districtdaily · 7 years
ICE Raids Conducting “Military Operations”
February 24, 2017
Trump touts recent immigration raids, calls them a ‘military operation’ 
“President Trump on Thursday celebrated what he called “a military operation” to round up and deport undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes or caused violence in the United States...
White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump used the phrase “military operation” as a way to describe how the raids were being conducted, not to suggest that they are being done by the military.
“The president was using that as an adjective,” Spicer said at his Thursday afternoon news briefing. “It's happening with precision … The president was clearly describing the manner in which this is being done.”” Washington Post
Bannon dismissed the idea that Trump might moderate his positions or seek consensus with political opponents Washington Post
Other Stories of Note:
I Was a Muslim in Trump's White House. The Atlantic
Spicer: Expect to see 'greater enforcement' of federal marijuana law. Politico
Scientists discover 7 ‘Earthlike’ planets orbiting a nearby star. Washington Post
FBI refused White House request to knock down recent Trump-Russia stories. CNN
Bathroom Case Puts Transgender Student on National Stage. New York Times
Best from Late Night:
“At his rally on Saturday, Trump suggested there was a terror attack in Sweden that didn’t really happen. And then the Swedish Embassy asked the State Department for an explanation. You know things are bad when the country that makes Ikea instructions is totally confused.” — JIMMY FALLON
“His aides would not confirm that Trump played golf each time he went to the course. Sure, he could be on the course for any reason. We know he loves making fun of people’s handicaps.” — COLBERT
https://youtu.be/A-HUbdEAxo8: Stephen Colbert suggests Washington Post’s new sub header “Democracy Dies in Darkness” beat out “We called out Nixon...Who Wants Next?”
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districtdaily · 7 years
Fake News is the “Enemy,” a 2020 Campaign, & Nothing Happened in Sweden
February 19, 2017
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Trump Calls the News Media the ‘Enemy of the American People’. New York Times
“Donald Trump is demonstrating an authoritarian attitude and inclination that shows no understanding of the role of the free press,” he added. Historians pointed out similarities between Mr. Trump and Richard M. Nixon, who in 1972 told his national security adviser, Henry A. Kissinger, “The press is the enemy.”
Republicans Speak Out on Freedom of the Press After President Trump Calls Media the ‘Enemy’. Fortune
"That's how dictators get started," he said of Trump's tweet about the media. Later, McCain said a free press is "vital."
Trump calls the media ‘the enemy of the American People’. Washington Post
It took the president two tries to properly post his message, which came soon after he arrived at his luxury oceanfront estate for the weekend. The first tweet, which was quickly deleted, contained a number of extra spaces and listed the Times, CNN and NBC, ending with this conclusion: “SICK!” The second tweet added ABC and CBS to the list, while removing “SICK!” Both tweets labeled those organizations as being “the FAKE NEWS media.”
Trump declares 'fake news' media 'the enemy of the American people'. Washington Post
2020 Campaign? He who must not be named went to Melborne, Florida to hold a rally. Usually, it takes at least 2 years before the campaigning begins... While he was down there, he insinuated that there were problems in Sweden.
‘Life is a campaign’: After a difficult first month, Trump returns to his comfort zone. Washington Post
White House: Air Force One will not be used as a ‘prop’ at political rally. Washington Post
Trump supporters see a successful president — and are frustrated with critics who don’t Washington Post
Fact-checking President Trump’s rally in Florida. Washington Post
Trump's full speech in Melbourne, Fla. Washington Post
Sweden has no idea what Trump meant when he said, ‘You look at what’s happening … in Sweden’ Washington Post
‘Last Night in Sweden’? Trump’s Remark Baffles a Nation New York Times
Immigration Memos: “In a pair of memos, Kelly offered more detail on plans for the agency to hire thousands of additional enforcement agents, expand the pool of immigrants who are prioritized for removal, speed up deportation hearings and enlist local law enforcement to help make arrests.”
Leaked DHS Memo Implementing President Trump's Executive Order on Border Enforcement AILA
Memos signed by DHS secretary describe sweeping new guidelines for deporting illegal immigrants. Washington Post
Trump Proposal Would Deport More Immigrants Immediately. New York Times
New Senator for Alabama: Luther Strange, former AG for Alabama accepted a position to take Senator Sessions seat. Strange was in the middle of investigating the Governor that nominated him. New York Times
Sessions' Senate replacement raises eyebrows in Alabama. CNN
Meet Luther Strange, the man replacing Jeff Sessions in the Senate. Washington Post
Price Tag on “Southern White House”:
Here's how much Trump's Florida trips are likely costing taxpayers. CMSNC
Trump family's lavish lifestyle could cost taxpayers hundreds of millions over 4 years. Chicago Tribune
Trump family’s elaborate lifestyle is a ‘logistical nightmare’ — at taxpayer expense. Washington Post
Other Headlines:
Democratic Member to Quit Election Commission, Setting Up Political Fight. New York Times
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districtdaily · 7 years
Top Aides Talking with Russia During Election; NSA Director Resigns
February 15, 2017
White House:
Flynn departure erupts into a full-blown crisis for the Trump White House. Washington Post
Trump says Flynn was treated unfairly, a day after Spicer said he was fired because of a lack of trust. Washington Post.
Pence remains above the fray, but is he outside the inner circle? Washington Post
Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence. New York Times
Flynn Was Brought Down by Illegal Leaks to News Media, Trump Says.  New York Times
Departure in Foreign Policy:
“I’m looking at two states and one state,” Mr. Trump said, appearing in a joint news conference at the White House with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. “I like the one that both parties like. I can live with either one.”
Trump, Meeting With Netanyahu, Backs Away From Palestinian State. New York Times
On the Hill:
More trouble for Andrew Puzder, Trump’s embattled nominee for secretary of labor. Washington Post
GOP Senate Republicans urge White House to withdraw Puzder nomination. CNN
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districtdaily · 7 years
NSA Director Cant Remember if He Discussed Sanctions with Russia
February 11, 2017
White House: National Security Director Flynn
National security adviser Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador, despite denials, officials say. Washington Post
Trump's National Security Adviser Reportedly Discussed Sanctions With Russia NPR
Trump to 'look into' reports Flynn discussed U.S. sanctions with Russia USA Today
Pence was told Flynn didn't discuss sanctions, aides say Politico
9th Circuit: Aftermath
Trump Says He Might Give Travel Ban a Makeover. AP
Trump furious after court upholds block on travel ban CNN
Trump Vows Quick Action to Stop Terrorism After Setback in Court. New York Times
Trump’s Legal Options in Travel Ban Case. New York Times
Federal appeals court rules 3 to 0 against Trump on travel ban. Washington Post
When Presidents Think About Defying the Courts. The New Yorker
5 Key Points From The Appeals Court's Travel Ban Ruling NPR
Trump officials scramble after travel ban defeat. The Hill
Rep. Chaffetz Town Hall Mess
Chaffetz's Support Of Trump Brings Boos And Jeers At Utah Town Hall NPR
White House: China & Isreal
Trump Foreign Policy Quickly Loses Its Sharp Edge New York Times
Trump Adopts a Harder Line on Israeli Settlements. New York Times
On the Hill: Confirmations & ACA
GOP Dilemma on Health Law Taxes: To Repeal or Not to Repeal? AP
Trump Team Didn’t Put Nominees to ‘Sex, Drugs and Rock ’n’ Roll’ Test New York Times
White House: Conflicts of Interest
The perils of mixing business and politics USA Today
Trumps Florida Estate Stirs Protests, Spurs Ethics Debate. AP
White House says Conway has been ‘counseled’ after touting Ivanka Trump’s products. Washington Post
Footing the Bill for Trumps. New York Times
White House: Executive Orders
Fact Check:
FACT CHECK: Trump's Yemen Raid — 'Winning Mission' Or 'Failure'? It's Not So Simple NPR
AP FACT CHECK: Trump says terrorism acts ignored. Evidence? Washington Post
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districtdaily · 7 years
9th Circuit: 3-0
Ninth Circuit’s Unanimous Decision to Uphold the Stay   9th Circuit Decision
“The Government contends that the district court lacked authority to enjoin enforcement of the Executive Order because the President has “unreviewable authority to suspend the admission of any class of aliens...
There is no precedent to support this claimed unreviewability, which runs contrary to the fundamental structure of our constitutional democracy....
Nonetheless, “courts are not powerless to review the political branches’ actions” with respect to matters of national security.  To the contrary, while counseling deference to the national security determinations of the political branches, the Supreme Court has made clear that the Government’s “authority and expertise in [such] matters do not automatically trump the Court’s own obligation to secure the protection that the Constitution grants to individuals,” even in times of war.
see also United States v. Robel, 389 U.S. 258, 264 (1967) (“‘[N]ational defense’ cannot be deemed an end in itself, justifying any exercise of legislative power designed to promote such a goal. . . . It would indeed be ironic if, in the name of national defense, we would sanction the subversion of one of those liberties . . . which makes the defense of the Nation worthwhile.”
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On the Hill:
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Rep. Massie Introduces Bill to Abolish Federal Department of Education. Rep Massie Press Release. Rep Chaffez (R-UT-3rd) co-sponsored it. “We simply don’t need the Department of Education” KSL.
The bill H.R. 899 is one sentence long. “The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2018.” H.R.899
Rep Chaffez on the District:  
D.C. is disregarding the sanctity of life. Congress must act. Washington Post (Jan 27, 2017)
The day before: House GOP warns D.C. mayor not to use tax money defending illegal immigrants Washington Post (Jan 26, 2017)
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, is also chairman of the House Oversight Committee. He said Conway’s endorsement was ”clearly over the line” and “unacceptable.”
“I’m going to give it a free commercial here,” Conway said of the president’s daughter’s merchandise brand. “Go buy it today.”
House Oversight leaders want ethics review of Conway's comment on Ivanka Trump. The Hill
White House says Conway has been ‘counseled’ after touting Ivanka Trump’s products Washington Post
Kellyanne Conway Promotes Ivanka Trump Brand, Raising Ethics Concerns. New York Times
Office of Government Ethics website breaks after Conway promotes Ivanka's brand. Politico
Supreme Court Nominee:
Yesterday, Judge Gorsuch told Senator Blumenthal He Who Must Not Be Named remarks’ toward sitting judges, “disheartening” and “demoralizing.” Today, He Who Must Not Be Named tweeted:
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Trump questions credibility of senator who disclosed comments by Judge Gorsuch. Washington Post
Immigration: Trump travel ban lawsuits pile up. Politico
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districtdaily · 7 years
“Nevertheless, She Persisted”
On February 8, 2017
On the Hill:
‘Nevertheless, She Persisted’: How Senate’s Silencing of Warren Became a Meme New York Times.
Shutting Down Speech by Elizabeth Warren, G.O.P. Amplifies Her Message New York Times
Clinton tweets support for Warren: 'She persisted ... so must we all' Politico
Read the letter Coretta Scott King wrote opposing Sessions’s 1986 federal nomination. Washington Post
Jeff Sessions Confirmed as Attorney General, Capping Bitter Battle. New York Times
Amid deep partisan rancor, Senate confirms Sessions for attorney general. Washington Post
Rep Sean Duffy, Challenged CNN and Lost  Slate
Camerota: How about Charleston, congressman? He was a white extremist. Duffy: Yeah, he was, OK. Camerota: That doesn't matter? Duffy: No, it does matter. It does matter. Look at the good things that came from it. Nikki Haley took down the Confederate flag, and that was great!
Supreme Court Nominee:
Supreme Court Nominee Calls Trump’s Attacks on Judiciary ‘Demoralizing’ New York Times
Mr. Trump escalated his public feud with the courts over his immigration order, saying that he had found a federal appeals court hearing on his executive order Tuesday night “disgraceful,” and that the judges had failed to grasp concepts even “a bad high school student would understand.”
“I don’t ever want to call a court biased, so I won’t call it biased,” Mr. Trump told a gathering of sheriffs and police chiefs on Wednesday in Washington. “But courts seem to be so political, and it would be so great for our justice system if they would be able to read a statement and do what’s right.”
Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch says Trump’s attacks on judiciary are ‘demoralizing’ Washington Post
Gorsuch Calls Trump Tweets About Judges 'Demoralizing' And 'Disheartening' NPR
9th Circuit:
Appeals Court Panel Appears Skeptical of Trump’s Travel Ban New York Times
“This is a traditional national security judgment that is assigned to the political branches,” Mr. Flentje said.
“Are you arguing, then, that the president’s decision in that regard is unreviewable?” Judge Michelle T. Friedland asked a few minutes later.
Mr. Flentje paused. Then he said yes.
Trump Calls On Court To 'Do What's Right' And Uphold His Travel Ban NPR
White House Tweet of the Day:
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Trump lashes out at Nordstrom in a tweet for dropping his daughter’s apparel line. Washington Post
Trump criticism of Nordstrom raises conflict concern AP
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districtdaily · 7 years
SecEd is Devos; 9th Circuit Hears Oral Arguments
9th Circuit Oral Arguments:
“Its remarkable to have this much evidence of intent, without any discovery,” Mr. Purcell says. Wall Street Journal
State of Washington & State of Minnesota v. Trump docs 9th Circuit
On the Hill:
Betsy DeVos Confirmed as Education Secretary; Pence Breaks Tie New York Times 
With historic tiebreaker from Pence, DeVos confirmed as education secretary. Washington Post
Senate Dems plan all-nighter to protest Sessions The Hill
The White House:
‘We’ll destroy his career,’ Trump quips about a Texas state senator at odds with a county sheriff Washington Post
Here are the 78 terrorist attacks the White House says were largely underreported Washington Post
Our Articles on the Attacks Trump Says the Media Didn’t Cover. Prominent attacks carried out by non-Muslims are also conspicuously omitted. New York Times
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districtdaily · 7 years
“Any Negative Polls Are Fake News”
9th Circuit Update:
Justice Department Urges Appeals Court to Reinstate Trump’s Travel Ban. 9th Circuit Reply New York Times
Oral Arguments Set for Feb 7th. Washington Post
Madeleine Albright, John Kerry, Susan Rice, Leon Panetta “no national security purpose” for a complete barring of people from the seven affected countries. 9th Circuit Affidavit
Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, Twitter, Uber and other companies asserted “hinders the ability of American companies to attract great talent; increases costs imposed on business; makes it more difficult for American firms to compete in the international marketplace; and gives global enterprises a new, significant incentive to build operations — and hire new employees — outside the United States.” 9th Circuit Amicus Brief
NY Times Analysis. New York Times
On the Hill:
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Democrats plan all-night protest ahead of DeVos vote. The Hill
The Senate is poised to vote on Betsy DeVos noon Tuesday. The Hill
Republicans: ObamaCare repeal starts this spring. The Hill
Virtually all Senate Democrats poised to vote against remaining Cabinet picks. Washington Post
White House: 
In One Facebook Post, Three Misleading Statements by President Trump About His Immigration Order. New York Times
“Radical Islamic terrorists are determined to strike our homeland, as they did on 9/11, as they did from Boston to Orlando to San Bernardino and all across Europe...All over Europe it’s happening. It’s gotten to a point where it’s not even being reported, and in many cases, the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it.”New York Times
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‘If something happens’: Trump points his finger in case of a terrorist attack. Washington Post.
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No, President Trump, negative polls are not 'fake news' CNN
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Democrats troll Trump with Google Chrome extension that replaces 'Trump' with 'Steve Bannon'. Business Insider
Dulles: Aziz Brothers Make It Home & Tell Their Story
“I said, ‘Can I call our lawyer?’ and he said, ‘You can’t, it’s a presidential order. You can’t do anything.’’”. Washington Post.
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districtdaily · 7 years
9th Circuit Upholds National Suspension of Immigration Ban
February 5, 2017
The Immigration Ban has been a cluster... well you know what I mean. No denying it.  Here is a timeline:
Friday, January 27, 2017: Executive Order Announced
Executive Order: Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States. White House
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Source: CNN
Saturday, January 28, 2017: Brooklyn, Virginia, Seattle
Darweesh v. Trump (E.D.N.Y.) [The “Brooklyn” Case]
Background: The Yale Law School Worker and Immigrants’ Rights Advocacy Clinic, the International Refugee Assistance Project, the National Immigration Law Center, the ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project, and Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP together brought this representative habeas action on behalf of all detained travelers from the seven banned countries who were lawful permanent residents, who held valid visas, or who were other individuals from the seven listed countries (Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen) legally authorized to enter the United States. Just Security.
Yale Law/ACLU files a writ of habeas corpus, emergency motion for stay of removal, and class action.  Brooklyn Writ.  Brooklyn Motion for Stay. Brooklyn Cert. Yale Newspaper.
Judge Ann Donnelly, granted the writ and “There is imminent danger that, absent the stay of removal, there will be substantial and irreparable injury to refugees, visa-holders, and other individuals from nations subject to the January 27, 2017, Executive Order.” Brooklyn Order 
White House Response: "Saturday's ruling does not undercut the President's executive order. All stopped visas will remain stopped. All halted admissions will remain halted. All restricted travel will remain prohibited...The order remains in place," the spokesperson said. CNN
Aziz v. Trump (E.D. Va.) [The “Virginia” Case]
Background: The Legal Aid Justice Center and Mayer Brown LLP brought this action on behalf of two lawful permanent residents and a group of others detained at Dulles Airport. Just Security.
Judge Leonie Brinkema,  Virginia Order
Doe v. Trump (W.D. Wash.) [The “Seattle” Case]
Background: In Seattle, the ACLU of Washington, the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project and the Pacifica Law Project filed a habeas petition and stay motion on behalf of two individuals detained at Sea-Tac airport. Just Security.
Judge Thomas S. ZIlly, granted emergency stay. Limited to only the two petitioners. Seattle Order
Sunday, January 29, 2017:  The “Boston” Case
Tootkaboni v. Trump (D. Mass.) The “Boston” Case
Background: The ACLU of Massachusetts, together with Demissie & Church and Graves & Doyle, filed habeas petitions on behalf of two lawful permanent residents—both Iranian nationals who are professors at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth—who were detained at Logan Airport on their way home from an academic conference. Just Security.
Judge Allison D. Burroughs, granted temporary restraining order (7 days) CNN
Order went a step further ordering that the government could not "detain or remove" individuals who had arrived legally from the countries subject to Trump's order: Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. Massachusetts Order.
Vayeghan v. Trump (C.D. Cal.) [The “Los Angeles” Case]
Background: The ACLU of Southern California and the Law Offices of Stacy Tolchin brought this habeas action on behalf of a man with a valid immigrant visa who had been denied entry under the Executive Order.
Judge Dolly M Gee, ordered the government to permit him to return to the United States and to admit him pursuant to his approved visa  Los Angeles Order.
February 3, 2017: “Dueling” Cases, Washington Issued TRO
Louhghalam v. Trump (D. Mass) The “Boston Part 2″ Case
Background: This case revisits the Boston Case, where Judge Burroughs, granted the Temporary Restraining Order
Judge Nathaniel Gorton, refused to extend a temporary stay. Massachusetts Order
Ruled that the president had the authority on national-security grounds to bar citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.
State of Washington v. Trump (E.D. Wash. [The “Washington” Case]
Background: State of Washington and State of Minnesota filed a temporary restraining order against the Executive Order.
Judge James R. Robart, ordered a national halt to the Executive Order.  in Washington Order
Lufthansa The airline told passengers Saturday on its website that a judge had halted the ban on travelers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. People with those passports and holding a valid visa "are again allowed to travel to the USA." CNSNews
Qatar Airlines “All refugees seeking admission presenting a valid, unexpired U.S. visa or Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) card (Green Card) will be permitted to travel to the United States and will be processed accordingly upon arrival." NPR
Etihad Airways “Following advice received today from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection unit at Abu Dhabi Airport, the airline will again be accepting nationals from the seven countries named last week.” New York Times
February 4, 2017: DOJ Appeals Washington Case to 9th Circuit
Unhappy with Judge Robart’s decision, He Who Must Not Be Named, went to Twitter. 
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“The president’s hostility toward the rule of law is not just embarrassing, it is dangerous,” Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) said in a statement. Washington Post
Citing "Sovereign prerogative" DOJ filed an appeal requesting both an immediate administrative stay and a emergency motion stay regarding Judge Robert’s appeal Department of Justice Appeal  NPR
“immediately harms the public by thwarting enforcement of an Executive Order issued by the President, based on his national security judgment.” New York Times
February 5, 2017: 9th Circuit Upholds “Washington” Case, Suspension of EO Stands
9th Circuit Appeal of State of Washington v. Trump (E.D. Wash. [The “Washington” Case]
Background: DOJ  filed an appeal challenging Judge Robart’s decision block of Trump's travel ban. AP
Judges Canby & Friedland, reject immediate administrative stay - suspension of Executive Order stands. 9th Circuit Order. New York Times
On the emergency motion, Washington et al. has until Sunday evening 11:59PST to respond to it
DOJ has until Monday 3pmPST. 
Dulles Airport 2pm Rally to Welcome Them Home:
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Immigration News Coverage:
With Trump travel ban stay, immigrants scramble to get back to U.S. Washington Post
Trump’s blasts at judge raise questions for Gorsuch on independence Washington Post
Pence Defends Trump’s Criticism of Judge Who Blocked Travel Ban. New York Times
The Hill reports over 50 law suits have been filed. The Hill
Other White House News:
Donald Trump Plans to Undo Dodd-Frank Law, Fiduciary Rule, Wall Street Journal
SNL: Melissa McCarthy was the perfect choice to play White House’s Sean Spicer on SNL Washington Post 
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districtdaily · 7 years
Dueling Federal Court Decisions on the Immigration Ban
Immigration Ban
ACLU and Massachusetts AG ask Federal judge in Boston to extend a temporary order blocking enforcement. Boston Globe
Boston Judge Refuses to Extend Order Against Trump’s Immigration Ban  Newsweek
Dueling Court Rulings on Immigration Ban Add to Visa Chaos: “Rival court decisions on opposite sides of the country created deep confusion over President Trump’s immigration order on Friday, with a federal judge in Boston issuing a decision defending the measure and another in Seattle blocking it nationwide.The Seattle ruling was the most far-reaching to date, temporarily reopening the door to visa holders from seven predominantly Muslim countries. The federal government was “arguing that we have to protect the U.S. from individuals from these countries, and there’s no support for that,” said the judge, James Robart of Federal District Court, an appointee of President George W. Bush, in a decision delivered from the bench.” New York Times
#DullesResistance Update:
“It’s unclear how many people were deported from Dulles before attorneys could intervene, or how many green card and visa holders are currently being turned away from flights into the U.S. at foreign airports. Neither CBP nor the Department of Homeland Security will provide that information, although multiple attorneys have heard reports of U.S. visa holders being kicked off flights to America from Amsterdam, Istanbul, and Frankfurt airports because of Trump’s order. “ -Slate
Conway Gaffs:
During an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Kellyanne Conway defended Trump’s temporary ban on immigration:
‘‘President Obama had a six-month ban on the Iraqi refugee program after two Iraqis came here to this country, were radicalized, and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre. Most people don’t know that because it didn’t get covered’’ AP
Not to let the facts get in the way of a good story...
Six Month Ban: The Obama administration never banned Iraqi refugees or other Iraqi travelers from coming to the United States. That government did slow down the processing for Iraqi’s being issued Special Immigrant Visas, which are given to translators and interpreters who worked with the U.S. in that country. That slow-down was prompted by the May 2011 arrest of two men in Kentucky charged with plotting to send weapons and money to al-Qaida operatives. Waad Ramadan Alwan and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, were mistakenly admitted to the U.S. as Iraqi refugees in 2009 and resettled in Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Bowling Green Massacre:  Is not a thing. Did not happen. CNN summed it up best “Kellyanne Conway is right. We did not cover the Bowling Green massacre -- because it never happened” CNN
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districtdaily · 7 years
"Would You Like To Switch Jobs”
At the National Prayer Breakfast, He Who Must Not Be Named, gave a speech to religious leaders:
"I want to just pray for Arnold, if we can, for those ratings, OK?"
“Would you like to switch jobs?” Arnold Schwarzenegger replied on Twitter New York Times. 
“freedom of religion is a sacred right, but it is under serious threat.”
Although he still needs Congressional approval, “I will get rid of and totally destroy the Johnson Amendment” a law restricting political speech by tax-exempt churches. New York Times. 
Entire National Prayer Breakfast speech can be found here: Boston Globe. 
Black History Month Speech, "Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice." Full text of this speech here.
The Apprentice: Supreme Court Edition:
The question is whether the Supreme Court nominee will hold in check the man that elevates him to that office. Nominee Gorsuch is a worthy candidate for the Supreme Court and the credentials to back it up. 
“Democrats believe a unique sequence of events — issuing a constitutionally questionable executive order on Friday, firing an acting attorney general who refused to defend it on Monday and nominating a Supreme Court justice on Tuesday — places executive overreach and separation of powers squarely at the center of the confirmation debate.”  New York TImes
Immigration Ban Update
7 people have been unable to board planes from oversees because they have had their visas revoked by the State Dept. According to court filings. Boston Globe.
Angelina Jolie: Refugee Policy Should Be Based on Facts, Not Fear New York Times Opinion
L.A. federal judge orders a temporary halt to part of Trump's travel ban. LA Times
Interactions with Foreign Leaders:
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“This is not the first time that an inexperienced person has threatened Iran ... the American government will understand that threatening Iran is useless" Top advisor to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Reuters. 
“This [phone call] is the worst by far” He Who Must Not Be Named told Australian PM.  Washington Post. New York Times.
Senator John McCain attempted to triage the situation with the Australian Ambassador. New York Times
Noise on the Hill:
Republicans becoming impatient with civil service disobedience. The Hill.
“It is more accurate to say ‘repair Obamacare’” Republicans are on their heels with ACA. New York Times
House struck down an Obama-era regulation that sought to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill. The Hill
Just Facts:
New York Times now has 3 million digital subscribers according to Twitter
Administration warned about selecting cabinet without letting the Ethic Office vet, NBC FOIA uncovers. NBC
Two people arrested in U.K. in hacking of D.C. police closed-circuit camera network. Washington Post
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districtdaily · 7 years
Supreme Court Nominee: Neil M. Gorsuch
February 1, 2017
In “The Apprentice” like fashion, He Who Must Not Ne Named had two short list picks come to the White House for the 8pm broadcast announcement.
Quote of the Day: “[This White House has] Less respect for the rule of law than any in recent memory” -Sen. Charles Schumer.  The Senate republicans refused to have a hearing on PresidentSupreme Court Nominees 
Best response to Rep. Chavez:
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Federal Government News:
Democrats Offer Bill to Remove Bannon from Security Council. The Hill.
Rex Tillerson, confirmed as Secretary of State 56-43. New York Times.
ACLU membership up from 400,000 to 1,000,000 after this past weekend. New York Times.
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districtdaily · 7 years
Acting Attorney General Fired For Defying White House
 January 31, 2016
Sally Yates became a national hero instantly after it was reported she told the DOJ not to enforce the ban. The White House considered her actions betrayal and had her fired. New York Times. Washington Post.
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As a result, Senate Democrats dragged their feet to hold up AG Nominee Jeff Session. Politico
#DullesResistance Update. Big win today. VA Governor McAuliffe and AG Mark Herring filed a motion to intervene on Aziz v. Trump, after the judicial order allowing attorneys to visit detainees was not followed at Dulles. “The Commonwealth has substantial interests justifying its intervention, and make no mistake, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and our people, are already being harmed by this Executive Order." WSET
It’s All Local
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) is meddling in local government and it is no where near Utah. Chaffetz, wants to overturn the District’s Death with Dignity bill, legislation local lawmakers enacted last year. New York Times.
“Maybe we should cut off part of D.C. and send it back to Maryland” Rep. Chaffetz.  Washington Post.
Federal Government News:
Supreme Court Apprentice. Mr. Trump has summoned the top candidates for the Supreme Court to the White House. New York Times
Congressional staffers help write the immigration ban and did not tell their bosses. Politico.
Democrats Skip Votes. Senate mark up committees met to vote on cabinet confirmations. New York Times.
State Dept. Dissent Cable Up to 1,000 Signatures. A dissent cable had been circulating over the weekend, signatures were originally estimated at 100. New York Times
White House will not roll back LGBTQ protections. White House.
Thomas Homan appointed Acting Assistant Secretary for Homeland Security. White House.
Feel Good Moment Of the Day:
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Muslim girl and Jewish boy protesting together at O’Hare airport. CNN.
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districtdaily · 7 years
Sally Yates, Acting AG, Won’t Enforce the Ban
January 30, 2017
This morning, after a very long weekend, He Who Must Not Be Named, tried to explain why there were so many issues at the airports... Delta computers?
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He switched gears and explained why the Executive Order was not circulated earlier...
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He defended his immigration policy by calling it “similar to what President Obama did in 2011 when he banned visas for refugees from Iraq for six months.” USA Today
False. The Obama administration’s actions were limited to one country and in response to a specific threat — the potential for other Iraqi refugees to take advantage of a flaw in the screening process. USA Today
President Obama, broke his silence, issuing his first statement since leaving office 10 days ago. Washington Post
“With regard to comparisons to President Obama’s foreign policy decisions, as we’ve heard before, the President fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals because of their faith or religion.”
President Obama “is heartened by the level of engagement taking place in communities around the country.”
#StateDepartmentResistance: State Department’s Dissent Channel had over100 signatures: According to NPR, The Dissent Channel was set up in the Vietnam War era as a way for foreign service officers and civil servants to raise concerns with upper management about the direction of U.S. foreign policy, without the fear of retribution. 
White House Response: Mr. Spicer, “They should either get with the program or they can go.”  New York Times
#DOJResistance: Acting Attorney General Sally Yates Tells Justice Department Not to Defend President Trump's Immigration Ban. She wrote a letter to high level attorneys today stating:
"I am responsible for ensuring that the positions we take in court remain consistent with this institution's solemn obligation to always seek justice and stand for what is right.”
“At present, I am not convinced that the defense of the executive order is consistent with these responsibilities nor am I convinced that the executive order is lawful."
"For as long as I am the Acting Attorney General, the Department of Justice will not present arguments in defense of the Executive Order, unless and until I become convinced that it is appropriate to do so.”
Other Headlines
Starbucks To Hire 10,000 Refugees over 5 years
Sean Spicer Retweets ‘The Onion’
American, United, Delta all promise full refunds to those affected by the ban
A.C.L.U. has raised more than $24 million in online donations since Saturday
Administration’s voter fraud expert registered in 3 states
Boy Scouts, Reversing Century-Old Stance, Will Allow Transgender Boys
Quebec City mosque attack: Six dead and eight injured.
Other White House News:
Executive Order on Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs: “...it is important that for every one new regulation issued, at least two prior regulations be identified for elimination and that the cost of planned regulations be prudently managed and controlled through a budgeting process.”
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districtdaily · 7 years
January 29, 2016
What’s going on at Dulles? Slate, the Atlantic, Washingtonian, and Washington Post
50-60 people were detained last night and lawyers were not permitted to see visit them 
Simon Sandoval-Moshenberg, together with Andrew Pincus and Paul Hughes of Mayer Brown LLP, filed the suit on behalf of the Aziz brothers, who are 19 and 21 years old. The two were stopped at Dulles yesterday, entering the United States from Yemen, on lawful green cards to which they are entitled by their U.S. citizen father.
9pm on Saturday, Leonie Brinkema, federal judge Eastern District of Virginia issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) “granting detainees at Dulles access to counsel and prohibiting deportation of detainees.” see Aziz v. Trump
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At midnight, Senator Booker arrived demanding to talk to the detainees, subsequently all but one detainee was released
Around that time, Simon got word the Aziz brother had been sent to Ethiopia. They were handcuffed while they were detained by CBP,  and forced to sign a form, known as the I-407. In doing so, they surrendered their green cards, under the threat of being barred from the U.S. for the next five years if they did not. 
As of Sunday morning, Control and Boarder Protection (CBP) were still not letting lawyers in to see detainees, despite the federal court’s judicial order.
There was chaos among the Administration and Agencies as to what the Executive Order did or did not do. CNN . 
So I went to see for myself and lend a hand.
Status? CPB still would not let anyone talk to detainees. CPB had been ordered not to talk to press or the lawyers. The judicial order was still being ignored. However, it was reported no LPRs had been, or were being, detained. 
 Sunday evening at Dulles Airport International Terminal 13 looked like this:
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Organized chaos. There was a sign in table to capture all the volunteers email addresses and explain how to do intake of a client (if opportunity arose), a social media corner pushing out messages and updates; and a legal research corner. Google group list serve and WhatsAp Chat connecting well over 200 hundred volunteers.
There were little volunteers dropping off coffee to weary lawyers.
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There were volunteers holding signs that welcomed arrivals and asked if they saw anyone being detained.
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There was chanting. Lots of chanting. “This is what democracy looks like” and “Love, not hate, is what makes America great.”
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Peopled cheered as reunions occurred. 
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Other headlines:
#NoBanNoWall March took over downtown DC from 1-5pm. Chants of “No hate, no fear, refugees are welcome here.” NPR
He Who Must Not Be Named reorganized the National Security Council by elevating his chief strategist Steve Bannon while simultaneously demoting the Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. NPR
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districtdaily · 7 years
Lawsuit Filed and Stay Granted #NoMuslimBan
January 28, 2017
“Republicans in Congress who remain quiet or tacitly supportive of the ban should recognize that history will remember them as cowards.” NY Times Editorial Board
He Who Must Not Be Named Response?
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According to NPR, the State Department issued the following notice on JANUARY 27, 2017
Urgent Notice “Per the Executive Order on Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals signed on January 27, 2017, visa issuance to nationals of the countries of Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen has been suspended effective immediately until further notification. If you are a citizen of one of these countries, please do not schedule a visa appointment or pay any visa fees at this time. If you already have an appointment scheduled, please DO NOT ATTEND. You will not be permitted entry to the Embassy/Consulate. We will announce any other changes affecting travelers to the United States as soon as that information is available."
Noteworthy: Countries listed on Executive Order don't include those he has business with. NPR.
Effect?  #NoMuslimBan #NoBanNoWall #RefugeesWelcome
Protestors and lawyers headed to airports. Politico
ACLU class action filed write of habeas corpus in federal court after Hameed Khalid Darweesh and Haider Sameer Abdulkaleq Alshaw held at JFK. Politico & CNN [Note: Stay was granted by Judge Donnelly CNBC]
Note: Earlier this week, lawsuit filed for violating the Emoluments Clause. Washington Post
Public Response & Outrage:
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Canadian Prime Minister says they welcome refugees being turned away from the United States. PBS
New York City Taxi drivers are refusing to pick up at JFK. The Hill
JFK airport shutdown.
Virginia Governor arrives at Dulles, urges He Who Must Not be Named to rescind the ban. WJLA
Silicon Valley outraged by the ban. Washington Post
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districtdaily · 7 years
Executive Orders v. Executive Memoranda?
January 28, 2017
Executive Actions: catch-all term that describes any action taken by a President including Executive Orders, Actions, Memoranda and Proclamations. PBS
Executive Order: a specific type of presidential action — an official, legally binding mandate passed down from the president to federal agencies under the executive branch. They are numbered and required to be printed in the Federal Register. PBS
Executive Memoranda: Essentially an Executive Order but it does not have an established process for how the president issues it, making it more difficult to track. PBS
Executive Proclamations: Mainly used for ceremonial purposes and usually seldom carry any legal effect. PBS
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