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Animals add texture to our life. They are a part of the human fabric.
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An “oldie but a goodie” reaffirms that existence takes place in the memories of others. 
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No Dog Story
The streetlights lit, clapping the tarmac kingdom with yellow light. Benny regarded his horizon without blinking. His throat began to burn. 
“Hey Benny, you doin’ okay?” Johnny Thumbs sauntered in. “Heard you was, uh, coughin’ but no hairballs coming out. What’s up with that?” 
“You worrying over me, Johnny Thumbs, like a Sunday nonna, shows some side of your character that I find to be highly palatable,” Benny spoke before a terrible cough. 
“I’m looking out for you, boss with the paws. Always would. Will. You see, it’s just uh, me and the others –” Johnny Thumbs looks over his shoulder to Benny’s subjects lounging about the parking lot, “– we’re thinking about what would happen to us should the day ever come that you… wasn’t around.” 
Benny stood in swift motion, jolting Johnny Thumbs to sit on his hind legs. Benny side-eyed the cat’s extra digits while walking to the puddle for a drink. Johnny spoke up again. 
“I met a cat who was from a people’s house. Heard it weren’t so bad in there. They feed you, and it’s warm. She said that the people in houses aren’t like the ones out here, who treat us mean. They stare at television sets and cry at movies about dogs. Cryin’ over dogs! They must be softies you could still be the boss over, boss with the paws. That feline guaranteed she could hook you up.” 
“You are a notorious dog-hater, Johnny Thumbs. Tell me, what good is a place where they cry over dogs to a pussy like me? Surely, you know, not very good. No. I don’t think I’ll join the people.” 
“Boss, listen, it ain’t a secret that you’re sick and dyin’.” Johnny walked up to Benny, and the two were close enough to touch whiskers. “No dog story ends happy cause the people always forget they gunna die, like you are. I won’t let that happen here in our turf. I don’t want this to come to nothin’, but I’ll step up if I gotta.” 
Pearl, Benny’s heavily pregnant girlfriend who had been washing her swollen belly all the while, stopped mid-lick to stare wide-eyed at the two. 
“Johnny Thumbs, you were always sly but a fool. You will never take over because a boss with the paws never forgets death. Pearl will succeed me. And my kittens will succeed her, and their kittens them. Johnny Thumbs, you forget that you yourself are mortal. Now, turn around and embrace the cold grasp of the rainbow bridge.” 
Behind Johnny, two hulking stray mutts appeared. “You bastard! You’ll get yours!” Johnny fled, and the dogs pursued. Pearl, who had been motionlessly watching wide-eyed and tongue out, resumed her bath. Benny limped over to join her, his coughs mingling with her purrs.
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Acting out can be a part of growing up. 
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(via https://open.spotify.com/track/64Ny7djQ6rNJspquof2KoX?si=1vpBJ_dYQW2VqsPbbHmJpg)
You ain’t nothing! Long live Benny!
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Youth are always watching us, deciding what to and not to be.
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Free Bird
This is Brain. He likes to run in his wheel, and he likes me and peanuts. I don’t know why he likes peanuts because they are gross, but I know why he likes me. I knew Brain wanted out. 
I told my mom that. She says no. Then dad said that, too. But Brain chewed at his cage. He wanted out like crazy. Maybe he was bored, but I think I wouldn’t get bored as a rat. We would do stuff together and have a lot of fun. Anyways, I took him out of the cage and played a lot, but he wouldn’t stop chewing. 
I learnt in my book that rats are nocturnal mammals. That’s why there was a lot of chewing late because of that. I stayed up past bedtime to do stuff with him, but I was getting in trouble for staying up. But oh man. I wanted to take Brain out because he was being way noisy this one night. I think he needed to see the world like my brother did and then went to. I did that too with a flashlight in the alley behind my house with Brain in my pocket. 
He really loved it. He was smelling the air and looking all around. We saw a raccoon. Anyways, I don’t even go really far because things look different in the dark, and I didn’t want to get lost with Brain. We only went down to the block and across the street near the ravine by my house and then around the backyard and back. 
Mom was waiting there crying real hard. I felt so so bad to see her cry. Dad was trying to be nice to mom. They weren’t even mad at me, I guess. I only got extra chores but not even grounded or yelled at. My parents talked a lot and sometimes yelled at each other. Brain fell asleep though, for once. 
When things went back to normal, I asked my dad why mom got like that. He said it had to do with my older brother who moved to New York, and we only see at Thanksgiving and Christmas and sometimes not even then. He said they don’t want to push me away but that was weird because I love it here and so does Brain. Anyways, Brain stopped chewing the cage bars because my parents bought him tons of chew toys. It turns out rats need to chew or their teeth grow too big. But I know he really stopped chewing the cage because we had an adventure like that. Not that I’d do it again or anything.
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The human animal safeguards the animal human. 
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He’s taking a selfie for his Catstagram page. The image is in the eye of the iPhone holder.
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Dogs have put their trust in the goodness of humans since their evolutionary divergence from wild wolves. Sometimes, we put our trust into dogs as well.
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