Ask my muse: 'How did you feel when _______?'
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Reblog if you do violent roleplays.
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Ezreal recoiled from the hot skin, clearly surprised his hand hadn't passed clear through the boy. "No, no it wasn't," he conceded. "Visually transparent but solid, and warm as you like too. Neat little trick. You belong in a museum with that one."
Disdain flooded the cartographer's voice: "Doubt you can do anything more than that though."
Summer Haze
        Kagerou paused as he considered what to do here; given that he was the heat haze itself, he could just let the blond’s hand just go right through him, as he expected…
        … but where was the fun in that?
        Ezreal’s fingertips met the boy’s black and red gradient shirt… and stopped there. Despite the heat, the shirt was quite dry to the touch, and devoid of any of the moisture expected from a garment worn on a hot summer day. Even stranger — the boy’s skin through the shirt felt extremely warm to the touch, warmer than what a human should feel like.
        Nonetheless, Ezreal’s hand did not, in fact, go through the boy… he was quite corporeal.
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        ᒥ ✺ ᒧ  "Is that was you expected?" he asked with a snicker as he crossed his arms over his chest, a snide smirk on his lips as he looked up at the mage.
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"Filgaia, huh?" Ezreal stared off into space for a few minutes as she confirmed what he feared. What was he supposed to be doing today, anyway? "S'pose it was too much to ask that I was on Runeterra."
Memories of earlier in the day started to finally return. He remembered exploring the Shadow Isles this morning, then… still nothing. "You're right, I'm not exactly from around here. I was out in a particularly nasty piece of real estate on my planet, Runeterra, this morning."
Ezreal climbed back to his feet, steadier than when he collapsed just a few minutes before. How much should he trust this woman? True, she was his only hope for survival, but just how much did she need to know? For now, he'd keep that his little secret. The longer she underestimated him, the better. "How did I get here? Well, I don't exactly remember all of today. Just woke up from a rather involuntarily dirt nap before you yelled at me. Might remember in time, but not now."
I've a Feeling We're Not in Piltover Any More
The woman bent over for a moment, taking a closer look at Ezreal. A low, thoughtful hum echoed out of her hood, and her eyes narrowed thoughtfully.
"… the dumb answer to that is ‘the middle of the freaking desert’, but you can see that for yourself. The smarter answer is you’re near the town of Rusty Crag, but the really smart answer is… a charming little dust bowl of a planet called Filgaia. … now, you wanna guess how I figure that’s the smartest answer?”
She bent in even closer, her expression growing a tad cold.
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"You don’t look like a native, and you sure as hell don’t look like a Hiadean. So I gotta think you’re not from this planet… which makes me ask, just how did you get here?”
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{ It’s Munday, but since I have company over I can’t be arsed to go find things to post. Here’s what we’re going to do: if you see Munday thing you want me to answer today, just drop it in my askbox. Not symbols, obviously, but the actual question. Indirectly, I suppose that means ask me anything. Will answer any/all tomorrow. }
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(( Do I owe anyone anything? I don't think I do? ))
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{ I’m flaky this week. I have family flying in this weekend and the apartment, uh, needs some cleaning. Badly. I got quite a bit done over the weekend, but it’s not close to done yet. I will be spending most of my free time doing that this week since I generally neglect this. }
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Reblog and see if you get a color.
PURPLE: We near never speak, but I do enjoy your presence on my dashboard.
FUCHSIA: I wish I could become your best friend through the internet.
GREY: You leave me with jumbled words.
RED: I'm in love with you.
PINK: I have a crush on you.
TURQUOISE: You're hot.
CHARTREUSE: I sincerely wish you would notice me.
TEAL: We have quite a lot in common.
BLUE: You are my Tumblr crush.
ORANGE: I dislike your page.
GREEN: I find you cute.
BLACK: I would date you.
BROWN: I dislike you.
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Why do you like going on adventures so much? What inspired you when you were younger?
The Mages' Academy was so boring! They really tried to control everything we did all hours of the day. Stifling doesn't even begin to do it justice. I started sneaking out at night to go explore the tunnels underneath the city.
Started making maps of 'em too, didn't want to get lost. Real crude, at first, sure. I had so much fun getting out from under their thumb and going deeper and deeper in those tunnels, I guess I just kept on doing it.
They eventually found my maps -- I figured I was in hot water. City paid for those maps instead and starting paying me to keep on doing it. I still can't believe it!
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Dont know about my Muses' past?
Why don’t you go into the ask box and see how much they’re willing to tell you?
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Over the initial shock, Ezreal relaxed a bit and leaned against the railing opposite the apparition. A brief appraisal of this thing suggested it had a smart mouth, but probably didn't pose much of a threat. "Eh, there's never been a snot-nosed brat that described himself as one, not once. Still, you think you can bend my perception of reality, huh? Well, maybe you can, maybe. I guarantee though it'll be nothing but a mere parlor trick compared to what I've seen -- experienced -- in the past."
"Your incorporeality though… that's a new one. Very curious indeed." Ezreal levered himself off the railing and towards the apparition, eyes gleaming with curiosity. Tentatively, he extended his right hand out to touch, no, to pass his hand through the space where the thing was, murmuring "I wonder though, what does it feel like to touch something that doesn't exist?"
Summer Haze
       Oh, it was the someone had actually paid attention to him. Good! That meant he could play with him again! Though there was something that didn’t sit well with this guy… he was hoping he wouldn’t run into surprises later.
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               ᒥ ✺ ᒧ  "Who am I? Does that reeeeeeeally matter here? What if I’m just some snot-nosed brat who’s just talking nonsense, huh?" The boy grinned at his words as he stared at the blond; it seemed more like he was mocking his own words more than anything.
       ”But your reality isn’t something that you can’t control, is it? I mean, you’re here… aren’t you?” He gestured vaguely at the path behind him. "If you think you can, just go on ahead."
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Gems are Truly truly Truly truly
No Taric, stop...
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… damnit Taric. Yes, gems are outrageous. We get it.
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ᒥ ✺ ᒧ "Hey." *dumps a bunch of numbers from the mun* (( 1, 3, 6, 7, 11 ))
From Munday Ooc Questions:
1: Why did you start role playing? 
D&D, because a good friend invited me and the war-game aspect of it looked really fun. TumblrRP because everyone else was having so much fun :)
3: Is there anything challenging about writing your muse? 
I haven't quite figured him out yet. I'm throwing him in adverse situations, then I don't really have a feel for his reactions.
6: Do you have any roleplaying pet peeves?
One-line replies that don't change the state of the world. "Ok," things like that. This is collaborative story telling, so help me out please!
7: What is your preferred roleplaying style and why? (semi para/para/mirror etc)
Er? Uh, I don't know names. I try to shy away from one- or two-line crackish things, although I do enjoy those from time to time. Outside of scenes with conflict, I have problems with length and description, so maybe para?
11: [Canon] Is your character major/minor and did this have any influence in your decision to play them? 
Already answered here.
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Munday OOC Q's: 2, 4, 8, 11, 14
From Munday Ooc Questions:
2: What made you choose your muse?
Don't really know, honestly. I've always enjoyed Ezreal and the personality suggested by his voice lines.
4: Is there anything enjoyable about writing your muse?
Nope, not a damn thing. In seriousness, if I can ever figure out how to actually stay IC and convey his conceit, it'll be quite fun.
8: If you knew your muse in RL would you be friends or enemies?
I think we'd probably be friends.
11: [Canon] Is your character major/minor and did this have any influence in your decision to play them? 
Uh, no more major or minor than any other champion in League. He was sort of flavor of the month in the pro scene when I started paying attention (along with Graves and Corki), but I don't think that's influenced me at all.
14: [Canon] Was there anything that made this muse difficult to work with, i.e. canon death/canon location? 
Location -- Piltover on Runeterra -- makes things difficult since all of the RPers I know are either Pokémon, Vocaloid, or OCs. I kind of have to jump through hoops to get him places.
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Munday Ooc Questions
1: Why did you start role playing?
2: What made you choose your muse?
3: Is there anything challenging about writing your muse?
4: Is there anything enjoyable about writing your muse?
5: What has been your favourite thread?
6: Do you have any roleplaying pet peeves?
7: What is your preferred roleplaying style and why? (semi para/para/mirror etc)
8: If you knew your muse in RL would you be friends or enemies?
9: Is there a certain writing style or colloquialisms you have to use for you muse that changes from your own?
10: Have you picked up any of your muses habits
11: [Canon] Is your character major/minor and did this have any influence in your decision to play them?
12: [Canon] Do you feel you stick to canon characteristics of your muse?
13: [Canon] Did you make any changes to your muses timeline/background?
14: [Canon] Was there anything that made this muse difficult to work with ,i.e canon death/canon location?
15: [Canon] Do you play/interact with the canon character differently now that you roleplay them?
16: [OC] What gave you the inspiration for your muse?
17: [OC] What made you choose their faceclaim/appearance?
18: [OC] Was their background decided from the start or developed over time?
19: [OC] Does your character have any canon routes or is their background self created?
20: [OC] How did you choose their name?
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