divergent-holiness · 2 years
Tattered Banner Ch. 1 《Chance Meeting》
Word count: 653
Warnings: Blood, mention of infant death
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He could feel everything all at once and it was heavy. Even though he really didn't need to breathe he found himself choking on the air, sobs catching in his throat as he looked down at the broken body laying in the grass. Wind gently blew the grass blades around pale skin and dark blue silk, small insects took no pause as they trampled tiny feet over the still warm flesh. It felt wrong that the world continued on.
"I'll be your end!"
Michael's voice caused the elements to fold and shake in turmoil, thunder clashing and hot rain beginning to fall.
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"Why do you hate me so much? I was made for you, and you cast me away! What have I ever done? How have I displeased you so?" Tears formed in Ellie's eyes as she raised her voice to Michael, looking up at his holy and perfect form with pain.
His blue eyes cast down at her, meeting the golden amber of her own. His sword bearers were already at his side and raising the golden and firey blades for him, yet this time he waved them away, choosing to step towards her. She didn't seem scared anymore and he couldn't muster any anger towards her outburst. Perhaps now was the time to be honest, to tell her everything, confess his own imperfections and sins to someone that didn't remember their own. Perhaps this would begin his penance.
"I could never hate you…"
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The Father's perfect creation, man, was still so young and childlike to him, and he would protect each one to his last breath. Even now his armored and holy form flew across the midnight sky, searching for the traitor Abaddon. He could feel the dark and unholy presence, see the damage his locust had done to the fields of man. It was sickening to know that he could have once called such a monster brother and shared the splendor of heaven with him. It was sickening to think about.
And there he was, that bastard, leaving the castle of this land's king. So, it was him to blame for this land turning from the Father's light, he should have known.
His body began to glow in divine fire as he waited for the hell prince to take flight far away enough from the castle to prevent casualties. As he observed Abaddon in his human form, he noticed his pace was different, his posture hunched and he carried something with him. Was that blood? What had this devil done now? Michael gripped the handle of his sword and poised himself to strike, no longer would this monster plague his Father's creation.
Eleanor's sobbing could be heard coming from high in a castle's tower, mourning the loss of her child. Blood was still present in the room despite best efforts to remove all evidence of the premature birth and she couldn't bear to look at it any longer, to smell death so recent. On shakey legs she carried herself to the window and threw it open, falling halfway out in sorrow.
The sound caught Michael off guard and he paused, looking towards the castle for the source. Even from the distance he was, the stench of death filled his senses and caused a momentary falter in him. He didn't have time for this but couldn't help feel pulled by this mortal's desperate cries and prayers. The holy fire that engulfed him died down and became replaced with a radiant light, armor now his holy robes.
"Fear not, mortal, for the Lord hears your suffering and looks upon you with mercy."
Eleanor thought about pushing herself the rest of the way out the window, and had she the strength she might have. There was a sudden warmth that washed over her cold body and a sweet voice called to her. Looking up, her grey eyes fell upon the form of Michael.
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
Michael perished in battle against Abaddon as mankind came to an end by it's own creation. The two essentially turned each other into holy mist. Twas a sweet battle though and probably had a bangin soundtrack
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
"I don't have insecurities."
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
"But if I am made by our Father's hand and therefore perfect, then how can what I partake in be considered sin? In this essay I will..."
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
"Yo shawty, be not afraid, the Lord doth send these sweet memes."-
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
"I am your shield"
"You are a weakness"
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
"Maybe I am a failure...perhaps I belong in hell, among the rest of Father's broken toys." Ellie mused as she stared at her armored hands, unworthy as they were. Hands made to defend, attack, serve.
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"Silence." Michael's voice was like thunder. His brilliant blue eyes stared down at the pathetic form before him. No, not pathetic, but useless in his eyes. He didn't need her, he didn't need anyone, especially not on the battlefield.
"You speak of treason before your angel."
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Ellie fell silent before his form, eyes tired and defeated. Her head dropped to a bow as her eyes closed, prepared for any punishment he deemed fit to bestow upon her.
Michael stood with his sword bearers before her and scoffed, turning away. It was no longer worth his time.
"In His Holy name."
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
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"How unsightly..." she mused, rubbing the liquid from her cheek between her pointer finger and thumb. The sight of her own blood was nothing new, but this time there was a delight in the secret behind the wound, the scar that would always be a reminder.
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
Ellie, body still half stone and wounded from the (un)Holy Council's punishment, staggered her way down the halls of the holy palace, her sword in hand and dragging alongside her. She nearly slipped several times on the blood of the slain council members yet seemed unbothered by it, grey eyes focused on the familiar figure before her. The only one to have shown her kindness since The Father. "I'm sorry I wasn't there." she wasn't even sure if she was speaking or thinking, falling to her knees with a heavy thud that caused the stone along her body to crack. "All I do is fail you, Him, everyone," she began to tear up and looked up at the visage that was Gabriel "but I can perform one last act of penance. I can fulfill my true purpose, and save you."
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The scream that came after her words was like none other, unimaginable pain surged through her as the blade of her sword stabbed into herself. The light of The Father leaked from her newly formed wound, tearing away the pale flesh vessel as it escaped and floated into the air, hovering over them both before finding its home in Gabriel.
"I was made...to be expendable...at least in this...I will cease to be a failure...thank you, Gabriel. I..." her words were cut short as the cold stone overtook her torn and mangled body, sword clattering to the floor. Despite the appearance, there was a calmness left on her frozen face, a duty fulfilled no matter if she still had confessions to speak.
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
Oh how endearing it was to watch mortals forget that they were the needy ones, initiating deals, believing they held all the cards when it was their own desires that caused them to summon such monstrous things. It made the realization so much better when he would devour whatever they held near and dear and put them right back at square one. "Well, now you're just breaking my heart, Sam. You went to all those other little do gooders before me? Tsk tsk." Abaddon feigned hurt for a moment before his smug smile returned, eyes showing interest when the mark of Cain was mentioned. "Fun little fact, Lilith would have been his mother. Now that was a tempting creation." he chuckled and crossed his arms now, taking in all the little details. Did he wink while doing so? Possibly. Definitely.
"Now that's an idea, such an offer would make little ol' Luci blush, wouldn't it?" there was something malicious in the way he spoke after Sam offered his body, even as a joke. "I have a way with doggies, even Cerberus will play fetch the corpse with me when I visit." Abaddon reached in his pocket and pulled out a cellphone, pressing a few buttons before putting it to his ear and raising his finger at Sam to let him know it'd be a minute. "Ah, there you are. How's my little butterfly? Excellent! Say, could you do me a small little favor, pretty please with your favorite sprinkles on top?" his demeanor changed, even the way he spoke and held himself. He almost seemed genuinely happy. "I'm going to send you some information and I need you to do that little trick I taught you, yeah, that one." he hesitated and waited for the other person to finish talking. "No no, it'll hurt. A lot, but I know you can do it. Hey, when you're finished you'll go to that special place I told you about, remember? Yeah, the one from the bedtime stories, it's real and I've made a special place there just for you. I'll see you soon, butterfly."
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As he hung up the phone and placed it back in his pocket, he closed his eyes to send his messenger all the information they'd need, then turned his attention back to Sam, his relaxed and soft demeanor now gone. "I'll take your body and soul, to replace the one that I just sacrificed for your big brother. I think that's a fair trade. Should she fail, you're free to leave and make a deal with some other entity, but I highly doubt she'll fail me." he gestured to the chair behind Sam for him to have a seat before sitting back down himself. "You'll learn to love it here, Sammy. And even if you don't, how long do mortals live anyway? It's only going to be the rest of your life."
"Well well well, I'm surprised you could read, let alone manage to summon something like me." Abaddon's smile betrayed his true nature. "So what does little ol' you, want with grand ol' me? I hope it's worth the hefty price you'll have to pay."
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Closed with @manymusesmenagerie
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
Castiel's mind couldn't help but wander once more to the pages of the human romance stories, especially the ones that the novice nun had shown him how to find on the internet. It made the angel blush for the briefest of moments before pushing such thoughts from his mind lest he be tempted, even if there was a joyous feeling in the temptation.
"I...I wasn't aware that I had such a reputation." He murmured and wondered who all could be aware of him, and possibly even what he was. His heart nearly wept as the hunter exclaimed in pain, he couldn't help but risk exposing himself for what he truly was to help him. What was the worst that could happen? Most humans would relish in the opportunity to meet a heavenly being, and surely someone that hunted such vile creatures would as well, right?
"W-wait...!" He was confused at this reaction and hurt? He could barely understand most of the things he was being called, but he knew none of it was good. And that knife...what had he done.... "I am Castiel, angel of the Lord. I'm on a v-very important mission." He didn't say more, merely backed away from the hunter and began rubbing his hands together nervously. "I've never been compared to a...penis before." He couldn't help but wonder what type of penises this man had seen, then came the realization that this man called him pretty. "You find me...attractive?" it ignited a feeling in the angel that he couldn't force back down and hide away inside of him. "Put the knife away, hunter." Castiel's voice was deeper and more commanding as he took several steps forward, eyes glowing a brilliant blue. Closing the distance between them, he reached out and grabbed the hunter by the collar of his shirt and pulled him dangerously close to himself. He let the hunter's face come close to his before closing the gap, kissing him roughly with very obvious inexperience, but his hunger for the mortal more than made up for it. The taste of blood filled his mouth, but he didn't care, there was something sweet and alluring about the taste. After a moment he pushed the hunter away and stepped back, panting and trying to collect himself.
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"Y-yes. Of course, I'll get right on it." Cas was noticably uncomfortable speaking over the phone. He hesitantly hung it up, fumbling and dropping it before finally placing it on the receiver. He wasn't used to being among mortals like some of the other angels, and this job wasn't as easy as the others assured him. He found himself missing heaven more and more and wondering how long he'd have to stay. It was just so exhausting emotionally to be a priest, and it felt wrong to be playing such a role.
"S-sorry about, uh, about that." He cleared his throat and sat down behind his desk, placing his hands awkwardly on the edge of it. "What was it you said you needed again?"
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Closed rp with @manymusesmenagerie
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
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"Your prayer has been received, anon, and the Lord has allowed St Bee to answer..."
That is a very loaded question honestly! I actually have different versions of Ellie for the Ultrakill universe, but all of them have a very similar attachment to and feelings for him. A more detailed explanation is under the cut, but the tl;dr is: Yes, as much as she's allowed to, but won't let those feelings get in the way of being a friend to him if that's all he requires.
Verse 1: Demoted battle aid to Michael, she's a harold/delivery angel that the Holy Council (pre game) sends on menial tasks and errands. I've always thought that Gabriel would show kindness to her and that develops into something in her mind. In all verses she has a habit of reading human romance books and has more often than not let her thoughts wander, which has gotten her sent for torture/reeducation, so more or less her feelings are less carnal now. She loves him as much as she can/is allowed to, remembering she's unworthy of his time and attention.
Verse 2: This is the verse I have posted and is a little sad. She basically murdered all the other archangel's aids that the Father made because her lack of free will made her feral, and he had to lock her up in stone. The current game Holy Council woke her up and basically used her as an errand girl before giving her to Gabriel as an aid/subordinate. She's much more open about her admiration for Gabriel and is unconsciously flirty/overly kind.
Verse 3: Basically my end game AU, Ellie either confesses her love and gives him her light from the Father so he doesn't die, or wakes up after all the events of the game (going off my own canon) and finds heaven, hell, and the human world is empty, leaving only her and the powered down machine. She records her thoughts, cries a lot, and confesses her love to Gabriel's more than likely dead corpse (she's 100% set up a memorial for him) and how she should have been there yadda yadda. She talks to the powered down V1 a lot and it's a really sad situation.
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
Michael instinctively and almost immediately placed his own hand over his brother's and gave it a loving squeeze. For a moment it felt like they were in their youth again and a feeling of peace washed over Michael that he hadn't felt in so long. "I deserve some of the blame," he admitted, perhaps for the first time ever. He was the eldest, and he dropped the ball, repeatedly. Gabriel was his youngest brother, truly Michael's favorite, and he had been blind to his suffering all this time. He was repeating the same mistakes he had with... the other.
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"You've never failed me, Gabriel, it was I that failed you." He grabbed his brother by both his shoulders, squeezing the armor for a moment and looking down. "I was filled with pride and anger, sorrow, and turned to no one. I tried to heft it all onto myself and it was too great, and my pride prevented me from reaching out to the one person, perhaps the only one I can truly trust anymore." He wanted to do a lot right now, wanted to take the reigns like he always had, and decide what he thought was best, even if it hurt others around him. But wasn't that the problem? No. He wouldn't continue this form of madness and torment.
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"You deserve happiness, brother. You deserve to rest." It was all he could offer, the safest way he could tell Gabriel to be selfish and do what he wanted for once.
@divergent-holiness continued from x
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“  i can’t blame you for what you haven’t noticed, brother. “  he whispers. he places a firm but loving hand on his brother’s shoulder, a sign of their camaraderie after all these years. through triumph and hatred and fear they stood next to one another. to this day he’s seen michael as the one he trusts and fears the most. a true shining example of what a supreme angel should be.
“  there is not much left of mankind to save. all of heaven has failed the mortal plane. but perhaps, through it all you were there to ease the burden a little—if only  i could have proven that i was worth something greater to you. if only we hadn’t grown distant in our own fields … if only i hadn’t immersed myself in my work for so long.   “
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divergent-holiness · 2 years
Father Castiel opened his mouth for a moment and narrowed his eyes in a mix of confusion and shock at the very open and blunt statement from this human. Very attractive human? Was he allowed to have such thoughts, especially after being chastised by Michael for indulging in extracurricular reading with another of the angels sent to Earth. "I'm sorry, what?" Was all he managed to say in regards to the exorcism. Normally there would be a need to go through proper channels for such a thing, and he wasn't even sure if he'd be allowed technically to perform one. But really who would tell an angel they weren't allowed to perform such a task. 'Handsome?' Cas thought, wondering now if this human was making fun of him.
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With barely enough time to process the proposition the young angel found himself behind led outside and to the car. "Th-this is highly un-unorthodox...?" He questioned before becoming speechless at the sight of the possessed man. "By the Father!" It came out as more of a whisper as the entire altercation unfolded before him. Who was this man? And how did he subdue a possessed individual? Those were questions for later, though, and now he needed to make sure they went someplace more secure. "Wait! Not that way, the nuns are being led in prayer. This way." He touched Dean on the arm softly and guided him towards the back entrance of the church. "I'm very unprepared for this, I hope you know." His tone had a hint of sass as he opened the back entrance to his office and let them in. "Set him in the chair, it has binding sigils etched under the seat." The office had been doubling as an interrogation room for himself and the other angels, though this would be the first demon he'd be dealing with alone.
"Your face, you're injured." His attention was on the scratches on the other's face. Without a second thought his hand came to cup Dean's face softly, a soft glow coming from his palm to heal his wounds.
"Y-yes. Of course, I'll get right on it." Cas was noticably uncomfortable speaking over the phone. He hesitantly hung it up, fumbling and dropping it before finally placing it on the receiver. He wasn't used to being among mortals like some of the other angels, and this job wasn't as easy as the others assured him. He found himself missing heaven more and more and wondering how long he'd have to stay. It was just so exhausting emotionally to be a priest, and it felt wrong to be playing such a role.
"S-sorry about, uh, about that." He cleared his throat and sat down behind his desk, placing his hands awkwardly on the edge of it. "What was it you said you needed again?"
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Closed rp with @manymusesmenagerie
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