doliverarts102-02 · 1 year
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Final Process Blog:
I've been working on the process blog journal these past two weeks and a good way to describe this would be two steps forward one step back meaning I'll make some good progress then realize I need to tweak something so that's where i'm at right now with the project. As I do still have a decent amount to work on with the journal I do feel good about my foundation which I'm going for a warm theme which I got inspired by after I saw a photo from the manhattanhenge online. So overall I feel good with my finishing direction going into this last week of the course.
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doliverarts102-02 · 1 year
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*EXTRA CREDIT* Medical Illustration: When Art and Science Collide.
I attended the zoom panel that covered how medical Illustration/animation and graphic design come to together. We started out the panel going over what medical illustrators do and how they play a role in many different situations; such as one of the examples they presented being working with a judiciary to bring to light a case of medical malpractice. In this case it is the medical illustrators job to create a visual depiction the case at hand. Some other roles a medical illustrator can find their self in are: creating a model for a publication, medical training, exhibits or for research as well. One part I do want to highlight from the panel is a segment they did on how video games and gamification is utilized in the field, which I was shocked to find out. As someone who does enjoy games this was pretty interesting to me. One example they presented was how some of the medical illustrator students created a game where medical students can interact with different organs and complete different operations whilst learning their way around the operation they choose to work with.
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doliverarts102-02 · 1 year
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For process blog six I've provided the two works from the past two weeks with project 5 and the moodboard as well. Starting with project 5, I'd have to say I felt great about it and it actually came faster to me than most of the other projects we worked on. I came up with concept of using different types sports balls that are used across the many different sports we play pretty quickly so I felt that helped to fast track the process on that project specifically. For the moodboard It took me a little longer but I like where I ended up at. I like the warm theme I went with and I feel it's really telling by the layout and the images I used.
For the reading what I found kinda interesting was reading about advice that was provided on the many options with all the programs at many different universities. Of course I'm already here at UofSC, but I did still find it interesting because of the different opportunities offered at these schools with design, marketing, etc..
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doliverarts102-02 · 1 year
Blog 5
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The process of project 4 led to me learning a lot more about Adobe illustrator which I must admit was extremely confusing to me before this project when I put it into comparison to indesign and especially photoshop which I feel i've been strongest with. Before this project the reason I struggled with adobe illustrator so much is because i didn't understand how to create complex designs using the limited assets they had, but after learning some tricks and some tools to work around I feel more confident in expanding my ability with the application. Now what I did like about this project was the creative freedom we had which allowed for me to interpret and design my project around the two words we were given, and what I ended up with I feel suits perfectly. Lastly I do wanna mention what I found to be difficult with this project and that being trying to find what concept I would use for what mascot represents. So for me I got "spooky" and "goat" which at first I found to be very hard to find something that realistically would use that name but then I thought about some street wear brands such as the brand bathing ape which kinda sounds similar in a way I feel, and the other one I thought of was a simple halloween store which I thought of because I remember as a kid shopping at party city. Overall I do feel that this project helped out a lot in terms of progressing my knowledge with illustrator.
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doliverarts102-02 · 2 years
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I feel like I said the same thing about the last project, but I definitely feel this project is harder than the last again. The reason I say that is because on this one I feel there's not really a template to follow and we have the freedom to be more creative on this one. While that does sound good it also leads to more thinking about how I'm going to come up with something that's creative but still also suits the criteria and I do feel like I'm having a sort of creative block. Despite that though I do feel I've been making good progress with some of the tools on adobe and have been able to create more interesting artwork. As for the reading this week I did find the first chapter about how the book industry is a major field for graphic design. I never thought about how the fields graphic design and writing crossed but after reading about it I can see how it is a major field for graphic designers to work with. Also the book jackets they displayed by Paul Buckley looked really cool specifically the blue cover with the face in the front. Lastly getting into the more corporate side of design with what the reading mentioned about branding and packaging it was good to learn about how designers use their artwork to portray a story. I feel that it really is helpful with attracting a consumer considering that they will probably find a product more meaningful and interesting if the branding can convey something to them.
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doliverarts102-02 · 2 years
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Project 2 Was definitely more complex from my experience so far in this class. The reason I say that is because I feel that on this project we learned more tools on adobe than the last project and with more tools comes ways to perfect and put together your project. For example If you look at my 3 art boards you may be able to tell that I didn't utilize the path finder tool like some of my peers did. Instead I guess you could say I kept it more simple, but the reason this happened is because I'm still trying to figure out how to use the tool and more importantly utilize it in a way to fit my artwork. In the end though I do feel confident about what I was able to do with the final product and I think it looks clean.
Now as for the reading I found the first part about working with partners in the graphic design space to be interesting considering I tend to work alone usually and while I'm open to working with partners and can see how it could be a necessity I do prefer to work alone when I can. I also liked looking at some of the graphic designers work they provided in the reading specifically "Sculpture 3" which looked like a floating spiral staircase. Lastly It was interesting reading the part about how sometimes breaking the rules of typography can actually be beneficial to your work. This is common theme I've come to realize in all different fields of art not just in typography.
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doliverarts102-02 · 2 years
ARTS 102 Blog Week 1
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Reflection: This was my first time using Adobe Cloud so i'm just starting to learn about photoshop and design. Despite that i'm getting more and more comfortable with my ability on Adobe cloud and like what I've created so far with this first project.
Reading Reflection: I think the reading did a great job describing the field of digital design and how to start out in that career path. I also like how it mentions the importance of building a portfolio as well, because I feel that's definitely a crucial factor in building a career in digital design. Another thing that I found interesting was the the inspirations that they provided with some of the artist they provided as well.
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