dj-mar3 · 9 years
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dj-mar3 · 10 years
Sydneigh needs YOUR help!
tl;dr Sydneigh needs your help. Please buy a ticket or donate or buy some merchandise at the links at the bottom. Extended plea for help and a few jokes thrown in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ladies and gentlemen of my friendslist, lend me your ears. I am Kieron Lee, sometimes known as Bread Guy, sometimes known as Junas, sometimes known as Golden Microphone. However you know me, please listen to my one and only plea for assistance. I am on staff for a brand new convention called Sydneigh 2014 as one of two MC's. That basically means I'll be up on stage shouting at a crowd through a microphone being an idiot. It'll be entertaining! Unfortunately, this may not actually happen, as there have been some major setbacks that were unaccounted for because none of us are able to predict the future. Shame, really. Though, you out there can definitely help make this become a problem of the past. If you're at all interested in pop culture events like Supanova, SMASH or even PonyCon AU (our sister con, by the way, and another con I happen to perform at~!) then you'll love Sydneigh 2014! No, seriously, it's gonna be a blast. We've already got Ashleigh Ball (My Little Pony, Littlest Pet Shop, Total Drama) and Andrew Francis (Megaman NT Warrior, Lego Star Wars, Ultimate Wolverine Vs Hulk) as special guests, lots of vendors including Banter and The Games Cube and heaps, and I mean HEAPS of artists plying their wares! Cosplayers are flying in from South Australia to share their tips and tricks, musicians from all over Australia will be in attendance for some panels and maybe even an awesome all day outdoors jam session! But again, we need your help. Even with nearly a years worth of planning and organising, life has become quite a big huge bitch to the good hearted people of the Sydneigh Committee, people who have dedicated most, if not all, of their spare time to trying to make this con happen. But as the old adage says, money talks, and theirs isn't speaking loudly enough. You can make the difference, you out there can make the change needed to happen, happen! "But Kieron," I hear you ask. "How can I help? I don't even like going outside!" Don't worry my introverted friends, you too can help without having to leave the house! Below this massive rant is a link to the tickets page on the Sydneigh website. Below that will be a link to the Donations page where you can donate whatever amount suits your fancy. If you want something for your money though, the Store page will also be linked below that so you can get a thing for being supportive! I know, there have been a lot of bad things happening around small start up cons as of late, however I believe, I truly, absolutely believe, in this convention. I believe in the people running it, I believe in the community behind it, I believe in all the good they're trying to accomplish and most importantly, most vitally, I believe in YOU. So, please, head to the link below and give us a hand. Let me perform on that wonderful stage, come and see me be an entertaining idiot, listen to some great music (did I mention Kiss Me! are interested in coming?) have a blast with your friends, make some new ones, help make some MAGIC~! TICKETS http://sydneigh.com.au/tickets/general-admission/ DONATION http://sydneigh.com.au/tickets/donate-to-sydneigh/ STORE https://brony.com.au/shop/ Be sure to spread this message far and as wide as you can to as many of your friends as you can. It would be very greatly appreciated. Thank you again for getting through this, and I hope we can too.
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dj-mar3 · 10 years
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dj-mar3 · 10 years
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She looked perfectly into the camera
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dj-mar3 · 11 years
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Cosplay is a big part of any convention but we all have to remember that people work vey hard on their costumes and it is not ok to touch people’s outfits without asking, no matter how cool they look. Always ask permission to touch, hug or take photos of cosplayers both inside and outside of the convention. 
This also goes for musicians, guests and general attendees. Don’t make people feel uncomfortable, always ask permission before you hug someone or grab someone else’s plushie or pony item to admire.
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dj-mar3 · 11 years
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After the massive hit that was last year’s PonyCon AU auction, we have opened entries for this year’s auction. A percentage of the winning bid chosen by the seller will be donated to beyondblue, a charity organisation focused on helping Australians with anxiety and depression. You can list your item here:
On another note, with only less than a month to go till the convention, we still have 3 spots open for the Oak23 custom’s workshop, where over the course of the weekend you’ll be able to make your own custom pony figurine of your choice. Tickets can be purchased here:
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dj-mar3 · 11 years
Boosting the signal, ShadyVox is in need of some support. Well, c'mon everyone! I know someone out there would love to have Shady doing voicework or musical things for them!
So, my friend ShadyVox is kind of in a bad financial situation and could lose his internet, if not more. I can’t go into details because it’s kind of a personal problem but If you want to know more, you can ask him. As you might now, he’s my working partner, he’s the voice of Button Mash and the...
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dj-mar3 · 11 years
So this is a thing in America, where the equivalent of Australia's Medicare is being seen as "unconstitutional". Right, because affordable healthcare for millions of people is against what America stands for. Let's see if I have this right. This law, made legal by being passed through Congress, through the Supreme Court and signed by the President himself, is completely against the holier than thou "constitution" because it stops health insurance providers from being dicks? Because it forces them to be more honest AND to actually sell a good product? I don't get it, Republicans of America. Exactly what is bad about this? More honesty and more affordable healthcare for all. I don't see a problem.
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dj-mar3 · 11 years
Hi GM. I'm a Graphic Designer by trade and had a play around with your Oatstralia logo design one afternoon a while back. Is there a way I can send it to you"?
Yes indeed there is! [email protected] is the email address to contact me on. And by the way, ohhhh~! I'm super excited to see what you've done with it ^_^
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dj-mar3 · 11 years
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Good news everyone! Tickets are now on sale for PonyCon AU 2014. Saturday, Sunday, Weekend and concert tickets are available on Eventbrite. So head over to our website and secure your place at the second ever Australian PonyCon on the 1st and 2nd of Febuary 2014! http://www.ponyconau.com/tickets/
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dj-mar3 · 11 years
The answer you're looking for is, yes.
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dj-mar3 · 11 years
Whilst I was not at Manifest, this sort of thing absolutely isn't on at any convention...actually, it's not on, period! Whoever you are, you ruined hundreds of peoples day. I hope you're caught up to and convicted of whatever the book can throw at you.
Some fucktard set off ‘an incendiary/pyrotechnic device’ at Manifest today, resulting in a complete evacuation of the event.
Manifest organisers are offering Gold Pass entry for the next two years to anyone who can come forward with information that will lead to a conviction.
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dj-mar3 · 11 years
GM: No, I don't care that this isn't station related, this is an absolute must view!
Button’s Adventures Pilot is out! Enjoy!
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dj-mar3 · 11 years
*insert general fanboy-isms here* Needless to say, after calming down and having listened to it last night, I'm super awesome happy about this~!
The Vinyl Scratch Tapes
We’re BACK
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dj-mar3 · 11 years
Dear Tumblr, Have some goddamn inspiration! Sincerely, us.
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dj-mar3 · 11 years
This, a thousand times, this!
Please watch it all.
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dj-mar3 · 11 years
New things are in the works for the station. In the meantime, have some hilarity!
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A compilation of Tumblr’s hilarious posts to lighten up your day. ENJOY!
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