doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
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✧ multi-muse featuring canon characters & ocs with verses from star trek, the orville, doctor who, and cosmere.
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
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✧ multi-muse featuring canon characters & ocs with verses from star trek, the orville, doctor who, and cosmere.
template cred: x
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
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✧ multi-muse featuring canon characters & ocs with verses from star trek, the orville, doctor who, and cosmere.
template cred: x
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
Not official quite yet, but I’m moving doc to my multi. Dm me for the new url!
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
short psa
i think i am putting this blog on full hiatus, with the exception of a few threads. I simply don’t have time to run two rp blogs, and everytime I come here with the intent to do drafts, i log out without making any progress. having no new 13 content isn’t helping either, and there aren’t many people rping as season 11 companions/characters.
if you want to find me, i will still be writing at @winqbeats, on more of a semi-hiatus but still writing.
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
short psa
i think i am putting this blog on full hiatus, with the exception of a few threads. I simply don’t have time to run two rp blogs, and everytime I come here with the intent to do drafts, i log out without making any progress. having no new 13 content isn’t helping either, and there aren’t many people rping as season 11 companions/characters.
if you want to find me, i will still be writing at @winqbeats, on more of a semi-hiatus but still writing.
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
short psa
i think i am putting this blog on full hiatus, with the exception of a few threads. I simply don’t have time to run two rp blogs, and everytime I come here with the intent to do drafts, i log out without making any progress. having no new 13 content isn’t helping either, and there aren’t many people rping as season 11 companions/characters.
if you want to find me, i will still be writing at @winqbeats, on more of a semi-hiatus but still writing.
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
short psa
i think i am putting this blog on full hiatus, with the exception of a few threads. I simply don’t have time to run two rp blogs, and everytime I come here with the intent to do drafts, i log out without making any progress. having no new 13 content isn’t helping either, and there aren’t many people rping as season 11 companions/characters.
if you want to find me, i will still be writing at @winqbeats, on more of a semi-hiatus but still writing.
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
short psa
i think i am putting this blog on full hiatus, with the exception of a few threads. I simply don’t have time to run two rp blogs, and everytime I come here with the intent to do drafts, i log out without making any progress. having no new 13 content isn’t helping either, and there aren’t many people rping as season 11 companions/characters.
if you want to find me, i will still be writing at @winqbeats, on more of a semi-hiatus but still writing.
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
short psa
i think i am putting this blog on full hiatus, with the exception of a few threads. I simply don’t have time to run two rp blogs, and everytime I come here with the intent to do drafts, i log out without making any progress. having no new 13 content isn’t helping either, and there aren’t many people rping as season 11 companions/characters.
if you want to find me, i will still be writing at @winqbeats, on more of a semi-hiatus but still writing.
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
short psa
i think i am putting this blog on full hiatus, with the exception of a few threads. I simply don’t have time to run two rp blogs, and everytime I come here with the intent to do drafts, i log out without making any progress. having no new 13 content isn’t helping either, and there aren’t many people rping as season 11 companions/characters.
if you want to find me, i will still be writing at @winqbeats, on more of a semi-hiatus but still writing.
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
short psa
i think i am putting this blog on full hiatus, with the exception of a few threads. I simply don’t have time to run two rp blogs, and everytime I come here with the intent to do drafts, i log out without making any progress. having no new 13 content isn’t helping either, and there aren’t many people rping as season 11 companions/characters.
if you want to find me, i will still be writing at @winqbeats, on more of a semi-hiatus but still writing.
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
Belurn stared, barely able to mask her own disbelief. No mere doctor carried around something like that, no Sir-ee. She brushed the dirt from her trousers. 
“Belurn Ornath,” she introduced herself and offered a hand for shaking, “Cleric ‘n sellsword. Got hired to investigate a monster, but I’m ‘fraid I didn’t even get t’see it. All I remember was gettin’ the wind knocked outta me, ‘nd when I looked around, couldn’t see nothin’. Tried healin’ my own wounds– then you came, Doctor. Maybe it was a ghost.” Only thing she could think of that could come, act, and remain unseen, anyways. But she was still awfully new at this whole sellsword business.
“A pleasure to meet’ya,” she replied, shaking her hand. “Just wish it could be on different circumstances. Chasin’ down monsters isn’t the best of happenings, really.” The Doctor frowned, taking out her Sonic, starting to walk aimlessly around, scanning.
“A ghost wouldn’t be the weirdest thing I’ve caught sight of. But I don’t think it’s a ghost. At least, not a conventional one. Never met one of those before, doesn’t mean they don’t exist, but never met one.” She bit her lip, turning sharply to face Belurn again. “Ya wouldn’t mind me taggin’ along on this little adventure, eh? Too bad, I’m comin’ along anyway. I can’t resist a good ghost hunt.”
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
short psa
i think i am putting this blog on full hiatus, with the exception of a few threads. I simply don’t have time to run two rp blogs, and everytime I come here with the intent to do drafts, i log out without making any progress. having no new 13 content isn’t helping either, and there aren’t many people rping as season 11 companions/characters.
if you want to find me, i will still be writing at @winqbeats, on more of a semi-hiatus but still writing.
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
She’s somewhat shocked, but Karolina complies with what the Doctor says, taking the bracelet off and approaching slowly. Immediately, once again, the console room becomes bathed in a myriad of colours, flickering and changing quicker than you can realise. “I can’t stop the colours. I think it’s probably something my parents would’ve taught me, but the chance never came.” It’s clear from her volume that she feels uncomfortable talking about the subject.”
“Ah.” The Doctor began to fiddle with some of the TARDIS controls, thinking for a moment. She knew she had to be careful with her next words.
“Do you know how you ended up here?”
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
Healing her own wounds was a struggle; not only was Belurn unaccustomed to it, but her hands were far too shaky and her focus dimmed by pain. So when she was offered whatever substance by the human, she was quick to give thanks and put some on the wounds. Of course, what she had been expecting was for it to be like something of Anysi’s, where the effect would be delayed over the course of anywhere from a few hours to several weeks with attentive reapplication, but the woman spoke true; on some went, and the wounds were gone almost immediately.
The cleric stared at the woman, dumbfounded, then sat up slowly and offered what remained in the jar back to her. She only groaned in the process because she was sore, not because she was still in any pain.
“What’s this? Who’re you?” She’d never heard of anything like this which was so potent- not in the form of a topical treatment, anyways, only from magic. “God or Goddess bless yer ointment real good, or are you-” she trailed off. Was she what? The Goddess? No. The Goddess, last she knew, preferred the form of an Emnal blacknose sheep named Bertha. Unless she’d shifted into the form of this woman here. But the Goddess didn’t ‘specialize in monsters’, did She? She didn’t know.
The Doctor shoved the gel back into her pocket for safe-keeping; they might need it later. “Oh, it’s a little remedy I picked up ages ago. I need to go back and get some more. It really comes in handy during situations like these.” Although the Doctor herself did have some healing powers, they usually only delayed pain from injury, not help the injury itself.
“-- a god?” The Doctor smiled, finishing her sentence for her as she held out a hand to help the stranger back to her feet. “Nah. I’m just a traveler. Sometimes I fix things, help people I can.” Some people did call Time Lords gods, but that was never something the Doctor had adopted. After all, the name ‘Time Lord’ was pretentious enough. They weren’t gods, they simply had more advanced technologies.
“Y’can call me the Doctor. What’s y’name? And what did the creature that attacked you look like, exactly?”
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doctorthethirteenth · 5 years
@miasmuseemporium | continued
He looks down at the small, scaly things, fearful of the claws on their feet. “Doc… they don’t look much like chickens t’ me.”
“Oh! Com’n Ryan! Isn’t that what y’kids are sayin’ now? Vine jokes? Why’s it called ‘Vine’ anyway. It’s got nothin’ to do with plants.” The Doctor put her hands on her hips, watching the little, feathered raptorial critters scampering around their feet. “Besides, chickens are dinosaurs, all birds are. These’re just pre-birds. And they’re cute, too.”
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