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Hey, a while ago I called you fat. I just wanted to apologize. I’ve recently gained a lot of weight and now I’m fat, too. Definitely wouldn’t appreciate it if someone called me fat.
Fat bitch
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Truthfully posts should steep in your head for like months and be released when they reoccur to you in clearer terms
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can "one's own thing" ever be wholly divorced from the pathological? artists have occasionally forsaken the sacral SSRI or lauded it in the case of most bedroom artists (personally rn) . isn't any behavior deleterious enough able to considered pathological? should the pathological be stigmatized if harming no one else?
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Entamoeba hystolica. And I’m NOT gonna say it again
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UK 1998
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Hello I’m bshaer from gaza I lost everything my home was destroyed iwas born my first baby girl Ayla after her father martyred
Please help me and my child to get food and drink
Vetted by; @nabulsi @el-shab-hussein
@schoolhater @neptunerings @appsa
So please, I am speaking to the human inside you. Please help me and my child survive this war and do everything you can to help me through this 🙏🙏💔
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part of what makes even non-gruesome images of current Palestine so difficult to witness is the ability of a massive group to quickly build and persist in encampment development and even decoration ... IN ADDITION TO performing amateur or expert debridement or amputation or breathing in inane amounts of N95 resistant dust without consistent access to clean salt-free water in most cases . NPR recently feigned to care about Kiev (knowing it's a large stalemate waste of money for Butch Queen Putin et al.) and the wartime citizens suffering from... mental health issues. like say schizophrenia. just use diagnoses for shock. shock is all this disgusting system has left and the after effects of MKUltra were highly abstract and difficult at first to correlate to the constant anaesthetization we are under at a societal level to keep us at "baseline"... to resist "bipolarity" all these words themselves appended to only stringent enough of a diagnostic criteria to be billable by even the least compassionate, single-case agreement type of insurance... also known as obamacare
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How can we bear to live here? 🍉♥️Help me and my children get out of here. We are dying every minute from the high temperature and lack of food and water. Donate to us even 10 or 20 dollars. It would make a difference in our lives. We need it as soon as possible. Don't forget us. Thank you for your humanity and standing with us. We are praying for you. The link is in our CV. https://gofund.me/dd0fac71
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Asaji Muroi
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what arterial plaque
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Okay making bearnaise sauce for dinner every night perhaps not the most forgiving on the old arteries
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Being perfect is boring, being fucked up is fun
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