doctor-who-day · 10 months
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Happy 60th anniversary to this silly alien show ✨ here's some of my favorite pieces
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doctor-who-day · 10 months
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doctor-who-day · 10 months
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I'm going to add "making a nonsense of it" to my vernacular.
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doctor-who-day · 10 months
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doctor-who-day · 10 months
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William Hartnell, Jon Pertwee and Patrick Troughton as the Doctor, photoshoot for Radio Times, London, 1972.
Photography: Ray Rathborne
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doctor-who-day · 10 months
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happy 60th to one of my lifelong faves🕯️
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doctor-who-day · 10 months
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happy 60th anniversary doctor who. you literally changed the trajectory of my life
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doctor-who-day · 10 months
In honour of Doctor Who's 60th birthday, here are 60* things that I like about less popular** Doctor Who stories.
(*in multiple posts because I'm falling foul of the character limit)
(**IMDB rating of less than 7/10)
1. Susan is great in The Sensorites. She's at her absolute best in stories like this where she gets to be genuinely a bit alien and a bit weird.
2. "So," said someone at the BBC, "we're going to produce an allegory for different political systems, using insects. Choreographed by a mime artist. On a budget of about £2.50." The Web Planet might not entirely have succeeded, but my god, you have to love that they tried.
3. They introduced Jamie, the best companion, in The Highlanders! How is does this have less than a 7/10 rating, what is wrong with you people. It's Jamie.
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4. I applaud the utter bonkersness of The Underwater Menace, and Patrick Troughton really gives it socks.
5. The Wheel in Space is proper 60s sci-fi: Servo-Robots, x-ray lasers, radio beams! I can practically smell Penguin mass-market paperbacks thinking about it. And with the introduction of Zoe, it completes my all-time favourite TARDIS team.
6. The Dominators contains the Quarks, who are adorable. They weren't supposed to be, but it doesn't matter.
7. Zoe is still relatively new to the TARDIS, but she has heaps to do in The Krotons. Nice having a female companion who's written as smart and capable.
8. We have entered the 70s, so with Colony in Space, we get Social Issues. Especially an Evil Mining Corporation, which are always fun.
9. More Social Issues in The Mutants, but this time they're paired with big sci-fi ideas. Ancient tablets! Strange life cycles! Love how much is going on here.
10. The Time Monster is like the Eurovision of Doctor Who. Deeply silly, but what would Doctor Who be without silliness? I'm sorry about Jo's coccyx too.
11. I love that they returned to Peladon in The Monster of Peladon, especially with the 50-year time jump. I'd like to see that kind of follow-up more often.
12. Is it not cool to love K9 any more? Well, I like my Doctor Who with a dose of silliness, and The Invisible Enemy delivered that. Every time traveller needs a robot dog.
13. The design of the Seers in Underworld is excellent, I love a brass dome.
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14. Doctor Who doesn't have enough giant squidmonsters looming on the horizons. I'm glad the The Power of Kroll does something to address the deficit.
15. The Creature from the Pit gave us the line "a teaspoon and an open mind", and I appreciate it for that at least.
16. Romana wears one of her best of many splendid outfits in The Horns of Nimon.
17. I liked all the arch dialogue between the Doctor, Enlightenment and Persuasion in Four to Doomsday.
18. Heathrow airport is an underrated setting. I also appreciate how Time-Flight prominently features Concorde, making it far more 80s than they could ever have planned.
19. I don't intend this to be damning with faint praise (even though it probably sounds like it) but my favourite thing about Arc of Infinity is that we get a little jaunt through 80s Amsterdam. I do love a tram.
20. Babyfaced Martin Clunes doing his spoiled princeling thing in Snakedance is enjoyably disconcerting.
21. Terminus is tense and scary and bleak. Another one that I'd expected to be more highly rated.
22. Warriors of the Deep gives us a very solid base under siege. Silurians + Cold War is a winning combination.
23. Landing in a modern village doing a historical re-enactment in The Awakening is a witty touch.
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24. I can’t say I enjoyed the idea of the Doctor’s violent moods in The Twin Dilemma, but I have to commend it as a punchy way to introduce the new regeneration.
25. The Mark of the Rani should surely get some love just for introducing the Rani: camp, delightful, iconic.
26. Herbert turning out to be HG Wells in Timelash is a lovely twist and handled well.
27. The Trial of a Time Lord is so grand and ambitious. If the show hadn't been struggling in general at this point, it would be among the all-time greats.
28. With its colour-coded gangs and faux-urban slang, Paradise Towers is gloriously of its time in a way that currently feels quite naff, but that I suspect will be fascinating to revisit in about 30 years.  
29. Delta and the Bannermen is action-packed and has one of the best titles in 80s Who.
30. Possibly the most terrifying moment in all of Doctor Who is Kane's face melting in Dragonfire. This series is nothing if it doesn't send children running for safety behind the sofa.
31. Got to love it when Who gets aggressively anti-Thatcher, and they never did it more than in The Happiness Patrol.
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doctor-who-day · 10 months
I have made a thing!!
Some of you may remember this idea from as many as TEN YEARS AGO on this site, but at long last I HAVE CREATED A FULL SET. I just thought I'd give them a wee outing on this most auspicious of days, so without further ado:
The Chessmen of Rassilon
(and/or Omega)
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Look, they glow in the dark!!! how cool is that??? :D
And if you know anyone at the BBC who would like to talk about turning this into official merchandise, let me know.
But I hear you ask WHY the Chessmen of Rassilon?
Ah well, that's easy, back in 2013 or so @neil-gaiman wrote the line "Time Lords Invented Chess" into an episode and I thought it was very silly and a very fun idea. Especially since I spend a lot of time thinking about the Lewis Chessmen, and it seemed to me the stylings of the Viking chesspieces would mesh very well with some of the Time Lord Aesthetics we've seen over the years!
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It has taken me a while to make all the pieces, but I have laboured over every small decision in my design, which of course means I will never truly be finished. My creation of these pieces has involved sculpting them by hand, scanning them into a computer, editing the 3D models, and 3D printing them!
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In the above picture, we have the pawns, the rooks that I refer to as The Hands of Omega, the knight modelled loosely on Commander Maxil, and the bishop modelled loosely on the Time Lord robes seen in The Three Doctors. Oh and in the background my sonic screwdriver that I made many years ago, and below the pawns are some laser etched things I made.
I have lots more to say about the design, but for now, have a Happy Doctor Who Day!!!
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doctor-who-day · 10 months
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doctor-who-day · 10 months
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Today marks 60 years of the greatest show of all time 🔷💥
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doctor-who-day · 10 months
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Happy 60th, Doc!
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doctor-who-day · 10 months
I hope everyone is having an excellent Doctor Who Day!!!
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doctor-who-day · 10 months
Happy Anniversary Day!! Did you remember to leave your shoes (they fit perfectly!) out so the Doctor will deliver presents while you sleep?
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doctor-who-day · 2 years
Happy Cyberman Day to those who celebrate
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doctor-who-day · 2 years
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It seems to me there’s so much more to the world than the average eye is allowed to see. I believe, if you look hard, there are more wonders in this universe than you could ever have dreamed of.
Happy 59th Birthday, Doctor Who!
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doctor-who-day · 2 years
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This idiot said "Dont let me go back to being me" in the last episode and I haven't recovered since then
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