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letting his guard down physically was a huge leap but he knew , without colton’s help , he’d have to remain in agony for the foreseeable future . a brief moment of vulnerability was worth his comfort , right ?? “ i try my hardest . it’s just – it’s hard . my wife .. she’s been sick these past few weeks . she’s actually – she’s pregnant , so she takes top priority . over everything . i appreciate the sentiment , though , and the help , the ointment .. “ it then clicked , glancing up from the raw flesh to attempt grabbing the gaze of his doctor . “ do you have one too ?? a prosthetic , i mean . i’ve never met anybody else with the same thing . how long have you been like .. like this ?? god , i have so many questions , “ 
Colton smiled softly as he finished rubbing the cream onto Jaden’s leg.  “And it’s great that you are looking after your wife, but sometimes you need take some time for yourself.” Colton said as he shifted back from the bed and grabbed the container, placing the lid back on top. Colton reached down and tapped his right thigh gently.  “Yes, I do. I’ve had it for two years now, I think.” Colton said with a shrug, as he looked up at Jaden. “I’m probably not the right person, to give you answers.”
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“No, I was just missing a bit’a home,” William laughed lightly, gesturing faintly towards the fried fish in front of him, and the french fries beside them. “Not as good as getting one in a paper cone while you’re on your way home from the club absolutely knackered, but it’ll do in a pinch when I’m feeling a bit homesick, you know?” His head cocked to the side just a touch before his shoulders lifted in a faint shrug. “Unfortunately, I’m not quite close enough with anyone in town to warrant meeting them. Or at least, the one person I would be, is a bit mad at me at the moment. So you’re stuck with just my company.”
Colton’s eyes dropped down to the fish that William gestured to, before he frowned a little as he looked back at the male across from him. “Wrapped in a paper cone?” Colton questioned as he glanced back at the food for a moment, taking in all the friend food. “As a doctor, I feel like I need to tell you that this much fried food isn’t good for you.” Colton said with a small smile as he crossed his arms in front of him. “I don’t mind the company, I haven’t made too many friends in the area.”
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“Given my particular line of work, I find the glorification of aliens incredibly despicable. Not to mention they all run with the whole little-green-man thing and that just couldn’t be more untrue. Regardless, I don’t get the obsession. I think I wouldn’t get it even if I weren’t so terribly biased.” he made a face, not wanting to get too political with the man but never able to hide his disgust for the extra terrestrial “Precisely. I think the main appeal of this place is the touristy-ness of it all. The food is mediocre, at best. Like all diners. I will admit they make a pretty solid milkshake, though, if you’re in the mood for a sugar rush”
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“My big thing is, if these aliens can travel through space and light spead. Why come earth? They clearly have advance tech and such, so what could they learn from us.” Colton said as he shook his head slightly before he laughed a little. “I must admit though, after I came back. I ate burgers for nearly two months stright, one of the many things I missed well being away.” Colton said as he shifted in the seat slightly. “I do enjoy a decent milkshake, always makes the day more tolarable.”
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。゜ ⠀ ☆ ⠀ ⠀ closed starter ⠀ ⠀ 〳 ⠀ ⠀ @doctor-doctor-harris​ ˛
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it was the annual careers fair , and as he did every year kier stood at the back in case there were any unfortunate spillages , breakages , or even worse . that was all he was good for , after all ; none of the careers here were within reach for somebody who barely achieved a high school diploma . that didn’t mean his inquisitive nature was quenched , though – he’d still speak to the professionals that were way out of his league , pretending somewhere that their intelligence was somehow at the same level . “ so – “ an elbow leaned against the fold-out table , leaning across the surface of leaflets and flyers , “ is being a doctor , like , hard ?? ��cus i’ve played surgeon simulator and that shit’s wild . i don’t know how you do it . i get upset if i see a kid fall off their bike , or if they let their balloon go and it floats out their hands into the sky .. i think i’d just cry , if i was ever in a hospital , “ 
Colton looked up at the male who spoke to him, smiling softly as he ran his eyes over the male. “Well a surgeon is always going to be hard to do, as you are always holding someone's life in your hand.” Colton said as he shifted in his seat a little and leaned on the table, crossing his arms slightly.  “Sometimes it can be easy, some times it’s all hands on deck and never get a moment to breath.” Colton said as he let out a small laugh. “Then you  wouldn’t to specialize with children, a lot of sick children. Can be very stressful.”
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at colton’s reaction jaden felt instantly mortified that he hadn’t come in sooner . that was his modus operandi – to wait until pain was unbearable instead of reaching out the moment his health took a turn for the worse . there were bigger things to worry about in the moment , especially since his wife ( the most important person in his entire world ) was feeling under the weather just as he was . no matter how much he was struggling the girl came first , every single time . “ uh – i don’t know . a few months , maybe ?? “ leaning back on the bed he spread his palms against the foam beneath him , averting his gaze , hissing whenever the doctor came a little too close and brushed against skin that was furious at its owner . “ my friend gives me these weird balms and homeopathic remedies , and sometimes i smoke a little weed to take the edge off . most of my medications are for the problems in my head , not my leg . sometimes those are the hardest to overcome . “ 
Colton nodded as he listened to Jaden speaking, he moved somethings around before he grabbed the bottle he was looking for. “I have a specialist coming in the next week or so, if you want to see him.” Colton said as he looked over at Jaden and smiled a little as he walked back towards the bed was Jaden was laying on. Colton sighed softly as he sat down again. He opened the bottle and squirted some one the ointment onto his hand. “This stuff, I use for myself. Helps after a long day on the leg.” Colton said as he reached down at gently started to spread the ointment over the red angry site, as he looked up at Jadan. “Sometimes the head and the leg can be connected, you know. Look after one, and the other will follow.”
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“What, and let it go to waste? Hell no.” Zach shook his head as if he was truly offended that was even considered as an option. He had a bottomless appetite. Eyes narrowed a little as he looked back at the doctor’s questions, not sure if he should actually answer the reason behind all the moonpies, a mischievous grin spreading on his face. “The Creme Pie Master Trophy.” Yes, it sounded way worse than it actually was, but it was a thing. “It’s an actual trophy, though. They put every rookie to compete with a senior member of the firehouse and whoever eats 24 moonpies the fastest, gets to claim victory and become teh Creme Pie Master until a new rookie comes along.” That’s the thing about firefighters. He had yet to be part of a house that didn’t feel like a family even if he was new, even if he was miles and miles from home. Roswell was no different. His eyes followed Colton’s barely touched plate with a frown, pointing at it ready to snatch it away from the man. “You gonna eat that?” If he wasn’t gonna eat it, he would, and he was already going for it the very second he got confirmation. “You own a ranch? That sounds like a ton of work.” All of his belongings fit in the back of a pickup truck so, practically everything sounded like to much work for him right now. “Does it always hurt?” He asked, almost as an afterthought, focusing on the food intentionally as if trying not to put Colton on the spot too much. 
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“I guess food is food. But as a doctor I wouldn’t recomend it.” Colton said with a soft smile, shaking his head slightly. He raised an eyebrow slightly as he listened to the male explain why, they had so many Moonpies for. “So like hazing in a frat house? Sounds like a great way to spend your time.” Colton said with a laugh, he watched Zach’s eyes fall to untouched plate before he reached out and pushed the plate towards Zach. “Go ahead, I’m not really in an eating mood.” Colton said softly as he shifted in his seat slightly, getting comfy again. “How many rookies have come through since you started?” Colton question as he reached out for his milkshake and finished it off before he nodded a little. “Yeah, it can be. I have a few farmhands around that help with the running of it.” Colton fiddled with the straw, watching the last little bit of liquid move around the bottom of the glass. “I own a few horses, which is good therapy for me apperently.” Colton looked up at Zach and raised an eyebrow at the question. His hand stilling right away.  “No, not always. Some days are worse than others.” Colton looked down at his leg, as if you could tell that he was missing under his clothes. “All depends on the day and what I’m doing. Being on your feet for twevel hours doesn’t always help.”
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William rarely stuck his nose where it didn’t belong - always the type to be more concerned with his own life than anything else, he’d always seemed to keep to himself, but even he noticed the fact that the male seemed to be looking for a seat, and far be it from him to deny him one when he had an open seat. “Y’can sit with me,” he spoke up, back straightening a touch as he gestured to the other side of the table, beyond the rather ridiculous sight of his lunch, full of far more fried foods than was probably recommended, but he’d be the first to swear up and down that he’d gone to med school for animals, not humans. Human health would be the last thing he’d ever concern himself with. “If you don’t mind the company.”
Colton looked over at the male who spoke up, and small smile found his lips as he walked over to the table. His eyes dropped the food that was spread out of the table, the doctor in him wanted to speak out about how unhealthy it was. But Colton bit his tongue and sat down, placing his crutch to the side. “Thank you.” Colton said softly as he ran his eyes over the male for a moment, before his eyes fell back to the food. “Are you expecting company?”
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explaining everything from scratch wasn’t really his favoured way of going about things , but it seemed that whoever kept up his notes wasn’t doing the greatest job . in colton’s defence , though , jaden had been rather quiet about the incident , mostly since it had unravelled the very real idea that roswell was teeming with aliens – it wasn’t just a publicity stunt , a tourist attraction . they were real . “ it wasn’t today . i , uh .. i had a fall a few weeks ago and it’s not really been the same since . some dumb kids in an alleyway tried to grab my wallet , and obviously i kicked up a fuss . they didn’t like that too much . “ outstretching one hand he grabbed the gown and began removing his clothing , shielded by the sheet , unravelling jeans over his prosthetic as if the sight didn’t faze him one bit . unclipping the addition , he rested his leg ( made from carbon fiber and aluminium ) up against the side of the bed , rolling the plastic liner off his amputation point for the doctor to look at . “ – it just looks real angry , right ?? “ 
Colton waited a moment to let Jaden change before he walked back to the bed, pulling the curtin close behind him. “You shoud of come in as soon as it happened.  Even if it was a small twinge at the time, it’s always best to come in and get checked out.” Colton said as he placed Jaden’s file next to bed before he grabbed his chair again and sat down. “When was the last time you saw a specialist? For your leg?” Colton asked as he looked down at the leg, frowning as he looked at it. The redness worried him, Colton himself knew first hand what it was like have a prosthetic leg, and not going to see a doctor when he is pain or discomfort. “It’s a bit angry, I’m more concerned about the redness around the edges.” Colton said as he stood up and moved to his cabinet. “Are you using ointments or pills at home? To help with any of the pain or discomfort you’ve been having since this happened?”
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Cade wasn’t one for friends. Hell, he wasn’t even one for cordial acquaintances. But there was a certain unspoken bond between fellow servicemen that was difficult to explain. And, if anything, seeing that there was just as much trauma behind his eyes made Cade feel less alone in his own. So even if they never spoke on it, there was a sort of comfort there. “I swear it’s like this is the only restaurant in town, it’s always packed. I think it also draws most of the tourists, what with the whole alien gimmick. It’s not like the food is all that special or anything. Once you’ve eaten one greasy burger, you’e eaten them all, right?”
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Colton nodded slightly as he listened to the male across from him.  “Yeah, I never got the whole alien thing you know? Like all the hype, just feels unwarranted. Maybe it’s just me.” Colton shrugged a little as he looked around the restaurant, watching people shuffle slowly forward in the line. “Basically, a burger is a burger. I dont think the change of location, makes the burger any better.”
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he hated that things just seemed to be going from bad to worse when it came to his health . the details of his fall had to be mostly kept a secret , not wanting to out the whole alien existence to somebody who barely knew his name , but the ache in his leg was too much to simply sit and ignore . leaving work early , texting ezra to let her know where he was going , jaden took the slow walk ( more of a hobble ) to the hospital . they’d know what to do and , although it would carry a hefty price tag , the broken boy didn’t really have much of an option otherwise . speaking his name over the desk he was promptly led right to the consultation room that he deserved his own private seat in . he barely he needed to check in at this point – they knew his face and predicament well , and jaden half wished hospitals carried loyalty cards so he could collect stamps toward a complimentary procedure . “ just a checkup , “ the male responded , not recognising this doctor as one of his regulars , “ my leg’s been acting up , “ 
Colton flipped open the folder and scanned it for a moment before he looked up at Jaden, moving his chair slightly. Something he tended to, just so he wouldn’t have to be on his leg and aviod it flearing up. “Right, can tell about what happened today to cause you discomfort?” Colton said as he looked down at the male’s leg, trying to gage what happened. Which was dumb, seeing as Jaden still had his pants on. Colton smiled slightly as he stood up carefully, and grabbed a sheet and a gown. “You know, how about you get changed. So I can look you over properly.”
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Manny sat back down and waved to the server to let them know someone had joined him as Colton got comfortable. “Nah, not your fault at all, I blame the constant tourism. The food’s good and it’s still pretty quick service for being this busy,” he said as the waitress came and put a menu down for Colton. “Oh, you know, same old life, nothing special. Just work and hobbies,” he shrugged, really having nothing specifically interesting going on in his life to talk about. “How about you? Must have some cool stories to tell,” he asked, sipping on his coffee.
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Colton smiled as he looked up at the waitress. “Just my usal please, and if you can put it on my tab. That would be great.” Colton said as the witress nodded and headed off to place his ordered. Colton looked back to Manny, smiling slightly. “Yeah, I try not to come here too often. It’s an effort to find a seat.” Colton said before he laughed slightly as he pushed a hand thorugh his hair slightly. “Oh there are some stories, that I could tell you. Like the guy who got his hand stuck in the meat grinder.”
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Folder in hand, Colton made his way to the consult room. He was feeling better today, more mobile. His crutch was tucked away in the back office, just encase he felt the need to use it. But at this moment, apart from the limp you couldn’t tell Colton was missing a leg. 
Colton knocked on the closed door gently, letting the patience know that he was coming in. Before he opened the door. “Hello there, I’m doctor Harris.” Colton said as he placed the folder on the desk before he looked over at Jaden and smiled slightly. “What’s brought you in today?” Colton asked as he pulled a chair up and sat down on the chair, before he grabbed the folder and flicked it open.
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“Still ate it.” Zach shamelessly admitted. He’d stick the chocolate bar in the fridge a couple of minutes and that was that. Same flavor just different shape. Hearing Colton say there were things he needed to try again to remember caught his attention. His job required him to be good at paying attention to detail. He was slowly adding things up. He still didn’t ask, figuring that if it was something the other wanted to share, he would. “Listen, come by the station someday, we have way more moonpies than anyone should in one same place. Trust me.” Zach said instead, eyes on his wrap as he listened. He didn’t really get too in depth about the life he left behind, or the reason why. Just for the sake of not having the question thrown his way, he didn’t ask the other either. “How long you’ve been here?” The conversation shifting to Betty was probably a relieve, to both of them. “She’s a highly demanding girl. Practically trashed the entire place on our last stop. You gotta give it to her, she knows what she wants.” He reached for a napkin on the far end of the table, pushing his now empty plate away from him. He had devoured his lunch in almost one bite. “I don’t know. It’s hard to say, really. Roswell is very different from where I’m from. I’ll give it a try, though. See how it goes. It’s the least I can do, right?”
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Colton looked up, surprised before he laughed softly. “Oh gosh, you didn’t.” Colton said as he shook his head as he started to play with his straw again, before he took a sip of the drink. He leaned back in his seat, smiling slightly. “I mean if going to help you, to eat all of those moonpies.  Though I must ask, why do you have so many?” Colton looked down at his meal, that he hardly touched. He pushed his plate away a little, not really in the mood to eat. Even though he knew he had too. He reached up and pushed a hand through his hair, messing it up slightly.  “I”ve been here for three years, and I enjoy it. It’s just a different pace of living than what I’m use to with.” Colton said, he dropped his hand back down to his left thigh, rubbing his hand over it again slowly. Anexity was creeping back in, a sinking feeling that Colton couldn’t explain. He took a breath before he smiled slightly. “If she ever gets to much, I own a ranch on the edge of town. I’m sure she will enjoy having a run around there, getting some energy out of her.”
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open // @roswellstarters​​ *
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HOLDEN FLIPS THROUGH the pages of the recent novel he had picked up to read, mind focused solely on the words of the page, when the door of his bookstore opens and the vague sound of someone’s thoughts slips through his mind before he shoves it away. Removing himself from the comfortable way he was sitting, Holden soon finds the costumer. “ Oh, hello. ” A tight lipped but polite smile on his face. “ What can I do for you today ? And please don’t tell me you’re looking for the new Stephen King book — I swear that’s all people read these days. ”
Colton carefully pushed the door open to the bookshop, he was need for something new to read. But wasn’t sure what he was in the market for. He smiled over at the male that spoke to him. “No, No Stephen King. Could never get into those books.” Colton said as he adjusted himself, leaning heavily on his crutch. “But I do need something to read, do you have any recommendations?”
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“Yeah, no. Definitely not my case. I’m pretty sure I have snuck a couple of snickers in my fire suit a few times. Big, melted chocolate disaster.” As much as he wanted it to be a joke, it wasn’t. “Moonpies? You don’t know what moonpies are? It’s the unhealthiest thing. Marshmallow sandwiched between chocolate covered graham crackers. They’re not even good, just addictive, I guess.” He spoke through half a mouthful and a cheeky grin, biting into his wrap with a shrug. Zach had seen more than his fair share of unexplainable things happen in the field. He didn’t believe in miracles, he couldn’t. If he did, then it had failed him and his family. But he knew there were some things that were better to go without questioning. “Did it do the trick? I mean, you’re some sort of hot shot doc, right? Me? I’m just… I guess I can say I’m just passing through. I had heard about it from an old friend I think. My dog seems to like it, though, so here I am. A month later. So far, so good.”
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Colton let out a soft laugh when Zach told him about sneaking the snickers into his suit. “I can imagine that they wouldn’t be very good after a fire either.” Colton said as he took a sip of his milkshake, he licked his lips quickly making sure nothing was left on his lips. Colton shook his head. “I don’t recall, there are few things that I need to try again, just so I can remind myself of what things are. But they sound very sweet.” Colton went back to playing with his straw, but kept his eyes trained on Zach, letting his smile settle back on his lips. Colton stifled a laugh as he heard Zach call him a hot shot doctor. “I’m not a hot shot doctor by any means. I miss my old life every now and then, but then reminders pop up of why I left it behind. I’m still getting use too it.” Colton reached out for fry and ate it quickly before he smiled. “Well as long as your dog likes it right?” Colton said with a small grin. “You not thinking of sticking around for long time?”
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“Fair enough. I’d take my leave too if I was in your place. I’m not judging.” Zach laughed, sinking further against his side of the booth. He knew was it was like to get lost in the job, wether that was voluntarily or not. “We don’t get real breaks at the station either. Most meals we either order in or make ourselves there. I have no clue whose idea was it to buy dozens of boxes of moon pies but that’s been pretty much my diet these past few days. Really looking forward to this wrap.” Almost as if he had called it, that’s when their food made an appearance as well, and his entire face lit up, quickly reaching for one of his chips. “Yeah? That’s good. They were lucky. Things could’ve gone completely south had we gotten there a second too late.” Zach added. He guessed that was the same case for almost every call. He also guessed the doctor could say the same thing. He looked around the place, shrugging as he went for another chip. “Small towns.” Zach commented at their very limited options, but he didn’t mind it. He had been frequenting both spots plenty the last few weeks. “Oh? How did you end up here then? Or how long you’ve been here, at least?”
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“I have a bad habit of forgetting to eat, which the nurses frown upon, Especially when I’m doing a twelve hour shift.” Colton said with a small smile as he looked up when the waitress brought their food over. Colton shifted his plate around before he took a fry. “Moonpies?” Colton questioned, as he tried to remember what they were or if had them before. He looked down at his fry before he ate it, nodding a little. “They were the lucky one, could of been a lot worse.” Colton agreed, reaching out for his milkshake and fiddled with his straw for a moment. “It does take some getting use too, I guess being from a big city doesn’t help.” Colton smiled again as he shifted slightly. “I got dismissed from my last job, and wanted to start fresh. Found this place, and thought it might do the trick. So I’ve been here for about three years now. How about yourself?”
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There was no doubt that the Crash Down cafe was one of the most visited locations in town, so every once in a while on a day off, he’d visit for breakfast or lunch, relax for a while, chat up whoever he happened to see. This was one of those days, an espresso in front of him as he sat alone at a booth. His food was on its way as well, so he was just sat waiting when he spotted Colton, making his way to an empty seat when someone took it out from under him. He shook his head, wanting to say something to the rude patron, but that wouldn’t do Colton any good, so he just stood up and waved to him. They were familiar, as he’d had to speak to the man several times to make an account for people brought to the hospital from close calls at the pool where he worked. “Hey, you’re free to come sit with me, I’d love the company,” he stated with a smile.
Colton sighed soflty when he saw the familiar face wave him over. Colton made his way over to the table. “Thank you.” Colton said sofly as he sat down, placing his crutch to the side, trying to keep it out of the way. It took Colton a moment, to find a comfy way to sit before he looked up at Manny. “I always forget how busy this place can get around this time, which is more my fault for coming at this time.” Colton said with a small laugh, he shifted slightly as he pulled his coat off. “How have you been?”
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