dongdelion-recs · 2 years
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Burn up the road
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dongdelion-recs · 2 years
THANK YOU FOR BRINGING MY FAV TROPE AND MESH IT AND AS ALWAYS your bffs2l are heartwarming to read. I really liked how you put Doyoung’s caring personality in this story  <3
the wait of youth [k.dy]
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summary : in hindsight, maybe agreeing to fake date your best friend was a good idea after all
pairing : doyoung x gender neutral reader (no pronouns used) 
genre : bffs to lovers AU, fake dating AU, high school AU, fluff, slight angst
warnings : food, (if there’s anything else let me know so i can add it)
word count : ~ 2.24k
request : doyoung + fake dating AU + bffs-to-lovers AU + “i’m here” + “i think i am in love with you” + “i heard you the first time” + fluff
author’s note : this is kind of a prelude to speed of life. a little bit of back story to y/n’s life but it doesn’t really give much spoilers to the actual story lol. idk when that story will be done but hopefully this makes up for it (and also i hope this makes up for me not posting a proper fic in months heh). also, this can be perceived as gender neutral, but y/n in speed of life is female just an fyi
taglist : @allegxdly @infnteen @leeyuhnotlaayah @kjmsupremacist​ [lemme know if you wanna be added/removed from the permanent taglist btw. i’ve removed people who i cannot tag]
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     It was easier to lie than to tell the truth, easier to pretend than to face reality, easier to agree to fake dating your childhood best friend than to admit that you weren’t looking for a relationship.
     The affair was meant to be temporary, a short scheme to get Doyoung’s other friends off his back about dating Yoona, the girl that the entire school knew had a crush on him. It’s not like it would be too difficult; the two of you had been friends since you were young, so it wasn’t completely unbelievable if you suddenly began to ‘date’. All you had to do was tell everyone you were a couple, maybe even hold each other’s hands and hug once in a while, and everyone would get the hint to back off and leave Doyoung alone.
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dongdelion-recs · 3 years
[00:45] Late movie nights with bestfriend!Donghyuck just hits differently. A cup of coffee to keep the two of you awake through night, a bowl of popcorn on the table in front of the two of you, with a blanket over both of you as you snuggle up to Donghyuck’s arms, the movie on the screen abandoned long ago when Donghyuck hit you with the “do you put milk first or cereal?” . The conversation being one sided, with Donghyuck not being able to focus on the chain of words escaping your lips, them looking more kissable that night than ever.
“-so I’m telling you, if you put the milk in first, you are the spawn of Satan, mark my words” . You keep your eyes trained on your half empty cup of coffee finishing your rant, only looking up to see why Donghyuck wasn’t responding, knowing full well that if he was to be in his right state of mind, he’d argue back saying “milk or cereal first, it’s going to end up in your stomach anyways”. Anytime now.
Noticing you staring at him he quickly diverts his gaze from your lips, finding the credits rolling towards the end of the movie more interesting than looking at you. “Hyuck, are you okay?” you ask, seeing your usually loud bestfriend being eerily quiet. No he thought. I’m in love with you and i don’t know how to tell it to you, he wanted to say.
Looking at you once again only to have his eyes subconsciously drift back to your lips, to look away again, scratching the back of his head pretending to let out a yawn. “yeah i am, just a little sleepy”. You look at him, a little disappointed as Jeno had clearly said that morning “Remember, he’s planning on asking you out, it’s almost painful watching the two of you pretend that you’re just friends when it’s clearly more than that. So don’t back out this time, tell him.” Replaying his words over and over, you decided to be the one taking the initiative and tell him about your feelings. Jeno would be proud…right?
“Y/n-” “-Hyuck”. You turn to look at each other. You gesture him to speak first. Donghyuck visibly shudders, regretting not letting Jaemin teach him how to ask a girl out. I’ve got this. He rubs his arms and shifts positions so that you both are sitting now, facing each other.
“I-i don’t know how you’re going to take this, well you could kick me out that’s fine, but I’m in love with you.. Yes, yeah. I am. I can’t help it that god took his sweet own time to create a species like you and not bother making another of the same making me want you all for myself and when you just giggle at all the small stupid jokes i make, even when it’s not funny, and how you just have a natural glow to you as though you’re a goddess, which, you are and that time when i pranked you and you ended up pranking me and that time i ran behind you because you ate my dumplings and that time we scared Jisung together- why are you laughing?” he stops as soon as he hears the soft chuckles you let out.
“Hyuck just say you love me and go”. You said scooting closer to him to plant a kiss on his cheeks. He looks at you, his eyes wide, lips quivering from that tiny appreciation rant he let out about you. He shifts in his seat, contemplating whether to do it or not, only to start leaning closer to you, forehead connected, and lips just inches away from yours. “Can i kiss you?”. You look at him, not responding verbally. You just nod and close the space between the two of you. The euphoria flowing through the both of your nerves made the hair at the back of your necks stand as he let his hands cup your cheeks, your hands resting on your lap.
The kiss was soft, feelings clearly conveying through it.
You pull away first, only to give him the tightest of hugs you could ever give, his hands wrapping around your waist. You rest your head on his shoulder, staying silent for a while before opening your mouth.
“I don’t know how you’ll take this either. But i’m in love with you too”
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dongdelion-recs · 3 years
[9:05AM] "Y/n wake uppp, i'm making breakfast" Mark screamed from the kitchen to which you whine. "Just 5 more minutes" you scream back, turning to lie down stomach flat on your bed, cuddling with a pillow because your boyfriend decided to ditch you to make breakfast , that snitch
You hear him huff out a breath, you lightly chuckle.
5 minutes into contemplating whether to get out of bed and do something productive or to just stay in bed and pull boyfriend!Mark into cuddling with you. You decide to get up.
You make your way towards the bathroom to wash your face and tame your hair that was all over the place, when all of a sudden, you smell something weird.
"Mark is everything okay there..?" you say loud enough for him to hear it till the kitchen. "Mhm! All good here, totally didn't just burn the eggs". He says letting out a nervous laugh.
"Mark Lee what-" you say running out of your washroom to the kitchen where he had placed two bowls filled with cereal.
"How in tartarus did you manage to burn eggs??" you ask in a high pitch voice. He looks up from the countertop and into your eyes before looking back down, his eyes wide. "i don't know?? I added oil to it like Haechan had asked me to that one time i made eggs in the dorm and put it aside for it to cook, i swear i looked away for no longer than 2 seconds and then boom, fire-"
You tie your hair in a bun and look at the bottle of oil he had used. What the fuck.
"Hey Mark? Where did you get the oil bottle from?" you ask, cutting his little rant off.
"Oh i brought it up from the utility in the basement because we were all out of oil, why what's wrong?" he askes confused, making his way over to where you were seated.
"Because babe, you used motor oil, and not the everyday vegetable oil that we use"
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dongdelion-recs · 3 years
Drapetomania- An overwhelming urge to run away.
Pairing- Lee Taeyong x reader.
Genre- Angst, business!au
Word count- 2.73k
Warning- Mention of intake of alcohol, smoking and plans of running away.
Summary- A friend as good as ready to run away with you but you stop him dead in track, wanting solitude away from the cruelty of your world.
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Ever felt like wanting to turn a blind eye towards all your responsibilities and just run away? 
The night was cold, gusty winds blowing through the open curtain of the ball room. Sounds of wine and whiskey glasses clattering filled the air. Sniffs of all sorts of cuisines from around the world had everyone’s mouth watering. The entrance to the room leading up to the podium had a crimson carpet taut. All dressed fancy, women in gowns, men in tux. 
You yourself adorned a glitter black red flowing gown. Elegantly falling off your shoulder. The dress starting black, fading into red paired with a black bow heels, which was hidden by your gown pleats.
This was your life as the next head of your enterprise. Well, your father’s company to be precise. It wasn’t bad living in a world full of business talks, money exchange and complacency. 
Your company has earned its name as one of the top three of your country, alongside the Lee and Kim enterprises. The competition between all three companies was cut throat. All united and tranquil though, amidst all sorts of competition and the want to win, you were all acquaintances. 
All your parents dated a long time back, starting from their ancestors, passing through generations now passing onto you.
Business ran in all of your blood. 
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dongdelion-recs · 3 years
Pairing - Seo Johnny x reader
Genre - Fluff, Crack
Warnings - None, This is kinda similar to my Renjun oneshot, but instead of timestamps it’s going to go on as day 1, day 2 and so.
Summary - Maybe having your boyfriend hired at the café you work in was infact a horrible idea, but it made one of the most hilarious memory.
(This is such a mess, I’m absolutely sorry)
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Day 1 -
“Y/n, listen. Having Johnny here work as a barista.. You sure about that?” Doyoung, your colleague and your somehow parent ish best friend asked for the 7th time that morning. Yuta too had started growing annoyed at his constant questioning alongside you.
“He isn’t as bad as you think he is, Doyoung.” Yuta spoke, looking up from the cup of coffee he was writing names in for the previous order, to which you nod along.
“It isn’t that he is bad, it’s just, having Y/n and Johnny work at the same café? I’m kinda skeptic about that” Doyoung said, voice kept low to not attract attention from the customers.
“HEy! Why would you say that?” you ask, voice feigning offence as you cross your arms over your chest, looking up to him because of your height difference.
You hear Yuta let out a chuckle, walking around the counter to hand the coffee’s to the customer leaving you and Doyoung behind. Doyoung sent a glare in your direction, holding a finger up to his lips asking you to quiet down.
“Y/N HEY!” The two of you, along with the customers and Yuta, whip your head towards the door to look at a wild Johnny, standing at the entrance, walking in as he got the attention he was looking for.
He made his way around the counter, after fist bumping Yuta that is, and gave you a bone crushing hug.
“-that’s why” Doyoung let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Day 2 -
“Honestly, not bad” you say, looking at the espresso he had just tamped
“What you mean not bad that’s perfect!” Johnny reply back, holding the tampering machine up by the sink, about to throw it out.
“No no Johnny you first-” you start a little too late, as you watch your boyfriend throw the coffee powder before brewing it.
“-brew it and then throw it away” you cling onto his other hand, which was placed on his hips, concentrating hard on throwing the powder away.
Just like how you took your time to tell him what exactly to do, he took his own sweet time to process what you said.
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dongdelion-recs · 3 years
my little plant [l.ty]
prompt : “i named my little plant after you” pairing : taeyong x gender neutral reader (no pronouns used) genre : fluff, can be either platonic or established relationship/boyfriend au warnings : none word count : ~0.47k requested by : anon
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     “Hey,” you greet Taeyong, answering his video call. From the screen of your phone, you see his ceiling fan spinning. There’s no sign of him. “Taeyong?”
     “Yeah, hey!” he answers, his voice a bit distant from his phone. There’s some rustling around and then you see his head pop up on the screen. The view changes as he lifts his phone up and smiles into the camera while waving. “Hey, sorry. I was just throwing something away.” 
     You lay down on your bed, settling comfortably on the comforter. “It’s fine. What’s up? What did you want to show me?” 
     Taeyong had texted you earlier saying he had a surprise for you that he could only show you over video call. Though a bit impatient, you had finally managed to wait until the evening when the both of you were free to see what the surprise was. 
     “Okay, hold up.” Taeyong moves around again, this time with his phone in hand. You can hear him moving around his room until he finally stops near his window. He grins at you and asks, “Are you ready?”
     “Yes, hurry up and show me,” you whine, unable to contain your curiosity. 
     Taeyong flips his camera and on your screen you see as he moves closer to show you a small, pink succulent. “Ta-da! Look what I bought at the store!”
     “Oh my god! It’s so cute and pretty!”
     “I know right? It was on discount too.” Taeyong flips the camera so that it’s facing him, and picks up the plant in one hand. He holds it up beside his face and you quickly take a screenshot. It’s tiny in comparison to his other plants, but cute nonetheless. 
     “Did you name it yet?” you ask. You take a few more screenshots, just so you could tease him about having too many kids of different species later on. 
     “Actually…” A rosy colour rises to Taeyong’s cheeks that you don’t pay much mind to. It could have been the lighting that caused his face to change colours. 
     “Yeah?” you prompt. 
     “I, uh, actually, I named my little plant after you.” 
     “Huh? You what now?” 
     Taeyong laughs nervously. “I mean, it’s cute like you. It doesn’t mean anything, you know. I have a fish named Mark too.” 
     “So I’m not special then,” you sigh. You pout jokingly, jutting your lips out. 
     “Hey! No, you are special,” Taeyong backtracks, “I just meant that—”
     You cut him off with a laugh. “I’m kidding, Yongie. It’s cute that you thought of me, thanks. I should go buy a plant for myself and name it after you too.”
     “You don’t have to.” Taeyong moves so that he can put the plant away. Then he goes to sit on his desk chair. 
     “I should, though. I can name it TY Track.”
     “What? No!” 
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dongdelion-recs · 3 years
tough love [l.dh]
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summary : being a child of ares means you’re completely incompetent when it comes to romance. or maybe it’s just you who’s incompetent.
pairing :son of apollo!haechan x child of ares! reader (gender neutral)
genre : fluff, bit of angst, demigod AU (PJO universe), bffs to lovers AU
warnings : cursing, jealous and angry reader, injury (reader gets hurt and faints), mentions of dying/death 
word count : ~2.57k
request :  haechan + demigod AU + bffs-to-lovers AU + “are you okay?” + “tell me if it hurts, okay?” + “i think i’m in love with you” + fluff w/ a bit of angst
author’s note : i was gonna make this longer but i know that if i did i wouldn’t know when to stop and i would never end up posting this lol. this is for my love adobe!! happy 3 years!! im so glad i discovered your blog because ur an amazing writer and u are so so kind. sometimes i cant believe that ur my tumblr friend because u are out of my (friendship) league lol i am not worthy. anyway ilysm!!! <33 i hope u enjoy this and it is to ur liking (and if its not im sorry asaskjkjas) its a bit less angsty that i initially planned just bc writing angst makes me sad hehe so i hope thats ok to my followers/readers: this might be the last fic i post for the next few weeks just because i have to work on my collab fic that’s supposed to come out soon. im also busy with school since its near the end of the semester. if i get some inspo in between, i may post but the next time you’ll likely see me (aside from tehalosy updates) is with my kun fic, speed of life. take care everyone and remember to wear a mask outside, take care of yourself and stay safe!!
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     You hated rainbows. 
     Something about the way the girls from the Iris cabin made rainbows their entire identity and used their mother as a way to seem more petite and feminine bothered you. What was so nice about girls who pretended like they couldn’t fight, anyway? Even if you were the child of a minor god or goddess, you were still a demigod. If you didn’t fight any monsters, you’d die. 
     Raine was the worst of them— and okay, maybe she was the only child of Iris who acted that way. You were on alright terms with the rest of the cabin and acquainted with Butch, who was nice, as well as the complete opposite of Raine. 
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dongdelion-recs · 3 years
not today [x.dj]
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Summary: One day you’d be able to call Xiao Dejun yours. That day was not today.
Pairing: xiaojun x gender neutral!reader ( i mean there’s no pronouns but since it’s a royalty AU set in olden times, it kind of implies a female reader? I don’t go in detail on the gender or use pronouns so anyone can read and u can interpret this as you like)
Genre: royalty AU, angst (sorry anon who requested this lol)
Warnings: mentions of killing (through the guillotine), lots of angst and sadness
Word Count: ~ 1.72 k
Request: xiaojun + royalty AU + “you don’t have to act like you’re okay, you know?” + “i think i’m in love with you”     (requested by anon)
Author’s Note: hello anon! Hope you enjoyed this! Sorry that it’s angsty lol. I know you didn’t specify and I guess that’s why my mind said ANGST! ANGST! ANGST! And well,,,,, i gotta listen to my mind lol. Anyways, hope that this was to your liking, and if it wasn’t then i’m sorry 
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     “You’re late.” 
     You give a sheepish smile to the prince before you. Dejun is seated on the concrete edge of training grounds. The large, circular piece of land is filled with rocks and sand and bordered with a small concrete ledge. The training grounds were where the young boys practiced and trained to be knights that would then protect the Kingdom. You’d often see the knights-in-training rest on the concrete ledges during their water breaks.
     Since you were young, it was a common occurrence for you to come out here in the middle of the night when the rest of the castle was asleep. Most princes and princesses escaped into town for freedom. You’d learned that the furthest you could get away was the training grounds. No one dared search for you far out here, so it was safe.
     “Sorry,” you answer Dejun, only somewhat apologetic. This wasn’t the first time you were late to meet him. He’d also had his fair share of running behind schedule. 
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dongdelion-recs · 3 years
snow day [w.kh]
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summary : a sudden and unexpected snowfall results in a snow day, and hendery decides that he’d use the day to make Val his girlfriend. oblivious to your feelings, he asks you for help, and since you can never say no to hendery, you agree. anything can happen on a snow day, he says. if only that ‘anything’ was him returning your feelings. 
pairing : hendery x gender neutral reader, mentions of yangyang and xiaojun as friends, and lucas as the bad guy lol
genre : bffs-to-lovers, fluff, a teeny bit of angst
warnings : cursing (when is there not lol), hendery has a bit of a creepy/unhealthy obsession with val
word count : ~6.88k
author’s note : this was inspired by the movie snow day, the plot is essentially the same lol. also this is part of the “a taste of winter” collab hosted by me and jo! pls enjoy <3 
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     “Last night’s sudden and unexpected snow storm brought in forty centimeters of snow. While snow plowers are working to clean the streets throughout the day, many places are choosing to stay closed including Mike’s Corner Store, Lee’s Autoshop…" The radio man drones on with his list of stores and places that would be closed. 
     “Can he shut up and just announce that schools are closed?” Jisung, your younger brother, groans, mouth half full with cereal.
     “Shh,” you shush him, listening intently for the announcement.
     “… And finally, the school board has announced that all buses and schools are cancelled for a snow day.”
     “YAY!” Jisung and you shout excitedly. From across the table your mom’s body visibly deflates, knowing that she’ll have to deal with the two of you for the day. 
     “Snow day! Snow day!” Jisung chants. You gulp down the rest of your milk, place the bowl into the sink, and run up the steps two at a time to your bedroom. 
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dongdelion-recs · 3 years
morning routines, sleepy mistakes [taeil]
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summary: you make a sleepy mistake and now taeil won’t leave you alone
pairing: taeil x gender neutral!reader (no pronouns used)
genre: fluff, roommates au, college au
warnings: a few swear words
word count: ~ 1.06 k
request: taeil + college AU + roommates AU + “please don’t use my toothbrush again” + “i hate you” + fluff
author’s note: dedicated to @neonun-au​ for her blog birthday! also i havent written in months and lost motivation i cant believe it was this fic that made me actually write lmfao i wrote more in the past hour than i did the past few months 
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     Morning routines often consisted of snoozed alarms and stumbling around trying to get ready while half asleep; races to the bathroom and yelling at your roommate to hurry up and get out because you were running late. And yet, as disastrous as each morning ended up being, you wouldn’t change a thing. Normalcy was shoving clumsily buttered toast into your mouth and grabbing a thermos filled with coffee from Taeil before running out the door together to catch the 8:10 AM bus. Anything else was a foreign feeling to you.
     That morning you had managed to snag the bathroom first, and with a satisfied cackle at the sound of him banging on the door, you brush your teeth. Maybe you should have been more aware that morning, though. Your mind was hazy and half-asleep still, and you hadn’t even realized that the toothbrush you were holding wasn’t yours. 
     The moment you open the door, Taeil rushes in, shoving you out. Since his room was closest to the bathroom, he always managed to get in first. But not today. With a skip in your step, you make your way back to your bedroom to change. To be fair, blue and green were pretty close together on the colour spectrum. 
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dongdelion-recs · 3 years
i had a best friend [h.rj]
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Summary: At 5 you met Renjun. At 18, you leave him to go to Earth. At 21, you’re back at your birthplace, the space station for a wedding— Renjun’s wedding. Or, in which you and Renjun were always supposed to be endgame, but it takes a wedding between him and someone else to finally get you two together.
Pairing: huang renjun x gender neutral reader (they/them/their pronouns used)
Genre: best friends to ex friends to lovers AU, fluff, angst, lightly based on the Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century universe (you don’t have to watch the movie to read though)
Warnings: cursing, breakups, cheating, lots of mutual pining and obliviousness/willful ignorance by both parties
Word Count: ~18.1k 
Before You Read: this is part of the collab hosted by Gwen ( @sunflowerhae​ ). Check out the masterlist here. Also this contains an OC by the name of Luna. Luna uses they/them/their pronouns as well just in case it gets a bit confusing mixed with readers pronouns.
Author’s Note: First of all thank u to Gwen for this opportunity and for dealing with my procrastinating self who couldn’t seem to finish this for the longest time. I love you, you’re literally the best. This is my first collab and is probably gonna be the most memorable one because of several reasons including the fact that I just couldn’t finish it lmao. Secondly, a huge thank you to KJ ( @yvesaccharine​ ), the loml who’s competing with Sicheng, for editing and stuff. I also literally could not have finished it if it weren’t for you motivating me constantly and being there to help me while I was suffering to finish this. Thanks to Sunny ( @neocitybynight​ ) who listened to my rants about finishing this, and Jo ( @dearyongs​ ) for also listening to me rant and helping with editing. Again, thank u Gwen ily <3. if u guys want to read the other stories in this collab you can click here. Yes i’m promoting it again so go read the other fics or else >:((. Anyways, now on to the story lol
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dongdelion-recs · 3 years
Hi! This is @leeyuhnotlaayah‘s page, dedicated for reblogs. I’ve been wanting to do this for months but HERE. COMES. THE DAY. It might get messy but I will try my best to make it as neat...
Short intro: lia / soon-30 but 17 inside or sometimes 10 or 50 even / she/her / asian
Main: @leeyuhnotlaayah (mainly trashing)
Writing blog: @dongdelion (mainly inactive)
What I’ll be sharing here: sharing recommendations from fics (bet it’ll be mostly NCT hahah), music, to drama perhaps?
*to be updated lol*
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