doctor-loki-sherlock · 2 months
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 2 months
some of the brightest minds of our generation post on tumblr during work hours
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 3 months
✨When you get this ask you have to (not have to, only if you wanna) put 5 songs you listen to, post it, then send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positive vibes are cool)🎶
Too Sweet
Northern Attitude
In Hell I'll Be in Good Company
Work Song
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 5 months
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New Crow Time 🐦‍⬛🦊🌟
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 5 months
Just stumbled upon this homophobic ad from a Christian Church on Facebook and the way it unintentionally slayed—
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 5 months
Character idea that I had at some point: A dance teacher who had to give up his own highly promising career as a performer after an injury, and now makes his living giving lessons to children. He comes off as stern, serious, and frighteningly strict, and even some of the parents have a hard time believing that the kids genuinely like him and enjoy the lessons. Which, to be fair, are frightening to watch with no context of what this is about.
The children go through their practices with downright eerie, automation-like, coordinated synchrony, with stern and focused looks on their faces, while the teacher circles them, observing and correcting, brandishing his cane like a weapon and every once in a while dramatically lamenting about how "you little vermin can't do anything right", and occasionally the music stops and the only sounds coming from the studio are of kids running and screaming while their teacher bellows about teaching them a lesson.
This, however, is all just method. He started the first lesson with the children by proposing a game: How about they play flea circus, where he is the cruel evil ringmaster and they are all his poor suffering little fleas. One of the girls starts crying, protesting that she doesn't want to be a flea. Well, how about mice? Mice are cute. The children accept these terms, and ever since they've spent dance lessons playing Evil Circus.
For reasons beyond adult comprehension, children of a certain age really love playing pretend in a setting where everything is Dark And Horrible And The Worst, and Evil Mouse Circus is exactly that. And whenever he picks up that the kids are starting to get too genuinely nervous or agitated, that's when he goes "that's it I'm going to beat all of you" which is their cue to take a break to run around screaming, while he chases them. He won't catch them and isn't even trying to, the kids just need to let the nervous energy out.
It looks horrible to an outside observer, but the kids are having an excellent time playing circus mice.
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 5 months
dude my stepdad is so fucking funny. he is like a border collie he always has to be doing something. his job is being a media consultant/legal marketer for law firms and lawyers and he has a number of clients all of whom don't have stuff for him to do this week bc they're busy with Christmas stuff but he's jewish and doesn't care about that he just wants ENRICHMENT bc no one is answering his EMAILS. he was so bored he CALLED THE LOCAL PAPER AND VOLUNTEERED TO GO BOTHER METHODIST MINISTERS FOR THEM??? like he called like "is anyone covering (local thing with Methodist Church)" and they were like "yes but they won't answer our phone calls" so he was just like "I will go knock on their doors for you" and we live in a Very Small Rural Town so they were just like ??? okay sure ???
literally he is like one of those dogs where if you do not give them a job to do they will make their own job except in his case rather than "destroy your couch" the jobs he will come up with are things like "deputizing himself as a beat reporter at the local newspaper"
hilariously funny type of guy.
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 5 months
goodbye 2023👋hello 𓏏𓉔𓇋𓋴 𓇌𓅂𓄿𓂋 𓇋 𓅃𓇋𓃭𓃭 𓎼𓅂𓏏 𓄿 𓅓𓅲𓅓𓅓𓇌 𓃀𓅱𓇌𓆑𓂋𓇋𓅂𓈖𓂧 𓅓𓄿𓇌𓃀𓅂 𓉔𓅲𓋴𓃀𓄿𓈖𓂧 𓇋𓆑 𓉔𓅂𓂕𓋴 𓎢𓅱𓅱𓃭 𓅃𓇋𓏏𓉔 𓏏𓉔𓄿𓏏
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 5 months
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my evening
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 5 months
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A friend send me this meme and I had to share it
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 5 months
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 5 months
i think gray hair is sexy genuinely. you have a skill issue if not.
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 5 months
tbh i think the funniest phenomena that's been happening in the last couple years is "youtuber, having gone too deep into the research hole, has been made an investigative journalist against their will"
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 5 months
yeah, i am not immune to propaganda. a propaganda at men's tits that is lol lift your shirt up boy
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 5 months
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good riddance live
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 5 months
There’s this ask reddit post about your weirdest childhood and the story is about this guy who was playing in the woods by a creek with his friend when a guy in full late 1800s formal clothing including a top hat just walked out of the forest, said “Hello boys!” and kept walking. This is why I want historical clothing so badly. The ultimate prank.
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doctor-loki-sherlock · 5 months
"I would kill for you. I would die for you" would you take a break for me? Would you sit down and rest? For a day, a week, a year? Would you let others take care of your needs for me? Would you let yourself be held for me? By me?
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