Still remember when a homo- and transphobic acquaintance tried to bring up JKR’s views on trans people in conversation and I shut it down with «oh yeah she’s been saying a lot of dumb shit on Twitter after she finished writing Harry Potter, like when she claimed Dumbledore was gay, just to be politically correct», which made it absolutely impossible for him to admit that he agreed with anything JKR had ever said. Sometimes you just have to weaponise people’s homophobia against their transphobia.
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 11 days
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"can men be lesbians?" bestie in 100 countries women can't be lesbians is this really the most pressing issue rn
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 12 days
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one of my favorites of all time
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 21 days
Reblog and see if you get a color.
PURPLE: We near never speak, but I do enjoy your presence on my dashboard.
FUCHSIA: I wish I could become your best friend through the internet.
GREY: You leave me with jumbled words.
RED: I’m in love with you.
PINK: I have a crush on you.
TURQUOISE: You’re hot.
CHARTREUSE: I sincerely wish you would notice me.
TEAL: We have quite a lot in common.
BLUE: You are my Tumblr crush.
ORANGE: I dislike your page.
GREEN: I find you cute.
BLACK: I would date you.
BROWN: I dislike you.
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 21 days
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The media is complicit in the dehumanization of Palestinians with the language they continue to use. If they can’t even call children, children, then what do they truly think of them?
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 22 days
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70’s ad for Asbestos
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 22 days
rebloging this to read it after i finish tma
taking poison damage from thinking too hard about how tma capitalizes on the horror of not having all the information by slowly taking away said information from the listener
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 22 days
lucky charm
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 23 days
Ok y’all, I need you to drop links for free binder services. It’s November which means that parents won’t think it’s odd for their children to request that they not inspect packages. They’ll simply assume it’s a present for whatever holiday they observe. So please do your part by dropping links in the reblogs and trying to get this seen by those who need it
edit: I’m not going to guilt you into reblogging, because that might not be safe for you for whatever reason, but if it is possible, it would be greatly appreciated if you could reblog instead of/as well as liking. Reblogging ensures that more people see this, and the more people who see it the greater possibility for good.
edit 2: ok @the-maddened-hatter made a master list of what’s been added so far
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 24 days
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(you need to view the image or you'll just like the post)
Since people liked it i made a toy that works on the computer: https://nick-nonya.itch.io/trampoline-toy Have fun!
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 26 days
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Fwiw the comic in question is in fact, made by a gay man
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 2 months
fork found in kitchen
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 2 months
"who's afraid of little old me" is the crytipid version of "mad woman" fight me
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 2 months
for a book series she doesnt like she sure gives it a lot of attention
oh how i love fighting terfs on goodreads in the 1-star review section of mcga
watch your back lindy peterson if i see "too much emphasis on lgbtq characters" again...
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2hen i tell you that she's commented this exact comment on every single queer riordanverse book-
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 2 months
There has to be more to Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
I waited two years to read this series so that I could read it all in one go. After finishing it though, I am convinced that there will be more… Why do I think that? Because while reading the series - especially the last book - I found too many loose threads that need to be tied up. Not to mention some underwhelming character focus. First of all, the loose threads:
Magnus’ eleventh hour superpower that he didn’t even use. Okay fine, he used it to his advantage once. With the crows. It was such a minor thing though, that it was easy to forget that it happened. So why did Riordan give Magnus the ability to speak to animals so late in the game? Norse mythology has many animals that can speak - a Hela of a lot more then many other mythologies… So here is hoping that Rick Riordan has a plan to dump Magnus into a situation that involves speaking to animals that don’t normally speak back because otherwise, what is the point?
Sigyn. So many questions about Sigyn! Where is Sigyn? Why did she leave without any warning? And more importantly, what does she have to do with Magnus? Sigyn is so full of mystery that I had to cut this point short. Find the rest of it here: https://j-t-pose.tumblr.com/post/168253657314/sigyn-in-mcga-questions-and-theories
Alex’s heritage. Now here it gets really complicated because there are so many cultures in that area which I personally know nothing about. What I do know is this: the way that entire scene played out in the book left a window - no, a door - wide open enough to invite more exploration of both Alex’s character (which needs a bit more focus) and Central & South American culture.
And of course, let’s not forget Magnus’ promise to find Bragi for Jack.
This next part is more wishful thinking rather then actual facts but it has to do with the focus - or rather lack of focus - on most of the other characters. I will admit that The Ship of the Dead gave them a little bit more focus - which was great! However, by the end of the book I was still left a little disappointed.
For example, we were told that Mallory was the glue that brought Floor 19 together, but there wasn’t really any evidence for this. There is so much potential in all those characters that it would be disapointing if Riordan doesn’t do anything with them. Like an anthology of short stories or something - “The Fables of the Flourishing Floor 19”. Just to show us why TJ and Halfborn didn’t like each other at first or give us more insight into Gunilla’s character.
Anyway I am going to do more posts like these in the future - analyses and/or theories on various characters and books. Not limited to the Riordanverse - this is just where it started.
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 2 months
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doesthemoonhaveeyes · 2 months
@taylorswift ?
rich people are so boring. Private jets for intra-US travel? if i was a multimillionaire I’d have my own old timey gilded train car and take my sweet ass time going everywhere. sorry, you won’t see my ass for 5-7 business days while I’m going through the mountains with no cell service but a well paid private chef that specializes in gluten free cuisine, bye
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