doctor-annie · 7 months
"no, people do know, they just never celebrated, and I can do a small celebration for you"
"You like her sir"
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"Like who?" He asked faking innocence. "Have not a clue on who you are talking about."
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doctor-annie · 7 months
Annie blushed, she did a small nod
Annie is singing about... Her life on earth "It's not the effect of poison ivy...I go hiking carefully, How come they want me on TV..? Am I really that much of a freak...? Why ever would I come out of hiding When nobody's nice to me? How could anyone think I'm lovely When they retch at the sight of me....? I'd like to get groovy, to drink a mango smoothie, I'd like to watch a movie without everyone, and the sun..Telling me that I look dumb....Hate my buds, just because there's not enough room for us...They forced me to eat ice...Then I broke my teeth and cried... Jekyll, Hyde, Dragon, Slime...The only ones who are kind..Not my fault my body's spots resemble dried apricots..." She lifts up her sleeve revealing cigarette burns "Beedo, Appadeebin...Wish I did, but I don't believe him, All I want is a quiet evening...And now you're telling me my dream's not one that's worth believing in? Eedo, Appigo Appadeeben..Yeah, I'm ugly, but there is a reason, I came out of the oven too seasoned, Sometimes there's a casserole that just isn't worth eating...I imagine self-worth and inner peace... Tastes like artificial cherry, No, wait, maybe more like ice cream, Either way, I really could use some flavouring...Come one, everybody, come one, come all The circus clown has dropped the ball 'How about we give her a face full of pie?' For some reason, in return, you'd still expect a smile...And, whenever you get mad. I'm your walking punching bag, Can your conscience handle that...?" She eventually started sniffling and that sniffling turned into crying
[@red-velvette-cakes] [@call-me-dickmaster ]
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doctor-annie · 7 months
Annie blushed, she did a small nod "I... COULD work for you if you'd like... "
"Hello, Sir, I heard you needed me to fix, and I quote 'my toy up' where is this... 'toy'?"
Oh FINALLY! My Kitty has been holding up a bit better than a few days ago, but yes! KITTY!!
*kitty wheels over and cocks her head* The poor thing had one of my workers step on her leg and it's slowed her down quite a bit... *irritated moth squeaks* .. ((I even had to hire a rat to pour me my drinks... UGH absolutamente no.....)) So, here take a good look over my precious Kitty and repair her up for me~ Gracias mi amor 💖
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doctor-annie · 7 months
She just cooed loudly "see? I'm scary!!"
"Velvette, you don't need to get me anything"
Nope! I'm getting ya something. And it's a date. Come with me!~
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doctor-annie · 7 months
The owl didn't leave, she tried and successfully made a comfy place on her head and started falling asleep, would you disturb her sleep?
Annie is seen popping an Advil into her mouth
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"You okay danger tits, you look like you have seen better days to be honest."
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doctor-annie · 7 months
Annie let out a hoot, before angrily turning into a snowy owl and perching on his horns
Annie is seen popping an Advil into her mouth
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"You okay danger tits, you look like you have seen better days to be honest."
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doctor-annie · 7 months
Annie shook her head and smiled "that'd be nice, what's your name little one...?"
"What are you doing here?"
"Me? I live here, miss! Do I know you?"
DogDay tilts his head to the side, confused.
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doctor-annie · 7 months
She cleared her throat, but then she looked at him, getting down to his level "apologies, seems I disassociated"
"What are you doing here?"
"Me? I live here, miss! Do I know you?"
DogDay tilts his head to the side, confused.
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doctor-annie · 7 months
"Hmph!" Annie hugged Velvette's waist and put her chin on her chest, looking up at her with angy eyes
"Velvette, you don't need to get me anything"
Nope! I'm getting ya something. And it's a date. Come with me!~
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doctor-annie · 7 months
"Wh-why are you looking at me like that, yes I am!" Annie hooted
"Velvette, you don't need to get me anything"
Nope! I'm getting ya something. And it's a date. Come with me!~
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doctor-annie · 7 months
Annie's face gets even more covered in blush, she takes her head out of her chest "I-I'm not sweet! I'm dark and m-mysterious and very evil!" Annie claimed
"Velvette, you don't need to get me anything"
Nope! I'm getting ya something. And it's a date. Come with me!~
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doctor-annie · 7 months
Annie cocked her head, then cooed loudly before turning into a snowy owl and landing on the red gun, she flew back down and turned into a human again "de linker mijn beste meneer, en ja, ik doe het gratis, je kunt een contract afsluiten als je wilt" (the left one my good sir, and yes, I'll do it for free, you can pull out a contract if you want)
"Hello, Sir, I heard you needed me to fix, and I quote 'my toy up' where is this... 'toy'?"
Oh FINALLY! My Kitty has been holding up a bit better than a few days ago, but yes! KITTY!!
*kitty wheels over and cocks her head* The poor thing had one of my workers step on her leg and it's slowed her down quite a bit... *irritated moth squeaks* .. ((I even had to hire a rat to pour me my drinks... UGH absolutamente no.....)) So, here take a good look over my precious Kitty and repair her up for me~ Gracias mi amor 💖
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doctor-annie · 7 months
Annie looks at Kitty and lays them down, powering them off and fixing her leg PERFECTLY, it was amazing it was like magic! Kitty, was fixed, she smiled up at Val, revealing a gap in between her teeth, her Dutch accent was starting to come out "oké meneer! Je kat is helemaal in orde, is er iets dat je wilt dat ik doe? Ik doe het gratis als u dat wilt meneer, wat dan ook!" (alright Sir! your kitty is all fixed, is there anything you want me to do? I'll do it for free if you'd like sir, anything at all!)
"Hello, Sir, I heard you needed me to fix, and I quote 'my toy up' where is this... 'toy'?"
Oh FINALLY! My Kitty has been holding up a bit better than a few days ago, but yes! KITTY!!
*kitty wheels over and cocks her head* The poor thing had one of my workers step on her leg and it's slowed her down quite a bit... *irritated moth squeaks* .. ((I even had to hire a rat to pour me my drinks... UGH absolutamente no.....)) So, here take a good look over my precious Kitty and repair her up for me~ Gracias mi amor 💖
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doctor-annie · 7 months
Annie popped more medicine into her mouth before taking a swig of Vodka, she looks at him "Saint Peter's a snitch, he told Sera that I was beating the shit out of him for no apparent reason and now Sera wants me to write him a letter about 100 things of why your amazing..." Annie groaned
Annie is seen popping an Advil into her mouth
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"You okay danger tits, you look like you have seen better days to be honest."
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doctor-annie · 7 months
Annie looks at him, instead of her usually vibrant, yellow eyes, she looks more exhausted than usual, she seems to be having a terrible day "peachy." Annie muttered sarcastically
Annie is seen popping an Advil into her mouth
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"You okay danger tits, you look like you have seen better days to be honest."
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doctor-annie · 7 months
Annie's face instantly got COVERED in blush, she let out a hoot and stuffed her face into Velvette's chest, before letting out a muffled "I love you"
"Velvette, you don't need to get me anything"
Nope! I'm getting ya something. And it's a date. Come with me!~
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doctor-annie · 7 months
Annie cooed loudly, she immediately covered her mouth, before taking another sip of her mimosa before snuggling into Velvette's chest
"Velvette, you don't need to get me anything"
Nope! I'm getting ya something. And it's a date. Come with me!~
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