Cross integration between platforms.
What I mean by cross integration between platforms in the usage of media platforms is the usage of data in one platform leading to another in the media outlet. Lets say I’m using information which I have written on Tumblr to youtube as such, there has to be a level of understanding of this mentality on what has to be done. The usage of these cross platform integration methods must assume that cross integration between platforms will create the same basis of content retrieval which users will be interested, which isn’t simply true and distribution of content on different platforms do not actually increase yield in data as shown in the marketing campaign and the storage of data; there has to be a point where all online data must be saved in a drive as the data does keep on piling on which requires either a network or an IT professional to work to continue to save the data. 
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Systems management: Book
The first step in creating a cookbook, is not the documenting the process of food. What first needs to be solved is the problem of: Systems management: Which means first 
1. Treating ties with food publisher and high end critics. 2. Financial planning in terms of financial feasibility (proposition and implementation) 3. The process of logging the data at hand.  4. Process orientation of data appropriation ( Technicalities of source creation on technological basis on syndication as discussed previously.  5. Using design appropriation (Design principles) 6. Logging and modelling business ( marketing, distribution, publishing) 7. Question. Feasibility study. 
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Cookbook mentality.
Documentation syndication; The storage facility must prove the content strategy to be implemented in a way which assumes linearity online. For example the specific focus is on data. Regardless of what's going on, it is data which drives the content; Content is always driven by data, the creative input comes from the data; assuming the data is proved to be “truth statements” which means the correct filters has been applied. The question is what filters and metrics am I specifically looking at data; because simply have to look at content from a ROI perspective; it can't be shown because when the filters get applied; it assumes the filter assumes presumptive nature. Look at natural filter selection; There is no natural filter on content because restriction principles are based on the “mode” of focus; the focus on the perception of the content;  Data is raw; content is the perception at hand. 
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Server and data encryption
When data gets over 50 gb’s of worth of data; creating a backup and ensuring creating at least 3 backs up in the process to ensure I know what I am doing and creating the backup data can always be recalled and synchronized everytime I save the data at hand is pain as a total bitch but it has to be done. How do I continually keep on synchronizing the data at hand and make sure it keeps on occurring. For example I have to do is save all my social media data and put it on a drive and the dates at hand which is a data encryption strategy. I’m expecting Ill have about 1 terrabyte of content which I will produce because some of the things which I producing are on nature of Visual and Media. 
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Out of all the process
The first step prior to even experimenting anything in the process is to ensure that process must ensure the control process has a framework; for example if I am writing a step by step instruction on how to control how to process of lets say how to cook; its not about writing what I think about cooking its having a strong structure and framework at hand where I keep on experimenting; where things which I do right and things which I do wrong will be found out in the process. For example lets say I want to write a cookbook, The cookbook will implement the point of how to point the market. I think Elon Musk has very very vadid points reading solving problems; doesn’t spend a dime on marketing but because he solving a very valid problem thats why what he does works. Yet again I have a bit of understanding of business and entrepreneurship; The process I have to develop right now is ensuring integrity of products and services. Thats it. To ensure the integrity of the product; the analogy I can give is penetration testing where I am have to be rigid in the process and ensure the product is rigid and substantive; that's what has to be asked. 
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Notation Analysis
Personal handbook Purchase book Personal statements  I’m looking at Data syndication strategies at hand especially on the backend data as the chunking of the data at hand,  Google Calendar Filing> Exactly what has to be done and executing statements at hand.  These is regards to food all the data thats piling up where the data piled up is going to range 100s and 100′s of pages at hand.  Google Platform> Calendars Mircrosoft Platform > Outlook Dropbox > notation analysis Audiofiles> Stem Files and recursive themes at hand. Hosting> How am I going to host all these files and how I’m going to protect my files at hand and web servers because either I have host and subhost the server networks at hand or I have to control server networks.  Syndication of emails and data and systems management Basic synopsis is streamlining the data at hand so when data clogs up I know how to deal with the data at hand. 
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Regards to fast food and perspective.
With food I realized, I don't know what is good and what is not good until it's gone; At one point I was ordering pizza 3 times a week, buying fast food almost everyday and blowing money on it; the framework which I come now is that fast food is that it is a reward; I never viewed it that way but now after dealing with the situation at hand; always on go with little food and attempting to cook; I realized how food things are. You dont realize how good things are until its gone. That is a true sentiment that holds to this day. 
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Documentation of my food journey.
The contemplation I have is how I am giong to hold onto all the documentation of food which I taste eat, the feel and what basis I am judging things on; much as I like to think I have no bias in my food taste; I have alot of bias in my food tastes and know what I have to do in the process to get the flow going; the problem lies when I have too much information and how do I make the process at at hand to make the process more simpler and how to make the process more easier, because I’m just not sure how to make it that way. The information is just going to pile on; its just going to keep on piling on and I’m not sure how I’m going to manage about 1000 pages of documents and I surely cannot keep 1000 pages of documents in one setting. 
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Tumblr media
I’m writing a process of what exactly I’m trying to prove in market hypothesis and how I can relate to market demographic; yet again holding onto all these pieces of papers is very difficult to do and I’m not sure how I can do this process at hand, because; sometimes when its not sure; just developing the idea until it cant go any further instead of hesitating on and cruiding on the idea at hand is important I think. 
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This is purely about food; this whole tumblr is dedicated to the process of food and how to make food, bad food; I’ll go down to the constitution of what I even consider food; because what I’m considering food is extremely picky; I am picky about what I consider food. 
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Practice quotation on mark.
Research, Hypothesis, Development and Publishment. Average CEO; it doesnt matter what time a CEO wakes up, a key principle every CEO must understand is that they want to eat good food . CEo’s have demanding lives and are usually always on the go. Principally you'd think they always like eat out- they were this rich or have a private chef as such. People to be enchanted by food and spoiled by the magic; The specific demographics of CEO’s I’m discussing and talking about CEO’s who are always on the go. Always on the move. The reality is the person was that rich they could buy anything they want to purchase,What I want to show is recipes which are good value for money which is convenient, tasty and won’t break the bank. Cookbooks are made to give ideas: I’m giving an idea of how to create food> Food is universal..Think of this as a handbook on what cooking is and what cooking isn't. What to give you an idea of what cooking is and what cooking it is not. This a practical book, not what it could be. Ill tell you what inspired me to write this book Immanuel Laskers book on chess. 
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The experimentation process;
Everything which I am attempting to put experimentation into reality I will write in the process on this Tumblr page; I am attempting market hypothesis; got my ideas rebounded and see the legitimacy of what I am typing and writing and write and take a process oriented approach to business and the book which I am proposing. I am here to document the process of developing a cooking methodologies and my opinions on food and how to cook and styles of cooking and what to do and my views on food. My sole focus is on food. That is all food. I want to document the journey of food in this tumblr; The reason I have chosen to use Tumblr because of its ease of user platform and its not based on technicality; this blog is purely an experimental blog. 
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