dixondeliria · 2 years
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[gif by] daryl-and-carol-oh-my
a/n: (me coming back and posting, pretending like I didn't log off for over a month) heyyy, how y'all doing?
"When's your birthday?" You asked.
Daryl turned slowly and narrowed his eyes toward you. "What?" Daryl questioned.
"Your birthday, When is it?" You repeated.
"S'It matter?"
"Why wouldn't it?"
"The world ended, all that matters now is survivin'."
"Well that's a little pessimistic, what's the point of surviving if you aren't living?"
Daryl glanced at you for a moment before scoffing in disbelief, shaking his head as he continued walking against the forest floor, thin sticks cracking underneath his feet.
"Well mines Y/B/D." You told him, trialing behind him, his broad shoulders providing shade from the sun that peaked through the leaves of the trees.
Daryl stayed silent, looking down at the ground in hope of spotting some small footprints in the grass and dirt.
You had assumed he ignored your words, likely annoyed by your constant blabbering. He was always standoffish, a bit rude as well, yet something was pulling you closer to him. Perhaps it was one sided, as it seemed any time you got close he pushed you away to where you were previously.
You had gotten back to the farm just before sunset with him after searching for Sophia. After you both had returned, he speed walked back to his tent as if your presence was painful to him. You couldn't lie, it hurt.
Afterwords you decide to busy yourself with helping the ladies get the landuary folded, not having much else to do around the farm. Hershel had insisted he and his family keep up the farm, denying any help from your people. It was weird not having daily responsibilities like school or work anymore, as well as nothing to occupy yourself with, like computer games or TV shows.
You, Lori, and Carol chatted while folding the fabric that had been washed by the other two earlier in the day. You felt good about taking Carol's mind off of the fact that Sophia hadn't been found yet, seeing her smile even just a bit as you shared stories of the world before.
The sun seemed to go down quickly then normal, the darkness engulfing the fields that surrounded the farm. In the same moment, the soft glow of the moon illuminated the scene ever so slightly.
That was the cue to start the fire and cook up some dinner, provided by the Greene ladies Maggie, Beth, and Patricia.
Everyone soon gathered around the fire, smiling and laughing with each other. After dinner was served and everyone was retreating back to their tents, you felt a warm hand gently grasp your arm. You turned to see, to your surprise, Daryl.
"Hey, uh, can I talk to ya?"
"Uh, sure.. what about?"
"Just.. here." He said shyly, reaching into his back pocket and holding out his rough hand.
As he opened his palm he revealed a small piece of driftwood tied to some thin rope. It was small, about the size of your wrist. You nearly gasped out loud when you saw it, reaching in to take it delicately from his hands.
"It's so pretty! What's this for?" You asked, confused as to why he was showing it to you.
"It's.. it's for you." He answered, stumbling over his words.
You looked up at him with a confused expression, he didn't seem like the type to give gifts.
"Jus'.. heard you telling the girls you liked bracelets and missed the ones you had... an', y'know, it's like a late birthday present." He rambled, his tone shakey and... shy?
"Really? Thank you so much, Daryl!" You beamed at him. "You really didn't have to, but I love it."
"Tha's good, uh, you want me to tie it for you?" He asked.
You couldn't stop smiling, maybe this wasn't as one sided as you thought it was.
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dixondeliria · 2 years
i am obsessed w your blog. the drabble abt laying on daryl is my BIBLE i have never reacted so viscerally to fic. <3
thank you so much what !?
I literally cannot express how happy this makes me !!
I usually gag at my own writing and haven't posted in over a month but this makes me feel so motivated <3
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dixondeliria · 2 years
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[gif by] sinnersandsapphics-edits
a/n: I'm not dead! also just a warning, this includes references to readers body being thin (important to the plot). perhaps a tad ooc.
The door swung open, hitting the wall and bouncing back, the rusty hinges that barely held the door up squeaking. The wind and Daryl's heavy boots against creaking wood floors were all that could be heard, and the occasional bird or squirrel that hid in the safety of trees.
Daryl entered the old, worn cabin, with his crossbow raised at eye level. Walking slowly, he surveyed the interior. The exterior gave the impression it was abandoned, as most homes were nearly a decade ago, but that was largely due to the fact that maintenance wasn't the top priority these days.
Icy blue eyes darted throughout the dusty house, occasionally looking through the scope of the bow. If someone was living here, there would be significantly less dust at the very least.
But that didn't mean the dead weren't roaming around inside, so his weapon stayed raised, finger on the trigger.
First he entered the kitchen, hesitantly setting his crossbow to the side, keeping it within arms length. Rummaging through the cupboards and drawers, he grabbed whatever he deemed useful. Any food inside would be far to rotten to eat, but utensils were still a tool he could use.
Next was the living room. Daryl wasn't an avid reader by any means, but it got boring out on his own. He'd much prefer to spend time doing something productive, but maybe whoever was there before had a surival guide or something. He'd likely know all the information inked onto the pages, but it could come in handy.
After throwing a couple random books and magazines into his bag, Daryl turned to head towards the bathroom when he heard the familiar groan. Just one it sounds like.
Unsheathing his hunting knife, he slowly kept towards the closed room. Kicking the door open, he stumbled back to put space between him and whatever was behind the door. As expected, a singular walker stumbled out towards Daryl, but was quickly stopped by his sharpened blade.
Stepping over the body, he peeked into the room, seeing a variety of cheap alcohol brands, many Daryl recognized.
Dumb bastard drank himself to death.
Daryl scoffed, walking back down the hall, ready to leave without checking the rest of the house - when he heard something above him.
It was quiet, but he could hear it. The sound soon was joined by another, chains?
Lifting his bow another time, he looked up at the top of the staircase. Slowly he crept up them, the floorboards screeching in protest to his weight.
Reaching the top, he listened closely to pinpoint which room it was coming from. Second room to the right. Daryl pressed his ear to the door, he heard the chains but no groaning. Blinking confused, he prepared himself before throwing the door open.
His eyes drifted downward, finding the reason behind the noise. A young girl, chained up to a large dresser. Immediately, his bow was lowered as he ran into the room.
Daryl got down on one knee, waving his hand in front of your face. "Hey, hey girl! Can ya hear me?" He asked in worried tone.
He could see you breathing, he could also see your bones sticking out of your thin clothes. You didn't move an inch, your eyes were closed but your mouth was open. Almost a minute passed before he heard a soft whimper leave your throat.
He tried to think of a way to communicate with you before he grabbed your boney hand. "Hey, squeeze my hand if you can understand me, alright? Can ya do that for me?" He asked, his large hand engulfing yours.
Seconds passed before you were able to managed a gentle squeeze.
"Good, that's real good. Listen, I'm gon' help ya, alright? Just gotta hold on a little bit longer." He started.
"I got a camp, s'just me, m'gonna bring you back there and we'll get some grub in you, how's that sound?" He felt another gentle squeeze, this time accompanied by a soft, appreciative whimper.
Daryl went to pick you up before realizing you was still chained up. Exhaling heavily, he looked around the room, trying to find the key. He ripped the place apart, scanning through every drawer. He even cut the mattress open and pulled all the cotton out.
Sweating, he paced around the room, thinking hard about where the key might be. He then remembered the walker from earlier, was he the one who chained you up here?
Daryl all but ran down the steps and back towards where he left the body. Kicking its shoulder to maneuver it onto it's back, he began digging through it's pockets. His heart jumped for a moment when he felt the cold metal brush against his fingers before pulling it out.
Rushing back to you, Daryl kneeled again, unlocking the chains from your wrists.
A heavy breath left your lips as you felt the chains get removed, but you were still too weak to move or speak. You were so tired.
"You still with me, girl?" Daryl asked, holding your hand in his.
You hummed softly as you squeezed his hand. God you were so tired.
"Good, jus' hold on fer me."
Daryl now could lift you without restraints holding you back.
His heart sank as he felt the bones of your shoulder blades dig into his hand, as well as the bones on your kneecaps. He lifted you with almost horrifying ease. Jesus you weighed about as much as his crossbow.
You body ached as the stranger lifted you, so used to being in the same position. You breathed out a weak groan, eyebrows tensing. So tired.
"M'sorry, it hurt?" You managed just enough strength to nod gently, unable to squeeze his hand to communicate anymore.
"I got ya, just hang on for me sweet thing."
His rough voice was like a lullaby, lulling you into rest, you felt so safe in this strangers arms.
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dixondeliria · 2 years
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[gif by] kendaspntwd
a/n: more suggestive stuff, expect this is MUCH more suggestive, like it's not smut but it's not only suggestive idk how to explain rjaknfskg. also HOW THE FUCK DID MY LAST ONE GET OVER 300 NOTES? WHAT
Daryl's eyes followed his hand as it trailed down your waist, the distant orange hues from the fire that burned just feet away being the only source of light besides the pale moon.
Daryl could worship that fire, worship it for giving him this view. The events that had just taken place were kickstarted by that fire.
The way the colors reflected onto your face had caused him to stare. Which caused you to stare back at him.
He ducked his head at first, embarrassed that you could feel his eyes burning into you more so than the flames, but then you grasped his cheek and forced him to look at you. There was a few moments that went by before the moved was made.
It was slow at first, but built itself up as it continued. It wasn't a fuck, he didn't pound you into the floor of his tent, he was sweet, gentle.
He asked a million and one times before every little action, praised you relentlessly, kissed every inch of your face and body.
He made love to you.
The flames danced, creating shadows on your sleeping form. Your eyes gently shut, as you nuzzled deeper into Daryl's chest, and he has to hold his breath as he hears his heart hammered harder than it ever has. The shadows moved erratically, a contrast to the calm atmosphere.
Back at the prison, he scoffed when Glenn had shown off the polaroids he would snap of Maggie, now he wishes he had a polaroid camera himself.
He wouldn't need it, this moment would be burned into his memory till the day he died, and then some. It wasn't a need, it was a want.
He wanted it.
Daryl never truly wanted anything.
He based everything purely off of practicality, survival. If it wont help you survive, it's dead weight.
But he wants this, he wants something to hold onto.
He wants to keep a picture of this fire, to pull it out of his pocket when he's visiting The Kingdom, Hilltop, or Alexandria. To look at those flames and remember that night, while everyone around him is none the wiser.
He just keeps fucking staring, and he feels like a creep.
Oddly, his insecurity was overpowered by something else. Something similar to his feelings for his people, for Rick, Michonne, Carol, Maggie.
Except, different, stronger maybe? It's different for sure.
He can't put his finger on it, he's felt it before, only lesser.
He felt it when he first saw you, tangled up in one of his traps. He felt it again, stronger this time, when you had tended to his wounds. But now it was like every time he's ever felt it times infinity.
It almost hurts, how hard his heart is beating right now. For a second he thinks he might be having a heart attack, but he's not that old. He's exerted much more energy before and been relatively fine, but it still made him panic for a moment, placing a hand on his chest and squeezing for a moment.
His senses were so overwhelmed, it was as if he was stuck in that moment still. It reminded him of a PTSD flashback, but with good memories.
He could hear you, those pretty sounds you had made just for him. He could feel you, how you had felt wrapped around him. He could see you, how you looked up at him as if he had held the world in his hands.
His mind was running a mile a minute, and the only thing keeping up was his heart.
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dixondeliria · 2 years
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[gif by] jaaryl
a/n: not smutty but very suggestive, might be a tad self insert, size kink go brrr.
Laying over Daryl's sturdy frame was the most comfortable place you could rest. It was the place you felt safest, guarded from the evil the world garnered.
He would willingly let the world throw everything at him full force if you could be spared from a cut on your hand.
That's what made you feel so safe with him. He'd fight tooth and nail to keep you safe, and he'd take all the torture the world had to offer just to provide that safety.
So laying here, your head resting just below his chin, legs on either side of his, hands on his shoulders, your arms bent at the elbows, his left arm around your waist rubbing your back, while his right caressed your head—this was the safest you've ever felt.
You could feel his attempt to breathe softer, so when he exhaled, it wouldn't bother you when his breath hit your skin. You breathed in his scent, he smelt like nature. He smelt of dirt and trees in the wind, if it weren't for the strong smell of cigarettes, he'd smell like a breath of fresh air.
He had just got back from a recruitment trip along with Aaron, he was gone for a little over a week. Before it didn't seem like much, but in the world now? It only took a few seconds for everything to go to south.
The days he was gone were always hard, you didn't feel safe without him around. They were hard for him too, not being able to protect you while he was out. He just wanted to hide you away from the world, where nobody but he could find you.
He was so overprotective, so jealous, and you loved that about him. You loved when he glared down the men in Alexandria when they looked at you, when he gripped onto you tightly during the parties, when his possessiveness outweighed his shyness.
The corners of your lips slowly turned upwards, tucking your lips together as you tried to hold back from giggling. You brought your right hand off his shoulder and softly bit the knuckle of your pointer finger, your smile growing wider as your thoughts continued to stir.
Taking a deep breath, your hand grabbed Daryl's, holding it gently. You stared as his large hand engulfed yours, his felt rough and strong, working hands. You watched as his thumb moved in small circles on the back of your hand, practically holding your breath as your heart raced.
You unlocked your hands, holding yours up to his in comparison. His hand blindly followed your movements, his heart full of trust for you.
You couldn't stop the timid, hushed giggles as they escaped your throat, your chest jumping with them.
"What're you gigglin' bout down there?" Daryl asked, his lips quirked up in amusement as he craned his neck to look down at you.
Looking back up at him, you smiled bashfully at him, "Nothing.." You murmured unconvincingly.
"Mhm, sure," He spoke in a knowing tone, raising his eyebrow to look at you questioningly.
You just smile back up at him before looking back at his hand and yours, the way he looked down at you making you even more giddy. He looked over you, trying to get a clue as to what was making you so giggly.
After a couple moments, your hand left his and landed on his chest. Gently, your hand slid up and down, shamelessly feeling him up, feeling his strong body under yours.
"You're just so big," You confessed, your hand gently squeezing his muscular waist.
A soft scoff was heard from above you, but you didn't need to look to know he was blushing.
"Rude," he said sarcastically, attempting to brush off your compliment with a joke.
You rolled your eyes, he knew what you meant, he knew exactly what you meant.
You felt his hand that laid on your back trail lower and lower till it met the bottom of your shirt, snaking under it, his hand met your bare back as he continued to trail it up and down.
Your hand moved to do the same, reaching under his shirt, your hand graced his bare waist, brushing back and forth between his stomach, to his waist, and his back.
Soon, his right hand moved to join his left, and your hands mirrored his.
His hands moved down to the bottom of your shirt again before pausing. Looking up, you saw him looking down at you, you nodded softly.
That confirmation was all he needed before your shirt began riding up, along with his hands.
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dixondeliria · 3 years
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[gif by] aldensutton
a/n: I think this is my first imagine I'm actually proud of
"Even after seeing everything here, I'm surprised they have cameras." Rostia said, sitting down on the couch next to Daryl.
"Yeah, think they got the internet too?" Daryl joked, opening the window before he lit a cigarette.
"I'd say I wouldn't be surprised, but I would be lying." Rosita admitted. "How have you been doing comrade?" She asked with a hint of amusement. "Sucks not being able to hang out when we work together." She said, bringing one of the strawberries she held to her mouth.
"It's alright, still weird being around all these random guys." He responded, lifting his arms as Dog jumped up to lay on his lap.
"Yeah, same, there isn't much room for girl talk with a bunch of dudes." She laughed, reaching over to scratch Dogs head.
Daryl snorted, rubbing Dogs belly as he turned over on his back, demanding belly rubs.
"It's good being out of those shitty apartments though." He pointed out, smoke floating out of his mouth as he spoke.
"You can say that again, god I could hear the people above me everytime they went to take a piss." Rosita complained. "Are the kids sleeping good now?"
"Better, they still ain't used to bedtimes and all that." A small smirk painted Daryl's face as he continued. "Judith's getting good, it's a fight with RJ everynight though."
"Trust me, he'll start sleeping when he realizes he has to go to school in the morning, that's how I learned. I remember my first day of kindergarten was spent nodding off half the time, thank god for nap time or I would have been a goner." Rosita assured.
"Yeah, I hope so." He responded. "How's Coco? She sleeping good?" He asked, taking another drag of his cigarette.
"She's doing good, sleeping like a baby. And by that I mean she wakes up crying at 3 AM everynight." She replied, sarcasm thick in her voice. "But back on topic, how do you feel about the party?" Rosita asked, biting another strawberry.
"Kinda weird, I mean, I couldn't go to Deannas when we first got to Alexandria. That was tame compared to whatever this is." He explained. "How about you? You nervous?"
"A little. I wouldn't say I was a party animal before, but I went a few here and there. It's been a while though, I don't know what to think, or how to feel." She voiced. "How about Sebastian? Not excited to see him again."
"Pfft, yeah. Kid couldn't take out one walker on his own. Heard Eugene had a problem with him too." Daryl mentioned, taking a drag.
"Great, so we got a spoiled rich kid on our hands." Rosita scoffed. "How much you want to bet we'll be expected to put our asses on the line for him?"
"A lot." Daryl scoffed back, coughing as the smoke filled his lungs.
"His sister isn't so bad though, brought food for me and some other soldiers a few times as a thank you." Rosita said.
"Yeah, brought some for me and some guys too." Daryl echoed, suddenly breaking eye contact with Rosita, looking towards the floor as learned forward, putting out his cigarette and biting his bottom lip.
Rosita titled her head and narrowed her eyes, noticing Daryl's change in demeanor. A small smirk growing on her face at her sudden realization, she made a mental note to talk to Carol later.
Daryl and Rosita stood across from each other at the entrance of the building that hosted the party, blinking frequently due to the unfamiliar flashing lights.
They watched as the citizens began to cheer, watching as Sebastian walked up the steps in a beige suit. You weren't far behind. You kept your head down for the most part, your hands in the pockets of your ankle length coat. You occasionally looked up at the people who stood behind the red velvet rope, bringing your hands out to wave with a smile.
Your outfit mirrored your brother's, a tight, long sleeved white dress with a similarly colored beige coat to keep you warm in the chill of the night, a colorless gloss, and white eyeliner with beige shadow. Your mother was strict about the color scheme.
You walked up the stairs leading to the large double doors, guarded by soldiers. Looking up, you noticed Sebastian had stopped in front of one of the newest soilders, Daryl. You breathed deeply, hoping he wouldn't make a scene.
You knew Sebastian hated Daryl for 'raining on his parade'. You watched your brother purposefully taunted Daryl, messing with his black suit. You sped up your steps, walking behind your brother as he continued on with a passive aggressive smile.
Just before he entered the masquerade, you brought your left hand out of your coat pocket, smacking the back of his head. He spun around to look at you, his eyes were wide and telling, you could practically hear his whiney tone, 'don't embarrass me in front of the press Y/N!'. You simply rolled your eyes and pushed him forward, turning to look at Daryl before mouthing a soft 'sorry' and walking in with your brother.
Rosita had to hold back from laughing out loud as she watched you smack the back of Sebastians head, lifting her hand to cover her mouth. She looked back at Daryl and noticed his eyes lingered on where you once were, leaning forward in an attempt to catch another glimpse of you. She smirked and cleared her throat. Daryl's eyes snapped back to hers as she lifted a knowing eyebrow.
Daryl rolled his eyes and turned back to the stairs to watch as people continued to enter the party. He tried to be nonchalant, and perhaps he looked that way to the commonwealth community, but people who knew Daryl long enough, people like Rosita, they knew. The continuous downward gaze, playing with his fingers, biting his lip, the pink tint in his face.
It was obvious.
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dixondeliria · 3 years
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[gif by] dixonscarol
The soft sound of fabric rubbing against bare skin was loud in the silent room. Outside the window was gentle calls of morning doves, peaceful, different from your day to day life, even with the large walls of Alexandria. Just outside, there was the contestant threat of walkers, humans, feral animals — the list went on. But the singing of those white birds had become a symbol, a symbol that life adapted and lived on.
Daryl's eyes fluttered open as the sound caressed his ears, squinting back closed at the sight of the sun peaking through a small gap in the curtains. Alas, his basement window hadn't been low enough to be hidden from the beaming star. Blinking rapidly, he forced his eyes to adjust before turning his head to look at the other side of the bed.
In the privacy of his room, left only to be seen by you, his top teeth showed as he smiled brightly.
Even as he woke up to you laying next to him every morning, he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that you were his. His to love, his to cherish, his to protect.
Why you chose him was unknown to Daryl, you could have anyone you wanted, but you chose him. He was weak when it came to you, in every way possible. You were the best thing that ever happened to him, so he'd be damn foolish to let you slip away.
In his love drunk gaze, he noticed that the gap in the curtain had been positioned in a way that caused the light of the sun to fall directly on to your face. It was only a sliver, barely an inch wide and long in diameter. Still, Daryl was worried you'd be disturbed in your sleep, and he wanted to lay with you just a bit longer.
Sluggishly, he turned on his side, moving his hand to cover the sliver that threatened to wake you, the warmth of the sun now laying on his hand. His eyes held a soft look, worry lines calmed — he looked peaceful for a change. This only happened when you were in his sight, mind, or arms.
Maybe it was the sudden disappearance of the heat the sun offered, but you gently stirred in your sleep soon after Daryl blocked on sun of reaching your face. His heart jumped, worried you'd wake up to him staring at you, but you eyes stayed shut as a bit of hair descended in front of your face.
He took his hand, which along with his arm, was slowly tiring, and moved your messy hair out of your face and behind your ear. He let his hand rest on the side of your face, his thumb delicately brushing your cheek.
He bit his lip as he looked over your face, the side of his face resting on the pillow that laid parallel to yours. He wanted to be closer, he wanted to feel you against him. He fought with himself in his head for a few moments before slowly inching forward towards you. He brought his arm to your waist and pulled you closer until your head laid on his bicep.
His hand slowly came up from your waist to rest on the back of your head, pulling you under his chin. He let his hand stay on the back of your head, running his hands through your hair as you snuggled closer into his chest, making his heart flutter.
Closing his eyes, he let himself fall back into another sleep.
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dixondeliria · 3 years
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[gif by] theteasetwrites
Daryl's jaw tightened, his bottom lip, dry and cracked, being chewed by his teeth. He was tense, wary eyes, narrowed at judging ones. He was sat up the front step on one of the two houses his group was gifted. His vision was darting around constantly, every small stimulus putting him on edge. He was obviously overwhelmed with the sudden change of scenery.
Suddenly, his eyes met hers. Those fucking eyes he couldn't stand to look at, but couldn't bring himself to avert his eyes from. She beamed, her eyes becoming smaller at the wide grin on her face, giving him a small wave. He felt his heart thud against his ribcage, a prison it wanted to break free from and scramble towards her. He could feel his pulse begin to hammer, a vein in his neck threatening to make itself known as his face flushed red on his tan skin.
When first arriving to Alexandria, the group was sent to the infirmary before their interviews. She had been the one to check over them all. Daryl was the last to be checked, his own choice, and he hadn't paid much notice to what the group had said about the doctor inside while waiting.
He did notice the sucker's that came out with each person that came back out of the door. It wasn't until he, reluctantly, went in that he finally understood the fuss. She had looked up at him with that very same smile, her eyes lighting up as they met his. He had felt his heart pound, so strongly he swears he heard it pound against lungs — like rocks creating a spark.
He pulled his lips into a thin line, lazily lifting his hand. A pathetic copy of her movements towards him. He sighed as his eyes traveled over her, his eyes looked down at his lap for a moment, his head hanging down, before looking back up at her as she walked away. His gaze stayed locked on her for a few moments before falling to his hands. His hands that held the chocolate sucker she had gifted him, wrapper still wound around the candy.
"Shh, don't tell anyone I gave you the special kind."
He wondered what she meant by that, his thick fingers unwrapping it. He looked back up again, his eyes searching for her. He watched her walk away, her frame becoming smaller the further she went. His eyes kept on her, as if it had become vital to his vision. Usually he'd find such animated behavior annoying, especially now, but it was as if she possessed him, withholding his self control.
His eyes returned to the half unwrapped sucker. He must have gotten distracted by her, not noticing how he stopped unwrapping it. He finally unwrapped the candy, twirling it in his fingers, looking it over to see what was so special. Unable to notice anything different, his felt an unexplainable pain in his chest. His expression flattened before placing the candy on his tounge.
A few moments passed before he took a impatient bite into the hard candy. He bit into something different, it was chewy. It tasted the same as the sucker, but the texture was opposite. He felt that sensation, that was slowly becoming more familiar, of his heart pounding. He bit into the tootsie roll that was hidden in the middle of the sucker, fighting a lopsided grin as he realized nobody else in the group had gotten the chocolate middle he had.
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dixondeliria · 3 years
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─ One Shots
Miss Milton
Chained Up
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─ Mini Series
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─ Headcannons
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─ Drabbles
When first arriving to Alexandria, the group was sent to the infirmary before their interviews. She had been the one to check over them all.
Even as he woke up to you laying next to him every morning, he couldn't wrap his head around the fact that you were his.
Laying over Daryl's sturdy frame was the most comfortable place you could rest.
Daryl's eyes followed his hand as it trailed down your waist, the distant orange hues from the fire that burned just feet away being the only source of light besides the pale moon.
As he opened his palm he revealed a small piece of driftwood tied to some thin rope. It was small, about the size of your wrist. You nearly gasped out loud when you saw it, reaching in to take it delicately from his hands.
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— last updated: june 10th 2022
— requesting rules + request link
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dixondeliria · 3 years
─ writer + writing recommendations
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writers I reccomend
— @theteasetwrites
— @daryl-dixon-daydreams
— @haruhey
— @sheesuss
— @twdsunshine
— @dreamingdixon
— @sublimecatgalaxy
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writings I reccomend
— that's my job
— tenderly feral
— the l word
— inventory
— invictus
— concussion watch
— cats dont like the rain
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dixondeliria · 3 years
─ requesting rules
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please respect my boundaries, I can deny a request if it makes me uncomfortable.
only x reader; expectation for platonic character x character, but must be fit into an x reader storyline.
I only write for female or gender-netural readers as I don't feel comfortable writing for male readers, this includes x female characters, not just male.
no graphic depictions of triggering topics
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— note: all asks will be answered anonymously, If you wish to be tagged in the post, please mention it in your request, I currently don't have a computer so I can't add the anon option at the moment.
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dixondeliria · 3 years
welcome to my blog
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My blog contains writing for the walking dead, specifically for daryl dixon. I will likely write for a few other characters in the future, but for now I am only writing for daryl. My blog also may contain graphic scenes (for example, nsfw or gore), please keep in mind that unless something is not mentioned in the warnings of my writing, you are responsible for what you consume. If you're unable to find a fic you think came from my blog, check my main blog under the tag 'my writing archive', I have a habit of deleting fics but I dislike the fact that people who may have enjoyed said fics aren't able to read them anymore, so I've started rebloging my stuff on my main blog.
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requests are open (for drabbles only at the moment)
requesting rules
main blog
writer and writing recommendations
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— alias : ghost
— age : eighteen
— pronouns : any/all
— sexual orientation : omni
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