dogsandcanine · 2 years
What are the best sofa beds for dogs UK
Dog sofa beds can provide your pooch with comfort, warmth, security and the opportunity to sleep on a raised bed. Many dog owners seek out a sofa bed for their dog in order to wean them off the human sofa and onto their very own comfy sofa. Click here to discover the 5 best dog sofa beds in the UK
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dogsandcanine · 2 years
What are the best dog crates beds in the UK
If you take your pet pooch out and about with you often, you’ll know that getting them in a crate is not always easy. Often the reason why your dog doesn’t want to get into the crate is because the hard crate floor can be uncomfortable for your pooch. This is the reason why many dog owners buy a dog bed for crate. We’ve reviewed a number of dog beds for crates and hand picked the best. Click here to read more
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dogsandcanine · 2 years
What are The Best Dog Memory Foam Beds UK
It’s no surprise that more and more dog owners seek out memory foam dog beds. But why? Well, if you’ve had the opportunity to sleep on a memory foam bed, or even sit on a memory foam chair, you’ll know how soft and supportive it is. And your dog will have the exact same experience. We’ve reviewed several memory foam beds for dogs and hand picked the best. So read on if you want to find out the best memory foam dog beds UK
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dogsandcanine · 2 years
What are the Best Donut Dog Beds UK
Research shows that around 64% of dogs sleep in a curled up shape. Therefore, having a circular shaped bed allows your dog to sleep in their natural curled up position, while also enjoying firm head and neck support.
The fact that a donut bed has an elevated rim helps to alleviate nervousness and anxiety in your pet pooch. This promotes relaxation in your dog and helps them sleep more soundly by giving them a sense of safety and security. Read on to find out the best donut beds for dogs in the UK
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dogsandcanine · 2 years
What are the best Raised Dog Beds in UK 2022
If you’re wondering whether a raised bed could work for your pooch, then consider your dog’s habits. Does your dog tend to chew their bed? Does your dog like to stretch out when sleeping as well as curling up? Does your dog like to have a go at digging as well? Would you like to offer your dog a bed that keeps them snug in winter and offers them cooling during the summer? If you answered yes to any of the above then an elevated dog bed could work very well for your pooch. Read on to discover the 5 best raised dog beds in the UK
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dogsandcanine · 2 years
What are the best beds for dogs available in the UK
The best dog beds in the UK market are the beds that help your pooch get restful sleep. In that sense, there are many dog beds that can help your dog achieve that.
However, some dogs just won’t sleep in certain types of beds, while other pooches want to sleep in beds that are not actually suitable for them. Read here to find out more
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dogsandcanine · 2 years
How Much Do Dog Walkers Charge in the UK?
Are you a dog parent but  you struggle to take your pet pooch out for walks due to working long hours or other challenges? If so, you may be considering hiring a dog walker, and wondering how much do dog walkers charge per hour in the UK. Well the price can vary a lot depending on a few things, including which UK region you live in and what day of the week you book. This article gives a detailed break down on how much dog walkers charge per hour in the UK.
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dogsandcanine · 2 years
How to stop dog wee killing grass - advice for UK dog owners
Dog urine can cause so much harm to garden lawns and grass due to the amount of nitrogen contained in dog wee. While it’s true that nitrogen is a critical ingredient in a healthy grass, too high a concentration of nitrogen can result in brown patches of grass and grass burns. If you’re a dog owner who has watched their lawn or garden steadily develop bare spots and discoloured grass due to dog urine, then this article is for you. read on to discover how you can stop dog wee killing grass.
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dogsandcanine · 2 years
What are the legal requirements for Dog Tags in the UK?
In UK law, there are a few different legal responsibilities that you as a dog owner have to fulfill. One of these responsibilities is ensuring your dog wears a dog tag or dog collar. There is often some confusion about what exactly should be inscribed on a dog tag or a dog collar. The answer is actually pretty simple and straightforward. Read this article to find out UK law on what details to put on a dog tag.
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dogsandcanine · 2 years
How to get rid of dog poop at home in the UK
Clearing up your dog’s poop is a daily task for dog owners. when you’re out and about with your pooch you scrape up the dog poo and place it in a dog poo bin or a ordinary litter bin. However, how do you get rid of dog poop at home with no dedicated dog poop bins. If you’d like to know the 5 different ways you can get rid of dog poop at home with ease, then read this article about cleaning up dog poop at home.
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dogsandcanine · 2 years
How much does it cost to express a dog’s anal glands
A common problem that dogs can develop is impacted anal glands. A dog may develop impacted anal glands for a number of reasons, including having poop that’s too loose. This can result in the secretions in the dog’s anal glands not being released when the dog poops. I this happens you’ll need to express your dog’s glands. But the cost for this procedure ca vary. This article breaks down how much it costs to express dog’s anal glands by UK region. and also depending on whether the procedure is done by a veterinarian or a dog groomer. 
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dogsandcanine · 2 years
Where to buy green tripe for dogs
Green tripe is a superfood for dogs, but where can you buy it? read this article to discover 10 different places to buy green tripe for dogs in the UK. your dog will very grateful that you did!
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dogsandcanine · 2 years
How to disinfect your dog by using Hibiscrub
If you’ve heard about using hibiscrub for dogs, but were never really sure how to apply it to your pooch. Here’s a an article that explains how you can use the antibacterial solution to help get rid of fungus or bacteria on your dog: Hibiscrub is an antibacterial cleanser that’s used in hospitals and veterinary clinics. This makes hibiscrub safe to use for humans and animals, including dogs. The active ingredient in hibiscrub is chlorhexidine gluconate, which is highly effective as a disinfectant and very effective at getting rid of viruses, bacteria and fungi. Click the link to find out the full instructions on how to use hibiscrub on dogs here.
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dogsandcanine · 2 years
super cool dog
Should have posted this one earlier heh
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