dj-bayeux-tapestry · 12 hours
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dj-bayeux-tapestry · 12 hours
Me meeting a genie: Okay, so my first wish is for 1000 dollars a day, deposited to my bank account without any way of tracing it to anything illegal. I want this money to come from the ten richest people in America (100 dollars each), withdrawn under the guise of nebulous, random purchases and surcharges. It would probably be best to split the money into a myriad of smaller fees, though, to reduce the likelihood of anyone noticing. Got all that?
Genie: um
Me, continuing on without a care: For my SECOND wish, I want you to give me the ability to learn any given phoneme, so that I can learn to pronounce new languages perfectly. If you're willing, it'd be nice if it were a little easier to memorize new languages too, but if that's not cool, I'm perfectly fine doing all the legwork myself I mostly just want to be capable of pronouncing things correctly.
Genie, now staring at me like I'm insane: ......okaaayyy?....
Me: For my third wish. I want to always have great ideas for gifts for people. Every birthday, every holiday, I want to be able to come up with something they'd really like, with enough time to actually get it for them.
Genie, just staring at me
Me: I can provide you with a written document if that would help.
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everything reminds me of her (d&d character from now-defunct campaign)
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People don't appreciate the patience we russian tumblr psyops have in between the US election years. there are 3 years when we have to keep acting like actual people with actual opinions. this is truly an unthanked job
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people will hear you talk about struggling with mental illness and say “you can do anything if you just put your mind to it”. brother what part of the body does the mental illness happen in. what do you think is the problem
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Didn't you retweet incest porn on 9/11?
we all mourn in different ways
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real and true
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I'm trying to be just a skeleton but there's some conflict or other I can't figure out with the mod so I'm stuck as a skeleton in panties???
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ive read a lot of anti-transition arguments towards people unsure about their gender that basically pose any sort of internal exploration as inherently solipsistic and narcissistic, with the mantra being that to think about your relationship to your assigned sex is already thinking too much; you should be thinking less! go get a job! work with your hands! volunteer for the needy! get involved in your local church! pray! marry! start a family! keep yourself busy, so you can never think about yourself again. maybe if you fill your mind with enough noise, you can drown your own conscience out.
im 100% not exaggerating btw, it's actually kind of madness inducing w how many times ive seen people use this mode of argument, it's extremely common. i think ive seen conversion therapy resources use a similar line of reasoning too. and like, if you are a cis person just trying to keep a closeted tranny in the closet, it works like a charm. you can, in fact, drown a person with enough noise and garbage until they stop thinking about their gender dysphoria or, well, anything. all the better that "i saw the tv glow" addresses it head on in relation to the closeted subject in question; yeah, go ahead, do it. you might be trans, you might actually be in serious danger, but it won't hurt if you don't think. and it will work for you, for years and years, and you'll always find more responsibilities and more opportunities to muffle your thoughts. but, maybe 5, 10, 20 years from now, none of the noise will be enough and it will dawn on you, how seriously in danger you actually are - but by that point you've drowned out your own inner conscience so aggressively that there's nothing there, just more of the static and noise of others and no interiority left to seek refuge in. you've got a job, you've buried yourself in work, you've married and have a family; you've given every part of yourself to others just to preclude the possibility of thinking about yourself, for yourself, and now there's no you.
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Also the good guy is already halfway through a marriage to some other woman
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why are all these modern aus for the Odyssey set in a high school. where's the retelling where Odysseus is just a guy lost in an airport who keeps missing his connecting flights home due to a comical series of delays and disgruntled airline employees
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dinner conversation (based on this)
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thinking about how wario looks in wario's woods
look at him. i love it so much how he walks back to go beyond the frame border when doing the shoulder bash. unfortunately on the snes version the little detail of the walk back isnt there :(
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Anyway I will forever defend the EP1 boob jokes because they establish so much, not just about the general group dynamic and Shannon's learnt helplessness but about Battler as well. Ya see the thing that strikes me the most here is that Battler does his thing under the assumption that the other party holds an equal social status as him, or better yet, he actively tries to set up himself and the others as equals through this interaction. But then the scene with Shannon comes up and it becomes evident that it never crossed his mind that Shannon's position as a servant could prevent her from responding to him as an equal. Like, it really, truly shines the light on how deeply oblivious Battler is of his own privilege despite all of his general fairness and ideals of social/gender equality that are made clear and discussed in the seating order scene that follows. I understand how it can be cringe and gross to some but in terms of storytelling and character portrayal it's undeniably pretty dang great, ngl.
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