dogvog · 5 years
Rottweiler Dog Breed | The Real Protective
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dogvog · 6 years
Top 10 Interesting Facts about Cesky Terrier
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The Cesky Terrier is a small Terrier type dog originating in Czechoslovakia. He was created by Frantic Horak in 1948. There are top 10 interesting facts about Cesky Terrier.
1. Recent History
The history of this smart dog breed is well documented and recent. Franti Chikara created the Cesky terrier dog in the late 1940s. Horak as a hunter and desired to create a terrier that could do work in packs to hunt red deer, hare and fox in the woods of Czechoslovakia. He crossed Scottish terriers with Sealyham Terrier believing the two breeds to be exact opposites and hoping to produce a family loving hunting dog.
2. Popularity
Cesky terrier is less famous dog breed in the world but in his homeland Czech Republic. He is a lovingly loyal and loved national treasure, sweetheart of the Czech Republic and featured on TV, postage stamps, literature, movies, and artwork and even on buses particularly drawn.
3. Coat Color
Cesky Terriers possess a soft bluish gray coat which is found from silver to dark charcoal. Pups are all black and the coat lightens over the initial few years of life. Unlike many, Terriers he is the advantage of a soft coat that can be trimmed with clippers rather than requiring hands tripping.
4. Appearance
The Cesky Terrier possesses a body which is longer than it is tall with his back slightly rising over the rump area and loin. His head is shaped like a long blunt wedge and his medium-sized ears have a triangular shape and hang down. The Cesky’s eyes are armed and shaped and usually brown or dark brown with a friendly expression.
5. Weight and Height
This is a relatively small dog with an ideal height at the top of the shoulder of 10 to 13 inches. Their weight should fall between 16 to 22 pounds slightly less for females. This small size assists them to do work underground in burrows during tracking game. Despite his little stature, the Cesky dog breed possesses really strong jaws and is well-known to destroy toys so never leave him unsupervised when the breed is playing with them.
6. Exercise
These dogs are eager and alert on the hunt and always remain ready to run after whatever their eyes catch. It is crucial that you manage time to give regular exercise. The intelligent Cesky tarrier or is a feisty competitor in many dog sports such as agility. To really tap into this breeds genetic heritage consider participating in earth dog or tracking.
7. Temperament
The dog breed possesses a temperament and personality which is easygoing and happy. They are less edgy than other terrier breeds. But our true Terriers when it comes to the hot feisty, stubborn streak that makes Terriers such talented hunters and watch dog breeds.
8. Watchdogs
Cesky Terrier gets attention from his people of family and is extremely loyal to people he sees as friends. However, he has the tendency to get reserved and wary around strangers which makes him a good watchdog. But it’s important you counteract this cautious nature with proper socialization when you’re Cesky is a puppy. This will make sure that he ends up comfortable and happy in the world at most.
9. Food Love
Although, he is very obedient, intelligent, love working and likes to show off, their main motive is usually the fact that the wonderful little Cesky Terrier will do almost anything for food, treats and tidbits. This is of the Terrier dog breeds that are notorious for stealing and begging food if he can get away with it. So you must always an eye of them or they will become overweight.
10. Great Health
Cesky Terriers are considered to be quite healthy but like many other small dog breeds prone to patellar luxation cardiac and eye problems.
Source: https://cesky-terrier-dog.blogspot.com/2018/10/top-10-interesting-facts-about-cesky-terrier.html
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dogvog · 6 years
Top 10 Dog Breeds Around The World
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All good dog breeds have a great deal of importance with specific dog characteristics. The following top 10 dog breeds list we are having a look at all varieties of puppies from the small to the large. We are selecting favorites based on their attitude and ease of training as well as their cuddly and cute elements. But to be clear we love all dog breeds now grab your leash.
Named Cujo although excellently featured in the Cujo (horror film) which is based on the novel of Stephen King Saint Bernard is a big creature with friendly nature whose true character is perhaps better portrayed in the friendly family jerk Beethoven named after the greatest.
The dog breed has roots as far back as 980 AD and while he didn’t carry barrels of brandy. He was actually created for rescue work and life in the Alps. This dog breed was nearly vanished owing to serious winters in the early 1800s. But he was happily crossbred with Newfoundland dog to reinstate and maintain his numbers nightly.
9- English cocker spaniel
This dog breed has been a fixture in the arts in some way for almost half a century first valued as a quality hunting dog in both wet and dry conditions. The Cocker Spaniel was created to hunt game birds especially one game bird which is called the Woodcock is where their name comes from the cocker spaniel. The English cocker spaniel is highly playful and lovable personality endeared it as a greeted member of a lot of families now. We think Prince George is certainly sweet in his photo. But one of our favorite things must be the family’s cocker spaniel Lupo as a good friend to the kids as it is driving out the cocker spaniels of Woodcock. He has intelligent nature also allows it to be employed regularly as a sniffer dog in Cuban airports. So overall the cocker spaniel can make a good pet if he is bought from a reputable breeder.
8- Siberian Husky
This dog was originally bred in Russia to be one of the most powerful working dog breeds. This large dog looks like a wolf and is really friendly and surprisingly light eater, smart and greatly trainable. The Husky is playful with kids and rarely let’s loose his signature howl but he makes poor watchdog breed. He just likes people too much he known for his icy blue eyes. The Siberian husky may also have amber or brown eyes and may even have one brown and one blue eye. Meanwhile, his fur can be white, black, red, silver grey or brown and keeps him warm in temperature as low as minus 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
7- Boxer
The boxer dog breed is like a 3-year-old child that’s it he did not grow up past three a common fur baby. The boxer was originally bred and intended for bull baiting, dog fighting, and even cart pulling obnoxiously pleased and greatly-spirited. The breed is intelligent and quick learner that appears to be similar to a cat of all dogs when he grins. He is happy, you really know if he is integrated into most dog loving families easily as he gets on well with and plays well with children. He may make a good relationship with cats over a shared dislike of birds. The breed may have got his name from its boxing like poachers. Although many in his native Germany dispute that claim meets John and his boxer with a 17-inch tongue which is the longest of any dog.
6- Yorkshire terrier
This dog breed is one of the cutest very tiny but brave and remarkably loyal. The Yorkshire Terrier is protective of his adoptive family and can take over the house effectively if he is allowed good fella noted for his long silky hair. The Yorkie is offspring of the sky terrier and Paisley and was literally bred to be a mouse hunter in the north of England where he is usually utilized in clothing mills and mines. He may have a big bark but there is not a lot of him to back it up. He is small but is still a terrier at home meanwhile the Yorkie is quite content as an indoor dog. The breed can be excellent watch puppy due to his suspicious behavior towards strangers. He loves teasing and messing with other dogs way bigger than him so keep his leash handy.
5- Bulldog
Even very high beauty requirements are like beauty sleep. You would have to sleep for like month you are really a typical dog whether French, British or American. Bulldog at present has roots as far back as 1500 but the breed as we know it did not really come to be till the old English Bulldog was crossbred with the Pug. This will not work sweetie that look won’t do work on him now considered as one of Britain’s national animals. In past, the Bulldog was bred and utilized for the sport of bull baiting rather than taking down bulls. Today, Bulldog thrives on attention and is pretty affectionate breed.
4- Beagle
This breed is found in different colors ranging from lemon, black, white, red and orange. The Beagle was recorded in ancient Greece and is even present in the work of Shakespeare Daisy. Of course, the modern beagle, however, can be kept track to the 1830s when the Reverend Philip honey would be established. The beagle was praised for his hunting ability in the first modern pack of the past and is valued today as a sniffer dog due to his amazing sense of smell.
3- Golden Retriever
The golden retriever is patient, devoted, charming and trainable and is an incredible choice for a family or a childhood friend. The breed came to be in the late 1800s in his quest to possess a retrieving dog that performed well on land. In water, it is fun to swim for him; he is a well-suited dog to drug enforcement, rescue and search work, and servicing the disabled community.
2- German Shepherd
The breed is perhaps well-known as the German Shepherd dog. He was known as the Alsatian wolf dog for much of the 20th century and developed around 1899. The German Shepherd is very often utilized as a Scout in military, rescue and search teams, police services and is a very much capable actor in dog terms.
1- Labrador Retriever
The lab is friendly and may be yellow, chocolate or black. This is all one dog breed and can be found in a single litter famous worldwide as a friend. The Labrador retriever is also eager to help out in the world of hunting, security and police work. This affectionate dog is also used as a guide and service dog.
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dogvog · 6 years
Gull Dong Dog Breed - The Loyal and Protector
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Gull Dong dogs are an obscure and rare dog breed in most of the world and yet they are quite popular in Pakistan their country of origin as well as in northern India. The Gull Dong is usually confused with other Pakistani breeds of dog owing to the fact that some of them have similar names. This confusion is particularly common in Western countries exacerbating the issue. The Gull Dong breed itself as more than one name by which it is known such as the bull, Eagle, Terrier, Pakistani bulldog and less commonly the Gull Dong. The Gull Dong is an intelligent, loyal and athletic dog breed that is both dominant and aggressive. This dog makes relationship deeply and quickly with his owners and families becoming protective of them.
Even though they will become dedicated to all family members, these breeds are extremely aggressive and powerful to be allowed to play with kids. No dog of any breed ought to remain alone with young kids unsupervised, but in the Gull dong’s case that rule of thumb should expand to older kids as well. They make great guard and watch dog breeds because of their alertness and drive to defend their perceived territory as well as their human family. They are wary of strangers and will not hesitate to defend you but this also means they can be dangerous dog breeds to those who are strangers. For this reason, this breed must be properly trained and socialized with people from puppy dawn and should be under your control at all times this means never taking them out off leash.
Gull dogs are serious and rugged working dog breeds who appreciate having tasks to do. This great energy dog breed needs a lot of vigorous exercise every day like every dog. They need a daily pack but Gull dongs need a more intense session a long brisk walk, a jog or a run beside you while you bike. When taking your goal down for his or her pack walk or run, you should always take the lead starting with your dog crossing the threshold after you and any other family members. Your dog should hill beside or behind you at all times on the pack walk. Gull dongs are considered to be the difficult to train and are not for the average dog owner. This dog breed needs someone greatly skilled in socializing and training.
Extremely dominant and aggressive dog’s socializing and training must start early and be reinforced constantly during their whole life. Establish, clear limits and rules for daily living to which you consistently adhere and reinforce your training goal is to establish yourself as the pack leader with your dog at all times. In fact your Gull dong must know that every member of the family supersede him or her in the pecking order. This dog breed is a dog aggressive and extremely difficult to tackle. Their hunting instinct is strong because they are bred to face off with bears.
These characteristics can lead them to attack and kill livestock or pets. Gull dong breed thrives for a lot of space and challenging work which make them phenomenal farm dogs. However, they are compliant and as long as they are provided enough exercise, they might do nice in smaller quarters, like a house with a securely fenced yard urban and apartment dwelling is not proper for this dog breed.
Source: https://gulldong.blogspot.com/2018/10/gull-dong-breed.html
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dogvog · 6 years
Cesky Terrier Dog Breed Facts and Information
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The Cesky terrier dog is also known as the Bohemian Terrier and is considered to be a fairly recent dog breed with a relatively short history. The dog breed is a devoted and loving companion of a more soft temperament than the average Terrier. The Cesky Terrier is gentle and patient. He is not aggressive and shows a strong desire to please. The dog breed has a less independent nature than a particular member of the terrier family as well. The Cesky Terrier dog is calm with good nature. The dog breed is a great companion to just about anyone and shows good manners and a pleased attitude. Sporty little chaps, the Cesky Terrier dog breeds have an easygoing and pleasant attitude towards life. Although kept more as family companions in modern times, the cesky Terrier is still a hunting dog in the field.
The dog breed is energetic, full of life, cheerful and hard-working. This lovely dog breed is fairly easy to train, sweet, loyal and loving. The Cesky Terrier dog is mild and calm making it the easiest Terrier breed to keep as a family pet. The Cesky Terrier is playful when in the company of his family but is also inquisitive and explorative. By nature, the dog breed is protective and therefore makes a phenomenal guard dog although being a non aggressive breed. The dog won’t attack and show a more friendly and social quality than most other terrier breeds when dealing with other pets. The Cesky Terrier is a jolly and communal dog, he can get bored and lonely if he is left on his own. The Chesky Terrier is easy to train but it is an intelligent breed and therefore patience and skill will need to be displayed during the dog lessons. 
The consistency and firmness are quite vital when you are training a Cesky Terrier dog but the dog can become sensitive. So harsh reprimand should not be utilized a hand or raised voice will only discourage a Cesky Terrier from learning his lessons. The Cesky Terrier dog can be headstrong and stubborn at times therefore training should begin as early in the dog's life as possible to ensure proper development into adulthood. Cesky Terriers are full of energy and enthusiasm. The breed enjoys hunting and loves to dig in the yard, the breed is versatile and excels in agility conformation tracking events and obedience training so games of this nature will be very stimulating for a Cesky Terrier.
The breed also makes an excellent therapy dog. The Cesky Terrier dog breed enjoys going on walks with his family. The Cesky Terrier is adaptable, one concern with the Cesky Terrier dog is his love of food overall the Cesky Terrier is a sweet gentle and fun-loving breed, a faithful companion who is devoted to pleasing his master, a smart and easily trainable breed adaptable and versatile. The breed is an ideal family pet and hunting companion to those who have the time for now willing to spend the necessary attention on such a pleasant breed.
Source: https://cesky-terrier-dog.blogspot.com/2018/10/cesky-terrier-dog.html
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dogvog · 6 years
To 10 Mixed Cross Hybrid Boxer
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10. Bogle
Bogle is a mixed dog breed between boxer and beagle. He is an athletic and strong crossbreed that inherits his long body, deep chest, drooping ears, and expressive face with well-balanced posture from his ancestors. Bogle is well-known as voxel bogle or boxer beagle mix as well.
9. Boxador
The boxadore is the one of the most popular of the most popular designer or hybrid dog breeds. He is a cross between the Labrador Retriever and the boxer. The boxer, lab mix or box adore is the perfect family dog. He is playful, likes to amuse his human family and is normally easy to train. It’s also known as the boxer lab mix.
8. Boxita
Boxita is a designer or hybrid breed that was bred by crossing a boxer and an Akita. The boxta is a must kill a dog with the build that is medium to large. These hybrids are known for being affectionate as well as alert and intelligent.
7. Miniature Boxer
This beautiful hybrid is seriously social creature that gets on well with children, family pets and other animals. Miniature boxer is a cross between the Boston Terrier and the boxer. He has a life span of 12 to 15 years and certainly has become one of the best medium dog breeds.
6. Boxweiler
The Boxweiler is one of the large dogs and a cross breed between Rottweiler and boxer. He is a really playful and energetic dog but he is still sweet and steady too. He is a wonderful dog with the kids. He will be energetic and play and is quite affectionate towards them.
5. Golden Boxer
The golden boxer is a designer dog breed, result of breeding between a golden retriever and a boxer. He is a large mix breed with talents and agility tricks and watch dog. Golden boxers are clever and learned quickly and love to please their owner. They are very alert and watchful but can also be playful, energetic and very loyal.
4. German Shepherd Boxer
The German Shepherd boxer mix is one of the most good-looking dogs as you will ever see in your lifetime. He comes to life as a result of crossbreeding of officer dog parent and a German Shepherd dog parent together. The German Shepherd boxer Nick’s dog will require a fairly high amount of exercise and physical activity on a daily basis in order to maintain a healthy prosperous life and keep behavioral problems at bay.
3. Bulloxer
This amazing Bulloxer is a cross between a boxer and an American Bulldog. He is a large muscular dog with a strong stature, wide chest, short muzzle, square looking head and a medium-sized tail that is docked sometimes. He is often patient with kids as well as puppies and small dogs.
2. Bullboxer Staffy
The bullboxer staffy is a cross between a boxer and a Staffordshire Bull Terrier pure breed. These dogs are found in many different colors in medium size. They are devoted and loyal to the family. They are wonderful family companion.
1. Bull Boxer
Bull boxer dog is also known as boxer pit bull mix. It’s combination of American pit bull terrier and boxer dog. The boxer pit bull mix is a strong dog with an excellent physique which needs a lot of exercise on a daily basis to maintain its form and remain healthy.
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dogvog · 6 years
American Bulldog – The Loyal, Loving and Protector
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The American Bulldog is a tough and strong dog that is prized for its versatility and protective nature. It bears striking similarity to ancient bull baiting canines both in temperament and conformation. Today, this breed mostly plays the part of a beloved family pet and intrepid guardian of the Masters property. 
Need to about the American Bulldog He is thought to have been developed from an ancient Mastiff strain and it has common ancestry with the old English Bulldog that presently prospers in the US. The first breed members were brought to America in the 19th century by immigrants who refused to leave their loyal four-legged helpers to the mercy of fate in their former places of residence. This dog took root in their new homeland because of its capability to catch and hold back wild pigs moreover it proved to be an ideal candidate for bull and bear baiting sport. The American Bulldog served as a hunter of game as well of all sizes ranging from raccoons and squirrels to bears and wild boars. By the beginning of the Second World War, it also became famous as a multi functional working animal of American ranchers and farmers in the deep south of this country. The war drove the American Bulldog to the verge of a complete demise. The remaining specimens predominantly lived on farms in the southeast where they were utilized to control unruly cattle and protect the farmers’ domains. The breed survived mostly thanks to its loyal fancier Jon D Johnson of Summerville Georgia. He collected the American Bulldogs of the best quality and began breeding program to rebuild its population. It's safe to say that the canine world didn't lose one of its eminent members only due to the diligent work of this man. American Bulldog Temperament The American Bulldog is notoriously famous for its ferocious nature although it becomes apparent only in the improper hands. This dog differs from its English relative by longer legs and more muscular physique. The long list of the breeds gifts include hunting, guarding, weight pulling although it's also acknowledged as a companion animal by lots of American families. During the early stage of its history, the American Bulldog was primarily perceived as an outstanding combatant in such a cruel sport as bull baiting. So it certainly shares some part of aggressive tendencies of its predecessors unless proper socialization can make this dog a wonderful member of any family. It's highly protective of its favorite people and usually demonstrates extreme affection towards kids of any age. Of course parents should teach their offspring to avoid bothering the dog while it's eating or knowing at a bone. Despite its reputation for viciousness, the well-bred American Bulldog is usually very friendly towards humans so it's always glad to strike up a new acquaintance. On the other hand, this dog instantly senses danger for its family and its territory and turns quickly from friendly to aggressive mode. It also becomes a very sound watcher which will always signal its masters about any unfamiliar person near the house door. Be mindful though that the under socialized specimen of the American Bulldog may show hostility to all people. This breed is notable for an outright intolerance, as far as it concerns its counterparts. In most cases, it's a bad idea to keep the American Bulldog in the same household with the dogs of the same sex. It's also prone to instigate a conflict with any canine that crosses its path that's why the American Bulldog must always wear a sturdy leash and preferably a muzzle in public places. It also possesses a lethal threat to street animals especially cats. If you already have a household cat, you should very carefully consider your decision about adopting this dog. Care and Grooming of the American Bulldog It is easy to groom the short and rough coat of the American Bulldog. The breed sheds continuously but lightly and systematic brushing will minimize the amount of the dog's hair in your dwelling. The folds on its face should be carefully cleaned and dried every single day to avert irritation from accumulation of bacteria. That breath is also a common problem for all American Bulldogs so its masters should brush the teeth of his pet at least on a weekly basis. Bathe the dog one every three to four months and wipe it if they look dirty. Long nails can cause a great discomfort for a dog so trim them as soon as they begin clicking on the floor. Training the American Bulldog The training of the American Bulldog represents the job of an average difficulty. This dog is both intelligent and single-minded and prefers to depend on its own opinion rather than to follow orders. Consistent approach is a must in its training furthermore. A meek or too oppressive person will never succeed in the work with this breed. The American Bulldog must first accept your authoritative stance and then it will seek your approval and praise. It's also prudent to reward, this dog with moderate amount of its favorite treats as well as to keep training sessions short with fun.
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dogvog · 6 years
Top 10 Adorable Dog Breeds
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Usually weighing between five and ten pounds the miniature pinscher is classified as a toy dog. Today we'll be discussing the top ten lap dog breeds. This is a tenacious dog but this is not a tough dog to train in this list, we're looking at dogs that are small and comfortable enough to fit in your lap or maybe even your purse.
10. Boston Terrier
As its name suggests the Boston terrier is an all-American dog and it's a part of the toy group. This Bean town baby is a lot tougher than it looks. When the American gentleman was first bred in 1862 70s, it was used for pit fighting over time. Boston Terrier was bred down to the small companion dogs we know today, they're friendly and easy to train which makes them perfect therapy and family dogs. Boston terrier rarely barks but he does tend to snore because of his flat nose and short face. Still, this dog can live up to 13 years and some a little more making it a longtime. A loyal companion, it's just a really fun dog to have around boundless energy I love their attitude.
9. Pug
I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face from ancient China to Queen Victoria. These dogs were favorites of royal and it's easy to notice why those wrinkly faces are part of which makes them so adorable. But while these add into their sweet factor they need cleaning regularly to stay away from infections. Pugs tend to have all these issues like their trachea is not big enough; their nose holes are really tiny so they can't breathe as well as they should even. So the pug's affectionate nature makes it a great companion. Pugs always love to make their owners happy and have the tendency to follow their lead. They are natural couch potatoes but appreciate a good walk too. They can become fairly spunky and everything in between this versatility makes the Pug a great addition to any family.
8. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
This beautiful breed found mainstream fame after appearing on Sex in the City, turned a lizard Taylor calves come in many colors and are known for their big brown eyes. This is a breed that loves attention in more ways than one, first those wavy ears and that silky coat won't untangle them so prepared to take out the brush. They're also very affectionate and thrive on interacting with people of all ages and because they're so eager to please their owners. Training Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog can be a walk in the park. The breed is prone to heart disorders though so look into your Cavalier bloodline for any issues. All the same, Cavaliers are pampered pooches and they'll love you for it.
7. Maltese
The Maltese has been a beloved lap dog for centuries. They're usually less than 10 pounds making them easy travel buddies and are known for their long white coats and cute button noses. Maltese also don't shed a lot so if you are allergic, no worries the long show coat needs a lot of grooming but it can be kept short too. Maltese dogs are full of energy but don't need lots of exercises so they're perfect for apartment living. They are notoriously affectionate although they might be too delicate for little kids. Overall Maltese are just as friendly as they are fancy. He is probably one of the most perfect companion dogs.
6. Shih Tzu
This beauty's name comes from the Chinese word for lion Shih Tzu were originally bred as companion dogs and not much has changed since. Then their favorite spot is right beside you whether you're chilling on the couch or up for a walk while they don't need much exercise. If they do need a lot of groups, many owners choose a puppy cut to keep it simple Shih Tzu that's why you don't use it. You don't play around with that name, do you? It doesn't come tripping me up the tongue stewardess. Can I take a Shih Tzu on my carry-on or does it have to be stowed? Early training is a must with Shih Tzu since they have the tendency to become obstinate. But if you are patient and encouraging, they'll reward you with many years of unconditional love.
5. Yorkshire Terrier
Try to get this breed to believe that sure it could fit in your purse but the Yorkie is still one tough cookie. These dogs were bred to hunt rats and one was even a war hero, today your Yorkies are mostly companion dogs. Averaging five to seven pounds, you can take them almost anywhere, this small size means that your Yorkshire Terrier is prone to some health issues and genetic disorders especially if he is of the teacup variety. So if you are thinking of getting a Yorkie, check its family history first. They're still quick learners, friendly and full of energy. It's no surprise that this big dog in a lap dog body is the seventh most popular breed in the USA according to the American Kennel Club.
4. Bichon Frise
The Bichon Frise is one of the heavier lap dog breeds on this list. He was bred down from poodle and bar bet, they usually weigh between 10 to 20 pounds while Bichons are low shedding dogs. His hair keeps growing so he requires haircuts every 6 to 8 weeks; this might be the only downside to the breed. He is one of the healthiest dogs easily reaching his early to mid-teens. He is also fairly smart and loves flaunting his skills and because they're playful and energetic they're great with kids too. This Bichon Frise is of energy will love and entertaining for years to come.
3. Dachshund
The dachshund has stubby legs and its sausage-shaped body is unmistakable. And for good reason inside, the slop dog beats the heart of a hunter with a name that literally means badger dog. Dachshund loves following his nose. They come in two sizes standard and miniature and in three coat varieties as hunter dachshunds are brave but also quite stubborn. So it's best to train them early and yes whether it's earth or your couch. They love digging while it can suffer from slipped discs and other back problems. The dachshund is an otherwise relatively healthy breed; he can be reserved towards strangers but our loyal members of their families. This is a lap dog like no other.
2. Pomeranian
We feel the same way generally these little furballs are cute and cuddly but they weren't always that small in the 1700s. The weight of Pomeranians was around 40 pounds largely, gratefully to Queen Victoria who preferred a twelve-pound cutie. The breed is now the four to seven-pound lap dog we know and love. There's a lot of energy in that tiny body so poms are very agile dogs, they are also social butterflies so they work well with human families. While pom is well-known to bark a lot it can be controlled if he is trained early. Whether they're running laps or sitting on your lap, Pomeranian proves that good things come in small packages.
1. Chihuahua
Our top dog is also the smallest of them all from Tinker Bell to Taco Bell. The Chihuahua is a pop culture darling while those two had short tan hair. Chihuahuas may possess long coats either way grooming is easy as well. Chihuahua can be tiny but he thinks that he is big so owners ought to be careful around other small kids and dogs. But in this tiny body is a powerful brain which you ought to train him earlier. The better chihuahuas are also known for being very close to their owners and these are long friendships if they're healthy and they can live up to 20 years inside.
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dogvog · 6 years
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The dog is regarded as the most loyal and affectionate animal on earth. The dog breeds not only love their human family but they risk their lives in order to save them as well. This means they are the best guard dogs; this is the reason why people always look for the large dogs . In this regard, we have compiled a dog breeds list for the top 10 biggest dogs in the world.
10. Newfoundland The Newfoundland dog breed that isn't just a bodyguard its loyal nature, thick build, thicker coat and strong swimming ability make it ideal for use as a water rescue animal. This swell swimming giant is quite a good pack horse, very capable and very hard-working. An interesting fact about the Newfoundland breed is that in the very famous 1904 play Peter Pan a Newfoundland dog named Nana was employed by the darling family as a nanny to the children. In that story, did you know that the Newfoundland was originally used as a working dog and what they would do is they'd pull the Nets out of the water for the fishermen and sometimes they were dragging wood around for the chops Minh.
9. Leonberger The very large Leonberger dog breed is bred by mixing Newfoundland, Great Pyrenees and Saint Bernard. He can weigh up to 170 pounds adult males in particular are powerful and strong and carry a lion-like mane on the neck and chest. The lovable giant is high in intelligence and even higher in energy they have a knack for mischief and mess but on the plus side. They're deep in horse bark will keep intruders away from your home. The Leonberger is one of the oldest dogs dating back to Germany Lee and Berger I'm hungry.
8. The Tibetan Mastiff This dog is a loyal and dependable companion while these pooches usually range from 140 to 170 pounds. Some European owners have claimed theirs have reached up to 220 pounds; Marco Polo described the Tibetan Mastiff as quite tall as a donkey with a voice as powerful as that of a lion. The Tibetan Mastiff dog is serious and dignified calm and quiet unless provoked despite his large size. This breed is exceptionally agile skilled at climbing and jumping and requires a 6 foot high fence not to keep burglars out but to keep your giant dog in select Tibetan Mastiffs They have. This is really strong instinct concerning likes people and if they don't get over that initial instinct. There's usually a good reason you trust your dog and junk just trust them.
7. The Doberman Pinscher When talking about Beauty Brains agility and loyalty, what other breed could we be discussing other than the Doberman pinscher. The Doberman pinscher while one of the smallest breeds on our list is no runt in this pack built compactly. It has a muscular body and the strength and endurance to keep on going when it needs to hare. Karl Friedrich Lewes Doberman the maker of this breed was a tax collector and dog catcher in Germany in the late 1800s as a dog catcher. He could choose the best dogs for his breeding he was able to blend several breeds to develop the Doberman. But he kept no wreck the Doberman, did gain a solid reputation for its harsh strength of character and an ability to hunt, bite and kill. When Mr. Doberman died in 1894, he had done such a good job, with that dog people carried on his legacy by choosing to breed only the bravest, smartest, quickest and toughest dogs they could now.
6. The English Mastiff These dogs are gentle giants and they're one of the oldest breeds. They've been depicted in Egyptian monuments as early as 3000 BC and they're thought to have come to America on the Mayflower. Some of the Mastiffs talents include being a watchdog, being a guard dog, being a police dog, being a military dog and being a search-and-rescue dog. When a Kennel Club says the word beast, they are referring to the English Mastiff.
5. The Burmese Mountain Dog This dog was originally bred as a farm dog and is one of the four sennenhund-type breeds. They're intelligent, strong and agile enough to herd cattle, pull carts and to be a watchdog in mountainous terrain. The dog is tricolor with symmetrical markings of black rust and white in addition to being strikingly good-looking. The Burmese Mountain Dog has a wonderful temperament. Do you know this braid is so old and came from the Romans, they brought into Switzerland 2,000 years ago.
4. The Black Russian Terrier This dog has large bones and well-developed muscles known as the black pearls of Russia. They are people oriented and want to be close to the action at all times. This outstanding guard dog can weigh up to 140 pounds. These dogs get bored sometimes and when they're bored, they're destructive. If they're not properly exercised with that size, they can be quite a problem. The Black Russian terrier is not actually a true carrier.
3. The Great Dane The Great Dane although looking terribly imposing in reality is one of the best natured dogs around. There the Apollo of dogs reaching to a weight of 200 or more pounds. It's no surprise that this dinosaur of a dog is one of the most well known of the giant dog breeds . The Great Dane is popular today in America even appearing in popular culture such as the newspaper, comic character, Marmaduke or the hanna-barbera cartoon character, scooby-doo or Astro in the TV show. Did you know the Great Dane has nothing to do with Denmark; they're from Germany.
2. The Scottish Deerhound This dog's original purpose was to hunt and bring down the Scottish roe deer a magnificent beast twice. The deer hound has been used very successfully on rabbits, coyotes and wolves. As a companion, the deer Hound is ideal being tractable easy to train and Possessing. He has the most dependable loyalty and utmost devotion to their master. Did you know that the Scottish deer hound is so calm; people can't even use them as a guard dog they just walk up and want to hug you and junk.
1. The Saint Bernard The Saint Bernard’s expression often appears more Stern but it's never ill-tempered a dog. This size must be trained early in their puppy-hood because once their nature sets in, it's likely their bad habits are gonna stick around for a while. Some of the st. Bernard's talents are searching rescue guard dog and watchdog. They've also been known to predict storms and avalanches like the most famous Saint Bernard ever was named Barry he rescued between 45 and a hundred people. They even built a statue to him in Bern Switzerland.
Article Source: http://www.alifseye.com/articles/single/108
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dogvog · 6 years
10 Most Ancient Dog Breeds on Earth
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Those who are not aware of the most ancient dogs can get comprehensive knowledge about them. This is the reason why I have compiled a list of 10 most ancient dog breeds on earth.
1. Pekingese This small dog breed is over 2,000 years old and he has changed very little over that time. The Pekingese has a pretty interesting story behind him apparently. Pekingese were only allowed to be owned by royal families if anyone tried to steal one of these royal dogs, the penalty was dead. DNA evidence confirms that the Pekingese is one of the oldest dog breeds having existed in China for as long as 2,000 years. This breed was named for the capital city of Peking which is now called Beijing and the dogs were exclusively owned by Chinese royalty around 1860. The first Pekingese arrived in England as trophies of the opium war but it wasn’t until the 1890s that more of the dogs were smuggled out of China. The dog was developed as breed in 1904 in England and 1906 in the U.S.
2. Shiba Inu This cute Fox like breed comes from Japan where it was used commonly as a hunting dog. This Japanese Shiba Inu breed was bred as a hunting dog and hunted both boar and bears in the heavy brush of the mountains. I’m pretty surprised to see bears on the list; it’s really amazing because the dogs are pretty small so it’s hard to imagine those hunting bears.
3. Greyhound You must be familiar with the greyhound for the breed’s great speed but you may not know that he is thought to be among the most ancient dog breeds. Both DNA and references to the dogs in an art show that they’ve existed for millennia greyhound-like dogs have resided in many different countries but have changed very little. The greyhound’s relative the Italian Greyhound is thought to have developed 2,000 years ago in Turkey and Greece.
4. Rottweiler The Rottweiler is one of the oldest herding dog breeds. The history of the Rottweiler begins from a town named rotten Lyle. The town of Rottweil was founded by the Romans in 73 AD it was located in the southwest of Germany. In 1900, the Rottweiler district had become an important cattle herding region but unfortunately, by 1900, the breed declined so much that the Germans only found one breeding female in the town of Rottweil. The Germans did not want their massive like dogs to become extinct sometime in this time-frame. The Germans called the new Mastiff like drover dogs Rottweiler after the name of the town of Rottweiler.
Just one female left in Rockwall Germany was bred to similar Mastiff-like dogs to continue the breed. The Roman armies used the Rottweiler to guard and herd, the necessary animals that accompanied them on their campaigns to provide food for their armies. The Mastiff nature of the Rottweiler was remarkably suited to the job of guarding both their entire camp and their food supply. Modern Rottweilers today have their traits descending from the Switzerland Bernese Mountain Dog and the greater Swiss mountain dog which dates back several hundred years ago.
5. Bully Kutta The bully kutta is a large muscular dog breed found mostly in Pakistan which is why it’s known as the Pakistani Mastiff. This dog breed is the oldest dog breed of Pakistan and according to locals they and their ancestors have always been using this dog as a guard dog. Its actual name is derived from the Sindhi & order’ languages where it’s known as Bali Kutta Bali meaning heavily wrinkled and Kutta meaning dog. It’s used as a powerful guard dog and popularity outside of its own borders led to the Western interpretation of the first part of its name as bully similar to American pit bull terrier and bull terrier. No doubt bully is one of the most dangerous dog breeds in the world.
6. Sloughi The sleek Sloughi is the sighthound from the Berber people of North Africa originally found in Morocco Tunisia Libya and Algeria. The dog arrived in Europe in the 19th century when soldiers stationed in North Africa brought Sloughi home slaw fees first came to the US in 1973.
7. Pug The wrinkled and lovable pug has been around since before 400 BC. The details about how the pug came into existence are to some extent murky but experts agree that the dog breed has its origins in the Orient. And the dog has basic similarities to the Pekingese another ancient breed China is the earliest known home for the pug where the breed lived in the Buddhist monasteries in Tibet. The breed appeared next in Japan and then in Europe where the dog breed turned out to be royal favorites.
8. Maltese The Shih Tzu and pug aren’t alone another lap dog breeds. The Maltese is an ancient dog of Malta that has been known as the aristocrat of the canine world for more than 28 centuries according to the AKC. This has been documented in tombs of Greek and in ceramic art dating back to the fifth century.
9. Caspian Sheepdog The Central Asian shepherd dog is also known as Caspian dog is an ancient breed of dog from the regions of Central Asia. It is not the result of an artificial selection but rather a native breed called Alibi. They are one of the most powerful livestock Guardian dogs Central Asians most likely originated more than 4,000 years ago from natural selection in a geographical area between the Ural Caspian Sea and the northwest border of China. Local Kennel Club officials refer to the Central Asians as one of the most popular dog breeds in Russia rating them as the number one breed in the country around 2000. They don’t need any complicated training to learn basic house rules and treat the owners with the same great respect with which their ancestors treated the herders.
10. The Kangal Dog The Kangal dog is an ancient flock-guarding breed thought to be related to the early mastiff type dogs depicted in Syrian art. The breed is named for the Kangol district of the Sivas province in central Turkey where probably originated. The isolated historical conditions of the Sivas Kangol region have resulted in the development of the Kangal dog as a distinct breed which has been declared the national dog of Turkey and a national treasure. The first Candles entered England in 1965 with the first litter born in 1967 the Nelson brothers imported the first Kangal dog to the United States in 1985. This dog and subsequent imports provided the foundation for the Kangal dog in the United States.
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dogvog · 6 years
Top 10 Best Dog Breeds to Travel With
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Since our species first stepped out of Africa, man has taken his best friend on his voyage to explore the world. And with good reason, he’s a protector, a fellow explorer, and a friend. Nowadays from swank hotels to shacks in the woods from yachts to kayaks, our canine companions can be found with us in the air, on the road, at sea and romping through the rough wilderness. Heck, we’re willing to bet he’ll be with us as we travel to Mars and beyond. But for now and a little closer to home, let’s look at the top 10 best dog breeds to travel with.
10. Labrador Retriever
There’s a whole lot of world out there to explore. Why not bring along a travel companion who won’t ask, "Are we there yet?" every five minutes? Gentle, active and easy to train, great for those traveling on the land, whether by car or by RV, the Labrador Retriever is a natural on the road. He loves to get out. He loves meeting new people and he loves to explore. This might not be the dog you want to take on a plane since he is so big and heavy, but he’s going to make a great travel companion. Your Labrador will be up for any activity you choose to do, whether you want to take a hike in the mountains or take a kayak out for a river adventure. Since he needs quite a bit of exercise, he’s an ideal pet for the active traveler.
9. Golden Retriever
Like his cousin the Labrador, the Golden Retriever is more at home on the ground than in the air. This people-loving pooch wouldn’t do well sitting in the cargo hold of an airplane, but he’s perfect for car rides, and you can count on him being friendly to people you meet at rest stops and camp sites. This active family companion likewise will be game for any outdoor adventure. As long as he is with you, he doesn’t mind a long trip. Both the lab and the golden retriever learn obedience skills quite easily and a well-trained retriever of either type makes outdoor adventures a pleasure.
8. Yorkshire Terrier
The Yorkshire Terrier is fantastic for long-haul air travel because he is tiny and doesn’t need a lot of exercise. The Yorkshire Terrier is commonly used as a companion dog and is very affectionate toward his owner. He is a perfect travel companion and will keep you calm when you feel a bit anxious about your trip. He’ll do well on a flight or in a car, or any other mode of transportation you decide to use.
His loyal nature makes him easy to travel with, as he prefers to stick close to mom or dad. Here’s a quick tip: To keep your dog healthy as you travel, bring along a supply of his regular food and some local or bottled water and be sure to bring any medication he needs.
7. French Bulldog
The French Bulldog may sport a bit of a frown, but he is actually quite friendly and playful. He is known for being easy to train, meaning he can be trained for travel. He does come with a caveat. This breed is brachiocephalic, which means his short muzzle could make it hard for French Bulldog to breathe in the cargo hold of a plane. Some airlines have even grounded such breeds. Not that we really suggest putting any dog in the cargo hold of a plane, but he’s a high-risk flyer.
6. Boston Terrier
Like the Frenchie, you have to be careful with airline travel, but otherwise, the tenacious Boston Terrier is ready for anything: from motorcycling to riding the rails. He has a spunky personality and adjusts quickly to new situations. If you travel often, you know that adaptability is a necessary trait. And, Boston Terrier is known for being adaptable. This one of the companion dogs does well in new environments and situations, making him a great companion for the long-term road warrior.
5. Dachshund
If you’ve been in an RV park you’ve seen a doxie, or two, or three, maybe even a pack. Easy to travel because of his size and minimal grooming, he makes a good watchdog for your motor home. A friendly, inquisitive breed, the Dachshund is generally adventurous and is willing to try new things with his owner, including travel. If urban adventure is more your style, this is the dog you want. He’s small, which makes it easy for owners to carry him around cities without issue. While they make great travel dogs, they’re not particularly friendly with new people, unless well-socialized.
4. Poodle
Of course you think of jet-setter when you think poodle. This highly intelligent breed is one of the easiest to train of all dogs. Combine that with his low-shed coat and his general love of adventure and you have a perfect traveling companion. If all that is not enough, he comes in three sizes to fit almost any travel lifestyle.
3. Bichon Frise
The fluffy Bichon Frise is known for his gentle disposition. He is cheerful and easy-going, making him an optimistic pal for any type of travel. The Bichon may be a small dog but he's hardy. He also doesn’t shed like other breeds. These traits make him a great pet for the traveler. He does, however, suffer from separation anxiety, so if your version of travel requires leaving your dog locked in a hotel room for long periods of time, he might not be the best breed for you. But if you want a dog as a constant companion on your travels, Bichon Frise is more than willing to oblige.
2. Pomeranian
A little dog is a huge plus when it comes to hopping on a plane. The compact Pomeranian is ideal for airline travel because he can fit comfortably next to your feet on the plane. Easy to train and highly adaptable to almost all living conditions, Pomeranians love to please their owner. Don't be surprised if your Pomeranian gets more attention than you do on vacation.
Bonus Dog: Papillon Nicknamed the "butterfly dog" for his beautiful, fluttery ears, the papillon is easy to train and does not need a lot of daily activity. Be aware that while the papillon can handle the heat well, he has a harder time in the cold. Pack an extra doggy sweater if you plan on traveling in chillier climates. Otherwise, he’s up for any adventure you are.
1. Chihuahua
Have a long flight ahead of you? The lovable Chihuahua is the perfect breed for you. His little body doesn’t require much exercise, which can make him the perfect pet if you travel overseas. The Chihuahua is an amazing travel companion. He’s small, so he fits in small carriers. This also helps because you can carry your dog onto a plane and avoid large fees associated with placing large dogs in specialized plane compartments. If you’re looking for a small and loyal travel companion, this is the dog breed for you. It’s easy, and enjoyable to travel with this little guy.
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dogvog · 6 years
Top Medium Sized Dog Breeds
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When it gets to selecting a dog breed, size does matter. If you are searching for a dog that is neither big nor small, just wait and go through the following information to have a better idea. While a dog in any size does work for you, a lot of prospective owners of the pet feel like the storybook Goldilocks checking out the “just right”, “too cold” and “too hot” porridges. When trying to make a decision on the best dog for you, size really matters and there is nothing wrong with taking the “somewhere in between” approach by selecting a dog that is neither large nor small. In fact, there are some really excellent dogs out there that are sized ideally to fit the bill! We have compiled a list of the top Medium Sized Dog Breeds that can surely play a huge role in your life.
Border Collie
This amazingly intelligent pooch is one of the most athletic, fastest dog breeds in the world. He is great with children, makes an awesome running boy and his instincts for herding mean he is known to keep the cat in check. Border Collie stands up to 22 inches at the shoulder and his weight is no more than 45 pounds.
English Springer Spaniel
Amazing things come in packages of medium dog breeds in size and this really friendly dog is no exception. The English Springer Spaniel is typically utilized for hunting game bird. He is willing, agile, obedient and a fast little learner. This breed is also great with children and makes one of the super companion dogs. Dripping wet, his weight is about 50 pounds and stands up to 19 inches tall.
One of the most relaxed dog breeds around, this joyful little breed is always delighted to share his thoughts on the world and is well-known for having a fairly strong bark and bay. The Beagle is an amazing family dog with sweet, engaging brown eyes. For such a vocal dog, his weight typically under 25 pounds and stands up to 15 inches tall.
Portuguese Water Dog
This playful dog breed is medium in size and obtained superstar status when he a few years back became the official First Dog of the White House. The breed loves water and he was even bred to keep sailors company when were at sea. Portuguese water dog lands on the bigger side of “medium” around 60 pounds with 23 inches height.
Cocker Spaniel
With big soulful eyes, this sweet little darling is a wonderful companion dog. Like most dogs, he was initially developed for hunting and particularly for flushing out birds. Today, this affectionate Cocker Spaniel dog breed settles comfortably in any family unit. His weight is in well under 30 pounds and a height of about 15 inches.
This sturdy little beauty with the iconic under-bite is one of the most visually high-spirited of the medium dogs in size. In spite of his intensity, he is actually with a jowly look a quite loyal companion breed that loves nothing better than to remain with you on the sofa. Bulldog has 15-inch height and weight up to 45 pounds.
This dog breed is one of the most intelligent pooches around and fairly easy to train. His gentle nature belies the reality that he was bred for hunting and retrieving water fowl as well. This beauty is affectionate and friendly with children and other animals. Poodle’s weight is about 60 pounds and height is 27 inches.
Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier
Despite his silly, playful nature this smart dog breed possesses keen-to-please personality which makes him easier to train than most other terriers. In spite of his somewhat crazed look, his super soft and curly coat does not shed a lot which makes him ideal for people with allergies. His weight is no more than 45 pounds and stands about 20 inches tall.
Standard Schnauzer
He is a distinctive dog and he is also intelligent, handsome, dedicated to his family and like the Wheaten and Poodle, is a low shedder. This affectionate little dog belongs to a working class breed that was utilized for tracking, retrieving and herding on water and land. No wonder Standard Schnauzer is kept in shape all these years, his weight is just about 45 pounds and his height 20 inch.
While this agile pooch can reach speeds of up to 35 mph, he is brilliant with just running after the balls, catching Frisbees or even working as a therapy dog breed. Whippet dog breed is friendly, loving and a big fan of sitting on the sofa with his bestie. His weight around 40 pounds on his height 22 inches.
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dogvog · 6 years
Top 5 Companion Dogs Around Us
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You are looking for a dog that makes a great companion. We have narrowed the field down to five lovable loyal long-standing favorites of dog owners across the country.
Golden Retriever
Golden retriever is quite possibly the most popular dog breed in the US and it is easy to see why he is happy. He is smart, loyal and loving, there is American his mom and apple pie and that is pretty freak in American. He has above average intelligence which makes him easy to train, his gentle nature makes him perfect for children and his patience ensures he will get along with just about anyone. But keep in mind that the golden retriever does require a bit more grooming than the average breed.
Labrador retriever
If you are a fairly active person, you can never go wrong with the Labrador Retriever. He is very similar to Golden's except he thrives in a more energetic environment well. The golden retriever might be content to cuddle on the couch Netflix and chill. A lab thrives on action, so consider a Labrador Retriever if you are a jogger, if you love the outdoors, if you have a big backyard or if you have children also lab loves water.
Border Collie
This dog breed has high energy, great intelligence and unwavering loyalty which make Border Collie a wonderful choice for couples and singles alike. But do not expect him to plop down on the couch and watch TV with you. Border Collie is high in energy that you Will need plenty of energy to keep up with this dog. However, he is quite one of the smartest dog breeds on the planet so the training options with the border collie are limitless. And while he is very affectionate his sensibility is not always well-suited for young children.
French bulldog
If you prefer a lap dog, look no further than a French Bulldog. Some might recommend you a Yorkshire Terrier, he is another small dog but this can be a bit more European nippy. While French bulldog is famous for his calm and even disposition plus he has a short coat. So it is a lot easier to manage which means less grooming is necessary.
Beagle dog breed is widely regarded as the diplomats of the dog world. If you plan on spending time with other dog owners or if you have pets already, the Beagle dog breed is the perv choice. He is cute, fun and even-tempered, the beagle is very social too. He loves to spend as much time with his friends as possible, it should be noted that beagle is not the easiest breed to train. But he makes up for it in personality after all Snoopy was a beagle.
So there are our top five companion dogs but there are many other choices and the dogs all have their own personality. You want to make sure you find the right fit for you and your family.
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dogvog · 6 years
Top 10 Calm Companion Dog Breeds
Indeed, the dogs are real life companions with extreme loyalty for the humans. Almost every one of us loves to adopt dogs because a dog is the most loyal and affectionate animal on earth. If you are looking for a companion, we have compiled a list of top 10 calm companion dog breeds for you.
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1 - Basset Hound
Basset hound has an easygoing attitude and a casual approach to exercise. He has a gentle disposition and is very sweet making him a great companion.
2 - Bergamasco
This dog breed is highly intelligent sociable and has a deep desire to please its master or owner. Don't let the coat fool you because Bergamasco does not require a lot of caretaking.
3 - Bull Mastiff
He is confident fearless docile and sweet natured. Bull Mastiff does not bark much but our natural guard dogs.
4 - Dogue De Bordeaux
This dog breed is affectionate patient and calm. Dogue de Bordeaux dog is a natural instinct to guard but he is not aggressive which makes him a great companion.
5 - Great Dane
Despite his size, this breed is gentle and loving that's why Great Dane is an excellent family companion. They require daily exercise and because of his size needs to be supervised when he is around small children.
6 - Great Pyrenees
This dog breed is generally calm. The great Pyrenees is affectionate, tolerant and is fairly quiet. He is also independent and tends to make decisions on his own.
7 - Italian Greyhound
This is one of those good dog breeds that is peaceful, gentle, playful and intelligent. Italian Greyhound loves spending most of his time with his owner and he also likes attention and affection.
8 - Neapolitan Mastiff
Neapolitan Mastiff is loyal and protective. He has a steady disposition but our overall he is pretty calm.
9 - Pekingese
This phenomenal dog breed is fairly inactive. Pekingese is calm and gentle and it makes him one of the perfect lap dogs and great companion dogs.
10 - Sealyham Terrier
He is an ideal companion because he is inquisitive, charming, calm and loving. Sealyham Terrier is also very cute.
Please do comment on this article and share your precious thoughts regarding the topic. Do let me have some more ideas to write about more different topics.
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dogvog · 6 years
The Top Big Dog Breeds in The World
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Living with an active, large dog breed can become an exceptionally satisfying experience. However, while a big dog breed can become ideal for countless people; the owners who are potential must be well-known about many different considerations including health issues and lessened life expectancy of countless large dog breeds. We take a look at ten of the most famous big dog breeds and what you require considering if you are considering to buy one.
Characteristics: Newfoundland dog breed is a strong, large dog that makes a great pet for the family. He was initially utilized as a working dog to pull wood or nets of fisherman for lumberjacks, he is a brilliant swimmer.
Health issues: The Arteria Cruciate Ligament’s rupturing can sometimes be found in the breed. Relying on the level of seriousness, this kind of injuries can result in surgery, making having the right dog insurance crucial. Newfoundland dog breedcan sometimes suffer more dangerously from Gastric Torsion. This turns out to be a life-threatening condition whereby the stomach stretches because of an increase in gas and can result in the stomach twisting. It is mainly found in large dogs that have deep chest.
Great Dane
Characteristics: The Great Dane dog breed is a regal dog with real beauty that has an aura of nobility due to result of his tall stature of up to 86cm. He is something of a gentle giant and enjoys spending time with his people.
Health issues: While his size was an asset for his original purpose as a hunting dog, it can be harm to his health. Like the Newfoundland as well as suffering from Gastric Torsion, the Great Dane dog breed is also at higher risk of bone cancer than a smaller dog. The signs and symptoms include lameness which, if you notice in your Great Dane, means you ought to take him immediately to your veterinarian.
Irish Wolfhound
Characteristics: This enormous dog 86cm tall in size and made him ideal for his conventional roles of pulling and hunting men off their horses in wars. This shaggy-haired dog has the ability to make a perfect family pet for many thanks to his capability to create deep bonds with his owner and his desire to be involved in every aspect of family life.
Health issues: Owing to the size of Irish wolfhound dog breed, he can also be vulnerable to suffering from bone cancer, hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia. Other conditions that can affect this breed, they include heart disease caused by the heart muscle getting thin and becoming unable to contract in a proper way.
Bernese Mountain Dog
Characteristics: The Bernese mountain dog belongs to Switzerland whose is very tall up to 68cm in size, makes him ideal for his conventional roles of helping to pull carts and herd cattle. With a sweet-natured disposition and long hair, he is a welcoming and warm family pet.
Health issues: The Bernese mountain dog is a healthy large breed of dog as compare to others, but an owner ought to note the possible conditions which can result from his size. Those conditions include Elbow Dysplasia that is a degenerative disease sometimes found in large dog breeds.
Characteristics: The Rottweiler dog breed is found in a medium to large size. The breed was originated in Germany, where he was utilized to pull carts and herd cattle for butchers and farmers. He is mentally and physically tough, but needs careful training to respect his owner as ‘pack leader’.
Health issues: The Rottweiler is one of the dog breeds most affected by hip dysplasia. This condition can range from mild to serious. Serious cases are very painful and usually need surgery to correct. The dog is also among the breeds who suffer from a congenital heart condition which is also called Aortic Stenosis.
Characteristics: A cross between a Saint Bernard, a Newfoundland and Great Pyrenees it is no surprise that the Leonberger dog breed can be tall up to 80cm. He enjoys remaining around people and requires roughly an hour for exercise every day like many other giant dog breeds.
Health issues: The size of Leonberger increases the risk of getting afflicted by Panosteitis (bone inflammation) and hip dysplasia. It happens when the large bones of the young dogs’ legs become inflamed, making it extremely painful for the dog to move or walk around. With Leonberger dog breed as with every other dog, it is crucial to possess the right dog insurance to make sure your dog is covered and you can enjoy spending your time with any large dog breeds.
Golden Retriever
Characteristics: The Gundog was created to flush out, locate or retrieve game that shot down by hunters. He is often greatly trainable, keen to amuse and has a pleasant and a balanced temperament.
Health issues: Some of his minor health issues include sub-aortic stenosis (SAS), hypothyroidism, elbow dysplasia, eye disorders, seizures, and mast cell tumours. You can also find osteosarcoma occasionally in Golden Retriever dog breed. The other big problems of health for the dog include canine hip dysplasia (CHD), lymphoma, skin problems, and hemangiosarcoma. To recognize such conditions early, a veterinarian may advise heart, thyroid, hip, eye, or elbow tests during routine checkups.
German Shorthaired Pointer
Characteristics: This German Shorthaired Pointer is really large hunting dog and is very tall up to 66cms. He has an abundance of stamina and energy. Ideally, he will need exercise for more than two hours a day with a great deal of free running.
Health issues: This dog breed is vulnerable to minor health issues like hypothyroidism, gastric torsion, canine hip dysplasia (CHD), von Willebrand’s Disease (vWD) , Osteochondrosis Dissecans (OCD), pannus, and entropion, and major concerns like lymphedema. Other issues which can be occasionally found in the dog breed include ectropion, cardiomyopathy, and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). To recognize some of these problems, a veterinarian may advise regular cardiac, hip, thyroid, and eye exams, and tests to verify vWD.
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dogvog · 6 years
Advantages of Training the Mixed Breed Dogs
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Mixed breed dogs aren’t often as powerfully commanded as purebred dogs and characteristics which define a dog can be cleverer.
“If the dog breed has got the tendency which is more prevalent, like herding or digging, some of that urge or instinct is not as intense,” Behaviorist Beverly Ulbrich and California dog trainer says. “It is more likely they will not be as obsessed with that traits and it should be more easily trained out or managed if required.”
This is good news if you want to avoid a Dachshund that can dig in your garden or a herding border collie at the dog park. Just think your herding dog ruling in all the dog breeds in the off-leash area which is not good!
“These natural tendencies can sometimes become annoying,” Ulbrich explains. “Herding dog breeds have been well-known to run after joggers, bikers, and even horses.”
Although a mixed breed has less chance to go to extremes with a particular behavioral characteristic, you might still notice the signs of it with your mutt and will require redirecting his focus.
“If the behavior is bringing about issues, you will require doing some work to get your puppy refocused on other jobs,” Ulbrich suggests. “Proper training and exercise is the key to managing these problems.”
How to Select Your Mutt
The number one rule for selecting your breed is not to choose based on appearance or how you think the dog will react based on his probable breed combo.
“You should understand be aware of the important traits of the dog breed, but you should also ensure the energy level the dog matches yours,” Ulbrich explains.
Some people are worried about the changing temperament of pups, particularly mixed breed puppies with a host of different “typical” dog characteristics.
“If you wish to know what a dog will look like when becomes an adult, buy an adult dog breed and forget about the guessing game!” White suggests. “With an adult breed, what you see is what you get, regardless of the dog.”
There is a huge mixed breed dogs list and adorable, unique dogs are available to adopt at shelters or rescues all over the country. Sadly, a lot of are put down every year and the huge percentage of the dogs euthanized in shelters is medium to giant mixed breed dogs.
We are fighting a losing battle every day, a battle that will not even have to be fought if people would just save the breeds that have already been born and are dying in our shelters daily.”
The Bottom Line
A plenty of dog breeds are in requirement of loving, forever homes. Do not discount mutts based on appearances or stereotypes and remember why you need to be a parent of pet in the first place.
“Let’s face it, many of us love to adopt companion dogs,” White says. “A mixed breed dog is as adoring and loving as any other dog!”
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dogvog · 6 years
Best Dog Breeds for Children
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Without a doubt, kids and dogs remain together like jelly and peanut butter. Once dogs and kids become friends, you as parents can’t get better than this. When you intend to adopt a dog that can be friendly to your family and your kids, the aim of adding a dog to your family is prosperously fulfilled. Indeed, the dogs are the most loyal animals to the humans they have always proved their existence in the life of humans. Just have look on the List of the best dogs for children we have compiled for you.
Golden Retriever
This breed is probably the typical dog breed for the families. He is playful, loving, patient, and obedient, you will find this popular golden retriever dog breed as one of the best dog breeds for children.
This breed is curious, active, loving and much like a child! Beagle has the ability to bond a strong relationship with people which makes this dog a no-brainer as one of the greatest companion dogs for the children.
Never allow the intimidating exterior of a bulldog to fool you: he is literally a gentle giant. Bulldog is among-st the most loyal and patient of good dog breeds usually likes to sit for a tea party with a kid than spending the whole day playing in the yard.
Bull Terrier
The temperament of this dog breed is quite similar to the Golden Retriever but in a more special package. Bull Terrier has a fun-loving, kid-loving, playful nature which is ideal for a family with young children.
This is another gentle giant; he is the Labrador Retriever’s cousin but has a less noisy nature. The Newfoundland is great with kids and patient; he is a phenomenal companion dog for the families that are active.
This dog breed is well-known for his love of kids. The Boxer is bouncy and excitable at times, he is ideal for a little bit older children who have got a great deal of energy to dedicate to playtime.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
This dog breed is best for small kids and is a great companion too. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a sweet, loving, and playful dog. He is also content to curl up in the lap of the kids as he is to run after a toy around the yard. The charming and amusing behavior of this breed makes him particularly loveable.
This dog breed belongs to the family of the spaniel that loves kids a great deal. This Brittany dog breed is gentle, obedient and eager to please. His great energy makes him the ideal companion for the families that are active and love to have fun!
Cocker Spaniel
If you desire for a dog breed that has the great temperament and is a low-maintenance dog, look no further than the Cocker Spaniel. He does not need a lot of training but he is patient and loving with kids as well. This little dog is trustworthy with the children of all ages.
There is huge mixed breed dogs list that make phenomenal friends for kids. Inborn diversity produces a balanced personality, getting control of strong characteristics like shyness or aggressiveness which can also be seen in some purebred dogs. The Mutt dog breed is also a great dog for children.
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