dndandcoffee · 2 months
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dndandcoffee · 2 months
"immortality sucks because all your friends die" all your friends die anyway. those we do not mourn are those who mourn us.
"immortality sucks because you forget who you are" we always forget who we are. do you remember who you were at four years of age? who you were at fourteen? "who i am" is a shadow cast on the wall.
"immortality sucks because" skill issue. skill issue. skill issue. give me your liver
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dndandcoffee · 2 months
Spellcasters hate this fact but if you just stick your fingers in their mouth while they're casting a spell with a verbal component it's literally more effective than a counter spell.
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dndandcoffee · 1 year
I know people on tumblr looove stories of underwater cave diving, but I haven't seen anyone talk about nitrogen narcosis aka "raptures of the deep"
basically when you want to get your advanced scuba certification (allowing you to go more than 60 feet deep) you have to undergo a very specific test: your instructor takes you down past the 60+ foot threshold, and she brings a little underwater white board with her.
she writes a very basic math problem on that board. 6 + 15. she shows it to you, and you have to solve it.
if you can solve it, you're good. that is the hardest part of the test.
because here's what happens: there is a subset of people, and we have no real idea why this happens only to them, who lose their minds at depth. they're not dying, they're not running out of oxygen, they just completely lose their sense of identity when deep in the sea.
a woman on a dive my instructor led once vanished during the course of the excursion. they were diving near this dropoff point, beyond which the depth exceeded 60 feet and he'd told them not to go down that way. the instructor made his way over to look for her and found a guy sitting at the edge of the dropoff (an underwater cliff situation) just staring down into the dark. the guy is okay, but he's at the threshold, spacing out, and mentally difficult to reach. they try to communicate, and finally the guy just points down into the dark, knowing he can't go down there, but he saw the woman go.
instructor is deep water certified and he goes down. he shines his light into the dark, down onto the seafloor which is at 90 feet below the surface. he sees the woman, her arms locked to her sides, moving like a fish, swimming furiously in circles in the pitch black.
she is hard to catch but he stops her and checks her remaining oxygen: she is almost out, on account of swimming a marathon for absolutely no reason. he is able to drag her back up, get her to a stable depth to decompress, and bring her to the surface safely.
when their masks are off and he finally asks her what happened, and why was she swimming like that, she says she fully, 100% believed she was a mermaid, had always been a mermaid, and something was hunting her in the dark 👍
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dndandcoffee · 1 year
To all Game Masters with artist players
GMs may be unsure of why an artist is drawing during a game session. To avoid any misunderstandings, let me explain! What it really means: ♥ we're inspired and encaptured by the story (and we're in it!!) ♥ we're taming our scattering brains with a simple motor skill (drawing) to solely focus on the game What it does not mean: ⌧ the game is boring and we need a distraction I know that this might seem contradictory, but artist's brain focuses best when they're stimulated with their personal interests, and it's exactly what's happening in a ttrpg session! We love you. Thank you for allowing us to be in your game and develop one of those brainchilds we cherised and finally gave them a purpose. Eternally grateful, from the bottom of our hearts! ♥
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dndandcoffee · 1 year
what are your thoughts on the magic system of our reality (1.0 version for clarification)
I really like how you can impose meaning into symbols. That's pretty dope.
I like how you can trigger emotions by making sounds
Really dig how literally anything can become language. People are still figuring out the tech there.
Been really enjoying the recent rebalances to organized religion. Hopefully they keep nerfing it.
At the same time, I'm loving the new God loadouts. Considering maining Ignosticism.
It's dope that numbers can be manipulated to predict specific sorts of actions, but it's balanced with an extremely high skill ceiling
Big fan of love.
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dndandcoffee · 1 year
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new evil pirate oc who this
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dndandcoffee · 1 year
I'm always a little bit (more than a bit tbh) skeptical when I see it in movies or read in books, that an archer uses their bow as a melee weapon when the enemy gets too close. I feel like using a bow like a club would not go down well with the bow.
On the other hand, a crossbow? Could you use a crossbow as a close-quarter combat weapon in a pinch? Like, whacking someone over the head and then trying to get distance between you and the enemies again.
Also I'd appreciate your 2 cents about the trope of "stabbing someone with arrows".
You really don't want to do any of those things.
So, the bow as a melee weapon runs into the issue that the limbs themselves really aren't designed to sustain blunt impacts, and even if they're made of something sturdy, there is a real potential for damage. Similarly, you don't want to damage the string. If either of these things are damaged, the weapon is basically trashed. This also applies for blocking melee attacks with a bow. In situations like that you're almost guaranteeing that the weapon will be critically damaged. Now, that could be an intentional decision, “sacrifice the bow instead of dying,” but it's rarely presented in that context, and the weapon frequently emerges unscathed (or with minor, cosmetic, damage) from these events.
Crossbows have the same problems as bows, with the additional consideration of their trigger mechanism, their winding system (if they have one), their optics (again, if they have any beyond sighting down the bolt.) Damaging any of these things will start to impair the weapon's ability to function. It doesn't mean that clubbing someone over the head with the stock would automatically break the crossbow, but there are a lot of mechanically sensitive components that could react poorly to blunt force impacts, so, it's best to avoid that entirely, and just not use it as a melee weapon.
Everything I just said about the crossbow also applies to just about any firearm more advanced than a 14th century hand cannon. Firearms do have the advantage in that they're expected to experience some kinetic kick, so it's not as simple as, “well you can't do this, or gun will break,” but as a general rule, you shouldn't do it. Clubbing someone over the head with your M4a1 shouldn't mess up your zero, it shouldn't damage your trigger mechanism, it shouldn't affect the firing pin, but you still shouldn't do it, because there is a genuine risk of breaking something. There are a lot of moving parts in modern firearms, and if any of those are out of place, it's not going to work right.
Ranged weapons are intended to be used at range, they're not supposed to be used as improvised clubs, and while most modern examples should be able to survive some abuse, it's still a bad idea.
Stabbing with an arrow is something I have mixed feelings on. From a realism perspective, it's not. Arrows (and bolts) are designed to be aerodynamic, you want low drag on the shaft, and that means that you're not going to get the kind of grip you would with a knife. The shaft should be smooth, and as a result, able to move through the air with ease, but that also makes it harder to manually shove it into someone.
At the same time, most arrow stabbings in fiction are examples object conservation. It's a kind of Chekhov's Gun, where the item is being completely repurposed in the moment, and that's a bit of creativity that I'm rather fond of, even when it's not completely realistic. This even extends to situations where someone's been shot with an arrow, pulls it out, and then stabs someone with it. It's biologically impossible in most cases, but it can be a well done moment that effectively plays with the objects that have already been established in the fight.
It's a little off topic here, but getting shot with an arrow (or bolt) is very different from being shot by a bullet. In the case of bullets, they tear through your musculature and (usually) exit the body. The problem is that you now have new holes, through which your blood is now seeking to escape. Being hit by an arrow will pin your muscles together in their current configuration. Think of it like running a toothpick through a stack of thinly sliced meat, the exact position of those slices is now fixed in relation to one another. The problem is, your muscled don't move together. They're multiple layers of meat moving over one another, and when you skewer that, you cannot change the relative position of those muscles. Meaning, getting shot with an arrow will lock up portions of your body, preventing motion. This is why I said that pulling an arrow out and then stabbing someone is sometimes biologically impossible. It is biologically impossible to continue fighting after taking a couple arrows, because you'll be unable to sufficiently move your limbs.
So, the short answer would be, “can you?” Yes. “Should you?” No. There's a non-trivial chance you'll damage the weapon. It's not likely, but you really wouldn't want to take that chance.
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dndandcoffee · 1 year
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One thing I didn't expect from my new worldbuilding book is the author, roughly my dad's age, including his opinions on furries
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dndandcoffee · 1 year
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dndandcoffee · 1 year
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I love when my fandoms overlap, even when it’s an indirect connection like Sam’s wife working on the Ahsoka show.
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dndandcoffee · 1 year
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Personal work between commissions.
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dndandcoffee · 2 years
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dndandcoffee · 2 years
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"Illustrations From A Gay Fantasia" (2023) - Joe Eason
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dndandcoffee · 2 years
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Reem Acra Fall 2023 Ready-to-Wear Collection 
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dndandcoffee · 2 years
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ZUHAIR MURAD Couture Spring/Summer 2023 (part 4) if you want to support this blog consider donating to: ko-fi.com/fashionrunways
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dndandcoffee · 2 years
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Zuhair Murad ‘Exquisite Dynasty’ Spring 2023 Haute Couture Collection 
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