divi2012 · 2 hours
#you have yet to write something I don't love to pieces
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divi2012 · 4 hours
A Crush can even make the Royal Prince nervous🤭
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Tell me in my ask box about your favourite scene from Young Royals.. and I will try to recreate them into chibis
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divi2012 · 3 days
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Foolproof - Final Chapter 11
It's here! The end of the story. I'm really sad to let these two go. I'm at a train station running out of phone battery, so no excerpt today.
But read the last chapter here.
Or start all over.
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divi2012 · 4 days
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Wille is dreaming of camping redemption tonight. (Simon is still pissed.)
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divi2012 · 4 days
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i won't leave
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divi2012 · 5 days
and if my heart should somehow stop
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He wants to be anywhere but here. Maybe if he leaves now, without seeing, without saying anything, none of this will be real. If he runs fast enough, maybe he will escape this, turn back time, to before his phone vibrated, before he answered the unknown number, before the person on the other end asked if he was the emergency contact for Wilhelm Ode. Once upon a time, I was, he’d thought, but even when he told them that he hadn’t seen Wilhelm in three years, they had asked if Simon was available, if he could come down to a morgue in the west of the city, if he could identify a body.
(Angst with a happy ending. I promise.)
Approx 2100 words. Read it on AO3.
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divi2012 · 5 days
chapter 2 of monster is out!!!
Autumn settles in like an embrace, draping the school in ochre and copper hues and children shuffle into school wearing scarves and gloves. The building and its corridors have lost their glow, slightly dimmer with a firm chill stuck to the walls, shadows stretching longer. After a peaceful lunch break, she enters her classroom and Wilhelm is at the front, throwing pens and notebooks, scrunching up paper to launch across the classroom, arms flying as he grabs the objects near him, like he’s been possessed, a puppet controlled by the devil. The rest of the students stand silently.
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divi2012 · 6 days
Can we just give it up for @loren91 for their absolutely incredible artwork they bring to the fandom! 💜❤
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divi2012 · 6 days
Wilmon + "We have to stay quiet" 💅😌💜
Simonnnn!! i give you, as promised, apocalypse AU Wilmon. with a lil bit of hating each other and a little bit of tension and a little bit of guns. i hope this is a good distraction <3
"We have to stay quiet," Wille whispered, crouched behind a half-crushed truck. 
“Yeah.” Simon ducked further as a spotlight beam swept towards their heads. “No shit.” 
He reached out and grabbed Wille, pulling him further down, too. “Idiot,” he mumbled, and ignored the middle finger Wille sent his way. 
After another minute or two, waiting there, squatted in the filth, a squadron patrol truck passed, and Wille was gesturing for them to move. 
The medicine, Simon reminded himself as he hurried after Wille past an abandoned building and through a hole in a barbed-wire fence. The medicine for his mother and the supplies for all of them. That was why he was here, risking his neck, trusting Wille, even though the two of them had tried to kill each other plenty of times over the past few years. 
Simon sure hoped this wasn’t a mistake — trusting Wille wasn’t lying when he said there was a supply cache stashed somewhere out here past the quarantine wall — because Wille had sure made a mistake in trusting Simon. Especially after— Well, everything between them. 
Another quarter mile of army-crawling through small tunnels and climbing through half-broken windows, they were out. They were actually past the wall, a place Simon hadn’t been in at least a year, now at severe risk of running into a hoard. Adrenaline pumped headily through Simon’s body, and only partially because of what he had planned. 
It was a five mile walk through the long abandoned outskirts of the city, mostly quiet. Usually, FEDRA would do sweeps of the outskirts every once in a while, just to be sure nothing slipped in. Still, he and Wille stayed to the shadows where they could, to stay hidden. But, in the shadows, they couldn’t see around them very well, either, which meant anything could be lurking nearby. 
About three miles in, Wille broke their long silence. 
“When’s the last time you ran into one?” 
Simon whipped around to scowl at him and tried to keep his voice low, despite the sudden fire in his veins.
“When do you think?” he snarled, and the immediate guilty look on Wille’s face was not enough to quell his anger. 
“Simon, I really—”
“Don’t. You owe me this, then we’re done.” 
Eventually, they did reach the spot. Wille entered first, gun at his side, scanning the room. 
“Clear,” he called.  
Simon shut the door behind them the second Wille had his flashlight on. A quick, cursory glance around the room confirmed there were indeed supplies and, fuck, there were a lot, plenty to trade for the rations to get his mom the medicine, even if it wasn’t in here. 
Then, Simon raised his arm, and cocked his gun. “Drop it.” 
After only a half-breath’s hesitation, Wille’s gun dropped to the ground. Slowly, he raised both his hands, then turned to face Simon. 
“On your knees,” Simon instructed. Wille’s knees hit the grimy floor, and Simon stepped forward, face hard, and pressed the gun into his chest. “You understand, right, baby?” 
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divi2012 · 6 days
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(A little late to the party perhaps) I heard you like vampires, have this silly little sketch 😘
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divi2012 · 7 days
call ur crush!
ask and you shall receive! here's a little more of this 'friends to ?' ficlet.
After a few more rounds of the game, Simon was practically vibrating out of his skin. Wille’s phone, sitting just a room away, holding a notification that had the potential to change their friendship forever — it terrified him. 
He stood and faked a yawn, stretching his arms out.
“I think I’m gonna head home,” he said, already moving towards the door. “I’ve got an early shift.” 
Various boos and goodbyes broke out around the room as he slipped his shoes on. 
Wille’s voice broke through the noise. “I’ll come with you.” 
Simon barely glanced up at him. He should’ve known, with his luck, that he wouldn’t have gotten away with running from this. Anyway, there was only so long one could run from his best friend and nextdoor neighbor, for that matter. 
“Okay,” Simon nodded, trying to keep his voice steady and pretending to look for his wallet. 
“Let me just grab my phone.” 
Wille disappeared into the kitchen, and Simon felt the seconds tick by like the countdown on a nuclear missle, aimed right at their beautiful, safe, unyielding five-year-friendship. Rosh said something about meeting for lunch that week, and Sara something about a weekend trip back home. He nodded along, agreeing to whatever, watching the doorway to the kitchen. 
“Simon,” Wille said slowly, reentering the room, “Why—”
“Got it?” Simon interrupted. “Great. Let’s go. Bye!”
His hand had already been on the doorknob, ready to flee, because if they were going to do this, going to have this conversation, Simon was not about to do it in front of all their friends. 
As he skidded down the flights of stairs, he didn’t even turn around to check if Wille was following. The moment he burst through the front door of the building, he started to book it down the street. 
“Simon!” Wille called after him. “Wait!”
Simon kept going, unable to stop, unable to turn around. Wille, unfortunately, had the very unfair advantage of ridiculously long legs and caught up easily, grabbing Simon by the shoulder. 
“Just— Wait!” 
“What?” Simon said innocently, blinking up at Wille in the chill evening air. 
Wille stared at him, confused, eyebrows drawn together and a small frown on his lips. “You called me,” he said.
Simon shrugged and looked down at his feet. 
It must’ve rained while they were at Felice’s apartment because the road was shiny in that way it got when the oil from all the cars mixed with the water and collected in beautiful rainbows across the asphalt. 
“You called me,” Wille repeated, taking a step closer. When Simon looked up, he saw the smile growing on Wille’s face, and he found he didn’t like the man’s smug tone. 
“So?” Simon quipped, crossing his arms over his chest and tilting his nose up. 
Wille chuckled. “Why are you being so weird, Simon?” 
“Why do you keep saying my name like that?” Simon retorted, chin still lifted in pride, except that he actually didn’t really have a choice, because Wille had stepped so close that he had to look up at him, which was really disarming any sort of defenses he’d put up. “Can we go? I do actually have an—” 
“I would’ve called you, too.”
“—early shift.” Simon shook his head. His frown faded, and his heart continued to pound in his chest, but now for a whole other reason. “What?”
Wille’s hand was on his shoulder, suddenly, then sliding up toward his cheek. “I would’ve called—”
“No, I heard you,” Simon cut in. He grinned. “You would’ve?” 
Wille laughed again. “Yes, Simon. Are you kidding?” 
“Are you kidding?” 
“No, I’m—”
“Good,” he said, and raised up an inch on his toes, and he kissed Wille, and it was probably for the best that it was so late in the evening, because they were still standing in the middle of the road and could very well be hit by a car at any moment. Except that Simon didn’t care, because Wille was kissing him back, and Wille’s hands were in his hair, around his waist, and Wille tasted like grape soda, and Wille was kissing him back.
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divi2012 · 8 days
Sunday Snippet
I'm so frustratingly short on time, but I did manage a bit of chapter 11 (the last one!!!) of Foolproof. So have this as a bit of a teaser.
With a small, adorable sound that sends Wille’s heart racing, Simon stirs. Suddenly, he gives a start and pushes himself up onto his elbow, whipping around to Wille. Visibly relieved, he throws his head back with a sigh. “Fuck. I had a dream that this was all just a dream.” He flops down into his pillow with a thud and shoots Wille an eye-twinkling grin. “It wasn’t, was it?” “You tell me,” Wille murmurs and leans down to brush his lips against Simon’s. Sparks explode in his chest, flushing heat into his face, and he deepens the kiss, slowly but determinedly, tongue sliding into Simon’s invitingly opened mouth. When he pulls back, breathless and a bit dizzy, he murmurs, “So? What’s the verdict?” Simon hums, eyes still shut, and moves his body closer, pressing his side against Wille. “I’m not convinced,” he replies, tilting his chin forward, fluttering his eyelids. “This all still feels very dreamy.”
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divi2012 · 8 days
Wilmon + Wille means to pull away his hand, but Simon grips it more tightly 👀💜
heyyyy so... this went somewhere i was not anticipating? i hope you enjoy it all the same. (cw: knives, threatened violence) Simon is not what he seems 🩸🦇
Wille means to pull away his hand, but Simon grips it more tightly, keeping the small blade in Wille’s hand pressed flush against Simon’s neck. 
“Don’t go soft on me now,” Simon whispers mockingly, blinking up at Wille from where he’s knelt on the hardwood floor before him. “You were being so brave, love.”
All the anger and fight from before has dissipated. All Wille feels is terror and shame and confusion. But— Simon lied to him, lied to him for so long, put Wille at risk, put Wille’s life at risk. 
Simon tilts his head slightly, exposing more of his neck, forcing Wille to look at how the silver presses into his flesh. There is no fear in his eyes, only lust and hunger and something that might be pride.  
Wille doesn’t know what to believe any more. Was any of it real? Did he ever really feel anything for Simon, or was it all a trick of the mind? Did Simon ever love him, or was he simply stringing him along, waiting for the perfect moment to attack?
“Go on.” Simon nods, fingers tight around Wille’s wrist. “What did you learn?”
He hesitates, gaze flickering between the knife and Simon’s eyes. Simon is a monster. He is dangerous and Wille should be terrified, should be running away, not holding this silly little weapon which he knows isn’t even close to enough to protect himself. Simon could have him dead and bleeding on the floor before he even flinched. And yet…
And yet, he is still Simon. He is still Wille’s Simon, and he is beautiful, and maybe there is no reason to fear him. Maybe all the hysteria in town is over nothing, over misinformation, because none of them have known Simon like Wille has, have loved him, and been loved by him, like Wille has. 
“You…” Wille starts again, and he lifts his other hand to cup the other side of Simon’s face, so gently swiping a finger over his cheekbone, such a stark difference to the knife in his other hand. “I know… What you are.” 
The slow, proud grin grows on Simon’s face. His eyes go impossibly dark, small lines of red skitter out from the sockets across smooth skin, and his lips— his perfect, beautiful lips spread to reveal those terrible, terrible sharpened fangs.
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divi2012 · 8 days
i spontaneously wrote this and it turned into a fic.
The air whips against his face, hair plastered to his forehead, and clothes clinging to his skin. Thick, grey clouds howl with rain, assaulting the fading sunlight, but he pedals furiously, heart thudding like a stampede of animals. Maybe he's too late; maybe the inherent fear in him is stronger than his heart; maybe he'll open the door and yell until his lungs are heaving and nobody will respond. Months ago, Wilhelm met a boy...
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divi2012 · 9 days
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Kim Addonizio, “The Singing”, Tell Me
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divi2012 · 9 days
he didn't have to but he saw the trend on tik tok with ppl using sabotage to show their little friends group and he decieded to do it as well 😭 the sweetest omar to ever exist
*Fandom found dead in a ditch*
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divi2012 · 9 days
i dare you to call your crush!!!
hello! thank you so much for this prompt<33 I hope you enjoy a little bit of pining Simme... (we've very much moved away from five sentences now. now it's all vibes)
“I dare you to call your crush!” Henry called, followed by a loud burp, and crushed his empty beer can between his hands.  
Simon groaned and rolled his eyes. “What are we, twelve?” 
“Come on, Simme,” Ayub taunted, nudging his shoulder into Simon’s. “Don’t be lame.” 
Because he couldn’t help it, Simon's eyes found Wille’s across the room. 
It was odd that they weren’t sitting together, but Wille looked so good tonight that Simon simply couldn’t handle sitting next to his best friend. So, he’d purposefully but some distance between them. However, all that had done was make it impossible for Simon to look anywhere else but at Wille. But, then again, what was new?  
Wille was already staring back at Simon, a soft, kind smile on his face mixed with an odd bit of curiosity. He had absolutely no clue. Though they’d been friends for years, he and Wille never really talked about this sort of thing. Of course, that was a purposeful avoidance of topic for Simon. Not for much longer, it seemed. 
Keeping up his defensive front of annoyance, Simon took out his phone and held the screen close to his face as he pulled up the phone number, not letting anyone see. He got a few jeers for being so secretive, but he scowled right back at them.
“The dare was only that I had to call my crush,” Simon quipped, bringing the ringing phone up to his ear. “Not that I have to say who it is.” 
Everyone sat in silence, soft pop music playing in the background, staring at Simon as Simon’s nerves built and built and built as the phone rang and rang and rang. 
Simon did everything he could not to look at Wille, but, again, he couldn’t help it. Wille’s expression was unreadable now. Just that blank, intense stare of Wille’s that made Simon squirm, the way having Wille’s attention on him did every time. 
Their eyes were locked on each other now, and Simon couldn’t look away. Wille’s head tilted slightly to the side, and Simon felt like his heart might beat out of his chest, blood rushing loudly, washing out the sound of the seventh ring, then the eighth. 
“Damn,” Rosh chuckled. “This is tough to watch.” 
Simon managed to tear his eyes away from Wille to glare at her, then fumbled to quickly hang up the phone before the voicemail message could start up. 
“Laaame,” Maddie said, dramatically falling back into her beanbag. 
He shrugged and pocketed his phone. “Not my fault he didn’t answer.” 
The attention quickly moved away from him, onto the next dare, and only then could Simon take a deep, steadying breath. He’d put off the inevitable for now. 
Later tonight, though, when Wille went back into the kitchen to check his phone that’d been plugged in and charging for the past few hours, he would see that he has one missed call from Simon. Then, Simon might have some explaining to do.
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