dms422-blog · 7 years
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Title: Progression Julia Hourigan These are photos I've taken at a couple different trainings for my fire department. It shows a firefighter at different points on the ladder at different times of the day. The first photo shows a combination of all 3, the next two were taken in the dark so I turned the contrast up and saturation down. The final photo was taken during the day so applying the same effect washed it out, so I applied a gradient filter using Pixlr, because the filter goes from orange to blue, like evening to night.
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dms422-blog · 7 years
Justin Hank For my final project I decided to make a video about this class and completing my 3 smartphone based art assignments. I had to wait until I got back to Buffalo to complete this project as I had to film myself retaking the same photos downtown from the first assignment, and lucky for me it was raining... hope y’all enjoy!
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dms422-blog · 7 years
Evidently, I also need chapstick.
Please tell me if there’s an issue playing the video, there shouldn’t be, but Vimeo has been giving me problems for a couple hours on mobile.
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dms422-blog · 7 years
1277 Jenn Fagotti
For this piece, I reverted back to my emo roots and created a lofi portrait documentary encapsulating my recently ended three and a half year relationship. The videos are previously captured. I collected this footage through four cities we’ve lived in, and in several other countries we visited, all together, then ran the videos through the VHS Cam app for a warm and nostalgic feel, before setting them to a song I composed on Garageband in iMovie. I hope to treat this as a capsule of our time spent.
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dms422-blog · 7 years
Title: be present This is a movie I made and the point I wanted to convey was that our generation especially, is so addicted to our phone that we don’t even realize what’s going on around us. I used a park setting so that everyone can relate to the time we would play in the park and not be on our phones. I hope all of you enjoy and can relate! By, Samantha Hecht
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dms422-blog · 7 years
Julia Hourigan Projections I took a few clips of some solar lights outside my h.ouse that my dad decided to keep up past Christmas. Looking at the lights inside the room and then the reflection of them going outside gives a distant and far away feeling and makes me think of the difference between what is familiar and what we may project beyond what we know, but once you open the d.oor to go further you can’t s.ee the reflection anymore. Or, something like that. I used Power Director, the wate.r reflection and kaleidoscope effect, and some of their downloadable audio effects.
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dms422-blog · 7 years
Jenn Fagotti
This project took the span of two days to complete, mostly because of how complicated I chose to make the process. I decided to embark on a portrait project with this piece, filming the person my sound piece was about, and then setting the moving images to the sound. 
As a way to avoid appearing too literal, I decided to rotoscope (draw on or alter each frame of the video to animate manually) out his eyes by exporting each frame of the video, done by slowing down the video on iMovie and screenshotting each still image to edit on Pixlr. By this, I hoped to comment on his blindness to his issues, but also to pique visual interest. To help focus on the form of the video, I desaturated all pieces and kept the content simple, and for aesthetic reasons I decided to add a glitch effect to the rotoscoped version to help it appear more smooth in motion.
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dms422-blog · 7 years
Justin Hank For this assignment I made a ‘stop smoking’ ad. Originally I had planned to video my friend smoking in different places but then I thought it would be more environmentally friendly of me if I didn’t glorify smoking habits. I wanted to make an ad that wasn’t corny like an above the influence commercial; one that was simplistic but still entertaining with cuts, sounds and narrative storytelling.
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dms422-blog · 7 years
Jesse Rodkin - 5,911 KM of Electrical Ocular Penetration.
Vimeo link, file size was too large for Tumblr:
I just flew home from Oslo, Norway. It was an eight hour flight coupled with a splendid two hours of delay at the gate and topped off with an hour if taxi-ing at JFK because some schmuck brought his plane to the wrong entrance and we had to wait for him to evacuate, a three course meal of pure, delicious suck.
Next to me, was the back of a chair with a television attached playing Bob's Burgers with some humanlike being sat 11 inches parallel to the screen with eyes convulging a solid two inches out of its face, the eyes not knowing whether to look at the television attached to the chair or the smaller rectangular television in the specimen's hand. Next to this being was another, similar looking one, but with longer hair, far more curly, and a propensity to cackle randomly without warning.
Throughout the cabin colored lights danced to a degree that further proves they're actually what causes the Northern Lights. A minimum of two screens per person, eyes got redder and redder but never took longer blinks as the 10 hour excursion through the sky went on. Despite flying over the twinkling cities of Bergen, London, Montreal, and New York City, the windows remained shut and no one had seen them.
Yet when my episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia ended and a black screen beamed at me showing nothing but a reflection, I realized a couple things; I need to sit up straight in public if I don't want to appear to have an entire family living in the skin beneath my chin, and that I don't really deserve to criticize the rest of the flyers.
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dms422-blog · 7 years
Samantha Hecht Title: modern day dog relationships This video I made to be a satire of relationships. I used my dogs for comedic effect. I hope you get a laugh out of It as much as I had fun making It!
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dms422-blog · 7 years
Samantha Hecht Title: my mom: a business owner and a Mom This is a little clip on my mom. My mom is a business owner of a sanitation company which i find really unique. I also tried to highlight the fact that she is a woman who is the boss of her own business because I admire It so much. Also, I thought It was perfect in this day in age (feminism, equal rights for genders, etc.) I tried to capture what she does in a day and how she still is a great mom and business owner.
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dms422-blog · 7 years
Portraits Jenn Fagotti
I went a little overboard with this project because I’ve been a performing electronic musician in buffalo for a couple of years now, and I was excited to experiment with a mobile version of the program I started on (garageband). It was pretty difficult to transition to a new format and it definitely shows in my work compared to my usual standard, but it was not only fun but educational to open myself up to this new medium through which to experiment with sound.
I created portraits of two of my friends, Chuck and Casey, and the songs are titled so (names changed of course):
https://soundcloud.com/med00sa/chuck https://soundcloud.com/med00sa/casey
The first was an experiment in writing a song from scratch about something that happened to us recently, and trying to avoid quantizing the notes or words too much, which would throw off the flow of the overlying melancholic aura. I wanted to capture the melancholy of my friend’s situation, a recent spiral which has led to a lot of grief.
For the second, I felt like experimenting in an instrumental-only format and wrote a beat which I feel reflects my friend’s personality: fierce, ready, and powerful.
Overall, this was a challenge and I enjoyed experimenting with the mobile format, and will continue to try to learn how to use the app version of garageband better in the future for convenience.
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dms422-blog · 7 years
Samantha Hecht
Title: Head On
I came up with this little tune and thought, what can this mean? How can this music relate to my life? And, that’s what music is. A song can have many different interpretations. My interpretation of this song is taking a challenge on head first. In the beginning the guitar is soft but, then the drums come in full force. This relates to my life right now. I am currently applying to grad school and had some iffy thoughts as I'm applying. “Is my GPA not high enough?” “I should've applied for that internship.” And all the other thoughts that came to my head. But in the end, I wrote and submitted my application. (where the drums come in on the song.) So, I feel that this song relates to taking a scary or unknown situation head on because you never know what the result may be.  
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dms422-blog · 7 years
Samantha Hecht Title: The New Kid
This piece shines a light on some of the negative memories I had when I moved to a new elementary school. Going to school as the ‘new kid’, not having any friends and not knowing if you’ll fit in is a scary feeling to have as a child. If you’re lucky, you’ll be surrounded by nice and kind people or if you’re like me you'll be surrounded by “fools” as said in my piece. I think singing or any type of art such as drawing, dancing, painting, etc. can really relieve a lot of pain or help someone go through a situation. I thought the music I used went with the mood I was trying to set which is lonely and dark. This also reflects the time I felt as the new kid in school. 
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dms422-blog · 7 years
Jesse Rodkin - Throat Tones Hey guys I hate to have to drop a Google drive link right now but I'm rushing in between airports and uploading to Soundcloud's failed me three times, so for now it's the best I got. Anyway, this one's a bit weird. I hooked myself up with a lav mic directly into my phone then recorded myself mid conversation, essentially just breathing and making the random gross mouth noises we make subconsciously. In keeping with my intended theme for the course I then highly autotuned it to capture it is a more quantifiable "data." There is an unbelievable amount of data we exude without even realizing. Spirituality and much historic philosophy aside, I don't know what to call the waves that come out of our throats if we can't classify them as data. We have terabytes of conversations a day- countable, recordable terabytes. I feel there is a thin line in the changing of perception between what makes something "human" and what makes something digital.
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dms422-blog · 7 years
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Julia Hourigan Title: NYC Colors I took some photos with my Moto G4 phone camera when I visited NYC. The first two are views from a rooftop in Manhattan, with my friend in the second picture. The other three are views around 30 Rockefeller Plaza. I used the app Pixlr to edit. I used the "splash" tool to remove all but one color, and the "tint" to make the remaining color different from the real color. I used the saturation, vibrance, and exposure tools to brighten the photos and exaggerate the light sources.
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dms422-blog · 7 years
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Justin Hank - Bills Mafia - I originally took these 3 photos on my Samsung Galaxy s5 but just recently got a new phone so I edited these pictures with my new IPhone 8+ using the Ftmimage app. I was born and raised in NYC but since coming to Buffalo for school 3 and a half years ago and working in the city downtown for the past two summers I have fallen in love with this city and treat it like my second home. I have also come to love the Buffalo Bills. For this project I have decided to take these photos of Buffalo city landmarks and the city’s skyline and give them a blueish tint to celebrate the Bills’ first playoff appearance in the last 19 years. Each picture was slightly different in nature and color so I had to use different techniques to get the blue tint on the each photo, but for each photo I used the combination of temperature, warmth, contrast, hue, saturation, and blue tint. I believe these photos help represent the city of Buffalo in its best light by displaying the city’s most recognizable landmarks. The blue color on top of these photos also share the story of the city’s undying support and loyalty it has had for it’s football team over the years that will only continue to strengthen with each season.
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