dmcanonwriting · 6 years
Rant 1: Power Rangers Megaforce
okay so this is going to be focused on  Gosei and the robot Tensou. at least for the first part  of this rant. then I'm going to go off on the fact that I may flip if they combined Goseiger andGokaiger. Full names Tensou Sentai Goseiger and Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger.
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
Saw The rRocky horror show last night at school . holy crap The set was amazinf the scostumes stunning and teally eye cathcing. the guty you was playing frank N futher o my god he was amazing. He naile dth eperforamnce.  there's something about a gut in knew  6 inch boots leathers shorst and scoeset that just makes a show.
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
if we are told we can slay dragons then why do we fear them so. if you kno w you can kill and even where the spot to kill it is why are you still afraid?
is it beacuse of the dragon's power, its size, its strength. or is it something more?
a fear of ourselves, taht if we can kill the dragon, something we call a monster waht does that make us?
are we any better then the dragon?
so lets try to live alongside with these giants of wind and flame. and perhaps one day they will show us how to fly away from our fears and worries and just be apart of the world.
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
The dragon prince of Erebor
so i've read stories were bilbo, fili kili, turn into dragons and storires where they work/ tame dragons but i have yet to come across a story where throin  gets turned into a dragon. sure he's been turned into a beast by smaug and had to run from the mountain . but i havent' read one where he's a dragon. won't that be interesting. a curse that turns him slowly into a dragon with each paaing year and to reverse it he needs to understand something. it could be love, patience, kindness, or not letting gold be such an important part(greed), not be so quick to anger and judge. that would be a cool fic. maybe i should write it?
throin's transfomtaion time-final form black, horns, hair/mane down back - his braids remain, 
fili and kili may be affected too.
in end maybe bilbo dragon lover or become dragon himself, portecting both the mountain and the shire
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
Pacific Rim: More then I ever expected
A must see monster action robot moive that will have you thinking about the nature of people and realtionships.
i cried but for the realtiships thate were goin to be  hurt with the persons death the father and the son the dad and the daughter
the relaitioship s in this moive are nothing like i've ever seen there is no sexaul but friendship between the two main characters i the end where they hug after
it is a hug of friendship and that they a re still alive and they did it. the brigde closed
this has been the first moster robot movie that mad me cry beacuse of the huamn ascpest.
the will to surive "today we are cancelling the apocalypse
this moive should be on your summer watch list. its toatlly worth it
te datil in both kaiju and jaeger isamazing   abd each shows its personality and differnt fighting style
the drift itself and how you can lose yourself in a memoery
is a new idea ehwn dealing with mechas at least to my knowledag
and how the two piolets form a sterong bond or in other cases makes the biond between even stronger.
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
Ethan and the Harp
danny and ethan
Danny plays the trumpet. Ethan hadn't realized what the meant till he saw him practice.  He was beautiful.
"I guess " Ethan thought " that the myth  about trumpet players was true. They are really good kissers. " Thinking back to a few nights when he and  Danny had made out on the couch downstairs.
Danny set his trumpet back in its case and walked over to Ethan who was sitting on his bed.
"I never said thank you ". A confused looked crossed Ethan's face. "for the hospital and after the memorial concert. For being there for me after everything that has happened."Giving Ethan a gentle kiss to the kiss Danny pushed him back onto his bed. Looking up at Danny could help but smile.
"What were you playing just now?" Danny smiled as he touched Ethan's face softly. "It's called 'Song to the Moon
pushing ethan back onto his bed danny
listening to his heart and his breathing
There's not enough Ethan/Danny fics in the world.
The song's real. Rusalka's 'Song to the Moon'
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
Mr Sandman Sleepy Hollow episode 3
Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream. That is the theme of this weeks episode.
sand eyes and dreams
Ichabod knew may people and were good friends with them. The first nations being one of them. It's really cool that the dream demon comes from first nation lore.
The design of the Sandman 
keeping a secret-a lie-turning a blind eye. A dream demon
The relationship between Jenny and Abbie not great so how will they as 'Witnesses' really help if they can't get along?
dream walking. a judge of fate "found wanting"
love the design of the sandman. hollow eyes, covered mouth by skin the nails/claws of the sandman. how the sand from his eyes is what he uses to attack.
"No more scorpions ever" Ichabod
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
So I've secede to just post as if I was live blogging. This may make no sense just a heads up. Boston tea party will be the title episode He's monoluguing On star holy shit crane you gentleman he's wonderful Jenny The torture level just went way up I will rain legal brimstone on you it will make god jealous Sisters with guns pointed at each other And who have a bad history with each other yep ichabod I would say awkward covers it pretty good, Jenny knew the sheriff more than they both let on . The secrets just keep getting deeper and bigger. Wonder what will happen when they break wide open in the light whether its moon firelight or the light of day this will be something Hessian German loyal to Brits very violent in battle Huh didn't know that . And the new Toy is taken even though colben told Jenny to protect it , well men with sub automatics are a bit hard to fight against Crane is doing very well getting used to present day items and tech very well when will there be a freak out I want a freak out or at least a flipping of temper King Solomon and 72 demons he sealed So history lesson and that this has been centuries in the making it seems Mullock will rise The demon from the woods now has a name. Abbie's first name is grace? Lesser key of Solomon if her boss is one lids will be flipped You guys need to hurry up Or we will have a big demon problem on our hands A portal is opening this is not good okay sleepy hollow going to be very screwed The demons are coming It closed but you destirued the book what came through in the mean time Family scene feels Real answers for once Mudlick demon with a history in paradise lost hmm
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
Kili has bruises on his arms fili and Thorin think he is being attached in fact his bow keeps biting him
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
response to this post prompt
stormkissed answered: Wah I’m sorry I missed prompting you earlier. T_T Prompt: Teen Wolf AU (characters/pairings of your choice), mythology. :3
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
So I was reading this post  by swingsetindecember and it got me thinking. How frustrating must it be for an actor/ress when the only question(s) they get are about another paring/character while completing ignoring their own character. Now I don't the whole  story but that's what I think.
edit I saw the video I think that started this whole fandom fight.
Now if I could ask Tyler Posey questions about his character I would ask how is Scott keeping it together after everything that has happen and is he scared that he may not be able to save his best friend? I would ask question's about his character and those that interact with him while saying that Posey is an amazing actor that let's me think that not every character in teen wolf will be destroyed by darkness and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
it’s Aprils fools and while Derek was asleep Stiles used up a whole bag of mountain ash to create a maze in Derek’s loft.
Derek can reach everything but he has to walk a lot. He is pissed as hell.
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
Alright dmcanonymous, here’s a great short fic for you.
Para Bellum by RyuuzaKochou
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
I know that some dad's aren't there or people don't want to talk about it so heads up. This is about my dad. I love the guy I do its just when he said we would go for a quad ride today I was excited. But he never called us back to let me know what time he would be here to get me. And when I called earlier to tell him happy father's day his cell was turned off. I love my dad but sometimes it feels like I'm having to play third fiddle to my older half sister and brother and there kids. I know I shouldn't be jealous but I can't help it. I mean he is there for the really important things that have happened to me (high school graduation) but on the other hand he sometimes misses or forgets the little things that are just as important ( my birthday one year). I know my dad loves me, at least I'm pretty sure he does. He has issues with saying he loves me back. I think it'd just how he was raised but for once I wish he would say it without me having to say it first. I wish it didn't feel like this. I know he cares and is proud of me I just wish he would say it out loud more often.
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
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Hello, writerly friends!
I got a bunch of questions asking for advice on revision/editing (of which I have plenty) so I thought I would make a TOP 5! The above are my top 5 tips for revising/editing your book. I believe there are plenty of awesome resources out there for editing, but I wanted to talk about a few things that are seldom mentioned!
I hope you all find this post helpful~ ♥︎
If any of you has any more writerly questions, send them my way! And if you want your daily dose of writer positivity and prompts, make sure to follow my blog: maxkirin.tumblr.com!
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
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awww, such cuties (x)
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dmcanonwriting · 6 years
I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions.
James A. Michener (via bleep0bleep)
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