divinewolfwood · 8 years
This was sent from someone in the West...
“ there’s seriously so many creepy guys in quidditch. I constantly worry about my fellow women in the sport, not everyone had the “luck” to meet creeps early and have a permanent creep warning system. “
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divinewolfwood · 8 years
Long ago stopped caring. This community is toxic as shit and I just feel like throwing what it deserves on it.
“ Does kevin know he’s a douche bag and he doesn’t care or does he really think his condescending nature is good for the sport? “
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divinewolfwood · 10 years
Who is that sexy referee?
A reminder for quidditch players on how to interact with referees:
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(photo by Michael Mason)
A gentle reminder to US Quidditch players:
It is never acceptable to verbally abuse, yell at, or rudely or excessively argue with a referee or official - at any time, including before, during, and after the game.
In my opinion, if you are a player who verbally abuses a referee during a competition, it doesn’t matter if your team won the tournament or not… because your outburst just made you the biggest loser on the field.
It does not matter how good or bad a referee is at their job - as a player you should not even be challenging referees on the field, and certainly not harassing, yelling, or engaging in other verbal abuse. If you have a question about a call, and you really cannot wait until after the game, you can try to talk to the referee about it during the game. However, if they ignore you, it means they are trying to focus on their job and you should wait until after the game.
After the game, if you have questions you should pass them on to your captain or coach. It is their job to go talk to the referee one-on-one once the match has ended, in a polite and calm manner, so that the team can better understand certain calls. We ask that only one person per team talk to the referees so that they are not bombarded with questions from a large number of players at once.
If you are not satisfied with the way that a referee officiated during a game, yelling or directing rude comments will not fix your problem, improve the referee’s future performance or better the referee program in general. Filling out a referee evaluation form, however, can help to accomplish all of these things.
I also suggest that you bring any complaints about a specific referee to the attention of the tournament director or tournament gameplay director. Please remember again to do it in a polite and respectful manner. Tournament directors and staff are dealing with many things at once, and will probably be much more able to address your comments if they are delivered calmly and clearly. 
REMEMBER, a referee can (and should) file a report about you if you are verbally abusing or mistreating any referee or player, which can result in your suspension from future games. Referees can file reports about players by filling out a disciplinary review form. Tournament directors should also be ready to step in and talk to players or teams that are disrespecting referees, and consider filing a report as well.  
In conclusion, please respect all referees at all times, no matter your opinion of them, and remember to file reports and/or evaluations rather than get in shouting matches. Disrespect towards any referee interrupts the flow of the game, undermines all referees’ authority, and discourages people from refereeing in general, which is an essential role that we need for quidditch to exist. Greater respect for quidditch is probably the number one thing that players want, but we surely won’t get respect from the general public if we don’t continue to show respect for each other. 
Thank you for reading. I know that most quidditch players are respectful to referees but it is important that all of us are, and we can do better as a group. I hope that you can help us achieve this by talking to your teammates and making sure they understand how to treat referees. I wish you the best for your fall tournaments and regional championships, and I’m looking forward to working with all of you to make this a great season of quidditch.
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divinewolfwood · 10 years
Am I math hipster because I knew this?
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divinewolfwood · 10 years
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Several of the New York Jets players admitted to using the popular dating app Tinder to meet women. And it turns out a lot of other players and coaches around the NFL also use the app. We actually got ahold of some of their Tinder profiles and some of their pick up lines are pretty interesting… 
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divinewolfwood · 10 years
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divinewolfwood · 10 years
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divinewolfwood · 10 years
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New Photos: ‘Into the Woods' | People
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divinewolfwood · 10 years
Seven words
Kvothe: little shit with literally all the women
Bast: charming, smooth as shit motherfucking Fae prince
Denna: basically has full possession of Kvothe's heart
Mola: will not take any of Kvothe's shit
Devi: Alar like a fucking ocean in storm
Fela: awesome down-to-earth namer-in-training
Tempi: cute as fuck low-ranking Adem mercenary
Vashet: will not take any of Kvothe's shit
Felurian: faerie with an ego to rival Kvothe's
Elodin: perfection in the form of a namer
Simmon: optimistic alchemist/poet/cute ball of fur
Wilem: solid friend who might have drinking problems
Ambrose: literal piece of pretentious, misogynistic, "noble" shit
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divinewolfwood · 10 years
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divinewolfwood · 10 years
Be the person Uncle Iroh knows you can be
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divinewolfwood · 10 years
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divinewolfwood · 10 years
once i was sick so i got a prescription for codeine cough syrup and when i went to pick it up the pharmacist was like “you really won’t need all of this” and i was like “it’s ok i could just sell it at school” and he was like “YEAAAAAAAH FUTURE PHARMACIST” and fist bumped me
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divinewolfwood · 10 years
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"Sunshine Rain"
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divinewolfwood · 10 years
Sometimes you need to remind yourself that you were the one who carried you through the heartache. You are the one who sits with the cold body on the shower floor, and picks it up. You are the one who feeds it, who clothes it, who tucks it into bed, and you should be proud of that. Having the strength to take care of yourself when everyone around you is trying to bleed you dry, that is the strongest thing in the universe.
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divinewolfwood · 10 years
i need to date a girl with the initials AG so we can carve SW+AG on benches
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divinewolfwood · 10 years
My best friend (who works at State Farm) just called me, so excited, saying she met a cute boy at work, whose name is Jake. She likes Jake from State Farm.
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