Ooo, yeah! I especially like the idea that a rope made from hair would serve as a way to keep a soul from getting lost/trapped by soul sand.
I imagine, due to in-game mechanics piglins have with soul fire, they have some pretty strong beliefs and legends/myths about soul sand and fire. Perhaps there’s some real basis for them too, considering how scared they get around it.
in piglin culture, most everyone keeps their hair fairly long, and braiding your hair back is an important part of battle prep tradition, whereas you would wear your hair loose at home or in times of peace. Legundo almost never wears his hair loose since moving to the Overworld, even when he's alone, because he doesn't ever want to be caught off-guard for a battle.
Ough,, piglin culture headcanons my absolute beloved <3
D’you think there are situations that a piglin would have their hair short? Like maybe, it’s a symbol of disgrace? Ooo! Or it could be a symbol of mourning, if a loved one dies, especially in battle, one might cut their hair short to show their loss; or maybe it’d be a sign of a pacifist, if someone refuses to fight, or opposes it in whatever way, perhaps they’d cut their hair short to show where they stand.
Got a bit carried away in thinking about this one, but I’m my defense, piglins <3
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Something something Viking can't sleep cus phantom something something he's very aware of the sleeping habits - or lack there of - of everyone else something something phantoms can feel? Vaguely the vibes of people's dreams
Oh wtf how did I miss this ask,,
Anyways ignore this being nearly a month late. Ooo!! I imagine getting ‘bell noises-ed’ late at night, when you thought everyone would be sleeping, with the explanation of ‘eh, I knew you wouldn’t be asleep, you haven’t slept in a while, you should really do something about that’ would be even more unsettling :)
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Everyone is trans, I don’t make the rules (/silly)
I was gonna make a diversity win joke but I could not choose which character to make it about hskxjsfkdkcgkf
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in piglin culture, most everyone keeps their hair fairly long, and braiding your hair back is an important part of battle prep tradition, whereas you would wear your hair loose at home or in times of peace. Legundo almost never wears his hair loose since moving to the Overworld, even when he's alone, because he doesn't ever want to be caught off-guard for a battle.
Ough,, piglin culture headcanons my absolute beloved <3
D’you think there are situations that a piglin would have their hair short? Like maybe, it’s a symbol of disgrace? Ooo! Or it could be a symbol of mourning, if a loved one dies, especially in battle, one might cut their hair short to show their loss; or maybe it’d be a sign of a pacifist, if someone refuses to fight, or opposes it in whatever way, perhaps they’d cut their hair short to show where they stand.
Got a bit carried away in thinking about this one, but I’m my defense, piglins <3
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viking's eyes glow!!! barely noticeable in any kind of light but in the dark its Very obvious, 'specially when hes Angy
Oh, hell yeah!! No wonder he freaks Legs out, his voice is scary enough on its own when he wants it to be, imagine how much worse it is when his eyes start glowing. Brightly.
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If you stick your hands into Nuke's wings and feel around, they're sort of... wax-y. He doesn't seen to feel or mind, and the wings move almost naturally!
Yeah!!! This angel will NOT be escaping the Icarus allegations.
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Alright, info post, let’s go!
Welcome to dominioners-headcanons, a place to share you headcanons about Dominion SMP and other series the members are a part of! I’m mod Ren (@caracuuw), if you need a way to refer to me!
As I mentioned, headcanons can be about Dominion SMP specifically, however we’re also more than happy to hear about headcanons for other series and projects the Dominioners are a part of. Some examples of other series someone might want to send in headcanons about include, but are not limited to; Gilded Hardcore, Legundo’s 100 Days Multiverse, Scenario SMP, Fixxiverse, and Deceit SMP.
As of currently there isn’t a specific schedule, but that may change in the future, we’ll have to see, but I’ll do my best to keep this post up to date on that, as well as any other info that may be useful to include here in the future.
I’ll put tagging info below the cut, and if you have any questions, you’re welcome send in an ask about them as well! Other than that, that’s all I have to say, so have fun sharing your headcanons with us!
In general, I’ll be tagging headcanons with the character it’s about, and if applicable, the series the headcanon is about. If no series is clarified in the headcanon, I might make my best guess if it seems fairly clear, but otherwise I’ll just tag the characters involved.
For questions, I’ll probably tag them with #not a headcanon and #queries.
#mod post will be used for info posts, updates, and the like, with will also be tagged with #not a headcanon.
The tags I use are subject to change, and I’ll keep this list updated to reflect any changes made at any point.
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