doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
Y/N: If I had a nickel for every time the Doctor's been caught up in a love triangle, I'd have three nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened three times.
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
Twelve: Y/N is upset with me and I'm not sure why.
Clara: Okay, were you talking before they got upset?
Twelve: Yes.
Clara: That's probably it.
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
i love rose tyler. i wanna marry her. she's my little sweetheart<3
but know what guys??? I DON'T HATE MARTHA JONES
martha is one of the smartest companions the doctor has ever had. she was a REAL doctor and travelled around with someone who unfairly always putted her down
she got threated badly through the whole series, she got racistic comments and the doctor just missed rose and made martha feel as if she wasn't good enough. there was always comments like: "rose should have known" or "when me and rose..." and it was annoying for us who watched, and really, really unfair to martha. we wanted a new companion, althought we missed rose, as we miss everyone. we got someone who didn't got a real chance
i love rose. i do. she's my absolute fave. but i don't like the opinion that many rose stans have, that if you love rose, you hate martha. seriously guys, you don't have to choose.
my thought is that if you don't like a companion, you should have a reason. like: "they are annoying BECAUSE..." or "i don't like them "BECAUSE..." not "i don't like her because i like another more."
martha went around the world to save her friends, and noone even got to know about it. she got married and got a good, cool, job, and was fine without the tardis and the doctor.
she was also always open the possibility that she could leave him anytime, if that was the best for herself. that's cool, and very very strong of her. timetravells in space is nothing you just leave
martha jones was a real doctor. she was clever. she was strong. she cared about herself a lot. she cared about her friends a lot. i love her so much<3
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
if youre satisfied with the fam’s characterisation just ignore this post but i think you can fix most of what i find lacking in their characterisation by just giving them more to do. like literally just put some things in their hands. in many scenes in s11 i feel like there are just not enough toys for everyone to play with. theres one task in a scene and one object related to the task. small fix: dump a bunch of extra props in and let them use them in the background. maybe more substantial fix: have those props also be mostly relevant or clues or useful in some way
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
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They put the "girl" and the "power" in girl power
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
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here’s a screenshot redraw because i’m too exhausted to work on my other projects ;;;
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
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30 Days of Who Graphic Challenge 05. Favorite ship          ↳ The Doctor x Rose
“Well, I’ve seen a lot of this universe. I’ve seen fake gods and bad gods and demi-gods and would-be gods. I’ve had the whole pantheon. But if I believe in one thing, just one thing, I believe in her!“
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
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Rose and Jack as companions of 11, 12 + 13
For @doctorjackrose​ ship week day 3: Alternate Doctor
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
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DOCTOR WHO (2005-) — “Death In Heaven” (8.12)
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
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WIP, still gotta do the suit and fix some details and fix the colours buuuut after that im basically done
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
@jochase ur doctor
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Dr. Martha Jones!
I’ve been doing a rewatch lately and remembering how much I LOVE martha!!
Anyways. I’ve been in an art slump so just ignore that the portrait could look more like her PFT … i will attempt a better one in the future.
ID: [Three digital drawings of Martha Jones. Up top is a cartoonish drawing of martha talking excitedly with a Hath, both pictured waist up.
Below this, there’s a full body of Martha in her Dark red jacket, mauve t shirt, and red boots. She’s giving a slight wave and is smiling.
To the left of this is a more rendered portrait of martha, shoulders up, in her lab coat. ]
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
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Dr. Martha Jones!
I’ve been doing a rewatch lately and remembering how much I LOVE martha!!
Anyways. I’ve been in an art slump so just ignore that the portrait could look more like her PFT … i will attempt a better one in the future.
ID: [Three digital drawings of Martha Jones. Up top is a cartoonish drawing of martha talking excitedly with a Hath, both pictured waist up.
Below this, there’s a full body of Martha in her Dark red jacket, mauve t shirt, and red boots. She’s giving a slight wave and is smiling.
To the left of this is a more rendered portrait of martha, shoulders up, in her lab coat. ]
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
Synonyms for the Word Said
Said Synonyms- Reporting
Added: to enhance an argument
Advised: to warn, to offer help
Announced: to declare formally and or publicly
Asserted: to state positively but having no proof
Called: to capture attention by increased volume
Commented: to explain, interpret, or criticize - to make a remark
Complained: to express dislike or disagreement
Congratulated: to give wishes; to acknowledge an action or deed
Continued: to further or add to an earlier point
Declared: to make known clearly and openly
Informed: to give information, to make known; declare
Lied: to not speak truthfully
Observed: to mention casually
Offered: to suggest; to state
Mentioned: to state briefly; to bring up in conversation
Protested: to formally or openly disagree
Quoted: to repeat words of others; to cite a source
Recalled: to remember or bring up
Related: to make connection; to say allegorically
Remarked: to make a brief, casual statement of an opinion
Remembered: to recall
Reminded: to remember; to mention so as not to forget
Repeated: to say again; to restate
Replied: to answer; to say in response
Reported: to give a formal statement; to give an account of
Reassured: to give additional comfort, support, or evidence
Revealed: to make known; to publish
Stated: to say or paraphrase from official documents
Taunted: to cruelly tease in a mocking or insulting manner
Teased: to annoy or pester; vex
Tempted:  to cause to consider (usually) something bad
Said Synonyms- Explaining
Addressed: to speak directly to sme, respond or answer
Answered: to respond to a question
Asserted: to add or offer additional information
Assured: to soothe, comfort, calm
Broke In: to interrupt, supplying additional information
Cautioned: to warn or advise; strongly suggest
Claimed: to assert or maintain; to state as fact
Concluded: to finish or draw to a close; to understand
Confided: to let in on a secret; to disclose
Described: to give additional information
Explained: to make or offer an explanation
Finished: to conclude or complete
Quipped: to say ironically or unemotionally
Implied: to suggest, hint, or say without saying
Noted: to make mention; to acknowledge
Promised: to give word or make a vow
Puzzled: to say with doubt or ambiguity
Reckoned: to add or submit; to figure or believe
Rejoined: to answer an objection
Replied: to answer a question or comment
Responded: to reply or answer a question or comment
Retorted: to reply to criticism in a sharp, witty way
Returned: to answer an objection; to reply to a criticism or charge
Speculated: to guess using information available
Surmised: to conclude or deduce
Said Synonyms- Arguing
Accused: to charge, slander
Agreed: to concur, to be in harmony
Argued: defend position, disagree or dispute
Chided: to scold mildly; to goad into action
Commanded: lead; overwhelm opposition
Contended: to argue, dispute, disagree
Countered: to dispute, question
Convinced: persuaded; remove all doubt, win over
Disagreed: to be at odds; to not agree
Emphasized: to stress
Exclaimed: to speak suddenly, loudly with surprise
Interjected: to add or assert; to interrupt
Interrupted: to cut off or disrupt; to interject out of turn
Maintained: to assert, to support by argument, to affirm
Objected: to disagree; be in oppostion to
Pleaded: to implore or beg; to speak desperately
Proclaimed: to announce officially; support publicly
Proposed: to set forth a design or plan
Reasoned: to state calmly and with logic
Sassed: to speak back to authority figure; rebel
Screamed: to use high pitch loud voice
Threatened: to say in menacing manner
Warned: to make aware in advance of harm, danger, or evil
Yelled: to shout or use loud voice; scream
Said Synonyms- Suggesting
Chimed In: to add (usually) unwanted advice
Coaxed: to convince against someone’s will; change mind
Dared: challenge, question
Hinted: implies suggestion
Implied: similar to suggest - indicates a definite idea
Insinuated: to convey sth unpleasant in a sly, sneaky way
Intimidated: to say without saying, stresses delicacy of situation
Pondered: to consider; to weigh all options
Suggested: to propose as a possibility, to imply
Urged: To entreat earnestly and often repeatedly; exhort
Said Synonyms- Questioning
Asked: to question or solicit
Begged: to ask in a humble manner earnestly
Blurted: to interrupt or interject, to ask all together
Bugged: to ask repetitively; difficult or unwanted questions
Demanded: to ask for urgently and boldly
Guessed: to infer; to ask without evidence
Hypothesized: to guess, infer
Implored: to ask with fervor, implying desperation or distress
Inquired: to ask, seek information
Insisted: to demand strongly, to declare firmly
Pleaded: to answer a legal charge, to lovingly implore
Questioned: to ask, doubt, or dispute
Requested: to ask (sometimes) formally
Wondered: to say with puzzlement or doubt
Worried: to cause to feel anxious, distressed, or troubled
Said Synonyms- Acknowledging
Acknowledge: reluctant disclosure of something perhaps a secret
Admitted: reluctance to disclose or concede facts
Affirmed: implies deep conviction, little chance of contradiction
Alleged: to assert or declare, especially without proof
Approved: to consent or agree
Avowed: boldly declaring, often in the face of opposition
Boasted: to take pride in, brag or overstate
Bragged: to boast or overstate; be prideful
Conceded: similar to acknowledge and admit  
Confessed: an admission of a weakness, failure, omission, or guilt
Corrected: to instruct more correctly; remove misconception
Denied: not accepted; unused, refused
Disclosed: to reveal something previously concealed
Divulged: to reveal sth that should have remained secret
Fretted: to needlessly worry about small details
Greeted: to acknowledge presence; salute, salutation
Imitated: to copy, mimic or simulate
Jested: to make fun of, tease
Marveled: to speak with wonderment or amazement
Nodded: to move head up and down in agreement
Praised: to speak of with honor; to speak highly of someone
Revealed: to make known that which had been secret or hidden
Uttered: to articulate; pronounce or speak
Volunteered: to give or offer to give voluntarily
Said Synonyms- Sounds & Misc
Babbled: to speak incoherently; gibberish, like baby talk
Bubbled: to speak lively and expressively; with joy
Chatted: to speak informally as to a friend
Chortled: to chuckle gleefully; short laugh of joy
Chorused: to speak simultaneously, together
Chuckled: short, soft laugh; usually to one’s self
Coughed: short, strong expulsion of air from lungs
Decided: finished, set
Echoed: repeated sound
Gasped: heavy breath after scare or physical exertion
Giggled: short, high-pitched laugh from fear or nervousness
Growled: rough, threatening manner
Gulped: to speak taking in large amounts of air as if drinking
Gurgled: to speak with fluid in the throat
Hissed: to speak in evil threatening manner
Hollered: to shout usually to someone at a distance
Lisped: to speak unclearly substituting sounds especially ‘th’
Panted: to speak as if out of breath
Piped:to speak suddenly and loudly
Quavered: to speak emotionally with faltering voice
Shrilled: high pitched shriek
Sighed: to speak with difficulty as if bored
Snickered: to say derisively with a laugh
Sniffed: to say as if about to cry
Snorted: to say with contempt and a short burst of breath
Sobbed: to cry uncontrollably
Sputtered: to speak with difficulty perhaps from impediment
Stammered: repeating words and sounds while missing others
Stuttered: to repeat certain sounds multiple times
Vowed: to promise solemnly; pledge
Wept: to cry softly, quietly
Whimpered: to cry or sob with soft intermittent sounds; whine
Whine: to complain or protest in a childish fashion
Credit to http://www.synonyms-antonyms.com/synonyms-for-said.html
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
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— the girl who died, doctor who
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doctorwhoinfocus · 2 years
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