Trade and Customs in Vietnam
Navigating the modern environment of international business requires companies that engage in the exchange of goods and services across international borders to be ever vigilant in addressing customs and import controls laws, including those related to border and supply chain security. ANT Lawyers trade and customs practice works to ensure and optimize our clients’ cost- and time-efficient shipment of goods and services across borders, within the confines of the law.
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                                  Customs Lawyers in Vietnam
We represent clients who engage in such diverse fields as:
-Customs brokerage, express delivery, freight forwarding, logistics and sea and rail transportation
-Apparel, beverages, consumer electronics, cosmetics, food products, footwear, home furnishings, luxury goods and paper products.
Businesses often overlook the fundamental importance of accurate tariff classification and appraisement as sources of potential duty savings and necessary compliance for imported products. These are the “nuts and bolts” of any sophisticated customs and import controls practice, and our Customs lawyers in Vietnam are well versed in this complex body of law to maximize duty savings and minimize customs penalties.
ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam with customs lawyers in Vietnam always follow up customs cases and its development to update clients on regular basis.
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What is Statute of Limitation for Initiating Legal Action According to Arbitral Procedures?
Arbitration law always set the the limitation period for request of dispute resolution. This means that the law applies a specific period for parties to bring the dispute to the arbitration. According to law on arbitration 2010 (“LOA”), unless otherwise provided by specialized law, limitation period for initiating legal action according to arbitral procedures is two years from the time of infringement of lawful rights and interests.
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There is no regulation in arbitration law regarding consequence of expiration of limitation period, but Civil Code 2015 (“CC”) stipulates that: “if such time limits expire, the right to initiate such legal action shall be lost”. Arbitration council shall not resolve expired requests, which means council shall not judge which parties is right or wrong. Therefore, enterprise needs to request within the statutory time limits in order to be resolved. If not, the request shall not be considered although there was request and related fees. In addition, it should be noted that the Court only applies time limits regulation at the request of a party or the parties provided that such request is filed before the first trial court of first instance makes a judgment, a decision on settlement.
However, there has been cases of non-applicability of limitation periods. Specifically, a limitation period for initiating legal action for a civil case shall not apply in any of the following cases: (i) Request for the protection of personal rights not associated with property; (ii) Request for the protection of ownership rights, unless otherwise provided by Civil Code or relevant laws; (iii) Dispute over land use right as prescribed in the Law on land; (iv) Other cases as provided by law. For instance, dispute over reclaiming deposited property is under case of non-applicability of limitation periods. Specifically, deposited property still belongs to ownership of depositor although the property had been transferred to depositary and reclaiming property is a measure protecting the right of property ownership, while dispute over the protection of ownership rights is under case of non-applicability of limitation periods.
In practice, the time between the time period of filing a lawsuit and the time period of infringement of lawful rights and interests can be longer than two years if there is time periods excluded from limitation periods for initiating legal action or there is re-commencement of limitation period for initiating legal action.
The time period during which one of the following events occurs shall be excluded from limitation periods for initiating legal action: (i) An event of force majeure or other objective hindrance which renders the person with the right to initiate legal action for a civil case or make the request not able to do so within the limitation period; (ii) The person with the right to initiate legal action for a civil case or to make the request is a minor or a legally incapacitated person, a person with limited cognition and behavior control or a person with limited legal capacity, and does not yet have a representative; (iii) The representative of a minor or a legally incapacitated person, a person with limited cognition and behavior control or a person with limited legal capacity has not yet been replaced in case that the representative being natural person dies or the representative being juridical person ceases to exist or in case that the representative, for good reasons, cannot continue his/her representation.
The limitation period for initiating legal action shall re-commence in any of the following cases: (i) The obligor has acknowledged part or all of its obligations to the plaintiff; (ii) The obligor has acknowledged or fulfilled part of its obligations to the plaintiff; (iii) The parties have become reconciled. The limitation period for initiating legal action for a civil case shall re-commence from the date following the date on which the above event occurs. Having said that, it is important to consult with dispute lawyers in Vietnam for the effective dispute resolutions should dispute arise.
Arbitration lawyers in Vietnam at ANT Lawyers - Law firm in Vietnam with accreditation in national and international arbitration practice could help providing legal advice in disputed matters, and guide the clients throughout the process. The arbitration lawyers could also advise the clients on various matters from choice of arbitrator, choice of arbitration rules, ad-hoc or institutional arbitration, place of arbitration, enforcement of arbitral award.
with accreditation in national and international arbitration practice could help providing legal advice in disputed matters, and guide the clients throughout the process. The arbitration lawyers in Vietnam could also advise the clients on various matters from choice of arbitrator, choice of arbitration rules, ad-hoc or institutional arbitration, place of arbitration, enforcement of arbitral award.
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Requirement on Sending Notices in Arbitration Proceedings in Vietnam
What are Requirement on Sending Notices in Arbitration Proceedings in Vietnam?
Dispute resolution methods are litigation, negotiation, mediation and arbitration. Handing disputes requires litigation law firm with dispute lawyers in Vietnam having experience and knowledge to provide resolutions to complex cross-border issues, commercial and civil disputes.
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                                           Arbitration Lawyers in Vietnam
According to Article 12 of Vietnam Law on Commercial Arbitration, unless otherwise agreed by the parties or provided by the arbitration center’s rules of proceedings, the mode and order of sending notices in arbitral proceedings for dispute are specified as follows:
Each party’s written explanations, correspondence papers and other documents shall be sent to the arbitration center or arbitration council in sufficient copies so that every member of the arbitration council and the other party has one copy, and one copy is filed at the arbitration center;
Notices and documents to be sent by the arbitration center or arbitration council to the parties shall be sent to the addresses or to their representatives at the correct addresses notified by the parties;
Notices and documents may be sent by the arbitration center or arbitration council directly, in registered or ordinary mails, by fax. telex, telegram, email, or other modes which acknowledge such sending;
Notices and documents sent by the arbitration center or arbitration council will be regarded as having been received on the date the parties or their representatives receive them or if such notices and documents have been sent to addresses or to their representatives at correct address notified by the parties;
The time limit for receiving notices and documents shall be counted from the date following the date such notices and documents are regarded as having been received. If the following date falls on a holiday or day off under regulations of the country or territory in which the notices and documents have been received. This time limit shall be counted from the subsequent first working day. If the last day of this time limit falls on a holiday or day off under regulations of such country or territory, the time of expiration is the end of the subsequent first working day.
Arbitration lawyers in Vietnam at ANT Lawyers - a Law firm in Vietnam with accreditation in national and international arbitration practice could help providing legal advice in disputed matters, and guide the clients throughout the process. The arbitration lawyers could also advise the clients on various matters from choice of arbitrator, choice of arbitration rules, ad-hoc or institutional arbitration, place of arbitration, enforcement of arbitral award.
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What cannot be registered as trademark?
A trademark has to have one basic feature that is it should be unique and create a brand identity for a product. So if a trademark is such that does not create any brand for a product can't be trademarked. A trademark should not be a conflicting trademarks with others. It means the trademarks should not create confusion between two trademarks. In general:
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                                   Trademark protection in Vietnam
-Generic words can't be trademarked. For example you can't trademark the words like TV, Fridge, scooter, car etc. -The names of the cities and countries can not be trademarked. -The names of Gods and Godesses and the names of religious books can not be trademarked. For example you can't trademark *Lord Ram* or *Ramayana* -Surnames can not be trademarked under normal circumstances. For Example you can't trademark *Sharma* -Names of Constitutional Posts or Government posts can't be trademarked. For examples you can't trademark *Prime Minister of Vietnam -Words which denote illegal or Immoral acts can't be trademarked. For example you can't trademark *Let's cheat* or *Let's grope* -Words which are prohibited under names and emblems act can't be trademarked. For example, you can't trademark the official sign of Government of Vietnam.
Hope this helps!
Source: Quora ANT Lawyers - IP services in Vietnam located in the business centers of Hanoi, Danang, Ho Chi Minh city. We provide convenient access to our clients. Please contact our lawyers in Vietnam for Trademark registration services in Vietnam via email [email protected] or call our office at +84 28 730 86 529.
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