dmmaster4 · 10 months
sorry that previous ask may have come across as flippant. to phrase it better, how is dedicating your stove to hestia made meaningful if you don't believe that hessian exists in some form or another?
Christmas is meaningful even though I don't believe in Santa. It's the ritual; the food and the friends and the presents and whatnot.
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dmmaster4 · 2 years
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dmmaster4 · 2 years
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now thats what i call a fucking car
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dmmaster4 · 2 years
are some of the people newer to tumblr aware of the joys of theme customization on desktop? I know some ppl are just on mobile so they can’t really change things but like SO many blogs nowadays have 0 theme customization and just use the default theme and I’m beginning to wonder if they even know about the option. It’s one of the main reasons why I still use tumblr
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dmmaster4 · 2 years
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dmmaster4 · 2 years
centaurs would work if you replace the horse body with a giraffe, because it’d suit the anatomy of a centaur to live of fruits and leafs up in very tall trees.
Also they’d look hilarious when they have to drink water.
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dmmaster4 · 3 years
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dmmaster4 · 3 years
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Check out the video version here!
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dmmaster4 · 3 years
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dmmaster4 · 3 years
There is only a couple more days till tos, ent, and voy leave netflix!!!!
However, I may know a place where you can still find them (*wink wink nudge nudge)….
Everyone say thank you to @messier82 for putting this google drive together and sharing it with us!!!
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dmmaster4 · 3 years
this is a free website that lets you watch and stream anything. it’d be a shame if this website got around.
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dmmaster4 · 4 years
30 Items
Viper Blade: An ornate sliver dagger with a hilt inlaid with emeralds. The blade itself has a faint green sheen. Deals an additional 1d6 poison damage. 
Brew Of The Silver Tonge: A bottle of a shimmering sliver liquid. It tastes like mint and vanilla. Drinking it provides a +3 bonus to all charisma checks for one hour. 
Cold Heart Locket: A heavy silver heart shaped locket, engraved with a pattern of thorns. It no longer opens. Wearing it gives advantage against persuasion on performance.
Raptor Talon: The talons of an ancient beast, fashioned into a glove. Deals   3d6+STR slashing damage.
Mechanical Owl: A bronze owl with onyx eyes. Animated with magic. Acts as an animal companion and on a players turn can make an attack with it’s talons, dealing 2d4 slashing damage. It also can record recent events and provides it’s owner with advantage on history checks.
Burning Gloves: Enchanted golden gloves that become skintight when worn, no matter the size of the wearer. They glow red hot and when used with a melee weapon will deal an additional 2d6 fire damage.
Flask Of Soup: A battered canister of warm, homemade chicken noodle soup. Drinking it fills you with joy and warmth and it heals 1d6 of your health. It has 1d4 charges per day.
Imperious Crown: A grand golden crown encrusted with rubies. It allows a player to cast command once per day and gives advantage on intimidation.
Sky Spear: An electrum spear that glow a pale blue. When used, it is engulfed in crackling electricity and deals an additional 3d6 lightning damage 
Aegis: A massive shield emblazoned with the face of Medusa. Adds a bonus of 3 to intimidation and armor class.
Spell Specs: A pair of glasses with round lenses. One is tinted a soft pink, the other a blue green. These glasses allow the wearer to cast detect magic at will.
Whispering Tome: A battered leather-bound book written in a long forgotten language. Acts as an arcane focus for wizards. Once a day it can whisper its knowledge to the holder, giving them +4 on any wisdom check. 
Cold Snap: A whip encrusted entirely in ice. Deals an additional 2d4 cold damage.
True Strike: A great sword that glows a soft gold, etched with runes. Every other attack made with this sword is a critical hit.
Leather Jacket: Shockingly, its a leather jacket. It provides a +3 in charisma and allows the wearer to cast charm person once daily.
Thorny Collar: A necklace of iron shaped into a pattern of thorns. Allows the wearer to cast vicious mockery at will. 
Thanatos Scythe: An intimidating blade of black iron that emits a pulsing purple glow. It’s handle is bone from an ancient eldritch beast. It deals the typical 2d4 slashing damage with a bonus 3d8 necrotic damage. 
Bone Crusher: A greatclub embedded with countless thorns. Deals an additional 1d6 piercing damage.
Trickster Ring: A ring of jade carved into the shape of a snake. Allows the wearer to cast misty step 1d4 times a day and provides a +2 bonus to stealth and slight of hand.
Healing Salve: A small jar of a sweet smelling green paste. When applied a player recovers 1d8 heath and is considered to have had a long rest. There is enough in the jar for 5 uses. 
Brightblade: A shortsword that glows a brilliant white, so much so that it hurts to look at it. It deals an additional 2d8 radiant damage. 
Corrosive Grenade: A grenade emblazoned with a biohazard symbol. Deals 1d6 force damage and 1d6 acid damage.
Stygian Waters: A pitcher of black water from the rivers Styx and Cocytus in the underworld itself. It burns, freezing, down your throat. When swallowed, it renders the player immune to cold damage for their next three turns OR allows them to cast cone of cold once.
Fleetfoot Boots: Soft leather boot with the outline of wings stitched into the sides. Raises a players base speed by 10ft and adds a +1 bonus to stealth checks. 
Artemis Axe: A battle-ax with crescent moon blades. Has a +2 attack bonus and deals an additional 1d8 radiant damage.
Cruel Hammer: A semi-sentient Warhammer with a bad attitude. As it is swung it shouts insults and the target must make a wisdom saving throw of DC 15 or take an additional 1d6 psychic damage.
Light Fingers: Pale blue gloves. Provide advantage on sleight of hand.
Shifter Bone Powder: The powdered bone of a shape shifter allows you to cast disguise self. There is enough for 10 uses. 
Storm Orb: A glass sphere that swirls with a miniature hurricane trapped inside. It fits in the palm of a hand. When shown, it will shatter and deal 1d6 force damage, 1d6 lightning damage, and 1d8 thunder damage.
Brainiac Glasses: Heavy, square and black rimmed glasses with dense lenses. Adds a +2 to intelligence but a -2 to charisma.
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dmmaster4 · 5 years
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on misty paths
by Denny Bitte
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dmmaster4 · 5 years
Advice for writing about small towns
So I come from a small (midwestern) town. And I mean - an actual small town (less than 1,500 population). I’ve lived in towns of under 500 population, and in towns of about 2,500 population, and in towns of 15k population, and in cities of 100k, and currently in a 700k city. 
So here’s some things about small towns you might not know if you’ve never lived in one:
If it’s got a population higher than 30 thousand, it’s not a small town. It’s just a town. Hell, I’d probably argue that if it has a population higher than 10 thousand it’s not small town, but I’m being generous. However the people in towns 30k–50k probably think they’re in a small town (they’re not).
The experience is vastly different depending on how far you are from a small-large city. And by that I mean - the people are vastly different. 
Are you less than 60min drive to a city of 80k+ population? the people are probably less likely to be farmers, more likely to work in said small-large city and commute (which doesn’t mean that everyone commutes or that no one is a farmer). The people probably lean slightly to the right of the closest city, but aren’t necessarily staunch conservatives. The town sizes probably bottom out around 2k min. 
Are you more than 2hrs drive from a city of 80k+ population? The town is more self-sufficient. Most work within their small town or a nearby small town. Depending on the terrain, more people are farmers. They’re probably mostly conservative, both socially and fiscally. The town sizes could be as small as 300 people.
The farther from the city, the more likely to be conservative, more likely to be farmers (depending on the terrain).
Population 15k+:
This town probably has a (singular) hospital, several doctor’s offices, probably a dozen department stores - and if it’s rural enough, probably a couple kinds of hardware/diy type stores (lowe’s, menard’s, home depot etc.)
There are several options for vets and at least one emergency vet 
1-2 dozen hotels
If it’s got anything touristy, double the hotels (2-3 dozen) - touristy being water, especially large lakes, hiking trails, fesitvals, nearby ski resort - any thing that would draw people there on vacation, even if it’s only people from that region 
Also add a “down town” area - boutiques, nice restaurants, probably a theatre
It has at least 4 options of elementary schools, and 3 options each for middle and high schools. It might have a community college (but probably not). There are private or charter options, specifically for religious students
There are multiple denominations of churches (catholic, lutheran, baptist, episcopal etc). Depending on ethnic make-up, it may or may not have a synagogue. It probably won’t have a mosque.
If it’s in a rural-ish area (the closest towns are all smaller) it probably has some kind of shopping mall. If it’s the smaller town, it may not.
It’ll have several bars, probably clustered in a central location, with a few others a little farther out from that area. 
This town has a few coffee shops (3-10), but may or may not have an actual starbucks. At least one is a local place, at least one is a chain (starbucks, dunkin, biggby). 
People drive everywhere. There is a bus system, but only the “down town” area would have issues finding parking. Most businesses/hotels have their own parking lot.
Most people live in houses but there are a few (3-7) apartment complexes, most of which are several buildings
There will be lots of restaurants, mostly chains or small mom & pop places, with at least a couple niceish options
This town might even have its own airport, but likely only serves regional flights to “nearby” larger towns/cities. Regional means like, less than 2hr flights, so that’s probably a bigger distance than you’d think.
There are dozens of gas stations and at least a dozen fast food places
Is it on a freeway? increase the gas stations, fast food places, department stores etc. 
This town probably has a rec-type center with a community pool and courts and what not. There are several options of gyms.
Population 10k ish:
May or may not have a hospital - if it does, it’s small. A few doctor’s offices, a couple of department stores, at least one hardware/diy type
A few vets, may or may not have an emergency vet
a dozen or so hotels. again - double that if it’s got smth that would attract people, especially water.
may or may not have a “down town” area
2-4 options at least of elementary, 2-3 options of middle and high school. No community college.
Still at least a few options of churches. Still might have a synagogue, still probably doesn’t have a mosque.
Probably doesn’t have a shopping mall, but might have a “business district - basically a few intersections with most of the stores, hotels, and restaurants.
Probably has at least two, maybe three coffee shops. At least one is a chain.
Probably doesn’t have its own bus system unless it’s near enough to a town of 15k+ or more - people drive everywhere. There’s plenty of parking.
Most people live in houses, but there are a couple of apartment complexes. Mostish of the houses have yards, but some might not.
A few options of restaurants, but maybe only 1-2 niceish places. A couple chain, a couple mom & pop. 
It would be strange for this town to have an airport. May have a landing strip at most, but unlikely.
There are probably half a dozen to a dozen gas stations. Several fast food places.
Is it on a freeway? increase the gas stations, fast food
This town might have a community rec center w/pool. Still a couple options of gyms.
Population 5k ish:
This town doesn’t have a hospital. It probably has 1-3 doctor’s offices. At least one department store
2-3 vets, likely no emergency vet
3-8 ish hotels or inns 
Might have a quaint but very small “down town” area
Likely only 2 options of schools, maybe only one high school. Possible to go to school with same people your whole life
2-3 options for churches. Probably doesn’t have a synagogue unless there’s a large Jewish population 
There’s no shopping mall of any kind, but probably has an area where most of the businesses are - at most 2-3 intersections worth
Probably has a coffee shop or two, but might not. Could be a chain or a local - but probably a local.
There’s no bus system unless it’s near enough to a town of 15k+. People drive everywhere.
Most everyone lives in houses. Most if not all have yards. There might be 1-2 apartment complexes but maybe not.
There are a few restaurants - mix of chain and mom & pop places. Might have a nice restaurant, but only one.
There’s no airport.
There are probably 2-6 gas stations, maybe 1-2 fast food. 
Is it on a free way? increase the gas stations and fast food.
Likely does not have its own rec center/pool, but probably has 1-2 options of gyms.
Population under 2k ish:
No hospital. Probably has one doctor’s office, but might not if it’s close enough to a larger “small” town. No department stores, but probably at least one, maybe 2 decent grocery stores. Could be a local chain or a mom & pop.
Probably has a vet’s office, but just one. 
1-2 inns/motels. If it’s an older town, it has like, a street that’s mostly made of older style buildings and is the “down town” - just a couple of blocks
Just one school system - elementary through high school. Everyone goes through the same school - you probably graduate with the same people you went to kindergarten with
1-2 churches. Probably no synagogue
There is probably a generalish area where the store/post office/school/etc is, but those are probably just as surrounded by homes and yards as everything else.
This town probably doesn’t have a coffee shop, and if it does, it’s local, not a chain.
There’s no bus system unless it’s close enough to a town of 15k+. People drive.
There might be an apartment complex. Everything else is houses. The houses pretty much all have some kind of yard.
There are probably two restaurants, probably both local. Nothing fancy. 
No airport.
Probably 2ish gas stations.
Is it on a free way? add a gas station and a fast food restaurant.
There’s no rec center (unless maybe an outdoor like, field type rec center), but still likely has at least one gym.
I could keep going down but I think you get the idea. If you’re writing about an actual town, do research on its population. If you’re making up a town, think about what size you need it to be to have the things you want (or don’t want). 
If your “small town” has more than one hospital, it’s not a small town. If it’s got a population above 10k, there is definitely more than one (and likely, many) hotels. 
Is it near decent-sized water (largeish lake, ocean)? People probably have vacation homes there. That increases property value and tourism. Even if it’s not a like, nationally-known vacation spot, people within 100-200 miles could likely make weekend trips there.
Is it the largest town within 75-100 miles, even if it’s under 20k? it’s probably got more department stores and other such industry bc it’s serving a population greater than its own. if there are other towns nearby of equal-to-larger size, it might need less of those things.
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dmmaster4 · 5 years
Me: No one is hiring me
Adults: you’re just not trying hard enough
Me: oh yea, sorry about that. Let me apply “harder” this time. I’ll be sure to write my contact info extra “hard” this time. I’ll make sure to touch up my resume and make it hella “hard” this time around too.
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dmmaster4 · 5 years
Concept: an RPG where the suspiciously convenient merchant that seems to be following the party around is just, like, this mimic impersonating a vending machine. Communicates entirely in indecipherable grunts and whistles. The goods are sound, albeit somewhat slobbery, but don’t expect to get any change back – it’s literally eating the coins.
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dmmaster4 · 5 years
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Credit: Liesl Manone.
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