dixonsquirrels · 1 year
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Pairings: Daryl Dixon x FemReader, lil bit Negan x Reader
Summary: reader talks to Negan. Daryl does NOT approve
Word Count: 2041
Warnings: None
Negan squinted as y/n walked in.
The lighting was notoriously bad in his cell, especially in the colder months.
Still, he recognised her almost instantly.
She had a confidence about her, he'd noticed it right when they'd first met.
"No more free time today, huh?" 
There was a grin on her face. There was always a grin on her face, it seemed.
"You that bored you came to see me?" Negan sat up straighter in his cell, matching her smile with his own.
y/n leaned sideways on the bar, facing the man.
"I see you haven't lost your good spirits." She said, "That's good. It's panning out to be a cold winter."
"Is that so?"
"I don't think you'll be welcome into anyone's cosy, warm abode."
"Not even yours?"
She scoffed,
"Forget it."
There was a short break as y/n gently rapped her knuckles against the bars. Negan had noticed she had always been easily bored.
"Still haven't gotten an answer on why you're here."
She pouted,
"What? Aren't we friends?"
Negan raised his brow,
"Is that what we are?" Honestly, he wasn't surprised at her words. y/n said all sorts of things.
"No, I suppose not. Circumstances make it a little hard." y/n sighed.
"Which circumstances would that be? That I'm your prisoner or the fact I killed your friends."
He wasn't looking for a rise out of her, truly. y/n wasn't like Michonne or even Gabriel. It was impossible to provoke her to anger, god knows he'd tried before.
The girl shrugged,
"A bit of both, I suppose. Besides, you're moving up in this world! You're more like under house arrest now."
"I'm elated that I get to do your chores."
"You're contributing to a society."
"It's hardly my society." Negan chuckled.
y/n frowned, "Yeah, it is. You're kinda one of us now."
"I think you and Judith are the only ones who see it that way."
"That's still two people." She offered, "Count yourself lucky, you can hardly be surprised you're not the most popular guy around."
"Not surprised. Why are you here?"
She narrowed her eyes, "I'm bored."
"You seem bored often."
"Alexandria is boring. No one here's any fun. They're all about farming and stuff, nobody actually wants to do fun things."
"Fun things?"
"Like drag racing."
Negan laughed, clasping his hands in front of him.
"You were always my favourite."
y/n cocked her head and leaned back against the wall to get more comfortable,
"Flattery isn't gonna get you anywhere."
He ignored her. "The others were too serious, too predictable. You were actually interesting."
y/n giggled, her laughter echoing around the small cell,
"If they were so predictable, how did Rick Grimes manage to take you so utterly by surprise?"
Negan nodded,
"Fair enough, still, you intrigued me more."
She snorted, "Intrigued? That sounds very excessive."
"Nah, not excessive; you were the first person in a very long time who wasn't scared of me. I respected it." He said, "I thought about killing you quite a few times but I just liked you too damn much."
"That's very generous of you, I'm flattered."
"Good thing I didn't, you're the only one who visits me down here, think I'd go crazy otherwise."
He paused a moment,
"And, of course, I wouldn't be alive."
y/n shot him a confused look.
Negan gave her a 'you know what I mean look' but she just shrugged.
"Daryl freaking Dixon would gut me if I touched a hair on your pretty head." He said with amusement, y/n meeting his gaze with a blank expression, "You know, long hair, crossbow, always brooding-"
"Yeah, okay." y/n cut him off, looking annoyed.
Negan sense her slight discomfort at the topic. He grinned wide,
"Speaking of Mr Dixon, whereabouts is he nowadays? Can't say I've heard his name 'round in a while."
"He's around." y/n said vaguely, "Sometimes." She added after a second.
"Sounds like he just took off. Left ya'll behind."
She just shrugged, nonchalant as always,
"Like I said, he's around. He always comes back."
"Yeah, for you I bet. Don't think anything else is keeping him here."
"Don't be stupid, he's got plenty of people he cares about."
Negan held his hands up in mock surrender, 
"Didn't mean to infer anything. Just stating my opinion."
"You're opinion is boring. I came down here for some conversation, not your Daryl Dixon philosophy."
He laughed,
"Hit a nerve, have I?"
She glared at him,
y/n turned to leave and just as she'd taken one step towards the door, Negan called back to her,
"Hey, sorry! Forget it, let's talk about something else."
She grinned and turned around, bathing in his desperation,
"Aww, begging for my company, are we?"
Negan rolled his eyes,
"The things I have to do around here to stay sane." He muttered with exasperation.
"Be nice to me for a start, as much as I love Michonne, it's probably mind-dulling to have her as your only companion." y/n said lightly, "Probably more so since she hates your guts."
"I also have Gabriel." Negan pointed out.
She snorted,
"Of course, I imagine praying to God for forgiveness is very enlightening for you." 
"You'd be surprised, he can be quite convincing-" 
Negan was cut off by the door being loudly opened and someone stepping inside the room.
Negan's smile faded and y/n turned to look at the person who walked in,
She expected it to be Michonne so she readied herself to defend the fact she was visiting Negan for the hundredth time but when she turned, she was surprised to see none other than Daryl Dixon.
"Well, speak of the devil." Negan drawled behind her.
y/n ignored him,
"What are you doing here?" She said, less warmly than expected considering they hadn't seen each other in a couple of weeks.
It was a surprise to see him.
And he didn't look pleased.
Daryl walked towards her, expression soured but he didn't answer her question.
Glaring at Negan, he grabbed y/n's arm.
She frowned and tried to wriggle free, unimpressed by his coldness,
"What are you doing-"
"We're leavin'." He spoke for the first time.
She noticed he looked rougher than when she'd seen him last. He wore a lot of layers, his hair was tousled and he sported new scratches all around the right side of his face.
"Don't you think you should let her decide for herself-" Negan attempted to speak up on her behalf.
"I ain't talkin' to you." Daryl shot him an icy glare and refocused on y/n who looked confused.
"Let's go."
He pulled her arm, but not roughly. It was just a gesture that conveyed urgency, she knew it well.
She allowed herself to be escorted out. Just before they reached the door, y/n turned to look back at Negan,
"See ya later" She shot lightly at him as they disappeared.
He half-waved back.
When they got outside, y/n wrenched free to look at Daryl.
He looked furious,
"They hell you doin', huh? I come here just to hear from Michonne yer always talkin' to him? Of all people, ya wanna cosy up to that man?"
"Cosy up? That's dramatic." y/n rolled her eyes.
He gripped her shoulders and got closer to her face,
"Start takin' some things serious, how about that, huh? You can start with keepin' your damn distance from him."
She grinned.
Daryl pushed her away lightly and scowled,
"Stop it." He warned.
"Stop what?"
"Stop fuckin' smiling every time. It drives me crazy when I got no clue what yer thinkin'." He rubbed his hand over his face, looking exasperated.
y/n narrowed her eyes at him,
"You've known me for years, Daryl. You should know by now I do what I like, not what others like."
"I ain't tryna tell ya what to do, okay. I ask just one small thing, y/n."
"And that small thing is telling me who I'm allowed to talk to, is it?
"I'm not-" Daryl paused, taking a deep breath then looked y/n in the eye,
"I just want ya to be safe, ya hear?"
y/n gave him a wry look, tilting her head,
"Don't bullshit me, Dar. I haven't seen you in weeks, hell I haven't spoken properly to you in months!" She sounded angrier than Daryl had every remembered her being, "So, please, forgive me if I don't hang off your every word."
He was silent so she continued,
"Did you expect me to sit at home all day until you finally decided to grace us all with your presence? That I'd be little, obedient y/n forever. Well, wake up Dixon, you made your choice when you left."
"I thought I could find him-"
"And I don't hold it against you!" y/n took a deep breath, "I'd be here for you no matter what you chose, I care about you. You should do what you feel is right but I won't be your pet."
"He killed our people." Daryl said quietly. 
"We killed his first!" y/n countered, "What he did was awful, terrible, but he's been punished for it- he's still being punished for it and he'll probably spend the rest of his life in isolation; but we can't pretend we were entirely blameless. People can be redeemed."
Daryl shook his head,
"You've always been like this, ya know? Yer the most confusin' person I've ever known."
y/n grinned as she always did, frustrating for everyone as usual,
"At least that makes me interesting."
"I'm bein' serious, y/n." He warned, "It scares me, you scare me. Sometimes I feel like ya just don't think. How many times have ya almost died 'cause ya don't wanna listen?"
y/n shrugged,
"Probably a lot, doesn't mean I shouldn't make my own decisions." She said, "There should be a point where I stop relying on you- and on other people.
Daryl took a step back and buried his head in his hands for a moment, then withdrew his hand,
"I know I ain't been present enough- I just-" he struggled to find the words, "I know ya ain't stupid, hell yer probably the smartest person I know. Ya just got somethin' strange 'bout ya, remember what Rick used to say?"
"Logic doesn't apply to me." y/n said softly.
"All those times ya did somethin' stupid- stealin' the boat from Oceanside, jumpin' off the walls in Hilltop, riskin' yer life for canned fruit- I was fuckin' terrified that that was it for ya, that you'd die."
"I never did."
"I know, but that didn't make it any easier."
y/n looked down and frowned a bit,
"Do you think I'm too reckless?"
"I think you're..." Daryl sighed, "I know you y/n, the person ya are- I like everythin' 'bout ya and I wouldn't have anybody else, really. Ya have a good heart, ya think highly of everybody, whether or not they deserve it and I admire that. I just don't want ya gettin' hurt 'cause ya choose to trust someone who don't deserve it."
y/n pursed her lips,
"Maybe you're right but I'm not as stupid as I was all those years ago, you can trust me now."
"I know." He said quietly.
There was a few seconds of silence then y/n moved her hand to gently push back Daryl's hair, taking a closer look at the scratches adorning his face.
"Maybe I should worry about you more." She said finally, trying to lighten the mood.
He scoffed quietly but didn't pull away, watching her carefully.
"I'm fine."
y/n removed her hands,
"Are you heading off soon?" She asked.
Daryl paused then shook his head,
"Nah, think imma stick around a bit. Maybe we can do somethin',"
y/n nodded,
"We should invite Negan, too."
Daryl stiffened and after a tense moment y/n broke out into her grin, laughing slightly.
"I'm joking! God, you should've seen your face." She threw her arms around his neck from the side, bringing their heads closer.
He narrowed his eyes, looking down at y/n,
"Very funny."
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
Where reader is badass as hell and beats the shit out of people so he has to drag her off of the person/people
Sorry this took so long but hope you enjoyyyy !!!
Pairings: Daryl Dixon x FemReader
Word Count: 1679
Warnings: none :)
To be completely honest, he deserved it.
Not only did he deserve it, but he was totally asking for it.
y/n had tried, she really had. 
She'd never been one for stepping on egg shells, even before the apocalypse, she'd been straight to the point, there was nothing she was scared of telling anyone.
Whether it was a good quality or not, y/n didn't care and she wasn't planning on changing it.
Nevertheless, when the group arrived in Alexandria and Rick had warned her to do her best to avoid confrontation and be polite to everyone whilst they were awaiting  judgement, she promised she'd do her best.
y/n had quite the temper, but she swore to herself she'd keep her mouth shut. It was for the good of the group and she wasn't planning on letting her short temper risk this opportunity for everyone.
It had been fine for the first week. Everyone from Alexandria seemed nice enough but didn't over socialise with anybody other than Rick, Carol, and Daryl.
She found them weird, honestly. Maybe it had been because she'd spent so long living in the wild, just surviving, but she just felt like pretending when she walked in the community. It seemed fake, temporary.
The way they partied, socialising, talked like the outside world didn't exist. Like they were in denial.
It wasn't that there was anything inherently wrong about the people, but it was almost like there'd been a cycle of evolution and these people had been left behind.
From the first gathering Rick had forced her to attend, Spencer had always been close.
He just stuck to her and wouldn't back off. There just seemed to be not way to communicate tto him that he just wasn't interested.
The first time he approached her, huge smile, she'd smiled cordially and and briefly chatted with him, trying to seem as bland and uninteresting as possible whilst maintaining a façade of politeness. Unfortunately, it hadn't deterred him.
When he came to her the second time that night, drink in hand this time, y/n had been prepared to be completely blunt.
However, one look across the room meant a stern glance from Rick so she forced a smile and talked for a couple of minutes before excusing herself to the bathroom and hopping out of the window.
She'd ran across half of Alexandria in the freezing cold in a mini skirt to sit next to Daryl on the porch in silence.
y/n liked it with Daryl. They didn't have to talk. She didn't have to be fake around him.
Of course, the next day, Spencer had practically cornered her, questioning her sudden disappearance. y/n, thinking of Rick's disapproving face just made up some excuse about feeling sick.
 But he'd just been absolutely relentless. It may have been a while since she'd lived in a normal society but she knew she had dropped about a million hints and anybody normal would've backed off by now.
Through the course of the next few weeks, she'd slowly converted from being polite to just trying to avoid him as much as possible.
It was becoming harder for her to not just curse him out but every time the urge inhibited her, she remembered her group and how hard it was outside these walls so she just shut up and walked away.
It had been another stupid house party.
Rick had marched over to her house and practically dragged her out of bed because apparently she hadn't been social enough and some of the residents had been keen to get to know her.
"I don't wanna go!" She'd whined as he ushered her downstairs, shoving a hairbrush into her hands.
"Sorry sweetheart, you gotta." Rick held her firmly by the hand as he led her to the house. y/n had lost her walking alone privileges when she'd tried to run about two minutes prior.
"Why does Daryl not have to go? It's not fair."
"Actually, y/n, now that you mention it," Rick knocked on the door of some woman's house for which chatter and music was coming from, "He is actually here tonight."
y/n frowned, "How'd you manage that?"
Rick smiled and greeted the woman who answered the door, gently shoving y/n in to make sure she didn't try weasel her way out.
Sure enough, when they'd made it down the hallway, y/n spotted Daryl sitting awkwardly at the bottom of the stairs, alone and drinking a can of beer.
y/n lit up instantly.
Rick rolled his eyes and patted her shoulder, kissing her quickly on the top of her head,
"Alright, try not only talking to Daryl. You might find people ain't all that bad." 
"Only once I've had some drinks."
"One drink." Rick walked away, a smile on his face as he began mingling  with some residents.
y/n looked down to Daryl and grinned, ruffling his hair.
He grunted in response.
"Did he confiscate your bike or something?"
Daryl rolled his eyes,
"I ain't social 'nuff."
"Hey, I got that too!"
He quirked an eyebrow at her, "Really? I can't get ya to shut up most the damn time."
"That's because I like you. These people freak me out."
"Yeah, I get it."
There was a short silence as y/n scoured the room. She froze,
"Oh god."
"What?" Daryl peered up.
"Don't look!" She shrieked, "Jesus, he's coming over. Please kill me now."
To her pure misfortune, she'd managed to make eye contact with Spencer in her first five minutes of being here and he'd smiled wide, instantly walking across the busy room towards her.
Daryl, still sat unbothered, squinted,
"Who the hell's that?"
"Just some prick- hey! yeah, I'm good thanks." y/n forced herself to smile politely.
Spencer swaggered towards them, half-empty glass in hand,
"Look who it is!" he grinned, "Seems like I've barely seen you around lately, how come?"
"Oh, you know, just- been going on runs... and stuff."
Spencer looked at Daryl who was disapprovingly looking him up and down and pointed his glass at y/n,
"Your friend's quite the little mystery, isn't she? Very quiet."
"Nah, she ain't." He answered plainly.
Spencer froze for a second, his smile faltering, then he recovered and turned his attention back to y/n,
"So, uh, care for a drink."
"I'm alright, actually, thanks."
"Come on, just one!"
"No, thank you."
"You need something to take the edge of, get you feeling more comfortable."
"I said no."
Spencer frowned, trying to process the fact he wasn't getting the response he expected.
Rick must have had his back turned for ten minutes before the shouting began.
He turned around to see people frantically crowding around the other end of the room, he heard a yell of pain from a man and the group of people protesting.
Looking around, he couldn't spot Daryl or y/n.
Cursing under his breath, he crossed the room quickly and pushed through the crowd to get to the front.
When he'd made it past the group, he saw, to his complete horror, y/n kneeling on Spencer on the floor.
His face was bleeding and y/n's fist was red.
She held it up in warning,
"Not so bold now, huh?!" She yelled at him.
Rick frantically looked beside him to see Daryl casually leaning against the wall, watching the fight unfold. There was a small hint of a smile on his face.
Daryl shoved him,
"What the hell?!" He asked furiously, "I'm gone five minutes! Break it up!"
"Nah, she's doin' fine." Daryl shifted, "Asshole deserved it."
Rick seethed.
Daryl sighed,
Stepping forward, he gripped y/n by the underarms and lifted her off the floor, all whilst she continued yelling at a pained Spencer.
"Alright, fun's over sunshine. Time to go."
y/n made a face at him, trying to wriggle out of his grip,
"The asshole had it coming."
Daryl nodded, not letting of of her, "Said so too, but Rick ain't seein' that way."
y/n sheepishly looked at Rick who looked very angry. She suddenly felt bad. She'd ruined this night for him and more importantly, she'd made the whole group look bad.
Rick exhaled slowly and looked back at the floor where Spencer was still rolling around, clutching his bleeding nose.
"Both of you. Out. I'll clear this up with everyone."
Daryl let go of her arms and gently put his hand on the small of y/n's back and pushed her towards the door. 
The group of people had gone quiet and y/n avoided everyone's gaze as they left in silence, instead just looking at her feet.
They didn't talk as they walked towards her house.
She sunk to the porch step as Daryl began rifling through his bag, fishing out some antiseptic and bandages.
Kneeling before her, Daryl hesitated before talking,
"Alright, talk. It's weird when yer quiet."
He took her hand and began wiping the blood off. She hissed as the alcohol stung her wound,
"I don't know what to say."
"Just say whatever, talk, ya always manage it."
y/n shrugged,
"I shouldn't have hit him."
Daryl continued wiping her hand,
"Well, yer better than me. I woulda decked him weeks ago."
A short silence,
"Why didn't ya tell me, huh?" Daryl asked gently, reaching for the bandages.
"You have lots on your plate, it's stupid to complain about this."
"Nah, it ain't. I wanna know if some weirdo's harasssin' you." He said, "I ain't gonna fight yer battle but I'm on yer team, ya know that? Always."
y/n smiled a bit,
"Yeah, I know."
He finished wrapping her hand and placed both hands on her thighs, still kneeling before her.
"Ain't nothin' wrong with ya, y/n- hey, look at me." 
"y/n. Ya don't owe that prick anythin', hell, if I didn't know you were capable, I'd have hit 'em for ya. Asshole asked for that."
y/n made a face,
"Try telling Rick that."
"Fuck him. I know you ain't wrong, you know. Fuck all of them, I don't care 'bout any of 'em, living their little fantasy world." He paused, "I care 'bout you so imma always be honest, you got a hell of a temper but I like you and ya usually do the right thing."
"You think punching him was right?" There was a ghost of a smile on y/n's face.
"Hell yeah."
y/n grinned and Daryl stood up, offering her a hand,
"Come one, let's go for a walk. This place is killin' me."
She took the hand and allowed herself to be pulled up.
Daryl was tentative about touched her but she put her arm around his waist so he slowly relaxed.
"Punching him felt really good." She randomly admitted as they started walking.
"Bet it did." Daryl said, "But Rick's gonna be mad."
"That's tomorrow's problem."
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
yooo my notifs and activity have gone WAYYY down recently. like I’ve gone from getting 150-200 notifs a day to like 5 also my recent flopped HARD. i get that it happens sometimes but this was like overnight.
does anyone know what might have happened???
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
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Pairings: Daryl Dixon x FemReader
Summary: Common enemies to friends/sorta friends/sorta flirty friends trope. Except y/n is a liiiitle crazy bc I need some spice amongst my female characters.
Word Count: 2288
Warnings: idk why but this one has a lot of swear words :£
y/n smiled,
"Wow, that sounds so exciting." she said, "In your dreams."
"Don't be difficult y/n." Rick said, "This ain't a tough job, we just don't have the men- I need you."
"Did you forget that he hates me?"
"He doesn't hate you, don't be ridiculous, you guys just have your... disagreements. We're low on supplies, we need your skills out there."
"You're going to be even lower on supplies when he throws me into the nearest pack of walkers we come across-"
"He's not gonna- look, y/n, we need to look after each other."
y/n crossed her arms in defiance,
"Why can't he go alone? He seems to love his own presence since he never talks to anyone anyway."
"God, y/n, you know what he's like, you know how his brother was." Rick defended, "Please, don't do it for me, do it for Judith, alright. She needs supplies."
y/n sighed,
"Don't bring the fucking baby into this."
A short silence,
y/n groaned,
"Fine, fine," She held a finger up to Rick's face, "But I get the rest of the custard."
"You get a third."
"Deal." Rick just looked relieved she'd agreed. He reached out and put his hand on her shoulder, slowly guiding her to the other end of the prison complex.
The sun shone brightly and y/n had to squint to see Daryl's figure across the yard. He had his back turned to them, strapping something to his motorcycle.
Rick let go of y/n to approach the bowman,
"Hey Daryl,"
The man turned. He took a look at Rick then turned to y/n, his expression immediately souring. He put two and two together pretty quickly,
"Nah, she ain't allowed." He said simply.
"Come on-" Rick began.
"You think I'm ecstatic?" y/n snarked, "You think I was begging for the honour of accompanying Daryl Dixon-"
"I bet you were beggin' for a chance to get me killed out there."
"Ah, yes because all I think about is you-"
"Hey, knock it off!" Rick interjected, looking annoyed between the bickering pair, "y/n, you need to cut out this constant arguing and Daryl- for god's sake swallow your pride. She's faster and a better shot than you. That's just a fact. Now, you two need to set your differences aside and work together. For everyone's sake."
He patted y/n on the shoulder and gave her a stern look,
"Behave." He warned before walking off.
y/n rolled her eyes and reluctantly turned back to Daryl, narrowing her eyes. He glared straight back at her.
"Well then, stop dawdling and let's go."
"I ain't dawdling, I'm packin' your supplies."
"You're such a gentleman." She hopped into the motorcycle, crossing her arms.
Grumbling, Daryl finished up and stood straight,
"Move." He put his hands on her waist and shoved her slightly back on the seat to which y/n yelped.
"What the fuck!"
"Stop whinin'" he climbed on in front of her then stopped, sighing, "You gotta hold on."
"Onto you? No."
"Yer gonna fly off." He sounded irritated.
"Good, it would probably put me out of my misery." She crossed her arms.
"It would also put me out of mine, but we need supplies so fuckin' hold on or I'll tie you to the damn thing."
y/n scowled then relented and reluctantly put her hands loosely on Daryl's side. 
"Jesus." He muttered and roughly took a hold of her hands and moved them around his waist to hold on firmer. When he was happy with how secure she was, he revved up his bike.
Wind whipped in y/n's hair as they got onto the dirt road, Rick holding open the gate for them and closing it as soon as they were out.
Daryl rode well through the rough roads, scattered with stray walkers and wreckage.
They journeyed for about twenty minutes in complete silence, neither willing to say anything to the other.
Daryl eventually slowed the bike near a large store.
y/n felt a bit sick as she stumbled off the bike and staggered to the side. Not taking any care to be gentle, Daryl grabbed her by the arm and forced her upright,
"If yer gonna be sick, do it over there." He gestured to the tree line and let her go.
y/n gulped, feeling a wave of nausea pass,
"If I'm going to be sick, I'll make sure that you're in the picture."
Grumbling, Daryl chose not to retort and instead went to survey the area. The store looked abandoned and in pretty good shape. It was in an isolated enough area that not many survivors could've looted it.
y/n squinted,
"Doesn't look like walkers."
"For now." He muttered.
Daryl began walking to the entrance, y/n followed him, feeling a bit better.
It had been a hardware store earlier. Rows of supplies and tools stretched across the large room.
y/n stepped over a fallen metal rod, grimacing as she stubbed her toe,
"Fuck."  She muttered, hopping around.
Annoyed, Daryl shot her a glare,
"Shut up." He frowned, looking between the aisles.
"I hate you." She hissed back.
“No, really, shut up.” His voice was lower and less snarky. He was still peering at something on the other end of the store.
y/n squinted, following his gaze and trying to see what he was seeing but she couldn’t see anything.
“Are you just checking out the screwdrivers or-”
y/n yelped as Daryl grabbed her by the arm and yanked her away from the store’s entrance to the side without warning. He pressed up against the wall, still holding firmly onto a dumbstruck y/n and with his free hand, he reached back and pulled his crossbow out.
“Are you a fucking schizophrenic?” y/n whispered, trying to wriggle out of his grip.
He ignored her,
“Come out!” He yelled into the store. His voice echoed around the large warehouse.
y/n blinked slowly. There was no response.
She was considering slapping him when from the other end of the store there was some shuffling and then a voice,
“Alrigh’, we ain’t looking for trouble.” The voice was low and clearly masculine.
Daryl looked back at y/n with a smug expression to which she just scowled and finally wrenched herself from his grip.
“We ain’t either, but we don’t exactly trust you.” She called to the unknown voice.
A short pause,
“How many are ya?”
y/n and Daryl shot each other a look. y/n shrugged,
“Two of us here, but we’re armed and we got more round here.” She answered, “Look, we’re all alive here, we should be on the same side.”
There was silence for a bit,
“Alright, I’ll come out unarmed then you do as well. If you hurt me, the people I’m with will kill you, I can promise you that.” y/n suggested finally, “Do we have a deal?”
Daryl shook her shoulder,
“Are ya crazy?!” He hissed, “I ain’t gamblin’ with yer life.”
y/n smirked, “That’s cute.” She pulled the knives and gun out of her belt, dropping them loudly into the floor, “Be prepared to kill the asshole.” 
“We got a deal.’ The voice called.
y/n shot a nervous looking Daryl a final look of disapproval,
“Pull yourself together Dixon.” She muttered, “Okay, coming out now!” She called into the store.  Daryl glared at her but held up his crossbow, aiming somewhere between the shelves.
She stepped out of cover and walked forward a few metres. When she was clear by a few steps, she let out a long breath she didn’t realise she was holding. She was still alive.
But the relief was knocked straight out of her when she stepped into the long aisle that stretched across the whole length of the store.
A man was stood only about twenty feet from her, dressed all in black with multiple weapons strapped to his belt. He had a bandana covering most of his face but he was clearly very tall and well built.
Be was pointing a gun straight at her face.
“Motherfucker.” She muttered, she turned back to where Daryl was.
“Kill the guy!” She yelled and the man quickly interrupted her,
“Woah, woah. Hands up.” He said, levying the weapon, “No one’s doin’ any killin’ for now.” He turned to hide Daryl was concealed. y/n could practically see him cursing her out.
“You could kill me, but I’d kill your pretty friend first. And I don’t think anyone wants that. I just need supplies, and I’m willing to give your lives in exchange.”
y/n scowled and slowly raised her arms up, “You’re out of luck, asshole.” She huffed, “My ‘friend’ couldn’t give two shits what happens to me. You’re not getting jackshit.”
“Shut the fuck up, y/n.” Daryl called from somewhere to her side, “But she’s right, we ain’t givin’ you anythin’”
The guy clicked his gun, stepping closer to y/n who simply glared at him, not backing down p,
“I don’t think y’all are understanding me.” He said, his voice angrier, “If you don’t give me what I want, I will shoot her in the head.”
“We understood, we just don’t agree-”
“Shut the fuck up!” The guy yelled, firing two shoots into the floor near her feet. They sounded loudly but y/n barely flinched.
“You fucking idiot.” She muttered under her breath, she really hoped no walkers were nearby. 
“Alright, let’s talk.” Daryl said, his voice unusually calm.
The man straightened, regaining his composure and turned to the direction of Daryl, his gun still, trained on y/n.
“Okay, talk.” He said back.
“If you kill her, shoot her, of for that matter, if she is harmed by you in any way shape or form, yer death ain’t a luxury I’m gonna give ya.” He said lowly, “I’m gonna hurt ya and it’s gonna hurt real bad. Then I’m gonna leave ya for the walkers to finish what’s left. I swear that’s what I’m gonna do. Now, I can give ya some things but I sure as hell ain’t givin’ it all so yer gonna have go make do.”
y/n blinked dumbly, unsure of what to make of what had just been said.
The man froze, not saying anything for a while,
“Fine.” His voice was more nervous now, “Give me what you have, I’ll decide when it’s enough. Then I’ll walk out of here, deal?”
“Nah, that ain’t how this works.”
The guy clicked his gun again,
“Then how does it work?”
“Like this.” y/n said.
She reached back and swiftly pulled out the small gun tucked into the back of her trousers. She didn’t hesitate in pulling the trigger.
Two shot were fired.
The man dropped to the floor, gripping his neck as blood spurted out. It looked as though he was trying to form words but nothing was coming out as he slumped to the ground, dead within a few seconds.
y/n fell backwards, motionless as her body hit the floor.
“y/n!” Daryl yelled, panicked. He scrambled out of his cover and over to her, completely ignoring the lifeless body of the man as he jumped over the pool of blood.
He dropped to her side and gently scooped her off the floor and rested her on his knee. He felt tears welling up in his eyes as y/n’s eyes remained closed.
His hand brushed her face softly, pushing some wild strands back.
“No... y/n.” His voice shook.
The store was silent for about twenty seconds before y/n’s arm twitched and she seemingly reached for something.
She mumbled something incoherent. Daryl straightened and quickly grabbed her face, trying to see what she was saying,
“What?” He asked, trying to search her face for an answer. He felt some hope blossoming in his chest.
“I can’t fucking breathe.” She said in a hoarse tone.
Then to his utter amazement, she sat straight up, groaning. Finally her eyes fluttered open,
Daryl stared, not sure what to think,
“What the fuck? I thought those things were painless.” She pulled up her shirt.
She was wearing one of the thinner bulletproof vests they’d found in the prison, a small bullet hole in her stomach region in the material.
“Good thing he was a shitty gunman, could’ve been worse.” she murmured as if this was all some normal experience , “completely knocked the wind outta me, though. Hurts like a bitch.”
She finally looked up to Daryl who was still lost for words, 
y/n frowned,
“Are you… crying?”
He sobered up fast,
She sat up completely, grinning at the bowman who sniffed and quickly wiped his eyes,
“Oh my god, you were totally crying.”
“No I ain’t.”
She laughed, her giggling echoing around the store. Daryl peered behind her at the gun which was on the ground a few feet away now,
“Is that my gun.”
“No.” She said quickly, picking it up and stuffing it back into her jeans, “I think we should get outta here, though.” She changed the subject quickly.
She stood up quickly, Daryl following suit.
She shot him an exasperated look as they walked back out of the store,
“What? You didn’t really expect me to walk out there unarmed and unprepared, did you?”
Daryl shrugged,
“Yer stupid enough.” He looked back at the gun, “And ya could’ve told me ‘bout the vest.”
She shrugged,
“Finders keepers, losers weepers.” She grinned at the last part,
“I guess losers really are weepers.” y/n skipped off in front of him to the motorbike.
He scowled.
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
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Pairings: Daryl Dixon x FemReader
Summary: Basically Rick and Daryl meet y/n instead of Jesus, FINALLY y/n IS NOT A DAMSEL IN DISTRESS!!!!
Word Count: 2371
Warnings: None
Rick glared down at the girl, gun in hand.
She was restrained now, hands bound by zip wires in front of her.
"I'm only gonna ask one more time." He warned, "Who are you?"
Beside him, Daryl had his head back, dabbing his nose with a rag he'd found in the truck. Blood dripped down his chin and began staining his shirt.
The girl sat cross-legged before the two men only offered a half-smile.
"Shoot me."
She was pretty and clearly, quite insane.
"Go on, you've already tied me up." She challenged.
"We did because you hit him."
"What's a girl to do when chased by two strange men?"
Rick blinked. She had a point.
"Fine, but we ain't lettin' you go until you tell us who you are and where you come from."
The girl frowned,
"Who are you, the new police force round here, huh? Ever heard of stranger danger."
"Listen up, girl." Daryl spoke for the first time.
He had removed the rag. Rick cringed at the sight. His nose was caked in crimson blood. He now noticed that his lip had also split.
Daryl crouched in front of the girl, glaring at her.
Unwavering, she met his icy gaze. She smirked,
"I got you good-"
"Shut up and listen. There's a hell of a lot worse than us out here, so ya better quit actin' smart and start talkin'." He said lowly, "Or maybe the dead will get ya. Or worse."
Her smile melted.
Still, however, she didn't speak. Defiantly silent, she refused to meet the gaze of the man before her.
After a few moments, it became clear to the men she wasn't willing to speak. Daryl huffed and stood up.
Rick sighed,
"We can't just leave her bound." He muttered.
Daryl shrugged,
"Why not, she ain't our problem."
"It's not what we do."
A beat.
"Fine, what the hell, untie her and we go our separate ways."
Rick glanced back at the girl who was just gazing at the tree line.
"She has a camp, look at her clothes, her weapons. They've been looked after. She must have access to running water, hell even a hairbrush." He argued.
"So do we."
"More people means a bigger community, more supplies."
"Or more mouths to feed." Daryl retorted.
Rick shrugged,
"She seems capable."
The pair looked back at the girl who was now fiddling with her restraints.
"You ain't getting those off," Rick said.
The girl ignored him.
Surely she couldn't.
A moment later, the zip ties fell to the floor and she went to stand up.
Stunned, Rick didn't move.
Daryl moved instead, grabbing the girl by the shoulders and shaking her slightly.
"Neat trick, but ya still ain't goin' anywhere."
The girl cocked her head,
"Calm down, pumpkin," she said, dangerously close to his face, closely examining the damage she'd done to his face.
She was pleased with her handiwork.
"None of us are going anywhere if we're gonna be eaten."
Daryl made a face, not letting the girl go.
"The hell ya sayin'?"
"I'm sayin'," She repeated, mocking his accent, "That the zombies over there are gonna have a nice time in the next few minutes or so if you don't move it."
Daryl whipped his head around to the tree line.
At first, he couldn't see anything but a few seconds passed and he could hear the faint, yet unmistakable sound of snarling.
Walkers started appearing from the thick greenery.
There were far too many to take, maybe thirty or so.
The girl, looking disconcertingly unconcerned, gave him a nonchalant shrug.
Daryl finally let go of her, pushing her to the side.
Rick had his gun ready but shot his companion a worried look,
"We can't take 'em." He echoed Daryl's thoughts.
He lowered his gun,
"Get back to the truck," Rick paused a moment, "Take her."
The girl opened her mouth to protest but she was left little time to speak as Daryl moved fast, firmly pulling her towards their car.
She tried to worm out of his grip but he didn't let her. Daryl pushed her into the backseat, not taking any care to be gentle.
He climbed in after her, slamming the door shut. Rick immediately started the car.
They sped down the road.
The girl spun around to see the first of the dead reaching the edge of the woods and beginning to emerge onto the road they'd been on just before.
Daryl yanked her arm and she was forced to turn back around,
"Start talkin'." He ignored her cry, "What's yer name?"
The girl rubbed her arm and sneered at the man sitting beside her. Rick watched them carefully through the rearview mirror.
"Don't you think I'm entitled to your names first, you know since you just kidnapped me?"
"You ain't entitled to shit-"
"I'm Rick, he's Daryl." Rick interjected firmly, "Who are you?"
The girl paused, clearly deliberating whether to say something.
"y/n." She said finally, "My name's y/n."
Rick nodded,
"Alright, nice to meet ya y/n. You got a camp?"
"No, do you?"
"Nah, we don't," Daryl said gruffly.
"We got a place, a safe haven." Rick said.
Daryl glared at his friend,
"We tellin' her our life story now, huh?"
"We're both gonna be honest, won't we y/n." Rick said slowly, "So I'll ask again, do you have a camp."
y/n was quiet.
It was the first time she realized, these weren't the usual men she met on the road.
She nodded,
"Yeah, I got a place too."
To this question, Rick was met with silence. But he could understand her reluctance.
"I promise, we don't wanna hurt your people or steal from you."
"No offense, but uh, I don't think I trust you."
Rick was thinking of something to say that might open her up some more before Daryl interrupted his train of thought,
"Look." He said, pointing ahead.
Squinting, Rick could see what looked like a rundown gas station, a white van parked in front of it.
The girl was quiet as they pulled up.
Daryl shot her a sideways glare,
"Don't try anythin' funny, ya hear? I don't care if yer a girl, I'll shoot."
She rolled her eyes,
"You must be a hit with the ladies."
Scoffing, Daryl pulled open the car's door and climbed out, gripping roughly onto y/n's arm to pull her out.
"What a gentleman." She muttered as she stumbled to regain her footing.
"Quit complainin'."
"Hey! Both of you, knock it off." Rick interrupted, shooting dissaproving looks at the pair.
y/n sighed,
"You gonna check the truck?" She changed the subject.
Daryl approached the vehicle and reached out, rattling the mechanism that opened the back.
"It's locked." He said plainly.
y/n took a step forward. Daryl watched her suspiciously.
A sharp intake of breath and she swiftly lifted her foot and brought it down onto the back of the truck.
Something snapped and the lock opened, falling loudly to the floor.
She shrugged,
"Now it isn't."
Rick pulled up the tailgate and it clattered open.
Daryl held his knife up, alert.
The three couldn't believe their eyes. The truck was large and completely packed with supplies.
Food, hygiene products.
y/n bit her lip, trying to make her expression unreadable.
These were all things she could use.
"Well look at that.." Rick jumped up, a smile on his face.
Daryl motioned for y/n to follow and she did, only jumping up when he was sure she was in his sight.
Her fingers skimmed the supplies and Daryl popped up beside her.
"Ya thinkin' about takin' it for yerself, huh?" He hissed at her.
y/n scoffed and turned to meet his harsh gaze,
"Why would I ever do such a thing?" She said lightly then turned around.
"We take our gear, leave the car behind," Rick continued, oblivious to the bickering going on beside him, "We can come back for it later, take another route."
He turned back to his companion and the girl they'd taken along.
"Daryl, take y/n and look around, maybe there's more stuff around."
Daryl frowned,
"I gotta take her? Are ya kiddin'?" He protested, "She'll try kill me the first chance she gets."
He shot y/n a glare for extra measure.
"Kill you with what? My bare hands? Are you that threatened by me?" She asked with a small smile, tone mocking.
"I got enough goin' on without watchin' my back for a little girl like you to catch me off guard."
"Oh, I seem to remember your back was not turned when I hit you clean across the face-"
"That's enough!" Rick intervened, looking exasperated, "We don't have time for this, just take her and hurry up, the walkers will be here soon."
He reached into his belt and pulled out the knives he'd taken from y/n and handed them back to her with a warning look.
y/n smiled and took them back.
Daryl looked like he was going to argue then promptly turned and shoved y/n towards the parking lot of the gas station.
She almost tripped then regained her footing, muttering something unpleasant under her breath.
The sun was shielded and they walked in the shade.
y/n peered at the man walking beside her, looking ahead.
"Not the most talkative?" She asked lightly.
He ignored her.
"Not every day I see a couple of guys from the South out here, especially guys like you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
She shrugged and she lowered her gaze slightly,
"Some men out here, they're worse than the dead." 
Daryl didn't say anything for a bit. The pair entered the old gas station.
It was a small convenience store. The store was ransacked and anything of worth had apparently been taken.
The only things left were some cans on the topmost shelf.
y/n picked one off and wiped away the dust.
"Canned pork brains?"
She yelped and dropped the can on the floor.
A half-smile spread across Daryl's face and he bent down to pick it up.
y/n made a face as he cracked open the can. Her nose wrinkled at the smell.
Daryl took some of the meat out with his fingers and put it in his mouth.
The girl's mouth dropped open and she fought the urge to gag,
"You're disgusting." She said, turning around to go deeper into the store towards the back room.
Daryl shrugged and tossed the can to the side, licking his fingers clean and wiping them on his trousers. He followed y/n.
As he reached the back, he saw her reaching out to open it.
"Step back, I'm gonna open it."
He waved her away and she glared, dodging the hand he'd used to pick up the pork.
"So chivalrous of you." She muttered.
 He opened the door and it swung open with a creak. 
It was dark inside, a little light shone in through the slits of a boarded-up window.
Daryl stepped inside, knife drawn.
Cautiously, he edged towards the window. Reaching up, he tugged at the wood.
He clearly hadn't anticipated for the wood to be rotten so when he pulled, it fell apart in his hands and he stumbled back, almost crashing into y/n who had just entered the room.
As he straightened, steadying himself, y/n burst out laughing.
Daryl scowled at y/n,
"Shut up." He growled.
The girl's laughter subsided, and she only giggled lightly now.
"Or what?" She challenged, a grin still plastered on her face.
"I'll knock ya on the floor. Girl or not." He warned.
y/n smirked, leaning against the wall,
"Been thinking about that a lot?"
Daryl flushed red and he quickly turned around,
"Stop talkin' and start lookin'." He said gruffly.
y/n, still smiling, began wandering around the room.
It seemed to just be a small office, nothing special.
The cabinets and drawers in the desk were empty, even the first aid hit had been wrenched off its place on the wall.
"There's nothing here." y/n said, fiddling with a pen she'd found.
Daryl grunted then swiftly turned and left the room, walking back to the white truck outside.
Surprised he wasn't making sure she wasn't running away, y/n just followed him like a lost puppy.
Looking across the gas pumps, y/n could see the white truck empty and Rick across the road, sorting some things in the other car.
Daryl was about ten meters in front of her so she jogged to catch up.
"Hey, what-"
Just as she was about to ask him something, a walker, seemingly out of nowhere, stumbled out from behind one of the pumps and barged into Daryl.
They both toppled to the floor and Daryl, taken by surprise, struggled to get his knife out.
y/n was not far from him.
She was also not far from the white truck that had been conveniently started by Rick.
Conflicted, y/n looked back at Daryl who had just managed to stab the zombie in the head but was still on the floor as more stumbled towards him. They appeared to come from the woods.
She made a choice.
Running past Daryl on the floor who was too busy wrestling with the second zombie to look at her, y/n made a beeline for the car.
She made it into the driver's seat, slamming the door shut and resting her foot on the gas pedal.
Looking into the rearview mirror, y/n could see Daryl still keeping the walker at bay on the floor.
y/n knew his time was running out and Rick was seemingly still busy in his car.
She gripped the steering wheel tightly,
"Just drive, y/n, just drive." She tried to motivate herself.
She took another look in the mirror.
Biting her lip, y/n cursed.
She opened the car door and jumped out, pulling out the knives tucked into her belt simultaneously. 
Looking ahead, she could see Daryl kicking a zombie, sending it a few feet back whilst holding another at bay barely, its mouth snapping, close to biting a chunk out of his arm.
The zombie he'd kicked regained some stability and threw itself at Daryl again.
It was at his leg, about to sink its teeth in before y/n knelt down and drove a knife through its skull.
She tossed it to the side and stood up to meet the next one, ignoring the shocked look Daryl gave her.
He could finally focus on the walker above him, gaining the high ground and stabbing its head.
y/n polished off two more effortlessly, the pair of motionless bodies falling at her feet.
That seemed to be it for now.
Sighing, y/n wiped some blood off her cheek and turned back to Daryl.
She offered him a hand.
He eyed her for a moment then took her hand, allowing her to help him up.
When he was on his feet, y/n offered him a grin, their hands still interlinked.
Daryl pulled away,
"I knew ya were gonna run." He muttered.
She cocked her head and narrowed her eyes,
"You're welcome."
y/n turned back to Rick who was still in the car, obliviously going through some things.
"How the hell did he miss that?" She glanced at Daryl who was also watching the man, "I was counting on him to save you."
Daryl scoffed,
"Yer concern is touchin'."
Rick finally poked his head out of the car,
"Everythin' alright!?" He called out.
y/n grimaced and held out a thumbs up,
"A-okay!" She called back.
She could've sworn Daryl smiled.
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
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Pairings: Daryl Dixon x FemReader
Word Count: 1783
Summary: Set around season 10/11, reader completely misunderstands Daryl’s feelings for her.
Warnings: Maybe a few swear words? Nothing major.
a/n take this is as a little imagine whilst I work on two longer ones :) just want to leave you with nothing
"Is it cute?"
Daryl who was perched on a large armchair, barely looked at y/n.
The girl glared and shoved the man, hard enough for him to begin slipping.
He gripped the edge of the chair and swatted her away,
"Hey! Watch it idiot."
"Then tell me if I look good."
He looked up and frowned,
y/n had spent far too much of Daryl's precious time trying on some skirts they'd found in what had once been an old boutique.
"Uh, it's a bit short."
"Very insightful, Daryl." y/n rolled her eyes.
"I'm just sayin', it ain't practical."
"Who cares about practicality, I look good." She responded, turning to admire the skirt in the mirror, "I'm not gonna let the apocalypse stop me living my best years."
"Yeah, I can barely contain myself."
"Shut up."
A short pause.
"Are ya finally done?"
"Yep, we can go."
Daryl let out a dramatic sigh and stood up,
"Fuckin' finally, thought I'd be laid to rest in here." He looked at y/n, "Get changed."
"I'm not getting changed."
The girl defiantly crossed her arms.
"Yeah, ya are."
He glared,
"I'm in charge here, and I'm tellin' ya to put somethin' longer on."
"God, stop policing me. What, you worried a walker is gonna stare too long-"
"I ain't playin'. Off."
She stared at him for a moment before letting out a dissatisfied groan and darting back into the changing stalls.
"Asshole." She threw at him from behind the door.
"You can do better than that." He replied.
y/n emerged thirty seconds later with her jeans back on, she motioned for Daryl to turn around and shoved the skirt into his bag.
"Still ain't new."
The two exited the boutique, y/n still throwing a string of insults at him.
They trudged around the small town, Daryl towing his motorcycle behind him.
"When can we go home?"
"When I decide."
y/n huffed,
"What are we even doing here?"
"Looking for what?"
"My will to live." He snapped back at her. She rolled her eyes in response,
"Very funny." She muttered, averting her gaze to the sky, "I'm cold, it's getting dark."
Daryl ignored her.
"I said I'm cold- ow!" y/n was interrupted mid sentence by Daryl's jacket barrelling at her.
"Shut up now."
She blinked owlishly as she slung the jacket over her shoulders.
Daryl was ahead so she jogged after him, following like a dutiful little puppy.
“Like if you had to estimate, would you say we’re gonna walk for like another fifteen minutes or an hour-”
“y/n, shut the hell up.” Daryl muttered, “Yer the one who wanted to come.”
“I wanted to spend time with my best friend, not walk in silence for hours.”
“Best friend, huh? What are ya, like five?”
“Fine. Rosita’s my best friend then.” y/n glared.
Daryl rolled his eyes,
“I’m devastated.”
He stopped walking, causing y/n to almost crash to him as she struggled to keep up with his quick walking.
“Um, why did we stop?”
“Ya said you were tired, we’ll sleep.”
y/n blinked dumbly, surprised he actually decided to stop.
“Did ya change your mind?” He asked drily, causing the girl to snap out of her trance.
“No fear.” She murmured, darting in front of him to dart into the house they’d stopped by.
A ghost of a smile flickered across Daryl’s face for a moment as he propped up his motorbike outside then followed the eager girl.
The house was small, one floor and still relatively in tact. He cautiously peered in every room he passed.
There was no sign of walkers or even any struggle.
A scream rang out from the room furthest down the hall.
Daryl felt panic bubbling up in him. It was undoubtably y/n.
Without any hesitation, he darted forward, reaching for his knives as he busted through the door, almost taking it off its hinges.
y/n was stood in the middle of the room, back to him.
Daryl, in a few short strides, reached her and grabbed her shoulder, spinning her around to face him.
Instead of fear, y/n’s face was smiling and flushed.
She held a jar in her hands.
He scanned her, looking for something wrong.
“I found honey!”
With a harsh sigh, Daryl gripped her tightly and pulled her close for a moment, allowing the panic to subside.
“Uh, you good?” She muttered from his shoulder. She didn’t resist him.
“Be quiet.” His voice was slightly breathless, “Ya scared the hell outta me.”
Daryl finally let go, meeting y/n’s wide eyes again.
“Oh.” She simply replied.
After a moment of him just staring at her, y/n averted her gaze to scan the room.
“They also have a pull out sofa.” She tried to ease the tension.
He let go of her and she smiled, the wide, lopsided grin that charmed everyone she ever met.
“Ya don’t want the bed?”
y/n made a face as she darted around the kitchen counter and begun rummaging through the cabinets.
“The bed’s got microfibre sheets.” She pulled out a spoon triumphantly.
Daryl raised an eyebrow, pulling his crossbow over his head and onto the dinner table.
“And, that fabric comes straight from hell.” She shuddered, “It’s like if nails on a chalkboard was a feeling.”
Coming back around the counter, y/n flashed Daryl a short smile as she passed him to plop down on the sofa, jar in one hand and spoon in the other.
After a moment of observing her pry open the jar and begin to dig in, Daryl followed suit.
He took his shoes off and sat down next to her.
She ate a spoonful of honey and offered Daryl the jar.
He cringed, “Nah, I ain’t getting’ diabetes.”
She shrugged and shoved a second spoonful into her mouth.
Daryl plucked the jar out of her hand, ignoring her protests,
“And neither are you.”
y/n sighed, now empty handed. She yawned.
Flopping back to lie on the bed, y/n yawned again.
“Sorry for panicking you.” She said quietly after some silence.
Daryl shook his head,
“Don’t care. Long as yer fine.”
More silence.
y/n hesitated.
“What was her name?”
Daryl stilled.
“When you left, for a while. I didn’t see you for six months or so. You forget, I know you Daryl Dixon.” She smiled a bit, “I knew. I knew you found someone.”
Daryl stared at the girl for a moment then looked away,
“Leah. Her name was Leah.”
“Leah.” y/n repeated, staring at the cracks in the ceiling, “What happened?”
“What makes ya think somethin’ happened?” He asked quietly.
“You came back. I hoped maybe, maybe you’d changed your mind, changed your mind about leaving me-”
“y/n.” He interrupted gently, “You know I couldn’t take ya with me.”
“I miss him just as much as you do.” She almost whispered.
“I know. I know, y/n, but what I have, it ain’t a life for you.”
“Then what is a life for me?”
“Somewhere with people, somewhere safe.”
“You’d keep me safe.”
Daryl felt a pang in his chest and his head dropped,
“I can’t guarantee it.”
y/n sighed,
“So, Leah.” She changed the subject, “What happened?”
He didn’t answer for a while, y/n thought he wouldn’t.
Then, he spoke.
“Ya didn’t see me for six months.” He began, “But I saw you.”
She frowned, “What?”
“A couple times. I had to- I wanted to know that you were fine, you were doin’ well. And you were, I thought, you- ya looked happy.”
Daryl’s expression was unreadable, it wasn’t often he spoke so much in one go,
“Leah knew, she knew the life I’d left behind. She knew you.”
“You told her?”
“I didn’t have to. She could tell I was… missin’ somethin’ I guess.” Daryl sucked in a breath, as if he was reliving the memory, “She made me choose.”
He nodded.
“Between what?”
He laughed, a short chuckle with no humour,
“Ya really don’t get it, huh?”
“No?” y/n frowned and turned on her side to look at him.
His eyes softened at her wide, confused eyes.
“You or her.”
y/n’s lips parted in shock, words seemed to fail her,
“Me, or… or her? Or Leah?”
y/n swallowed thickly,
“She wanted me to let go of what happened before-”
“No. Why me?” y/n asked directly.
Daryl shrugged,
“Like ya said, we’re best friends.”
y/n searched his eyes. She could tell he wanted to say more.
He was never a big talker.
y/n reached her hand forward and grasped his.
He looked back at her but didn’t pull back.
She intertwined her fingers with his,
“Lie down.”
Daryl was still for a few second then, without a word, he shuffled further down the bed to lie down, facing her.
Outside, the sky was almost completely dark.
“You should have picked Leah.”
He frowned and y/n squeezed his hand, smiling a small, gentle smile.
“Everything you’ve done for me, I appreciate it and I’ll always miss you. But you can let me go. You can be happy for yourself.”
Daryl watched her.
“You don’t need to look out for me-”
“Yer stupid.” He interrupted bluntly.
y/n stared, unsure on how to respond.
“You’ve always has a talent for completely missing’ the damn point.” He continued, “I didn’t choose you because I had fuckin’ babysittin’ duty.”
“Then why-”
“Y/n, I love you.”
He said it. Plain as day. Unmistakable, the statement hung in the air.
y/n felt words die in her throat.
Daryl was never openly emotional. She thought she’d maybe imagined it.
But she hadn’t.
“I… I.. uh,” she stammered, “Like, uh, not as a brother or something, right?”
He made a disgusted expression,
“God, no, nah.” He shook his head.
“Okay.” She whispered.
“Ya don’t have to say anythin’.” He told her gently.
She felt stupid, no other words made it past her mouth.
Daryl nodded,
“Okay. Get some sleep.”
Not trusting her mouth, she nodded. Her hands were trembling.
Daryl’s hand held her own.
“Stop movin’.” He muttered, as if it were just another night. As if nothing had happened.
He pulled his hand back, his eyes shut.
A few seconds passed, y/n didn’t move.
Outside, a slight breeze blew into the house.
“I love you, too.”
Her voice was quiet, but it was heard. She was certain of it.
Daryl stiffened for a moment then relaxed.
He didn’t respond.
y/n finally turned, facing away from him.
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
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me when no new twd content to watch so I have to actually revise for my exams instead :(
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
why are you never talking with us?
I’m doing school full time on a fully mathematical and science based curriculum so that doesn’t leave an awful lot of time for writing and just being on this blog.
I’m sorry and I hope you understand ☹️❤️
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
I'm new to your blog, just wondering what type of oneshot/imagine you didn't want to write
So basically, I don’t write anything nsfw because I’m just not comfortable with it lol. Other than that I’m fine with blood and gore, but just obvious things like racism, homophobia etc I won’t write.
Thanks for asking 💋💋
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
heyy!!i love ur writing and have a little idea that you could do if you like. How about Daryl and Reader getting separated when the governor attacks (season 4) and Reader is all alone while trying to find the group and Daryl. After long weeks Reader is getting weak without water/meals, a reason to stay and wounded. maybe they would let a walker bite them but then they see the explosion from terminus and follows it. Annnnd at the end some drama where Daryl thinks Reader is a walker and shoots them in the shoulder (cause of mud or blood idk). But pls no dying just some angst and fluff haha. Sorry if this is too long im new here. Have a good day!!
Pairings: Daryl Dixon x FemReader
Word Count: 2386
Warnings: Swearing, injury detail
Her feet stumbled over gravel.
She'd reached another narrow dirt road. This one had a flipped truck to the side, a walker with no legs attempted to reach for her with a snarl from the inside.
y/n barely even flinched as she brought her boot down hard, splattering it's brains and blood over her legs.
The sun had started to make her even more delirious. After weeks wandering the roads and woods with little progress, she'd finally started losing hope.
No mirror was necessary to realise she looked awful; grimy and exhausted, y/n would've given anything for a bath and a fresh set of clothes.
Blood covered her, old and new. She didn't know what was hers and what was not. Walkers, wild animals, cutting herself countlessly on sharp braces had transformed her light blue tank top into a mess of red and brown.
It was a surprise she even managed to put one foot in front of another with the state she was in. Hunger and tiredness were really doing a number on her.
The lack of human interaction was arguably the hardest for her. y/n thrived off her companions, especially Daryl.
y/n closed her eyes with a deep sigh at the thought of the bowman. 
Day after day alone with no way to know if he was alive or not. He could be dead, he could be a million miles away, he could've been... turned.
She forced herself to take a deep breath, there was no use in thinking about it now.
Besides, she had him to thank for her survival this long. Setting up camp, traps, making a fire: it had all come from him.
God, what she wouldn't give to see his face again.
A couple walkers emerged from the treeline and y/n hung her head for a moment before attempting to focus.
Her gaze was hazy and her movements sloppy, but she got the job done with two sharp stabs to the head.
y/n barely had time to collect herself before she spotted another walkers stumbling up behind its two dead predecessors, hungrily limping towards the bloodied girl.
She sharply exhaled and lost her grip on the knife, its hilt slick with blood.
Following her weapon, y/n sunk to the grassy floor, breathing heavily.
The walker advanced.
She didn't even have the motivation to lift the knife anymore as she fiddled with it loosely. 
Nothing left to really fight for, to live for. 
Daryl would probably have a go at her for taking the coward's way out but screw it, he wasn't here to give her orders. She never really listened to him, anyway.
Trembling, y/n held her arm out to the creature.
It was mere metres away now, reaching out with soft snarls. y/n readied herself, closing her eyes firmly and attempting to relax somewhat.
A loud gunshot rung out. Followed by a barrage of gunfire.
y/n was instantly snapped out of her moment of self-pity. 
The walker's finger brushed her arm and she briskly jerked away, picking up her knife to jam it into the walker's head with renewed vigour.
It fell lifeless to the side of her and y/n was quickly on her feet, trying to identify the source of the noise.
She began running down the long road.
As she got further down, the treeline became lower and she saw what looked like a large warehouse.
But it was on fire. The gunfire and commotion came from there.
y/n exhaled sharply and began quickly trekking through the dense woods. The yelling and familiar snarling of walkers got louder as she ran towards the warehouse.
Upon reaching the edge of the woods, y/n quickly slowed.
There were walkers left and right of her and she knew she'd never get through them alive.
She nervously peered either side of her as she weighed up her options. Luckily, most of the creatures were more preoccupied with the noise coming from the warehouse.
Carefully, y/n sidestepped and roughly grabbed a walker by the remainder of its tattered clothes. Before it even turned, y/n drove her blade into its head.
Sinking to the floor with the corpse, y/n cut into it with a grimace.
It began oozing blood and she held her hand out, trying to spread it over herself as quietly as possible. No other walker attempted to attack her.
Sufficiently covered, y/n slowly stood up and began walking slowly towards the warehouse now disguised. 
y/n didn't even think about what a mess she looked like now, all that mattered was that she could now walk amongst them.
Emerging from the trees, the sun hit her again and she squinted as she tried to familiarise herself with the scene unfolding before her.
She was in front of a gate, behind which was the burning warehouse. She could now see it was besides some train tracks.
The were big letter printed on the building.
y/n frowned. The place was clearly overrun by walkers but something else must have set it on fire.
She stayed put as the walkers she travelled with stumbled through the gate's torn opening, she looked carefully for signs of life.
Squinting, she managed to make out a figure of a man running towards her, a gun in his hand. y/n opened her mouth to call out to him but she was interrupted by a barrage of gunfire, killing the man instantly.
y/n sucked in a sharp breath and stepped back, the people were killing each other.
She thought carefully about her next move. She could either stay where she was and hopefully come across some people or she could go in disguised.
y/n decided against going in. Amidst the chaos and gunfire, she could hardly ensure her safety. She was dressed as a walker and carried only a knife. It was a sure-fire way to get  killed.
The fire had engulfed more of the building and the gunfire was becoming more sporadic, the yells of pain and panic increasing.
Just as y/n had given up on finding anyone and turned to go back into the trees to protect herself from the fire, a shout caught her attention,
"Let's go!"
It came from just behind the fence and y/n would've recognised the voice anywhere.
Rick fucking Grimes.
She could've cried from relief. y/n was only about twenty metres from the fence and as she half limped, half jogged towards it she could see some of her friends amongst some others she didn't recognised clambering over the fence.
She smiled as she saw the scared, but very much alive faces of her companions.
Glenn, Michonne, Maggie, Carl...
Stepping before them just as Rick clambered over the fence, y/n raised her arm to wave at them but just as it occurred to her that she was still covered in walker blood and dirt, Daryl sharply raised his gun and pulled the trigger.
y/n's natural instinct caused her to flinch away but she was much too slow to avoid the bullet entirely.
She barely had time to react before a burning pain spread in her shoulder. 
The force of the shot caused her to loose footing and she fell to the floor to an awkward sitting position with a sharp cry, cradling her shoulder. 
"You son of a fucking bitch!" She yelled as she reached up, feeling fresh blood seeping through her already bloodied shirt.
The pain was agonising and it burned like hell. She'd never felt pain like that before.
Daryl's expression fell and the gun dropped from his hand. He darted forward, Rick hot on his heels as the rest of the group watched, in shock.
"Nah, shit, not you." Daryl cursed as he reached her and sharply dropped down next to her, attempting to support her. 
Rick joined him, attempting to assess her injury. 
Daryl, with trembling fingers brushed away her grimy hair from her face carefully,
"Hey, y/n, come on, girl!" He pleaded with her, panic evident.
"Fuck... you." Was all she manged with great difficulty, trying to combat the pain and the wooziness from her injury.
Rick attempted to prop her up and turned back to the group,
"Does anyone have anything to wrap this with?!" He yelled back at them
Michonne was quick to react and ran forwards, untying her flannel from her waist and passing it to Rick. 
The sword-wielding woman turned back for a moment, fear in her gaze,
"There's too many of them, we have to keep moving!"
Rick looked back at the horde of walkers now managing to somehow climb over the fence. He firmly nodded,
"Daryl! Come on, we have to move her!"
Daryl, who was still staring in horror at what he'd done, barely reacted and only when Rick nudged him roughly, did he finally loop his arm around her waist and with Rick, lifted her.
She cried out in pain at the movement as she was lifted.
The group began running towards the tree, y/n being carried as she tried to steady her breathing and deal with the pain.
It wasn't long before the group had managed to reach the woods and run for long enough that the walkers were left too far behind to follow them.
Rick briskly stopped and signalled to lower y/n.
Daryl sucked in a sharp breath as he saw the dark mess that was now her shoulder.
y/n, in unbelievable pain, still managed to glare at her friend,
"Don't look at me like that." She snapped at him but he was in no mood to entertain her, instead looking up to address the group,
"Anyone got sanitizer?"
At his comment, Rick reached into his pocket to pull out a small knife.
y/n paled considerably,
"Uh, what are you doing?"
Maggie dropped next to y/n and tried to put a comforting hand on her unwounded shoulder,
"We have to pull it out y/n." Maggie said softly, offering her friend a sympathetic look as y/n's eyes widened even more.
Carol passed Daryl a small bottle of unidentifiable liquid who in turn, carefully doused the knife in it whilst Rick held it. 
"You sure there's, uh, no other way?" y/n's voice was barely above a whisper.
Rick grimaced and shook his head,
"Daryl, hold her."
Daryl gripped y/n's hand with one hand and put the other on the side of her face, firmly turning her head away from her injury. She looked terrified.
Rick gripped y/n's arm and held the knife out.
"Just so you know," She managed, "I think you're probably my least favourite person right now-"
y/n cried out, interrupted mid-sentence by the knife penetrating her wound.
Daryl held her firmly and nodded, 
"Yeah, I know sweetheart." He tried to sound calm.
y/n screamed again, this time it sounded more guttural and tears began spilling from her eyes.
She firmly squeezed Daryl's arm and he quickly wrapped his arm carefully around her head, watching with a grimace as Rick worked diligently to dig the bullet out.
The side of her head pressed into him as he gently stroked her hair, briefly pressing a light kiss on the top of her head.
"I hate you." She muttered tearfully into his chest, tears staining his shirt.
"I know."
Another scream caused Daryl to tighten his grip,
"Got it." 
Rick gingerly jerked his knife back, earning another cry from y/n. A small, silver bullet shot from y/n's shoulder and bounced onto the forest floor.
Daryl let out a sigh of relief and pulled back.
He put his hands on either side of y/n's tear-stained face as Michonne and Maggie doused y/n's arm with water and began wrapping it with the spare cloth.
y/n didn't even have the strength to curse him out again as he gently pushed some hair back out of her face,
"You feelin' alright?"
"What do you think?" She sounded breathless.
A moment of silence as Michonne finished up wrapping the wound,
"You should stick to the crossbow." y/n continued, "You're a shit shot with the gun."
Daryl nodded, "I'm glad I ain't good at it."
"Fuck you."
“Ya already mentioned it."
y/n nodded, sucking in a few deep breaths,
"Just wanted to... hammer it home."
Rick patted her on the back,
"You okay, kid?" 
y/n nodded and weakly looked up at him,
"Dandy, thanks."
Rick nodded and began ordering the group to pack up and move out, be prepared to find some shelter.
y/n glared at the bowman,
"What?" He looked genuinely confused.
Still sat on the floor, she raised her eyebrows at him with an expectant look.
“Uh, sorry?”
“Yeah, thanks asshole but that’s not what I meant.”
“Then whaddya want, I can’t read your damn mind.”
y/n huffed impatiently and held out her arms,
“You can give me a piggyback ride.”
“Yes, you owe me big time.”
“You were shot in the shoulder, not your legs-”
“I was shot. By you.”
Daryl stared at his companion for a few moments before he huffed and rolled his eyes,
“Fine.” He said finally, relenting.
y/n smugly smiled as she was carefully helped up.
He let out a light grunt as she jumped onto his back, holding tightly onto his neck,
“Careful, I can’t fuckin’ breathe.” He snapped at her grumpily.
“Good.” She shot back.
Daryl adjusted the girl on his back gently and began walking behind the group through the woods.
y/n sighed as the pain in her shoulder began subsiding.
She leaned against the back of Daryl’s head, closing her eyes as the side of her head brushed his hair.
“You’re in desperate need of a shower.” She mumbled from behind Daryl.
“Shut up, y/n.”
“What are you gonna do, shoot me? Oh wait-”
“Oh my god, don’t even start with that.”
“I will never end with that Daryl, in fact I should demanding some reparations from you. How about shared custody of your crossbow-”
“I’ll drop ya.”
“Can’t hurt worse than a bullet wound.”
He rolled his eyes .
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
spoilers for next post?
Okay okay so I’m half way through a Daryl request with *surprise surprise* injured reader!!
Idk why but she always ends up injured 😭😭 my girl cannot catch a break.
Um but after that I have two more requests to write so hopefully I can get those done in a couple weeks tops, I’ve got like a couple more weeks of school then FINALLY SUMMER WOOOO
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
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Pairings: Daryl Dixon x FemReader
Summary: Set in season 5/6, reader and Daryl to not get along until they go out on a run together and the bowman realises they aren’t as different as he thinks.
Word count: 3204
Warnings: Swearing
"What do I gotta do?"
"Just take someone out for Deanna, she says she can't let 'em go out on their own."
Rick sighed and ran a hand through his hair,
"I don't know, she just said she needed someone to supervise- look, does it even matter? Just take 'em out for a couple hours then get back here." He replied, "She hasn't asked you for anything yet, so just do it."
Daryl took a long look at his friend,
"Fine." He agreed. Daryl reached for his crossbow and jacket.
Rick nodded in relief,
"Right. She's waitin', let's go."
The pair walked in the hot sun in the clean streets of Alexandria.
They approached Deanna's door and Rick knocked.
After a few moments, they heard light footsteps and Deanna opened, smiling brightly at the two.
"Daryl, Rick. Thank you for agreeing to do this favour for me, I know she can be difficult but-"
"Is my babysitter here?"
A snarky voice came from inside, y/n shortly sauntering in from behind Deanna.
Her arms were crossed and she wore an annoyed expression. When she spotted Daryl, her annoyance turned to fury and she sharply turned to face Deanna.
At the same instant, Daryl glared at Rick.
"Are you fucking kidding me-"
"No way, I ain't doin' it-"
The pair spoke instantaneously.
Rick glanced helplessly at Deanna who pressed her lips into a firm line and sternly addressed y/n,
"You don't have choice. It's either him or you're not going."
y/n angrily stared at Deanna. She seemed to contemplate something for a moment before she scoffed,
"Fine, whatever." Curtly, she turned on her heel and stormed out of sight.
Deanna shook her head,
"She can be difficult, trust me, I know. But I know how important to her it is to not always be stuck behind these walls."
"Nah, not her. Gimme anyone else."
"Daryl- wait. Hold on, give us a minute-" Rick addressed Deanna shortly before grabbing Daryl's shoulders and turning him away from the woman.
"Come on, it's not a big deal-"
"Did ya know?"
Rick sighed,
"Yeah, I did." He admitted with a sigh, "But I knew how'd you react, and we need to keep good relations here."
"Good relations? Fuckin' joke... ya know how she keeps 'good relations'?"
"I know- I realise you two aren't the best of friends-"
"Oh really?"
"Daryl!" Rick was clearly frustrated, "I'm sick of you two fightin', Deanna's sick of it two- we can't let that get in the way of our place here, I won't allow it."
Daryl was silent for a time.
"We can't let it get any worse, 'cause who do ya think Deanna's gonna choose, huh? A bunch of strangers or her niece?"
Some more silence.
Deanna watched carefully.
Finally, Daryl tightened his grip on his supplies,
Rick let out a relieved sigh then clapped his friend on the shoulder. Deanna gave a small smile,
"Thank you, truly."
"Yeah, whatever. Tell 'er to hurry up."
Daryl turned and stalked off towards the gate. Rick gave one more nod towards Deanna,
"He'll look after her, I promise."
"I know he will."
When y/n emerged a few minutes later, she was carrying a small bag and some knives were strapped to her belt.
Rick offered her a smile but she barely acknowledged him or her aunt, muttering something incoherent as she brushed past the two of them, headed towards the gate.
"Be safe!" Deanna called after her.
y/n didn't reply.
As she stalked past Daryl, she not-so-gently nudged him to signal she was ready to go. He stumbled slightly,
"Watch yer fuckin' self." He angrily hissed at her as they began walking.
"Sorry, didn't realise you were so fragile." She sarcastically replied.
The pair trudged into the woods, finally getting some cover from the scorching heat.
They walked in silence for a while before Daryl finally swallowed his pride to question his unwilling companion,
"Where are we headin'?"
For a while, he thought she wasn't going to answer but then she did,
"Just into the centre." She replied vaguely,
"That ain't an answer." He paused, "And why the centre? It's been cleared of supplies."
"Because I said so." She replied, "And I thought Deanna told you to escort me, not engage me with your unparalleled charm."
Daryl scoffed,
"I ain't takin' orders from you, sunshine. I'm just doin' your aunt a favour, nothin' more."
y/n shot him a short glare,
"Good. I don't want anything more."
Deciding against responding, Daryl walked silently a few steps behind y/n for about an hour as they trudged through the woods.
The place was still relatively new to him but she seemed to know it very well.
To his surprise, she kept quiet  as they walked. Usually if they spent more than five minutes together, she'd throw some sarcastic comment his way.
It had just been like that between the two of them since Daryl and the others had arrived in Alexandria a few months back.
Daryl kept to himself, he didn't approve of their way of living. He thought they were too sheltered, too weak.
y/n had been the first person since his brother to really challenge him.
He'd refused to shower at first, or get too comfortable for that matter. Carol and Rick had tried to get him to but he'd simply waved them away.
y/n had walked up to him one morning, bowl in hand and just poured the contents all over him before sarcastically smiling and walking away as he yelled at her, infuriated.
But it worked. He did finally take a shower.
Not to mention, she'd practically blackmailed him into attending the welcome party they were thrown, threatening to tell Deanna and Rick about him sneaking into the armoury if he didn't show.
Annoyingly, she wasn't a stupid girl.
She just drove him up the wall.
Distracted by his own train if thought, Daryl hadn't even noticed y/n slowing to a stop before him.
"Do you mind?"
y/n sounded irritated as the bowman accidently brushed her shoulder.
"Stop cryin'." He gruffly responded before averting his gaze to whatever made y/n stop.
They were closer to the buildings now. The greenery was thinner and the trees less dense, giving way to a view of an abandoned street.
They had stopped on the edge of a deep hole hidden by some rocks.
There was a car which had been there at least a year driven into the ditch, broken and discoloured.
At the bottom of the whole a group of five or so walkers were packed together, snarling and holding their hands out for the two people watching them.
Daryl glanced at his companion sideways.
y/n cocked her head and squinted her eyes,
"Huh, never taken this path before." She casually said, "Looks like the things have been here a while, though."
She smirked and hopped over the rocks.
Daryl cursed and tried to grab her arm but she was too quick for him.
Now teetering at the edge of the ditch, y/n leaned forward dangerously far, looping one arm around a nearby branch of a tree.
"The hell you doin'!?" Daryl angrily asked, trying to pull her back without loosing balance.
The pit of walkers below were almost in arms reach of the girl.
"There's probably some stuff down there." She said lightly.
y/n grinned and dangled one leg off the edge of the pit.
Panicked, Daryl watched as one of the walkers just brushed her leg and she quickly retracted, giggling like she was just playing some stupid game.
"Lighten up, god, you're so stiff and boring all the time!"
Reaching into her belt, y/n pulled out one of her knives.
Still gripped onto the branch, she ducked down and leaned even further over the hole to stab one of the walkers in the head.
"How did you guys even end up here?" She asked the walkers with amusement, wrenching her blade from the walker's skull.
Daryl cursed and looked around to also find a branch to secure him.
He found one and wrapped it around his hand. He stepped over the rocks.
y/n knelt down slightly and just as she raised her arm to drive the knife into a second walker's skull, she was roughly grabbed.
Daryl had tightly gripped her arm and wrenched her away from the side of the hole.
Yelping, y/n stumbled back, losing her footing.
Half dragging and half carrying her, Daryl managed to get the two of them back over the rocks and onto the solid soil.
y/n, still unbalanced, awkwardly fell to the floor. Daryl was still gripping onto her.
Grimacing, y/n brushed some dirt off her and tried to squirm out of her companion's grip to no avail,
"Way to ruin the fun." She muttered.
Enraged, Daryl harshly shook her shoulders,
"Why are ya such a fuckin' brat!?" He spat in her face. His eyes were mere inches away from hers.
y/n looked him dead in the eyes and scowled,
"I don't know, why are you such a fucking asshole?" She retorted.
For a few seconds, the pair glared at each other, neither willing to back down. Then Daryl scoffed and pushed y/n away, creating some distance between them.
She slumped awkwardly to the floor with a light grunt.
y/n rubbed her arms as Daryl paced for a bit.
He finally turned to her,
"Why the hell do you gotta make this so hard, huh?"
"I'm not making anything hard, that's all you and your shitty attitude."
"Yeah, and ya know why I got a shit attitude?"
y/n huffed and rolled her eyes,
"We get it, Daryl. Your group went through some stuff, tough shit. We all have." She said, "So stop holding it over us."
"You ain't seen nothin'."
"You don't even fucking know what I've seen!"
"I know girls like you, stuck up college kids." He hissed at her, "Ya think bein' pretty gives ya the whole world. You don't know shit."
y/n looked incredulous,
"Oh really?" She said with a wry smile, "Yeah, sorry to ruin your insightful little moment, but I didn't fucking go to college."
She threw up her arms in dramatic effect,
"'Cause I was too fucking busy burying my mom and dealing with my alcoholic father who beat me for fun."
He gave her a blank stare to which she just scoffed.
y/n gripped her shirt and pulled it up to reveal her torso.
There was a long, ugly scar that looked like it never had the time to heal across her stomach. The skin was dark around the area.
Daryl went quiet.
y/n smiled again but there was the faintest glisten of tears in her eyes,
"What? Wasn't what you expected?" She said, pulling her shirt back down.
"But, Deanna-"
"Yeah, Deanna barely spoke to me for the first sixteen years of my life then when I decided I had enough of the shit at home, I up and moved to Ohio to maybe make something of myself. I met her at some rally, she felt sorry for me and the rest is history."
For the first time in a while, Daryl wasn’t sure what to say.
y/n just shook her head,
“I feel sorry for you Daryl Dixon.” Her voice was quieter, “Just go home, or whatever you want to call Alexandria.”
Daryl didn’t attempt to follow her at first as she stalked off hastily towards the road.
As she disappeared out of view, Daryl finally broke out of his stupor.
He internally cursed.
For about ten minutes, he deliberated about what he should do next.
It was clear he’d messed up and he was not welcome to accompany her anymore but on the other hand, he couldn’t just turn up at Alexandria without her.
Daryl peered up towards the road,
The centre was crawling with walkers and he could already hear snarling in the distance.
He set his face in a firm stare and began walking to where she’d disappeared.
The sun hit his face and he was almost caught of guard by a pair of walkers lunging at him from the side.
Daryl made quick work of them with his knife.
Looking around, he could see some walkers strewn on the floor, leading further down the road.
Almost like a trail for him to follow after her. So he did.
Following the occasional walker corpse down the roads, Daryl stayed on alert.
It was eerie, seeing all the houses and stores looking untouched with walkers aimlessly wandering in front of them.
The trail led him eventually to a big building.
A lifeless walker had been stabbed through the skull and tossed to the side next to a big set of doors that had been forcefully opened.
Daryl blinked up,
It was a school.
He frowned, trying to think of why y/n wanted to go to a school.
Nevertheless, he stepped inside, assessing the surroundings.
It was truly unsettling as he passed the front desk area and into a hallway.
Dust coated many drawings and photos of smiling children, cars, animals, flowers. It was hard to believe that life had once been like that.
Daryl cautiously looked into the first door.
It had been a classroom but the desks had been pushed to the sides, some dirty blankets were strewn across the floor.
Someone had lived there after the apocalypse.
A loud crash of glass snapped Daryl out of his thoughts.
It was followed by a sharp scream and a loud bang.
Panic filled him.
He had no doubt about who’s scream it was.
Hands on his knife, Daryl darted out of the classroom and down the hallway towards the source of the noise.
He narrowly missed tripping over a dead walker in front of another classroom.
Daryl entered the classroom and looked up, fear in his eyes.
Two walkers were lying, unmoving on the classroom floor. Similarly to the other one, this room’s tables were also pushed to the side.
Glass covered the floor below a broken display case and blood dripped in crimson streams.
Daryl followed the source of blood.
y/n sat slumped against the wall, knife in one hand and what looked to be a framed photo in the other. Blood was splattered across her face and clothes.
Her expression was almost void of any feeling, she barely paid Daryl any attention.
“You alright?” He dared ask her.
A pause.
Daryl fumbled in his back for a rag. He pulled it out and observed her carefully,
“Come here.” He grunted softly and approached her.
Bending down before y/n, he gently gripped her face with one hand and softly wiped away the blood.
She looked him in the eyes but there was no contempt, just sorrow.
y/n half-heartedly raised the photo she was gripping,
“They’re dead.” She gestured to the dead walkers.
Daryl looked behind him then at the picture. It was a photo of a smiling woman with three children.
He drew the rag back as y/n tossed the photo aside, shaking her head,
“I knew there was people living here, Deanna didn’t believe it - said it was too infested. Wouldn’t let me go out here either.” She explained, “I thought maybe I could find them, bring them back.”
Daryl narrowed his eyes slightly,
“It ain’t yer fault.” He reminded her softly.
“No.” She admitted, “Doesn’t make me feel any better, though.”
Her expression hardened,
“The hell you doing here anyway? I thought I told you to fuck off.”
“Can’t do that.”
y/n huffed and crossed her arms,
“I don’t need a babysitter.” She grumbled, “I’m not a baby.”
“Nah, you definitely ain’t.” Daryl agreed, after a moment of deliberation, he then offered his arm.
y/n observed it for a second before sighing and taking it, allowing the bowman to help her up.
Daryl looked uncomfortable.
y/n eyed him carefully,
“You have something to say?”
y/n rolled her eyes,
“I accept your apology, Daryl.”
“Thought it was probably the shittiest one I’ve ever-”
Daryl was already half the way out the room,
“Shut up.”
For once, the tension between them wasn’t high as they walked silently side by side back to Alexandria.
Deanna and Rick also seemed to realise as they were greeted at the gate by the pair of them, suspiciously questioning them about their lack of hostility.
Of course, y/n just rolled her eyes and stalked off whilst Daryl pretty much just did the same.
In fact, they didn’t really argue for a while after that. They didn’t fight anymore, although y/n didn’t relent in throwing in the occasional snide comment.
Daryl began warming up to Alexandria more, and began going out with Aaron to find people to bring into the community.
It was about three weeks later when y/n, taking watch at the gate, stopped Daryl and Aaron walking towards Alexandria from the tree line.
They weren’t alone, accompanied but a group of about six people, some smaller children in tow, looking in awe at the large walls.
Deanna greeted them at the gate and began welcoming the new arrivals in as y/n hopped down from her position on the gate.
Aaron had gone off to greet Eric, leaving Daryl peering up at y/n as she jumped down just before him.
He looked at her in amusement,
“You were right, ya know?” He grunted, crossbow still slung across his shoulder.
“Yeah, I probably was.”
She paused, then frowned at his unimpressed expression,
“Fine, what was I right about this time?”
“There were people in the centre, it some of the big buildings. Just took a bit of distractin’ to lead the walkers away.”
y/n’s smug look was wiped clean off her face,
“You went to the centre?”
“Yeah, you ain’t stupid - thought I’d take a look.” He said, “And you were right, ya probably saved ‘em.”
He gestured where the new group had been lead.
y/n’s eyes widened.
Daryl frowned,
“Uh, you alright’?”
Without any warning, y/n placed both hands on the sides of Daryl’s face and stood on her tippy-toes to lean forward and plant a short kiss right onto his mouth.
Daryl barely had time to react, instantly stiffening up.
She pulled back.
y/n grinned and patted Daryl on the shoulder,
“You’re the nicest asshole I’ve ever met.” She said with amusement.
With that, she abruptly turned and walked off towards Deanna’s house, a happy skip in her step.
Daryl blinked then wondered if he’d just hallucinated the whole encounter.
Rick’s voice behind him shook him out of his daze as he whipped around,
“Did I just see that right?”
The man was smiling.
Daryl felt his cheeks getting hotter, it was very unfamiliar to him,
“Shut up.” He muttered.
Rick, still grinning held his hands up in mock surrender,
“You wanna talk about it?”
Daryl blinked after the disappearing figure of y/n.
He shook his head,
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
are you okay?
Sorry for the complete lack of updates and activity, I have just started my two weeks of exams so I’m DYING under the workload. I’m in the middle of a Daryl imagine that I will try to finish but no promises
Just bear with me pls I love you all
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
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Pairings: Daryl Dixon x reader, Rick Grimes x reader (if you squint)
Word Count: 2082
Summary: y/n joins Rick and Daryl on a run and until now, she always thought the former hated her. IM SO SORRY FOR ALWAYS WRITING Y/N WITH AN INJURY, I CAN’T HELP IT.
Warnings: swearing
Rick sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers,
“y/n- uh, I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
Defiantly, y/n crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes,
“Why not? I’m capable enough, I’m fast. And for god’s sake, I’m sick of sitting around here watering plants and doing laundry-”
“Those things need to be done, y/n.”
“And I’ll do them! Just later okay? I haven’t been out in weeks.”
Rick looked conflicted for a moment then sighed,
“Look- we’ll go out sometime next week. Just the two of us, okay? Head out to some stores around town, how’s that sound?”
y/n frowned,
“I’m not going to be treated like a baby anymore.” She replied with annoyance, “Just tell me why you don’t trust me to help find survivors-”
“It’s cause you’re fuckin’ injury prone.”
y/n peered behind Rick to see Daryl sauntering up, crossbow in hand.
y/n glared at him,
“I wasn’t talking to you, bumpkin.”
“Watch yer damn mouth, girl.” Daryl took a threatening step forward.
“Why don’t you watch your mom-”
“Hey, cut it out, the two of you!” Rick interrupted, stepping in front of Daryl and placing a hand on his shoulder to lightly push him back.
Daryl pushed Rick’s hand away,
“You ain’t seriously gonna let her come with us, are ya?”
Rick cocked his head to the side,
“She’s been one of us since the start, she can handle herself.”
“Did ya forget that she’s damn crazy? Hell, she even broke her arm tryna reach some canned pineapple-”
“Canned peaches.”
“Not now y/n-”
“Shut up-”
Rick and Daryl spoke simultaneously and y/n immediately shut her mouth sheepishly. 
Daryl turned back to Rick, looking carefully at his companion before sighing and shrugging nonchalantly,
“Do whattcha want, she’s your damn responsibility.”
Turning back, he headed to the car.
Rick exhaled deeply and turned back to y/n who grinned widely. 
“Thank youuu.” She mused. Rick nodded slightly and briefly patted her on the shoulder,
“You got everythin’?”
“Yep.” She affirmed, patting the knives strapped to her belt.
“Alright, let’s head out.”
Naturally, y/n was confined to the backseat but being the chatty girl she was, she couldn’t sit quietly for more than five minutes.
“So, anyone wanna play a game or something?” She shuffled in her seat.
“Shut up, y/n.” 
y/n scowled and crossed her arms,
“Make me.”
Daryl started to say something else but was halted by Rick sticking his arm between the two, still driving her car,
“Hey! Keep it civil, alright?” He said, “We’re gonna head South today, pass some of those smaller buildings.”
“Ya think there’s people there?” Asked Daryl.
“Possibly. Place’s crawlin’ with walkers but there’s enough cover for someone to camp out.”
“How’d ya plan to get past the things?”
“We could go through the woods.” y/n piped up from behind the pair.
“Be quiet, the adults are talkin’.”
y/n frowned,
“I literally am an adult-”
“Nah, she’s right, we can get there through the woods.” Rick interrupted, ignoring their tiff.
y/n smugly smirked at Daryl who scoffed, rolling his eyes and turning back to face the front.
It took about another twenty minutes to reach the area Rick wanted.
He’d driven around the walker ridden streets and to a small clearing before some thick wooded area.
Rick gestured to the trees and they all stepped out of the car,
“We go through here, we’ll come out to the back of some buildings.”
y/n smiled enthusiastically,
“Alright team, let’s go!”
Daryl eyed her from the side,
“Be quiet. You’re already attracting all walkers for miles.”
y/n rolled her eyes at the bowman,
“You’re weird ass haircut attracts all walker for miles.” She retaliated.
Rick was already heading into the wooded area so y/n shot one last glare at Daryl before jogging to catch up to him.
He gave her a sideways glance,
y/n gave him a small smile,
They walked side by side for a few silent moments, y/n could hear Daryl trailing behind them.
She paused for a moment,
“Why does Daryl hate me so much?” y/n’s voice was quieter than usual.
Rick stopped scouring his surroundings for a moment to look back at his companion. 
His expression softened instantly and he attempted to offer the girl a reassuring smile,
“He doesn’t hate you, y/n.” He replied, “I think he just- I think it’s hard for him to care ‘cause it’s hard to lose people.”
“I don’t think he really cares all that much.” 
“He does, he went back for you at the farm, in Atlanta.” Rick gently reminded her, “Even when you wanted chocolate, remember? Yeah, he complained like hell but he took you out, didn’t he?”
 y/n smiled slightly at the memory,
“Yeah, yeah he did.”
Rick gently clapped her on the shoulder.
“Keep smiling, y/n. God know what we’d do if you stopped.”
The pair turned back to see Daryl waving at them from about twenty metres,
“We got company!”
Turning, y/n could see a group of about a dozen walkers stumbling towards them from the left.
She could only barely make out the pack, much of the way obstructed by thick greenery.
y/n briskly pulled out a knife.
Rick, almost instinctively reached out an arm to shield her.
Gently, y/n pushed him away,
“I’m not a baby, remember?” She reminded him firmly.
Sighing, Rick nodded curtly,
“No, you ain’t.” He said, “But I still don’t want you hurt.”
y/n shrugged, 
“I can take care of myself. I’ve lived this long.”
Her attention was diverted back to the approaching pack when the familiar zip of an arrow found it’s mark, being embedded into a walker’s skull.
Without waiting for another response from Rick, she sidestepped around him and towards the walkers.
Next to Daryl, he shot her a quick look, almost nervous.
The first pair reached them and Daryl branded his machete, waiting a moment for the walker to be in striking distance before finishing it off.
y/n mirrored him, after all, he was the one she’d learned from.
Waiting for the walker to get closer, but not too close, she grabbed a hold of it’s mangled shirt and drove a knife into it’s skull.
It crumpled and she let it fall to the ground.
Beside her, Rick was taking on two others.
y/n squinted,
Due to the many trees obstructing her view, she couldn’t quite determine how many there were.
Pushing a walker away from her, y/n stepped around the tree.
There were about five more before her and she diligently got to work, making quick work of the first two.
The third walker stumbled over it’s partner and awkwardly fell, clawing at her feet on its way down.
y/n yelped and stumbled backwards herself, making sure the walker didn’t touch her.
The problem was, as she took a couple steps back, she reached out her foot to steady herself and found there was no ground beneath her.
Already leaning back and off balance, y/n tipped off the edge.
She screamed as she fell backwards, arms flailing but there was nothing to steady herself on.
Instinctively, she moved to cover her head with her arms as she tumbled down the hidden cliff.
As she yelled out, Rick retracted his knife from a walker’s skull and frantically turned,
Daryl, also finishing off his own walker, whipped his head around to the source of the scream, concern etched on his face.
Rick quickly darted behind the tree and narrowly had time to stop himself from running straight off the edge of the impromptu cliff.
His face fell,
Daryl rushed up behind him and similarly, he hung his head when he saw the cliff.
Rick slowly dropped to his knees and tried to look over the edge of the cliff but it was a steep, rocky fall. Jagged bits of rock and spindly branches stuck out from the side.
The worst part was the patch of dark blood on one of the jutting rocks. It dripped down and out of sight. 
Daryl let the crossbow fall to the ground and he slowly walked up behind Rick.
He felt tears welling up in his eyes.
Out of pure frustration, Daryl took the machete out of his belt and angrily hurled it into the thick greenery with a furious yell.
His shoulders slumped and he slowly began to cry.
Rick remained on his knees, unable to process the situation.
When y/n awoke, she felt a throbbing pain in her head.
Groaning, she forced herself into a seated position, rubbing at her head.
Attempting to orient herself, y/n peered around.
She was on a bed of overgrown grass, it must have cushioned her fall.
y/n warily patted her head and was relived to conclude that she hadn’t injured her head significantly.
Her arms, on the other hand were stinging incessantly. Having used them to protect her head, they’d been torn and cut, bleeding from many scratches and slashes.
There was one particularly nasty gash which ran the length from her left shoulder to elbow.
Patting her hips, she was happy to know her weapons had stayed on her.
With a mighty sigh, she managed to get herself up to her feet.
y/n looked up,
The top of the cliff was shielded by many branches and leave,
“Shit.” she muttered to herself,
It would be a hell of a way up.
She turned to look behind her. The ground there was generally flat but as she moved to the side to look past the many trees, y/n recognised that the ground sloped upwards.
Left with little choice, she began the trek back up.
“Of course, y/n.” She muttered to herself, “Only you would survive literal zombies just to go flying of a fucking cliff.”
She kicked at some leaves,
“Ugh, Daryl’s probably having a party right about now; smug asshole.” She added moodily.
y/n must have walked about two hours.
By that point, she’d lost track of the turns she’d taken.
She wasn’t even sure she was going the right direction, she was just sick of the walking.
The pain in her arms was worsening and she must of sustained some sort of concussion because she felt her vision getting blurry at times.
The sun burned hotter than ever and y/n cursed herself again,
y/n tried her best to stay focused on the walk,
“Load up on guns, and bring your friends...” She hummed to herself softly,
“It’s fun to lose and pretend-”
Something rustled in a nearby bush and a few short moments later, a walker emerged.
y/n fumbled to pull out a knife and glared at the creature,
“Interrupting is rude.” She muttered, raising her knife to stab it in the skull.
But she never got to.
An arrow whizzed awfully close to her face and stuck into the walker’s head, ceasing its motion instantly.
“Woah.” Was all y/n managed to say as she took a step back, letting it drop to the floor.
Narrowing her eyes, she raised her hand to shield her eyes from the sun and turned to look at where the arrow had been shot from.
Emerging from the treeline about thirty metres from her, she could make out the familiar figures of Rick and Daryl.
She dropped her hand,
“Oh thank god.” She sighed.
Daryl and Rick spotted her.
They paused for a moment in disbelief before Daryl quickly darted forward to run towards her, Rick closely behind her.
y/n licked her dry lips,
“Hey, sorry about falling down that cliff, just classic clumsy me-”
y/n was cut short by Daryl reaching her and to her complete shock, he enveloped her in a tight hug, taking her off her feet for a moment,
“Uh, are you feeling okay?” She murmured, returning the hug with some surprise.
“Just be quiet for a minute.” He muttered back to her and for once, she just listened to him.
He raised one hand to cradle her head to him and he pressed a short, curt kiss to the top of her head.
Daryl held y/n for a few moments.
When he pulled apart from her, his arms remained firmly on her arms as he checked her over.
Noticing her bloody arms, he gently peeled away her jacket and grimaced at the injury.
y/n peered behind him to smile at Rick.
He had pure relief on his face and when Daryl reluctantly let go, he pulled y/n in for a hug of his own.
When Rick pulled back, y/n smiled nervously at the pair,
“Just a little heads up, I might-”
Just as she spoke, her legs gave out beneath her and she stumbled forward, Daryl reaching to quickly catch her.
“Yeah, that.” She mumbled as she attempted to stand again.
Daryl quickly scooped her up into his arms and y/n opened her mouth to protest then decided against it, instead leaning back to rest her head in the crook of Daryl’s neck.
“Never mind.” She said quietly, “I’m done for today.”
Rick fondly smiled at the girl and softly patted her shoudler,
“Come on.” He said to Daryl, “Car’s not far out.”
The pair began walking and y/n lost consciousness not long after, drifting to sleep peacefully in Daryl’s grip.
Trailing a bit behind, Daryl carefully looked down at y/n’s peaceful face.
He hesitated,
“Sorry that I’m a damn asshole.” He muttered to the sleeping girl, “I like ya, really.”
A moment of silence,
“Don’t expect me to say it to ya when yer awaken though.” He added as an afterthought. 
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dixonsquirrels · 2 years
ive started like 3 imagined then immediately lost inspo 😫😫😫😫
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