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I know it sounds fake but you really do have a lot of silent lovers on this planet who look at you and wish they had your smile or your hair color or your humor or your intellect or your intentions or your heart, your manners, your eyes, your ease, even just you. People who are too shy to tell you what they admire about you or what they wish for you or who they see themselves becoming bc of you & they’re too shy to tell you. even tho it isn’t verbalized, the universe has still heard and the universe has loved you for helping out on its creations. You’re that person. You’re you.
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me: *buys three (3) books*
my bank account: *has less money in it*
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Listen. Cut your own hair. Dye it blue, then shave it off when you’re bored of it. Wear that outfit with those shoes. Paint your nails with all the colors of the rainbow. Get that tattoo. Go to the movies alone. Get coffee, then drink it at that special place you like. Mouth the words of the song you’re listening to on public transport. Put that thing on your wall. Bake. Draw. Dance in your underwear. Life is so much better when you don’t give a fuck
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When your boyfriend rats you out and he fucking knows it:
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When you rat out your boyfriend and you fucking know it:
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I didn't need my heart anyway
Imagine that Dean won’t talk after Michael. Unsure if he can’t, or just won’t. But it doesn’t matter because everyone in the bunker misses his voice. 
Imagine that he sits and stares, like he’s zoning out. Sometimes he comes back to reality but often he just looks like a zombie. He doesn’t smile anymore, not like he did much before but he did and now he doesn’t and once you lose something, you’re annoyed you ever took it for granted in the first place. 
Imagine that the anxiety creeps up on him at night the most for whatever reason. Probably because during the day, they try to get him outside in the sun and with fresh air but at night, he’s closed off in a coffin of a bunker. The claustraphobia sinks in again, and all he can think of is Michael. 
Imagine that they have to hide the weapons just in case and have to put a security camera outside his bedroom door just in case and have someone watching him, and with him just in case because everything now is a just in case situation. 
Imagine that Cas often gets the task of watching the security camera at night because he doesn’t sleep. He doesn’t think he could sleep even if he was human and knew that everyone else in the bunker didn’t sleep even though they pretended to. 
Imagine that one night, Dean leaves his room in the overnight hours, looking just as dazed and confused as he had for the past couple months. He heads to the war table and just sits and stares. He always looks so lost now. 
Imagine that Cas follows him to the able, and tries to get a response. He stands in front of Dean who remains almost frozen on the chair. He asks if Dean’s okay, but doesn’t get anything. He asks if Dean needs anything, doesn’t get an answer. The sinking feeling returns to Cas and he just wants all this to be over. They can’t figure out how to fix Dean – it’s not like they can just bring him to the hospital. Cas knew this would happen, and it was ten times worse than he could imagine. 
Imagine that Cas asks Dean if he needs to get Sam, because Sam’s better at this crap than he was. Dean blinks, and moves his head and finally looks at Cas which, to Cas, means yes, go get Sam, you suck at this shit. 
Imagine Cas finally turns to walk away but his hand is grabbed at the last minute by the man who looked like a statue before. He turns, and Dean’s eyes take on a different look – like a man who wants to rant and rave and say so much but just can’t so Cas just stays, and moves back to standing in front of Dean. Dean still doesn’t say anything but just wraps his arms around the man in front of him and just stays there, silent and still horrified but needing something and someone to keep him grounded. 
Imagine that eventually, when he feels like it’s safe to do so, Cas eventually moves so he’s kneeling on the floor and more at an eye length with Dean and hugs him baack properly because what else can he do in this situation with a man who can’t or won’t talk, can’t seem to keep his feet on the ground, and who needs the reassurance that he’s home, this is real, and they aren’t going anywhere. 
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autumn house aesthetics
HUFFLEPUFF - tortishell glasses and cable knit sweaters; doodling in notebooks; crunching yellow leaves underneath boots; marshmallow scented candles; feeling quiet, feeble sunshine on your face; cats purring on warm blankets
RAVENCLAW - trenchcoats and corduroy skirts; the sound of rain on gray sidewalks; wire glasses and thick eyeliner; staying home to study on halloween night; sad eyes; writing poetry in quiet cafes; cobblestone alleyways; black coffee
SLYTHERIN - black lipstick and ripped jeans; staying up late; sly smirks blowing bubblegum; skeleton face paint; window shopping with friends; doc martens; cloudy, starless nights; cigarette smoke
GRYFFINDOR - pumpkin spice; going to haunted houses; homecoming night; talking during class; jumping into piles of leaves; scaring your friends; drive in theaters and thick blankets; scarves and beanies
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This made me unbelievably happy
when she was sorted into gryffindor, she was excited and nervous, because she was a muggleborn and wasn’t quite sure what that meant. but everyone was smiling and clapping, and she grinned at the sea of smiling faces dressed in red.
she was given a place in the boys dorm, and that seemed right to her at the time. but in her fourth year, she began to wonder if the out-of-place feeling she had wasn’t just her anxiety and awkwardness, but something else. when she realised she was a girl, it felt like she had blossomed into the world, to face it as a finished person. she told people that summer - texts to her muggle friends, owls to the wizards, and everyone was happy for her. for days she couldn’t do anything without the beep of her phone, or the peck of an owl at the window.
when she came back to hogwarts, and went to her dorm, she turned the other way. towards the girls dorm, where she had a place ready for her, picked out by her friends. she felt that same tight nervousness she felt when she was sorted, the pounding in her chest, the shaky hands. but she told herself to be calm. she was going to do this.
she put her foot on the bottom step. and then the next. and then the next.
the voice inside her head that had been telling her that hogwarts wouldn’t realise who she was shut up. she whispered a thank you to the steps, a small word that only the castle heard. then she ran up the rest of the stairs, a grin emblazoned on her face, new robes swirling behind her, ready to start the next year at school.
he was fifteen when it happened. he had been questioning for a while, but he wasn’t sure. he didn’t want to call himself a boy, not yet. a part of him was urging himself to just go for it, because he knew who he was, if he really thought about it. but he was hesitant, and didn’t define himself.
then it happened. one night, when he was alone, he was going back upstairs, when he slipped. his hand steadied himself on the rough stone wall, and he looked down to see what had happened. one of the steps was slanted, just enough to make him trip. it wiggled a bit, then made itself into a step, as if nothing had happened. he frowned at it at the time, and went up to bed, but the memory of the incident lingered days after. and weeks.
he remembered it later, when he sat up all night thinking of how he didn’t belong here, in the girls dorms. he didn’t want to label himself, but he’d been more and more out of place, and he knew who he was, really. when he stopped telling himself that he wasn’t.
it wasn’t too long before he told everyone. he felt like shouting it from the rooftops, flying over the castle with his new name on a banner. he didn’t, though. he just settled for casual chats with the people he knew and an awkward owl to his professors.
and one night, after he’d settled in to the boys dorms, he put a foot on the bottom step of the girls staircase. instantly, the bricks flattened themselves into a slide. he grinned, and carried on up to his new room in the boys dorms.
they always knew they didn’t quite fit into any of the genders they knew. they weren’t quite a boy, weren’t quite a girl, but they didn’t have the words to express what they felt. it was only after a few years at hogwarts (and a lengthy google search one night at home) that they learned the word ‘nonbinary’, and realised that there was a word for it, after all.
they decided to be casual about it at school. the people that they trusted knew, and some of the teachers. but it wasn’t as though they had a separate dorm just for them, so 
one day, when they were heading up to sleep, they saw a door. it was on the stairs to the dorms - girls went one way, boys went the other, with a blank wall in the middle. except it wasn’t blank, not then. there was a door. they asked their friends about it, but just got strange looks in return. but every time they climbed those stairs, the third door was there.
the next year brought a new wave of first-years, and they joined a group helping the kids out with navigating hogwarts. they were showing a group the way to the dungeons when one asked them what the third door was for. you know, the one between the girls and boys dorms. they froze, and looked down at a nervous first-year who was, even then, getting odd looks from their classmates.
they opened it together, the first-year and them. turned out it was another dorm. the beds were made, light shone through the windows, and the whole room seemed to beckon, invitingly. the first-year was ecstatic, and they found themself smiling too. the pair of them moved in the next day, and began to set up their own little space.
after they moved in, everyone could see the door. and slowly, the dorm began to fill up. kids from all years claimed beds there, older kids who had been too nervous to try the door, younger kids who were thrilled that it existed. they were the first, so they were looked up to, and they were happy they had.
help will always be given by hogwarts, you see. even for those who don’t know they need it.
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september 18th
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my kitten says hello
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Okay but people naming their characters dumb shit in Hogwarts Mystery just so they can watch snape say stuff like “my dude” is my fucking aesthetic and I’m HERE FOR IT!
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Relationship goals 😂💀
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Is it ever too late for a Biden/Obama meme.
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One of my favorite moments on this god forsaken website! (part #666)
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