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Dewey Dells motivation is her unwanted pregnancy. As an unmarried young girl from a poor background she would be burdening her family greatly by having a child. She seeks abortion without the support of the father or her family, and feels threatened when Darl finds out.
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Addies main motivation is dependence from her codependent family. She preferred her life without suffocation of domesticity. The reason that she leads them to bury her coffin in another town is to punish them with the lingering stench and presence of her dead body that they have no choice but to ride in the wagon with. This parallels how she had no choice but to have children and raise them after she married Anse.
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Vardamin motivation is lead by childlike nativity. He is unable to process grief because there is nobody willing to guide him. He watches his siblings to understand his mother's death while coping with grief with the childish desire of a toy train. Finally, he watches the vultures in order to find out where they might sleep at night.
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Cashs greatest motive in life is carpentry. However after Addie dies he finds himself drowning the responsibility of being the eldest brother (literally and figuratively). He uses carpentry as an escape. Cash crumbles to insanity under the pressure of everything being perfect for his mother's funeral as she would have wanted. She never had sympathy or love for him and he is eager to prove himself to her. He is also under the pressure of being the eldest brother figure to his siblings and pushes himself until he physically can't anymore.
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Anses main motivation is status. The entire journey was less about him burying his wife but rather the freedom that he would obtain from burying his wife to marry another woman. He was quick to marry since he is unwilling to parent and take care of his family and house around him. He wants to live a comfortable and recognized life. Finally, he wants to physically appear wealthier with new teeth.
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Jewels motive is his mother and non present father (his first family). He holds this grudge against his step-family and finds refuge in his horse until Addie dies. After this, his true loyalty comes out as he does everything to fulfill Addie's wishes.
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Darls main motive is the longing he has for a present and loving mother. The resentment he has for Addie while she raised him is developed into something much uglier through his schizophrenia when he ultimately burned the barn. He does not want Addie as a mother figure in his life, he doesn't want to acknowledge her existence. He has nothing to really mourn for and attempts to speed up the burial process by burning the barn.
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