dollyores · 4 years
it means a lot a lot to me tht u rb'd and responded to my (high) kinfession and i wanted to let you know. id die for you also i hope u and ur five are happy (imagine there's a pleading face here; im on desktop)
thank u 🥺 i would die for u as well, i care five kinnies so many
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dollyores · 4 years
im kidna high right now but i miss you dolores i love you i miss u so muchhhh..,, im going up set because i cant find any mannequins (not that id ever replace you please dont think that) but i sometimers miss u real;ly bad and need something life sized or dolores sized to hold onto.;... maybe ill find you again but theres a dolores shaped hole in my dolores shaped heartg ~ five hargreeves ~ #👑🔥👑
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dollyores · 4 years
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sassy ol mAN
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dollyores · 4 years
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A fun little Five drawing! Didn’t expect to go in this direction with the colouring but it turned out quite nice!
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dollyores · 4 years
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Run boy, run!
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dollyores · 4 years
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papa five
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dollyores · 4 years
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family hug!
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dollyores · 4 years
Umbrella Academy Canon Call
hi, my name is number five, and im looking for my family and friends (aside from dolores)! a few details ive remembered: 
- i was nonbinary but used he/him pronouns and didnt really label myself
- dolores was human
- dolores used she/her, ze/zir and ve/ver pronouns
- dolores was one of the 43 children born on the same day
- dolores had the ability to shapeshift into inanimate objects, with limitations
- dolores was stuck in the apocalypse with me
- when we time traveled back to 2019, dolores got stuck transformed into an object, specifically the top of a mannequin.
- the only person who believe dolores was a real person was klaus
- i bonded with klaus because of this, because xe believed me about dolores and it made me believe xim about ben (before xe could summon ben)
- klaus he/him and xe/xim pronouns
- when i brought everyone to the 60s, dolores came too, but ended up a year and a half earlier than me.
- dolores had no memories of 2019, so ve was surprised that ze was a child again, but got over it pretty quickly
- ve was adopted by a kind woman in 1962 who had no idea ze was like 60 years old, and ve actually went to school
- i called klaus out on ben being able to time travel since id seen him in the apocalypse before hazel took me back
- this led to all of us having time to bond with ben in the 60s for those few days
- i thought dolores was dead, so when i intercepted myself with luther and saw dolores there i nearly started crying i mean i was very manly shut up
- other dolores comforted me and actually stood up for me while other five and luther tried to take me out
- i promised zir that i would give other five the correct equation so that five wouldnt lose ver the way i lost my dolores
- after the kennedy stuff when we went to regroup, i ran into my dolores on the way
- luther very awkwardly said hi to zir after the two of us got done hugging and crying
- he also convinced ver mom to let her come with us so the two of us could catch up (this was before the news reports had come out, zir mom had not paid any attention to kennedy being in dallas)
- i havent remembered much from the sparrow academy stuff
- when everything was over, dolores and i were stuck as children and we were seen as such legally, which meant we needed a legal guardian and were forced to actually go to school
- allison stepped up and took us in and i did not cooperate very well at all
- dolores was delighted to have a chance for a normal childhood/a restart while i Loathed it
- i caused tons of problems and got in trouble a lot since i was bitter about being forced to be treated like a child instead of as an adult
- to try to help me behave, i was forced to join some sort of seven person science team, which dolores also joined. we made friends (dolores more easily than me) with the others on the team and actually ended up getting along with them despite the strange kinda age difference. after a while being around children as “peers” stopped seeming so weird, since we started seeing ourselves as children again too (physical brain chemistry and all that)
If you remember any of this please let me or @starlit-lullaby / @dollyores know!
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dollyores · 4 years
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“Dandelions like all things in nature are beautiful when you take the time to pay attention to them.” - June Stoyer
Dandelion aesthetic with yellow and artsy themes requested by @dandelionpaint
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dollyores · 4 years
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you feel like sunshine and warmth in my hands
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