divineety-archived Ā· 4 years
Nice try Yuta, but even mumbling rapidly under your breath isnā€™t enough for 9S to miss what youā€™re saying. The notion of wanting to stay inside and do nothing sounds like absolute torture to himā€¦ Was that really how some humans willingly lived? Enough of them that there was an official designation? Humans really did have it rough.
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ā€œWhy would you use such a derisive term for yourself?ā€ he asks, unable to resist following up on the topic despite Yutaā€™s obvious discomfort.Ā ā€œYou seem really confident otherwise. But, uhā€¦ sure, Iā€™ve got other questions. Like why are humans so obsessed with food? Nearly every commercial structure Iā€™ve visited has some sort of dining area, and weā€™ve got thousands of video files related to itā€¦ It just seems like a lot, even for something necessary.ā€
It was only torture if you allowed it to be that way on yourself! And as Yuta stated, he didnā€™t really stay inside that much. He actually goes on walks to cafes and stuff! Heā€™s way more active than the average otaku! Not like he's ever gonna tell that to 9s, instead Yuta straight up ignores the first question in favor of the food one. Sweet relief from embarrassment!
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ā€œAh! Food! Why, yes, it might seem weird to someone who doesnā€™t necessarily needs it! But the thing is... when weā€™re sure that having food wonā€™t be a problem, we try to also find ways to enjoy said food! Itā€™s not as much an obsession as it is just humans trying to find the best ways to eat food! Taste, presentation, even the smell... itā€™s all important! Thereā€™s lots of places that sell food and in all likelihood, the food from one place might differ from the one in another! Sometimes completely! These places, and by extension the people running these palces, try to make profit off of selling good food that people enjoy, hence why thereā€™s a lot of places that sell it, most of the times already made and ready to be eaten! Itā€™s all in a big effort to attract more customers than any other business, as everyone attempts to find the best place to eat food at through trial-and-error!ā€
Yuta is actually getting more into this than he thought. Heā€™s absolutely NOT an expert in ā€œhow to explain humanity 101ā€³ but heā€™s reveling in being so ā€œknowledgeableā€ about something for once, and he wants to feel like that for a bit. Not like that means heā€™s not trying! Heā€™s doing his best to provide Nines with the most complete answer he can give! ā€œThatā€™s the gist of it, really! Some humans sell food that is good, and other humans that donā€™t consume that food in search of the one that is best suited for their taste! And in doing so make business run and flourish, pretty much!ā€
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divineety-archived Ā· 4 years
ā€œGot it.ā€ Grinning, 9S copies his thumbs-up. Yuta had given him the go-ahead to ask questions too, hadnā€™t he? Now 9S just had to sort out which was the highest priority. The old human world of technology was so much different from his own. For example, what was a website? Surely nothing was preventing any human from learning how to use computer technology if they really wanted to? Why was the term nerd derisive? Was it the diametric opposite of cool, and what classifications lay between?Ā 
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ā€œActually, Iā€¦ Thereā€™s so much I want to learn butā€¦ Whatā€™s a NEET?ā€ He finally asks. His databases had returned no results for the acronym, so he could only assume it was some sort of slang that had gone extinct.Ā 
Ah, yes, 20 questions time! Time for Yuta to pull off his best senpai impression on this young, naive android!... And then 9s asks such a cursed question. ā€œA-ah! Well, um, you see! So! Indeed! that is!ā€ Curses! How is he gonna maintain a cool exterior when that term is so... uncool by default!!! This is gonna be difficult...
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ā€œI-*ahem*, what I mean to say is! It... basically! Stands for someone that! Stays inside the house a lot! By choice! andalsodoesnnothingtoearnanincome But! I merely use it as an umbrella term, you could say! As you can clearly see, I do tend to get out of the house pretty often, eheh! andalsoidotrytomakemoneyonmyownandstuff...ā€
Fidget fidget, fidget fidget. ā€œ... SO! You definitely have some other questions, right? Maybe some that are about more interesting topics! Iā€™ll admit this one was definitely really boring to you, completely and utterly uninteresting! You surely have something else to ask! Something great, ahaha! Remember, there are no stupid questions, ever!ā€ This is his polite way of asking 9s to change the subject.
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divineety-archived Ā· 5 years
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;; [ well... that was sudden. iā€™m kinda bummed, for once i felt like i could actually sustain an rp blog for more than just a couple of months... and i was also having a good time... but I suppose we will never be able to anticipate such things.
i had fun! uh, idk how we would go about but we can finish our threads if yall want to, just hmu here! otherwise, i might take a break before going to search for greener pastures. but hey! if you wanna keep in contact for whatever reason, my twitter is @vaseragas, and my discord isĀ eve#4596!!!!
itā€™s been a blast everyone! stay safe out there, and remember.... kirikiri basara forever! ]
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divineety-archived Ā· 5 years
n0nesse ha risposto al tuo post ā€œn0nesse ha risposto al tuo post ā€œ;; [ ya boy got AC New Horizonsā€¦...ā€
aw man... is it your wifi or you just don't have an internet plan?
;; [ its just my wifi.... nat d wifi.... basically doesnt allow actual connection to players... big f im stuck like this until we move towards the end of the year ]
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divineety-archived Ā· 5 years
n0nesse ha risposto al tuo post ā€œ;; [ ya boy got AC New Horizonsā€¦ prepare for even less activity than...ā€
i'd say come to my town but it doesn't have shit
;; [ i couldnt even if i wanted to... i currently do not possess a connection that allows me to play with other players online on the switch, unfortunately :( ]
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divineety-archived Ā· 5 years
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;; [ ya boy got AC New Horizons... prepare for even less activity than usual ]
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divineety-archived Ā· 5 years
"Did you lose your house too?" 9S asks. His dragon is curled around his neck, peering owlishly at Yuta.
NeetGod replied:
āŽÆ 怌 Huh? Oh, uh, no, my house was fine, butā€¦! More importantly! 怍 And then he just points an accusatory finger at the dragon around 9sā€™s neck.
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āŽÆ 怌 Nines! D-did you get a dragon too? You went through one of the portals without me, didnā€™t you? Dammit, I knew I shouldā€™ve taken you up on that offer! Itā€™s not fair, everyone is getting a cute dragon companion and Iā€™m still here all dragon-less! 怍Ā Thatā€™s all heā€™s worried about? Heā€™s not even gonna try to comfort 9s about the house he lost? Wow, Yuta. I mean, heā€™ll probably do after heā€™s done getting the childish out of his system, but still....
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divineety-archived Ā· 5 years
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;; [ Ya boi watched the first 6 episodes of Brand New Animal and let me tell you... I wanna play Shirou so fucking bad. But how can I when I can barely manage one muse as it is!? ]
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divineety-archived Ā· 5 years
Itā€™s just too bad 9S has absolutely no metric for whatā€™s cool or not, especially because Yutaā€™s now insisting being a nerdy little hacker robot is the height of coolness.Ā ā€œI- you really think so?ā€ He asks, peering earnestly into Yutaā€™s eyes. All YoRHa units performed important functions, with no model treating any other model as lesser, but he definitely got the feeling that Scanners were considered a higher-maintenance group. A bit troublesome to deal with given how quickly they got bored and started trying to take their own surroundings apart. Was that cool?
The nickname suggestion gives him pause, and he frowns thoughtfully.Ā ā€œIā€¦ donā€™t know if I should go calling anybody master. People might get the wrong idea. I know Iā€™m supposed to serve humanity and all, butā€¦ā€ But even if YoRHa units were unworthy of being true androids, unworthy even of names, they were still better than mere servants, werenā€™t they?Ā The objection doesnā€™t word itself with such clarity in his mind, only as a crawling, uncomfortable feeling. ā€œā€¦itā€™s better if we go with something else. Are you sure you donā€™t like Gamotan? I think itā€™s niceā€¦ā€
NeetGod posted:
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āŽÆ There it is. The fall of the hubris. Yuta once again pushed his luck with that request! His ego shouldā€™ve learned by now, but thatā€™s just wishful thinking. 怌 Geh...! 怍 Being called out so candidly like that just further pushes the knife into the wound. Itā€™s painful! Make it stop! Yuta promises never to try to be cool too hard ever agan! 怌 O-okay okay, that... may have been a bit too much of me... and itā€™s not like I want you to serve me either, thatā€™s slavery! Iā€™m not a slave owner, Iā€™m just your friendly neighborhood NEET! 怍
āŽÆ It seems thereā€™s no choice. Swallow your pride, Yuta. Bros before eghoes. 怌 I suppose... I can make... an exception for you... You may call me Gamotan, but if anyone asks, you just decided on it by yourself! Got it!? 怍 The terms have been laid out. The contract is ( probably ) sealed. Time to move on from this naming topic!
āŽÆ 怌 And yes, by the way! I really think so! Donā€™t let society fool you! Hacking! Computers! Information technology! Theyā€™re all extremely valuable areas of services, and any and all who specialize at it are worthy of praise! They may call us nerds, but thatā€™s just jealousy! In this era where technology advances so fast, weā€™ll always be on top! Or... you will! Iā€™m content being a mere website creator/curator! 怍
āŽÆ Suddenly Yuta places a reassuring ( trying to be, at least ) hand on 9sā€™s shoulder. Yuta looks at the android straight in the eyes, putting on his best big brother impression as he does a confident thumbs up. 怌 Never forget, Nines...! Weā€™re cool guys! 怍
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divineety-archived Ā· 5 years
ā What even areĀ these video formats, anyway? āž Octavio was glad to have found someone who understandsĀ in this boy. It was something that had been on his mind since he woke up in the city. What were his fans going to do if he couldnā€™t upload anything? Especially after daily, sometimes hourlyĀ uploads!
ā€¦would he lose followers? Oh, no.
ā Listen, amigo, if you want to debunkĀ something, letā€™s work together to solve the urban legend of this firewall. Everyone Iā€™ve talked to says the same thing, they canā€™t get out, itā€™s all internal. āž He shoved his phone back in his pocket. Useless, for now.
ā Are you telling me you signed up for this voluntarily? You must be another kind of weird. What did they promise you, money? No amount of money could fix how boredĀ I am being stuckĀ here. It feels like a cage.Ā āž
NeetGod posted:
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āŽÆ Hummity-hum. Yuta ponders the offer. Does he feel that adventurous and/or bored? Is he willing to go on such a possibly dangerous journey? That will needs some more thinking! Time to stall time by replying to the other part of the convo! 怌 I mean, yeah, I did sign up voluntarily to this, I guess. I think I was like, curious, more than anything! This all reeked of straight up government conspiracy or something along those lines! Now, if you were to ask me where I got the courage of joining something that gave me such a feeling, I wouldnā€™t know how to answer it, honestly... 怍
āŽÆ More hummity-hum. The urban legend of this firewall... urban legend... damn, with just those two words, heā€™s already getting hooked. 怌 Itā€™s true that this is all very sketchy, though... I mean, itā€™s silly to have our interactions with the outside world limited like this! Itā€™s like thereā€™s something out there that will make us see this place in an even weirder light... but that doesnā€™t make sense! We all come from outside, after all! 怍
āŽÆ He was just rambling, but his own hypothesis struck some sort of inner chord that didnā€™t sound quite right. ā€œ The outside has something that will make everything about this city seem even sketchier. ā€œ He was seriously just talking out of his ass ( big surprise there ) but... why did it feel like he was more right than he first assumed?
āŽÆ 怌 Huh... You know, Iā€™m the one who said that, but like... now that I think about it... Is there something about the outside that isnā€™t right and that we donā€™t know of? 怍 Yutaā€™s brain makes a metaphorical clicking sound. But the wrong kind of metaphorical clicking sound. 怌 Oh my God is this like some sort of apocalypse scenario where a selected few are chosen to be kept alive and blissfully ignorant of how the outside is just falling to ruin!? What if thereā€™s like a zombie apocalypse!? Or maybe an alien invasion!? Oh man, Iā€™m making myself worry now... 怍
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divineety-archived Ā· 5 years
Maybe Vanna should have thought things over before offering her help. After all, she was a nonhuman, and while some people thought of her as interesting it was only a matter of time before someone was unnerved by her. And what was he getting at? He wanted to go home, but he didnā€™t want an escort? Was this guy a secret martial-arts master,Ā ā€˜cuz otherwise she couldnā€™t imagine why he would want to walk back alone when itā€™s this dark out. Fortunately, that sour mood didnā€™t last, what with Locket coming over to inspect the new guy.
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ā€œOh you like him! Well, do you wanna hold him?ā€ If it wasnā€™t for the cutesy tone her voice changed to when she spoke, it would have been pretty difficult to determine who she was speaking to. Even if that hint flew over oneā€™s head, the fact that she responded to the dragonā€™s nod while unwittingly ignoring Yuta would put that matter to rest. The cephalopod stepped forward and allowed her dragon to investigate the blogger, all earlier apprehension forgotten. It was only when she saw his change in expression did she think to answer properly.
ā€œDid you see any portals after the buildings collapsed? I went though one and found Locket on the other side!ā€ The dragon in question looked over at the mention of his name, but quickly returned his attention to the young man. Even if he couldnā€™t investigate the kid properly since Vanna was still holding him around the waist.
NeetGod posted:
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āŽÆ Oh, Yuta is absolutely not apt for walking alone at night! But itā€™s not like he knows that. Not to worry, he might just learn that lesson soon enough... but thatā€™s a story for another time. For now, Yutaā€™s completely mesmerized by that little creature thatā€™s being held out in front of him, like a cat owner offering their cat to you so you can pet it. But this isnā€™t a cat! Itā€™s a dragon! And such a cute one, at that! 怌 Oh! M-may I? He looks adorable! 怍
āŽÆ Yuta gingerly takes the little dragon from the girls hands. How do you hold a dragon again? Like a cat or like a baby? Yuta takes a moment to look at him while holding him from the waist, and then takes special care to settle him comfortably between his arms, while also not trapping him there. He thinks he did a pretty good job! 怌 Wow, I canā€™t believe Iā€™d ever actually hold up a dragon like this! Well, mostly because I didnā€™t expect them to be so small... 怍
āŽÆ 怌 Oh, um, yeah, I did see portals! I wasnā€™t really about to check them out yet... but maybe thatā€™s as good an excuse as any! 怍 Yuta offered a little finger for Locket to sniff if he wanted to. Oh, to be a little dragon being cradled by a human. 怌 Locket, you said? Such a cute name! But, what do you mean with ā€œ found? ā€ Did you really just happen to meet each other and now youā€™re... well... like this? 怍
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divineety-archived Ā· 5 years
@shintaroxisaragiā€‹ā€‹ HAS JOINED THE BASARITERS! ( starter call )
Admittedly, there were reasons why he wasnā€™t really around the Bureau before ( mainly he absolutely wasnā€™t feeling like being a helpful member of society and all that for a while ), but Yuta figures that if thereā€™s a thing he can do is look around the debris, check things out, maybe help out a little? So many volunteers, some more than willing to accept help, he can definitely find some things to distract himself from his dark thoughts! And also, after that weird announcement... he felt like it would be a good start to look at the source of the disaster. Mostly because he still didnā€™t feel confident enough to go through those portals just yet...
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At least, thatā€™s what he was expecting, but he definitely didnā€™t think that one of those distractions would be someone tripping on one too many pebbles and falling flat onto the ground. Ouch, that mustā€™ve hurt like Hell! Now, while we already established that Yuta isnā€™t a charitable person ( not much at least ), heā€™s not indifferent to the plights of clumsy people, being one himself. Also no one else is helping this guy with the red jacket, so unfortunately, it falls on Yuta to check if heā€™s okay.
怌 Uh, hey, dude? Are you okay? That was a pretty bad fall... 怍 It takes a few seconds for Yuta to walk near the fallen guy and crouch down next to him. He poked him once on his shoulder with a finger. Okay, letā€™s make one thing clear, if this guyā€™s dead, Yutaā€™s gonna book it. No way heā€™s getting blamed for murder like this! 怌 He-hey, come on, get up, you make it seems like youā€™re dead or something... 怍
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divineety-archived Ā· 5 years
If only he could still hack into himself and repair whatever disintegrating code was causing him to act this way. Trying to do so manually hadnā€™t gotten him anywhere, parts of his own data locked off behind walls of blinding white. ā€œOf course. It really shouldnā€™t be a problem for much longer,ā€ 9S quietly reassures, giving Yutaā€™s hand a gentle squeeze as itā€™s shaken. Heā€™s extra careful not to grip too hard on the humanā€™s fragile phalanges. Heā€™d had Leo pull him along by the wrist before, but it wasnā€™t quite the same as folding their hands around one another. Greetings between YoRHa units were salutes; physical contact was exceedingly rare.
Yutaā€™s delight helps him further shake off any doubts. Yes, this was fine, Yuta might not completely believe him, but he hadnā€™t failed this mission yet. Was it bad to think of it as a mission? No, nevermind, he couldnā€™t entertain that train of thought again. 9S offers his other hand in case Yuta wanted to hold that one too, even though they were pretty much identical. ā€œThanks I- Itā€™s cool for me too. I actually have a couple questions myself-ā€ More like thousands of them.Ā ā€œ-but I can wait if thereā€™s anything else you want to know. Um, my name stands for Unit 9, Type Sā€¦ S being for ā€˜Scanner,ā€™ which is my function. Itā€™s like that for all of us newer models, just a number and a letter. With so many units to oversee, I guess Command wanted to keep it simple.ā€Ā 
Did humans really form friendships so easily? It was only a few minutes ago that Yuta was complaining about 9Sā€™s goggles, but here they were, exchanging nicknames. ā€œIsā€¦ there a name you want me to call you by?ā€Ā 
NeetGod posted:
āŽÆ He giddily listens as 9s explains his name and what it means, all while also just as giddily taking the androidā€™s other extended hand, just because it feels cool to be holding an androidā€™s hand. So lifelike! And so gentle! This is absolutely sick! 怌 Scanner! Oh man, so youā€™re like, the intel gatherer? And also like, the hacker of the party and stuff! Aaah, thatā€™s amazing! Thatā€™s like, the coolest set of abilities and skills, if you ask me! Even better than just fighting! And youā€™re saying youā€™re one of the newer models, too? Oh man, so youā€™re one of the cool kids, I bet! 怍
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āŽÆ Uh oh. 9s stepped on a landmine there. Never give Yuta Gamon the opportunity to choose a name for himself. Thatā€™s too much power. Heā€™ll abuse it, for sure. 怌 O-oh, a name? For me? W-well! If you have to ask, you can totally call me Master Yuta, since, heh, well, I can definitely answer all of your questions with knowledge to spare... Th-thatā€™s like, what all of my minion...s, call me too! She-they definitely donā€™t call me a cutesy nickname like Gamotan! 怍 Ā This is the narrator taking over. Please do call him Gamotan. Itā€™s cute. And also donā€™t let him feed his ego like that. Also, Master Yuta? Seriously? He canā€™t even think of something cooler. What a loser.
āŽÆ 怌 A-anyway, as I was saying! I can totally answer your questions!... Try to at least!Ā ć€ Terrible role model, right here. Horrible choice for android formation on human knowledge.
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divineety-archived Ā· 5 years
What an odd coincidence that this level of wanton destruction happened to coincide with the schoolā€™s break period. All the better for Vanna to investigate whatever was happening, at least. Maybe she could figure out why her sealed memory was so vital to this little mystery.
Spending the whole day out clearing rubble, distributing water bottles, and directing those whose apartments were in the blast to alternative housing wasnā€™t very conductive to her ends, but at least she felt useful. In any case, it was too dark for volunteers to stay (and too dangerous on account of the ghosts), so Vanna was starting the odd-number block trek back to her dwelling and her dragon. Tomorrow may work out better for her.
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The octoling made it ten feet until she bumped into someone, a young man with a fluffy short cut andā€¦ a rain slicker? Trying not to stare, she instead looked directly into the neetā€™s eyes before speaking. ā€œYeah, itā€™s been really busy with all the cleanup.ā€ What was it that humans said? That she was bone tired? Yeah. ā€œI-do ya want me to walk you home, man? You seem a little frazzled.ā€
NeetGod posted:
āŽÆ Oh god, direct eye contact. Thatā€™s never fun. He somewhat shrinks away from it, because this girl seems much more socially confident than heā€™ll ever hope to be ( at least when heā€™s not being a drama queen ), even thought thatā€™s not saying much. Still kinda uncomfortable for him! But he canā€™t bring himself to just say it outright: not even being sad as Hell will stop Yuta from trying to look cooler and more serious than he actually is!... also is that a dragon?
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āŽÆ That said, very nice of a stranger to offer such help. He would never! Heā€™s a coward and not exactly the charitable type! Gotta commend this girl though! And also probably thank her. 怌 Oh, um... I appreciate the sentiment, but really, Iā€™m okay! Mostly... Iā€™m just thinking of going home and take a good sleep... 怍 He says that as he just keeps looking at that dragon. How can he not? Itā€™s a dragon! A small one, yeah, but still a dragon! Who cares about Ā being depressed and taking a nap, heā€™s gotta ask!
āŽÆ 怌 Hey, uh... is that... 怍 He points to her familiar, a glint of excitement in his eyes. Itā€™s a dragon, goddammit!!! 怌 ... is that a dragon...? Like, for real, a dragon? Wh-where did it even come from? I know this townā€™s full of weirdos but thatā€™s the first Iā€™ve seen of cat-sized dragons... Ā ć€
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divineety-archived Ā· 5 years
ā€œNo, no, y-y-youā€™re fine,ā€ 9S winces internally, though that glitch wasnā€™t nearly as bad as the last one.Ā ā€œThis can happen sometimes if weā€™re trying to process too much information at once. You didnā€™t do anything wrong. Itā€™s just, normally Iā€™d never get to interact with so many humans. Itā€™ll fix itself once I get used to this place, donā€™t worry.ā€ Not a lie, but not the full truth, and the fact that he has to make something up to reassure Yuta at all makes him feel slightly ill. Yuta had seemed sincere, and here he was, being lied to. 9S probably could have said almost anything, as long as it sounded plausible to a human who had no experience with androids of his type.
ā€œIā€™m sorry, Yuta. I shouldā€™ve introduced myself. My name is 9S, but you can call me Nines, if thatā€™s easier for you.ā€ He offers his left hand to Yuta in reconciliation, knowing that their prior interaction probably could not continue, both relieved and disappointed. Compliments were such a rarity for any of them. Occasionally he was commended on the data heā€™d collected, but when he was just doing his job, did it really count?Ā 
NeetGod posted:
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āŽÆ Even Yuta is somehow not dumb enough to buy that excuse, especially after 9s glitched again a little there, but at the same time, Yuta is way too much of a worrywart to press the matter further, for fear of making his newfound buddy even more stressed. Thatā€™s the last thing heā€™d want to do to a new friend! 怌 Hmmmm... well, I guess Iā€™ll trust you on that... 怍
āŽÆ With that, Yuta lets some eagerness slip as he shakes 9sā€™s hand. How many people can say that theyā€™ve shook hands with a real android? Not that many, for sure! Except Yuta just did! 怌Ooooh...! I just shook hands with an android! It feels like shaking hands with another normal person but at the same time itā€™s so cool! Sorry if it seems silly but this is so cool to me! Itā€™s like Iā€™m in some sort of sci-fi futuristic setting right now! 怍 He should probably tone down the fanboy-ing, but heā€™s too caught up in his excitement to do that. But that handshake was way too excited! Where did the ā€œ play it cool ā€œ rule go!?
āŽÆ 怌 9s... Thatā€™s such a cool name! What does it stand for? Are all android names like that? And Nines is such a cool nickname! An even cooler nickname! Iā€™m gonna call you Nines for sure ā€˜cause it sound so cool! And also that means weā€™re buddies, ā€˜cause nicknames are what friends do, after all! 怍 Now you just sound like an over-excited ten-years-old, please calm down and start acting your age.
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divineety-archived Ā· 5 years
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āŽ Ā āŽÆ> Itā€™s been kinda hard to get myself to sit down and write lately (probably this cvirus ordeal affecting me in more ways than one), but as my muse isnā€™t gone, I kinda wanna get back into things a little! This even seems pretty cool, so ill just slowly creep my way into it!
EDIT:Ā still two spots available!!!
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divineety-archived Ā· 5 years
ā€œYou canā€™t fault that logic,ā€ 9S agrees, as in the back of his mind something is urgently pinging at him. What was he supposed to do about this? Compliment the human back? Did humans like it when you did that? Was this flirting? Was he even allowed to do that? Youā€™re not even supposed to be interacting with humans in this way. Youā€™re made only to protect them. You donā€™t actually like anybody, youā€™re just programmed to think you do. But heā€™s being nice to me.He wonā€™t be nice when he realizes what you are. Remove yourself from the situation. This is not allowed. Remove yourself. Remove yourself-
ā€œYou-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-ā€ His voice glitches wildly, and 9S stumbles back, clapping his hands over his mouth, eyes wide. His programming keeps on insisting he immediately run to mitigate the transgression, but he forces it to quiet, overriding the command, slapping yet another band-aid on this increasingly leaky dam. ā€œā€¦sorry about that,ā€ he says, folding his hands together. ā€œI think the change of locationā€™s disoriented my sensors. This has been happening a lot lately. I was going to say, I think you have really nice eyes too.ā€
NeetGod posted:
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āŽÆ 怌 W-whoa, you okay there, buddy?Ā ć€ Yuta looks concernedly towards his android friend ( theyā€™re friends right? They totally are by now. ). That... was not normal android behavior, was it? Not even normal robot behavior. That was just... weird. His reassurance doesnā€™t really reassure Yuta at all either. And even the compliment somehow doesnā€™t deter him from being worried, even though it usually would. 怌 Um, Iā€™m glad you think that... but are you sure youā€™re good? You did glitch kinda bad there... can I even say glitch? Is it robophobic? You definitely spazzed out there, thatā€™s not normal, right? 怍
āŽÆ Uh oh, did he say something wrong? Is this like thatĀ ā€œ canā€™t compute ā€œ joke but in actual reality? Are Yutaā€™s compliments overloading his android friendā€™s system or something? Oh no. Yutaā€™s tone gets increasingly worried. Still not frantically so, but heā€™s getting close.Ā ć€Œ Hey, itā€™s not like I said something wrong, right? I donā€™t really know how you really talk to an android so if Iā€™m doing something wrong you can tell me and Iā€™ll stop... Iā€™d feel bad knowing Iā€™m making you all glitchy... um... wait, what did you say your name was, again? Oh wow, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve even given you my name, Iā€™m Yuta! Um, Iā€™m sorry if I made you all glitchy there for a second! 怍
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