dj-jazzy-fresh · 3 months
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I can’t stop thinking about this.
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 4 months
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 7 months
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 8 months
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 8 months
The thing about Cottagecore is that is a fetishized aesthetic of country life, divorced from labor and idealized by a primarily urban audience with a backward looking ethos of tradition. They are not prepared for the stresses of a rural life: farming; harvesting; tapping pumpkins to ensure none of them have been replaced with flesh; losing out on income by having to use one of your pigs in a blood sacrifice to paint protective sigils over your doors and windows; checking cracks and chimneys for the flesh-vines of the Pumpkin Lord; having to decide, before the Growth is complete, whether that's really your tradwife or an amassment of vines, leaves, and blood in the shape of your tradwife; ignoring their desperate pleas that "I'm me! No! No!" as you burn them alive, realizing too late you picked wrong; and the exploitative corporate nature of commercial farming in 2024. All seen through a deeply colonial lens, of course
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 1 year
how’s everyone doin tonight i just broke tumblr
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 1 year
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 1 year
Craziest thing is, I remember wishing for days like this. I remember a younger me begging to go out with friends, wishing that I could be a part of those nights where all my same age counterparts were having the time of their life. Now I’m here. I’m at the bar, I’m at the party………..it’s not what I thought.
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 1 year
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 1 year
yeah im still thinking about the minotaur sorry but just . imagine youre born wrong. imagine your entire existence is a punishment from the gods. for something you had no control over. imagine your mother holds nothing but contempt for you. she wont even look at you, not really, & she keeps crying & you keep crying & reaching towards her with your little arms & someone drags you away from her. & they keep you hidden & alone & a stranger comes & builds an impenetrable prison around you so youre doomed to forever haunt these endless corridors & youve never known kindness or companionship or love. & when they call you a monster. well. you believe them
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 1 year
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 1 year
“this is the hill you want to die on?” oh no i just love arguing. i fully intend to leave this hill once it gets boring. sorry for the confusion!
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 1 year
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 1 year
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 3 years
Dear little me,
I’m sorry for all the things I’ve done wrong. I’m sorry for all the things I let fucking come ur way, all the bullshit u had to take. You see it’s not ur fault but I locked u away, threw away the key and said be done with everything and honestly at one point I thought that was healing. U see my biggest issue is I don’t like looking u in the eye when we’re in a mirror, I remember the last time I saw u I literally fucking cried. I can’t handle you all the time. Listen little girl Ik life’s been tough everyone looks at u telling u to buck up. Child it’s time to put down the gun, let me take hold and protect us for a little while. Ik no one saw u as a child but I got u now darlin, I won’t let u fall I won’t let u die. U see I promise u a house of peace baby girl, something you’ve never had, u thought it’d be that way at 14 but that’s when the demons got real bad. I’ve been fighting for a long ass time and I think it’s time to give urself a hand. U never give urself the credit u deserve.
And Ik ur not proud of me and to be honest I’m not too proud of me either. U see we were supposed to be so much more then we are right now. We were supposed to make someone proud, if no one else then urself. But really I feel and share ur pain, I promise I’m trying.
Part of the issues is I’ve always hated being judged being told ur something wrong. But that’s never gonna stop, u make people uncomfortable just for speaking ur truth. It makes them aware of their own shit and that’s a hard pill to take. And Ik this doesn’t make sense babygirl. It’s all okay or it will be one day.
For now thank u for carrying all the weight, and know I’m proud of u babygirl, I see u little love. Ur gonna be shown a lot of hate but know it’s what’s gonna help u get to this place and one day I’ll be waiting for u to take the reigns.
A 21 year old me
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 3 years
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by ram__han
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dj-jazzy-fresh · 3 years
Putting all my belongings in a polka dot bandana and tying it to a stick. Gonna hop on the train. Good bye
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