McHanzo ship Analysis
Welcome to doesthisshipmakesense! Today is the first official analysis post to come out! I decided to pick a ship that will hopefully interest a lot of people! Today’s Pick is… McHanzo from Overwatch! (Hanzo X McCree)
Why is Overwatch my first post? Well, I thought I’d get the ball rolling with a ship that, in my opinion, sky rocketed from unknown to one of the most prevalent ships related to the game and comic series. So, let’s get started!
To start us off, both McCree and Hanzo have had rocky starts with not only Overwatch but life in general. Hanzo, having been raised as a crime lord’s son, came to learn the harsh realities of death early on in life. After the traumatic event of almost killing his own brother, life has not been too kind to his heart.
McCree, while his upbringing is not revealed, learned a life of crime and became a member of the Deadlock Gang. Death was very normal to him despite being so young. Though he was a known criminal he was highly skilled, so skilled that he was recruited for Blackwatch.
Both men do have similar personality traits as well. Both show that they can be arrogant and brash from time to time, especially in their youth. Both are around the same age and have seemingly mellowed out as they grew older, Hanzo becoming more level headed and McCree being very loyal to his own belief systems and seemingly less aggressive.
Their personalities do clash in some ways. Hanzo shows to be more reserved, seemingly not attached to many worldly items or desires. After the fall of his clan, he became a wanderer. While this is like McCree, Hanzo does not do much other than perfect his own skills, not forming many relationships other than his involvement in Overwatch, the origins of which are unknown.
McCree, however, is much more personable. He tends to be flirty, within the context of the game and comics this shows more around the ladies. McCree’s sense of justice, as shown by his interest in the cowboy attire as well as lifestyle, is nobler than Hanzo shows. He has stopped bank robberies and other crimes, though he has gotten himself in trouble over time while working outside of the law.
Context within the games:
These characters were not originally classified under the same category. McCree was an offensive character and Hanzo was classified as a defensive character. However, both use long range weapons, and both can be good for sniping as well as getting points for headshots. The two have had very little opportunity to interact, not having many lines directed towards one another but they do have one thing linking them together: Genji.
How the context affects the shipping:
McCree being a part of Blackwatch and knowing of Genji as a fellow member could lead McCree to have knowledge of Hanzo before they ever met face to face. McCree may also have heard of Hanzo in passing while he was in Hanamura, as he was stopping a robbery at Rikimura. This knowledge could lead McCree, ever the showboater, to want to meet with Hanzo if it were mentioned by Genji, who might refer to his brother as a traitor or numerous other negative things at the time. Hanzo, however, may not have known about McCree so these interests may be more one-sided. Hanzo may have only first met McCree when they were both a part of Overwatch.
With similar fighting styles, as well as matching and mismatching character traits, they could be a good match. However, the ship would have their issues. Hanzo would more than likely have issues getting close to McCree, after being isolated and somewhat of anti-social for several years, which would test McCree’s patience. Hanzo might have trouble communicating verbally, which could lead to misunderstandings throughout the relationship. But on the flip side, Hanzo could also be very blunt which may strain the relationship at times.
The dialogue that the two have shared within the game about saké could be seen as McCree trying to get closer to Hanzo but because Hanzo holds his customs so closely, he doesn’t take McCree’s negative opinion very well. This would be a good example of the idea that Hanzo would be very blunt.
McCree, on the other hand, may have a problem being able to demonstrate his emotions properly. While able to be flirty, if things get serious, he may push Hanzo away, either out of a sense of pride or feeling the need to protect Hanzo from his past enemies or actions. This could also be good for Hanzo. McCree seems to want redemption for the misdeeds he has committed in his past. He could help Hanzo do the same, even reconnecting him with his brother, hoping to heal their relationship a bit.
Both being logical and very tactical when it comes to the battlefield, they might not communicate more with words than they do their actions. In this way their character flaws and attributes seem to balance one another out.
Now, one thing that is killing me as I write this is the fact that all the traits that are shown of Hanzo seem to be negative, but that is because within the canon of the game and comics he doesn’t make too many connections towards other characters. My thought process is that once he does open to McCree things will start to change, Hanzo would be able to express himself more and without a fear of doing so.
Believability as Canon:
While this is questionable, with the canon going the way it is, it is possible the two could make a connection. Whether it’d be romantic is something that is up in the air. Their personalities are very human and could mesh well, but if the interactions don’t come up or increase then at best, they will only see one another as colleagues, for lack of a better word.
Dose this ship make sense:
This ship shows a good sense of humanization. Being able to balance their character traits is a good way to make a relationship feel real and these two have that. Also depending on the Alternate Universe or setting that they may be placed in, in the context of fan works, their odds as a couple may be even better! So, as a recap, canonically if their interactions increase the possibility is there to be a canon ship and it’s a very believable ship and can make sense!
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Due to a mishap...
The previous blog with this title, I am no longer able to access. So this will be my fresh start. New edits to old anlysis' will be posted and soon new works will go up.
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