely find someone else!!
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dismas-dumbass · 3 years
ohai i am here with plots and requests hfjfkdkjshsjs if anything sounds interesting below gimme a poke on Discord (i'm dismas#9766)
Character #1- Jason Hampton, 44, Defense Lawyer, Pawn, Michael Fassbender
Jason Hampton is pretty much what'd you expect from a guy who thinks he's king of the world: hotshot, arrogant, full of himself, and a cocky son-of-a-bitch. While he was born in Magnolia, he took the first chance he could get to leave town and head off to law school. And no, he didn't go because he felt great love for the justice system. He's been back from time to time over the years, the most recent being to attend the funeral of his father. Overall, love him or (especially) hate him: he's a bit of a character. He's back in town now and is claiming something along the lines of needing to "lie low" due to some big criminal person after him when a verdict didn't go their way. In reality, he himself lost a big case and blew through a ton of his money -so, essentially, he ran back home with his tail between his legs. Just don't bring the whole lost case thing to him he will get pissy or do, pls
some plots include:
Anyone involved with the law -other lawyers, attorneys, police i guess, etc. He's technically never did anything in Magnolia concerning his job but some people do know about what he does. However, for those who don't like him and are in the field, they may be concerned that his name has shown up as working in one of the local firms now.
People who knew him from his childhood! He was a major brat and liked to claim his family was "very important" even though the Hamptons... aren't (later on in life he claims that his family are behind the Hampton hotels despite there being absolutely 0 evidence for this -and the fact that this is absurd). He was a loudmouth and a bully of sorts so whether he did have all that many friends is up in the air. He left Magnolia when he graduated high school so any connections during the years after could have been maintained, in a way, or they have decayed.
Anyone looking to have him on his side. Now, granted, he's just a human and a person who doesn't give that much of a fuck about anyone besides himself but someone with a lot more power and/or money may have a use for him. Also, as much as he says he has strong willpower, he'll cave entirely if he can get something that he wants.
Mama Hampton, 70-75, Pawn/Bishop/Knight.
Oldest Hampton Brother, 50-52, Pawn/Bishop
Identical Twin, 44, Bishop/Knight, Michael Fassbender
Younger Hampton Brother, 40-42, Pawn/Bishop
Younger Hampton Brother's Boyfriend, 40+, Pawn/Queen/Bishop/Knight
Younger Hampton Sister, 33-37, Pawn/Bishop/Knight
Youngest Hampton Sister, 25-30, Pawn/Bishop/Knight
Childhood "Best Friend", 42-46, Pawn/Queen/Bishop/Knight
(i have basic ideas and fcs for these requests but i'm pretty flexible overall on how things can play out!)
Character #2- X, 24-26, Is a ghost unless that pays bills too (what bills?), Rook, Indya Moore
also *coughs* made a bigger request here if ya want more details!
Character #3- X, 24-34, X, Queen, X (Though I do have an idea of who I might wanna use)
They're going to be The Spooky for @mevvsplays request! details pending cause time is cruel & i still gotta chat with 'em about that rip
Don't have as many ideas for this character, especially since I won't be able to make them until the site opens, but I have the vague concept of Witch sisters who look similar but are of different age ranges. They're all Magnolia native and they're trying to navigate day-to-day life in the small Southern town. Could? have some drama depending on how plots and events on the site though I'm also open to anything you might have in mind as well! (Same with fcs; I have an idea for each sister that is sort of set in stone buuuuttt if you suggest another set of fcs that look really like each other then I'll definitely consider it!)
Oldest Sister, 39-49, Queen
Second Oldest Sister, 28-38, Queen
Third Oldest Sister, 26-36, Queen
Youngest Sister, 21-31, Queen
as with anything i'm open for pretty much any sorts of plots and my requests are absolutely flexible so if you have anything in mind feel free to talk to me about it! <3
some plots include:
Having to deal with the toils and troubles of being a witch in Magnolia. Keeping secrets from the general human populace is okay enough but that doesn't mean she won't have quarrels with others of her kind. Sort of like politics but on a lesser scale.
The sisters all look alike so unless you stare at them for a few, know them, or can just tell them apart there's bound to be some mix-ups. Some of the sisters take advantage of this, some won't -it'll depend on the direction of the characters [may talk about it if I ever make a request before the Discord opens and/or the site opens lmao]
Character #4- X, 50, Priest, Bishop, X (have an idea but will be making this character on the site lol)
This'll be a revamp of a much older character of mine but! pretty much! he's a soft-spoken man who's afraid of his own shadow. Kind of think Catholic guilt personified (even if he might not be Catholic but another denomination rofl). Southern Gentleman vibes as well, I guess, though overall he's not a bad person. He does have an ability of some sort [ability pending 'cause the one he had with his first iteration was vague af and I dunno if that'll translate well into this setting] and he's not... exactly aware of it. Of course, he may have to come face with what he is -maybe even the town itself.
some plots include:
Other clergy in the church! I haven't decided which one he's at yet but if you have any in a specific one lemme know I am fine with p much and of them lmao
Might have it so that he's from out of town -been living in Magnolia for a bit, of course, but before then his history at churches could be spotty. Not entirely due to his actions, of course, but maybe due to "strange circumstances" -read: supernatural- that caused him to be shuffled from church to church. Someone could find this out (he's pretty secretive about it though so you probably won't get it from him) and have some questions since that is definitely weird tbh
If someone, somehow, finds out that he has an ability maybe there's a way to exploit it? He most certainly won't -if or when he comes to term with what he is- but who knows! Maybe what he is will be useful and, unfortunately, he is a bit naive to think that someone wouldn't befriend him just to use him like that.
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dismas-dumbass · 3 years
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dismas-dumbass · 3 years
name: dismas
age: 28
timezone: est
favorite play-bys: so i tend to use the same fcs and i'm trying to branch out :'D i adore a lot of them tho!
tell us about your character ideas: this is a revamped version of what i had back when i was on CWT but pretty much a hotshot defense lawyer who's returning to his hometown after he claims he's having to lie low due to, idk, maybe a criminal being angry at him back in The Big City. the truth is that he blew through most of his money and the last case he was on was not in his favor so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
favorite horror movie/tv show:  Haunting of Hill House! (also i am very terrible with watching stuff lol)
a song that should be on the of unholy things playlist: so???? slightly weird but when i was searching for the song you guys used in your trailer i found And so it begins by Klergy (then i opened up the trailer in YouTube and found the actual song) and i think this one actually fits as well haha
what would you like to see from us? tbh i'm just pretty giddy about writing with the lore again since it was absolutely amazing
a gif of your favorite fictional character: (okay the last gif didn't work y'all get the Countess now)
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(love Darkest Dungeon, as you may be able to tell jdjdjjshsksk)
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dismas-dumbass · 3 years
name: dismas
age: 28
pronouns: any
favorite supernatural/spooky media? ooooooo tbh I have too many that I suddenly can't remember something something brain is goop but some more recent faves of mine is The House of Leaves by Mark Z Danielewski and The Haunting of Hill House show!
what’s a plot you’ve always wanted and never gotten to write? uuuhhhh tbh a ton I guess tho???? i'd love to write a, more or less, "best friends where one is actually in love with the other but woops! the other best friend is oblivious" sort of thing lol
favorite faces? <.< >.> okay I am a bit shamefulless in that I tend to use Michael Fassbender on most sites I'm on lmao but!!! i have been branching out with more faces!! & one of them, Indya Moore, I'd love to use more often!
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dismas-dumbass · 3 years
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Andrew “Andy”, “Drew” Phillips | 38 | Human | Unemployed
TW: Death, Homelessness
Andy’s the sort of guy who can keep a smile on his face even when facing death. He hasn’t entirely yet, of course, though he has come close too many times to count now. He’s an adventurous sort of individual and if he has any fear in his bones he definitely doesn’t show it. Perhaps a little too loud and a little too boisterous for his own good. He also… doesn’t think well -more of a ‘shoot now and ask questions never’ person. Doesn’t mean he can’t carry a conversation but just don’t ask him how to do long division or what the state capital of Massachusetts is, he probably won’t know.
Plotting Opportunities
Pals- So, Andy’s the type of guy who is open and friendly and pretty responsive towards people befriending him. He was actually raised in Salem -having moved there when he was around five and strong-arming his way (in the Human sense) into a friendship with Lachlan and Maura- so there could be some who knew him before he left right after the Witch Revolt started to occur. Those who do know him may know that his entire family was killed during that time period which sort of has left a sour disposition towards those of the Witchly variety ssshhh don’t tell him about Lachlan and Maura. But! Besides that! He’s pretty a-ok with all Humans and all other Supernatural creates so feel free to befriend this chaotic himbo!
Danger- Andy’s the perfect storm of being recklessly stupid. If there was a sign that said Do Not Enter he would still go in because he can’t read he doesn’t care. He’s probably going to get himself in trouble more often than not as well as pissing some others off (especially those of the Witch variety since, uh, he kinda doesn’t like them since his whole family was killed during the Witch Revolt). He’s not necessarily always confrontational, instead going with remarks about the different things and people he sees, though that doesn’t typically save him from doing something or saying something dumb.
Homelessness- So, he doesn’t admit it but he’s homeless and without work; an unfortunate collision between a hot-headed personality and being a Human in a Witch world. As such he’s going to be sleeping wherever he can; crashing on couches, huddling in abandoned buildings, sleeping on benches, etc. How he has the money to buy things is anybody’s guess though it could be some pocket change from when he still held a job elsewhere. He… may be a little too dumb to try to steal from anyone, tbh. Either way, he keeps a tight lid to his friends about his predicament and usually tries to wave away his visits as just ‘wanting to sleep over for the evening’. He’ll probably have confrontations with people who catch him lingering in places, however, so whether he can keep this a secret forever seems unlikely.
Aaaahh rinse repeat 4 days pls poke me if ya have plots before the Discord for the site opens! (dismas#9766 specifically!)
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dismas-dumbass · 3 years
This is a request for Mireille’s assistant, (placeholder name) Sebastien! A lot of who and what he is has not been set in stone yet so there’s a lot to work with! If any of this interests you I can be found on Discord (my ID is dismas#9766)~
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TW: Manipulation, emotional abuse
Sebastien, for lack of a better term, is Mireille’s assistant who assists her on her various conquests and schemes to get new shiny things. How long he has been said assistant for has not been said though it’s been probably for quite a while since Mireille does allow him to help with things such as scouting out new possessions to steal, researching different people and areas, finding the right kind of disguise to wear in a certain situation, etc. (which isn’t usually a thing she does; she prefers to get to her goals on her own). What species Sebastien is also hasn’t been said though being a Human or Werewolf may prove disadvantageous simply due to how they are treated in society -but they’re not off-limits! What his personality is as well is completely open though the main factor I’d like to have is that he follows her every whim and order due to being in love or at least infatuated with her. She’s… not the nicest person to deal with if you’re actually dealing with her and not a persona she’s put up so it’s not necessarily going to be a pleasant experience being her assistant. Why he sticks around, however, could be a testament to his love for her or it could be something else entirely. Who knows!
Ideas- I don’t have too many specific ideas at the moment concerning his background though something I was considering was that they’ve known each other for quite a while now. Perhaps she wasn’t always like this? Sure, maybe she always had big dreams and wanted just as big material possessions to placate her needs but that doesn’t mean she was always a selfish person. Could have been the strain of years that did her in; could be the fact that she liked the results when she was more manipulative and deceiving? Perhaps she was more of a vigilante at first, working her way from poverty in a world that wanted to keep her hidden for she was a witch, but succumbed to her own greed? Okay, a ton of words to simply say, ‘She may have been a better person back then but now she’s not’ which could be the motivation for Sebastien sticking around: maybe he wants to try to help her find her way again but is genuinely unsuccessful since she’s in too deep in her own disguises now. Whether there’ll be a point where he says enough is enough is unknown though it could happen, eventually, maybe.
This ad’s a little more vague so I apologize for not having as much to it but I’d love to flesh out the concept, as well as the history and personality, a lot more with you! I have Michiel Huisman in mind for the face claim but! I’m not terribly picky so if you have someone else in mind go right ahead!
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dismas-dumbass · 3 years
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Mireille Lapointe | 36 | Witch | Cat Burglar Socialite
TW: Manipulation
Mireille is a woman of many faces; who she was is irrelevant as far as she is concerned, she’s only interested in who she can play as now. Her cons mostly involve her stealing precious valuables as well as getting as much money as possible though there are times where she’s been in influential positions across the world that has had her achieve power. Mostly so that she could get the precious belongings she was vying for.
Currently, she’s posing as a socialite from France named Mireille Lapointe. Her surface reasoning for visiting Salem is that she’s always wanted to visit and has wanted to pay homage to one of the major locations where witches were persecuted in the way past. Her actual reasoning? That’s up in the air but it could be something like a powerful artifact -maybe she doesn’t give a fuck about the entire Witch or Human situation whatsoever and just wants to take advantage of being able to blend into upper society. Whether she’s successful in her ventures or not is also unknown at this point.
Plotting Opportunities
Socialites- Certainly, there’ll be other people of influence, power, and riches that she can mingle with! Her background as Mireille is complete bullshit but unless someone goes digging nobody will probably be the wiser as to this being the reality. She’s also pretty adaptive to her surroundings as well as manipulative so any suspicion cast her way she can dodge with relative ease. For now, she’s enjoying the benefits of what being at the top brings her and she’s still keeping an eye out for any additional prizes she can claim as her own.
Underworld- She likes her contacts for when it comes time to get what she wants and, of course, this typically means more unsavory company. She doesn’t mind doing favors for others as long as she can get something out of it in return -you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. But be warned: try to double-cross her and she won’t hesitate to try to bring hellfire down upon you. If there’s one thing about her, it’s that she can hold a grudge pretty well. 
Cat and Mouse- Could just be one person -could be several. Whatever the case, perhaps there’s a person who is a contemporary to Mireille; someone who’s a little more aware of who she is and what she plans to do. Could also be a hapless soul who’s stumbled upon her plot and, inadvertently, is messing with it somehow. Maybe it’s someone vying for her attention and thinks the best way to do it is to accomplish her goals for her, much to her chagrin. She doesn’t like outsiders meddling in her affairs so she probably won’t be too receptive to this, either way, though it could be a fun way to keep her on her toes!
Woops it’s 4 daaayyss before the soft opening but if you still wanna plot feel free to give me a poke on Discord! (dismas#9766 specifically)
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dismas-dumbass · 3 years
Ohey! This is a request for both Theodore’s twin brother + the bed and breakfast he currently works at! There’s a ton of words under the cut but a lot of it is very flexible since I still haven’t gotten to his app yet woops~ If anything seems interesting whatsoever you can give me a poke on Discord (my ID is dismas#9766)!
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Request #1: Left-For-Dead Identical Twin Brother
TW: Death, Attempted Murder
Theodore’s not the only Hughes around -there’s his twin, who is missing at the moment. People don’t know where he went and what happened to him though it could be chalked up to ‘Humanity’s going through a shit time right now’. Aka Humans are not the ruling species anymore. It’s been a few months since he’s been around and there have been those who are probably worried about him though Theodore claims to not have seen in in a long while now.
The truth? Theodore tried to kill him. Went into the woods late at night, tried to murder his twin, couldn’t finish the job for whatever reason, and left the other for dead. Hasn’t spoken a word of what he did to another soul and for probably good reasons. 
So, what happened? What’s this ad about? Well, it turns out that the twin didn’t die after all and is now back! But woops a werewolf seems to have found him before said return and now the twin’s a werewolf as well! What will happen now, especially since the twin is armed with information that nobody else knows about, is up in the air. Whether the twin will be merciful, in a way, towards Theodore or if he’ll be vengeful is also up in the air. More than likely, though? It’ll probably be a variation of the latter.
Concept-  The concept of this ad & the plot is loosely based off of the short story/comic by Emily Carroll called His Face All Read (said story can be found here, for reference). Pretty much the gist of the story is that a man is jealous of his brother due to his brother having more things than him, having a better life, and being more well-liked by the others so he killed him -only for said brother to return later on but come back wrong. Nobody else noticed except for the brother which just causes all sorts of anxiety and worry, especially when the brother discovers where his brother goes during the night.
So! The general plot idea for this whole thing is that Theodore has always been the reserved and quiet twin and the other the more loud, adventurous, and friendlier one. There’s something to be said about missed opportunities as well as great risk comes great reward that can apply here in some fashion. Theodore has always been jealous & envious of his twin but why that is hasn’t been said yet! Just, overall, Theodore doesn’t like his twin -and it got to the point where he attempted to murder the other, didn’t get all the way through for whatever reason, and left him for dead. The twin survives, however, and gets bit by a werewolf for his troubles, and now has to figure out wtf to do next.
Ideas- Their background is fairly open at the moment! I had the idea that they were born and raised, as Humans, in Salem so that’s all Theodore’s ever known at the very least. That means some folks’ll probably know him, as well as the twin, in some capacity -whether they remember Theodore himself, however, is another thing entirely. They didn’t have a glamorous childhood, living in an averagely-sized house and had adequate parents. Though, uh, maybe they focused on the twin more than Theodore woopsie. I had the idea of them having passed away before the Witch Revolt but nothing’s set in stone about that to be quite honest. Nothing’s been set, either, for what the twin has been doing up to the point where Theodore tried to kill him. I had something in mind that the twin is/was maybe a part of The Resistance which could be a tiny bit awkward since he’s been gone for a few months now so what becomes of that is unknown.
There’s a billion and one reasons Theodore could be jealous/envious of his twin. Could it be due to how much more popular the other one is? How more well-loved he was by their parents? Maybe it could even do with love? Maybe the twin had found someone (a man in this case since Theodore is gay) and Theodore was never able to win due to his shy and reserved nature. Does that mean he was successful afterwards? Probably not. He didn’t want to seem suspicious and so just comforted the partner in the best way he could: not doing all that much besides say a few things. Could even be a combination of things? Was there something that was the straw that broke the camel’s back? Or, perhaps, was this an inevitable circumstance that Theodore couldn’t avoid forever?
Of course, there’s the actual encounter in the woods itself: I have the idea that it was way after 10pm, so after the Human curfew, so the two of them had to have motivation for being out so late without getting caught. Maybe Theodore made up a lie to get his twin out there? Maybe the twin had a real reason for heading out and Theodore took advantage of that (or, maybe, the situation of attempted murder was far more spontaneous and not pre-meditated)? Whatever the case, Theodore wasn’t able to go through with the actual murder -whether it was due to nerves, feeling sorrowful, a guilty conscious, or an outside distraction is yet unknown- which was how and why the twin was able to survive despite Theodore leaving the other for dead.
And… now what? Does the twin linger around, starting to cause subtle and not-so-subtle trouble for Theodore out of revenge? Does the twin plot in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to get back at him? Is he more up front, forcing his way back into Theodore’s life and being a constant presence (maybe in a way to cause Theodore to snap and confess his sins? Maybe just to mess with him?) -perhaps to the point where the twins now have to share the same living space since, more than likely, the twin lost his own since he was gone? Would there be any room for forgiveness or even sympathy for what Theodore has done? Who knows! There’s bound to be at least some consequences for the attempted murder, inside or outside influence otherwise.
I do have one sort of strange idea that the werewolf that bit the twin sort of just… hangs out with him afterwards. Kinda think an awkward roommate situation where the werewolf is all ‘So, uh, sorry about the whole biting you and turning you into a werewolf as well thing. Besties?’ Could even be a little bittersweet where they’re now their own werewolf pack! Even if it actually doesn’t work that way -it’s the thought that counts, right? The werewolf’ll probably be up for any shenanigans the twin has in mind ‘cause it’s just nice to have someone stick around for once, yeah? Doesn’t mean the werewolf will have the best of manners nor will “people” well so there’s some stuff to deal with concerning that also. (I also have Boyd Holbrook in mind for said werewolf but this is the vaguest of suggestions lmao it’s not a requirement).
Tbh, the only thing really set in stone besides the basic plot idea is that the face claim for the twin is Michael Fassbender since they’re going to be identical twins (so! potential shenanigans concerning mix-ups abound!).
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Request #2: Bed and Breakfast
This is pretty much a general ad for the bed and breakfast Theodore is currently working at! The idea I have is that he’s been working there for ages -probably right out of high school since he knew the owners and didn’t have a lot of aspirations in life. At this point he knows the place like the back of his hand despite a lot of changes that have occurred to it over the years. This is especially concerning the fact that the bed and breakfast has changed hands at least twice within recent history (aka the owners that Theodore joined under were no longer in charge as of the Witch Revolt though what happened to them has not been really thought out). Somehow, despite being only Human, he’s been allowed to stick around which may seem like a blessing, given the current predicament of Humans in the world, but now he sticks out a little too much. The other Humans who had been employed to the business over the years have gone -some perhaps more violently than others- and that leaves him as the sole one left. There are now supernatural folks working at the bed and breakfast so how they view Theodore working there is completely unknown as well as open!
The idea I have for the new owner is that she’s a Witch somewhere in her 20s -perhaps somewhat newly out of college? The general feel is that she’s somewhat new at running a business so she can get a little lost sometimes with the whole operation of it all. She does have a great design sense, transforming the bed and breakfast from a more traditional one to a modern, perhaps more cutesy, destination that supernatural people stay at or visit when in Salem. Overall she's not a bad person though she can seem initially short and dismissive of people, especially with Theodore -since he’s, well, a Human. He suspects the only reason why she still has him employed is due to the fact that she doesn’t know where everything is in the business but doesn’t want to be bothered finding out (thus, he is the next most convenient in solving this issue). Whether that’s the truth or if there’s more to her motivations is completely open tbh! I was imagining her having an Asian face claim but that’s definitely not a requirement!
The overall history and workers are entirely open so besides Theodore working there for a long time there’s plenty of stuff that can be added!
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dismas-dumbass · 3 years
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Theodore Hughes | 43 | Human | Bed & Breakfast Employee
TW: Attempted Murder
Overall, a quiet and reserved person. He's the type of individual who prefers to blend in with the wallpaper rather than be in the spotlight. Does he always get what he wants, though? More than likely not.
He’s currently working at a bed and breakfast, having been there for years upon years now. He’s the only current Human still present and he suspects one of the main reasons he was still able to keep his job is because his boss, the newer owner of the business, didn’t know where everything was (and couldn’t be bothered to learn all of that). He does stick out a little bit due to what he is plus the bed and breakfast has gone from a traditional one to a more modern, albeit cutesy, sort of destination -for supernatural creatures, mostly. He tries his best to keep his head low and avoid any confrontation with the various guests and coworkers roaming about at all points of the day.
However, he’s really not helping his situation of “staying under the radar” by recently attempting to kill his twin brother -and then leaving the other for dead. 
Plotting Opportunities
Locals- Theodore was born and raised in Salem, Massachusetts, so Humans and Supernaturals alike could know him. He hasn’t changed much since his childhood so there’s not much to catch up on, really. Whether folks like him or not is another thing entirely though those of the Supernatural variety probably don’t look upon him so favorably, due to him being a Human and all.
Troublemakers- Theodore’s… stoic? More reserved, perhaps, but the sentiment still remains: he’s a man who’s difficult to get emotions out of. At least openly -catch him hyperventilating in a corner somewhere because of a strenuous situation or his brother’s supposed death. Keeping a straight face in the, well, face of adversaries must attest to something but there could be those out there who want to see him crack. Perhaps just out of pure entertainment, maybe due to something more. Whatever the case, he’s probably not going to have a fun time.
Suspicions- Theodore’s a quiet guy but maybe he’s been a little too quiet lately. And with good reason: he’s still trying to cover up, and get over the fact, that he left his twin for dead out in the woods. How and why he hasn’t been caught yet is anybody’s guess but there could be at least one soul out there who notices slight shifts in his behavior (including but not exclusive to: getting less sleep, one moment getting distracted more easily, another moment being very well aware of who is about and what his surroundings are, occasionally dropping things due to shaking hands).
I know it’s like 4 or so days before the soft opening but if y’all wanna plot beforehand my Discord is dismas#9766!
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