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Asi Burak is disrupting how we think about playing games. Asi makes video games. But he’s not content making video games that are just entertaining. He wants to make games that are powerful enough to end conflicts and solve some of life’s greatest challenges. His new book with co-author Laura Parker is “Power Play: How Video Games Can Save the World”.
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Susan Cain disrupted how the world thinks about introverts. Her best-selling book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking and The Quiet Revolution now help businesses and schools rethink how they serve people of all temperaments. As a writer, Susan actively seeks out questions and topics that might lead her readers to uncomfortable places.
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Garry Ridge is the CEO of WD-40. He has served in that role for more than two decades, repeatedly disrupting the processes and the culture inside a company that’s best known for a selling a can of oil that silences squeaks. You don’t have to look hard for evidence of his company’s success. Try naming any other can of grease.
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Episode 12: https://soundcloud.com/disruptyourselfpodcast/episode-12-marco-rosamilia
Marco Rosamilia is a small business owner whose clients are occasionally terrified of the service he provides. He co-founded a trapeze business with his brother in New York City, then added a location in Arizona. He’s in the business of helping people overcome fear. The challenges Marco and his clients face offer some fascinating parallels for how we think about disruption.
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There is something to having just enough success that you don’t do the really hard work to change as much as you need to change. I think this is true for people and I think this is true for companies.
Meredith Kopit Levien, The New York Times
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One day in 2015 Patrick Pichette woke up and realized he no longer wanted to be the chief financial officer at Google. He didn’t want to be an executive at all. What he really wanted to do was spend time with his family, enjoy the outdoors a bit, maybe find out whether or not he had a marathon in him. So he disrupted himself with a letter he posted online detailing the leap he was about to take and off he went.
What are you doing to disrupt yourself in 2017? Share your plan with Whitney on Twitter and tune into the next episode to hear what Whitney has planned.
Subscribe on iTunes: https://itun.es/i67F8t8
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Stacy London is a stylist and fashion consultant who made her name on television as the co-host of the TLC reality series "What Not To Wear". The job was rewarding but it eventually left her feeling burnt out, so she quit. Her planned return to TV has proved challenging on a number of levels. One of them is age and the uncertainty that comes with getting older. 
Tweet your takeaways: twitter.com/johnsonwhitney
More conversations with disruptors: disruptyourselfpodcast.com
Subscribe on iTunes: itun.es/i67F8t8
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In the early 1980s, Bernie Swain left his dream job at a young age to work in a closet with his wife. Their goal was to create the Washington Speakers Bureau. The agency has since represented several presidents, prime ministers, and bold-faced names -- clients he signed with a handshake. Bernie Swain’s new book is “What Made Me Who I Am”.
Subscribe on iTunes: https://itun.es/i67F8t8
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